The Start Is Perfect Ultra Instinct, I Beat Gods Of Destruction

Chapter 64 All Six Universes Surrender! Be King! ! !

"You..." Jiren looked at Su Bai in front of him, speechless in shock.

Su Bai is a simple and unpretentious punch, and he hits it slowly through the air!



Jiren felt a huge force coming towards him!

nowhere to run!!!

Powerful pressure is coming from all directions!


Jiren only had time to yell out before being stunned to the ground by Su Bai!

‘Ding! Congratulations to the host, defeat Jiren! Get the reward, the host is perfectly normal-!!

"Huh? This time, isn't Jiren normal multiplied by 100?"

Su Bai was more or less disappointed, after all, if Jiren's normality was multiplied by 100, his strength would reach a whole new level.

Su Bai adjusted his mood and looked at this perfect normality.

Perfect Normality: The host has the most perfect Saiyan normality! Regardless of any transformation, there will be no side effects! And the physical strength will never be exhausted!

Su Bai raised his eyebrows, this perfect normal, seems to be pretty good?

One of his hole cards, the compound transformation of super blue and super four, will make the body unable to bear it.

With perfect normality, this will not happen.

"Since there is no need to consider the limit of the body, can I add another Kaio-ken?"

"Otherwise, why don't you add Zizai Jiyi?"

"Anyway, there is no burden on the body, how about adding everything that can be added?"

Su Bai thought about it and found it feasible!

The only difficult thing should be to use one mind for three purposes, or one mind for four purposes.

This requires him to exercise well.

"Not bad, not bad, this perfect normality, I am very satisfied." Su Bai nodded.

Moreover, this perfect normal state has another feature, that is, the physical strength will never be exhausted!

In other words, unlimited energy!

When Su Bai was admiring, the system prompts sounded one after another!

‘Ding! It is detected that the host has conquered the strongest person in the 11th universe, Jiren!’

‘Ding! It has been detected that more than 50% of the life in the 11th Universe has completely surrendered to the host!

‘Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have unlocked the achievement of the master of the 11th universe!’

'Ding! Lord of the 11th Universe, please choose a divine skill!

Just like when he conquered the sixth universe, Su Bai also won the title and the ability to choose God after conquering the 11th universe!

Su Bai looked at the skills of the gods, and they were still the same.

"Before I chose dodge, this time I choose attack."

Su Bai didn't hesitate, and directly chose self-consciousness!

As for the achievement of the master of the eleventh universe, it has the same effect as the master of the sixth universe.

"Master Su Bai!" Jiren and Toppo, including Dyspo, bowed respectfully in front of Su Bai at this moment.

Especially Toppo and Dyspo, couldn't help trembling a little!

They are afraid! They know that they have done something to the king before!

"Okay, let's go." Su Bai waved his hand.

"As for the two of you, Toppo, Zhou Lian can punish them."

"Yes!" Jiren replied, grabbing the two of them and leaving.

Su Bai stood still and waved his fist again.

"Well, after learning the ultimate self-consciousness, my strength has become a lot stronger."

"As expected of a move that relies on instinct to attack, if it's me now."

"If you go to fight Vados again, you will probably be able to injure her in two or three hits, and you won't be entangled with her for so long."

After feeling the power, Su Bai felt the transformation again.

"Well, that's right, the transformation of my own extreme intention doesn't seem to conflict with the other transformations."

"Then after that, is it possible for me to change myself again?"

"And then add a super blue???"

"You can put it on the schedule and practice whenever you have nothing to do.

After feeling his new power, Su Bai looked at Hitt.

Hitt had already recovered from Jiren's punch, and had been silently waiting for Su Bai.

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's go to the next universe." Su Bai signaled Hitt to prepare the universe cube.

"Master Su Bai, Jiren is so strong, why don't you take him in as a protector?" Hit was curious.

"Not in a hurry, because I have other things to do next." Su Bai shook his head.

"After that, I probably won't have time to come to 11 Universe again until the Tournament of Power.

"It's better to let them stay here, wait until the Tournament of Power is over, and then talk about other things."

"The Tournament of Power is very important to me, Jiren has to attend, so I can't bring him."

"Yes!" Hitt didn't ask any more.


Hitt drove the Universe Cube with Su Bai.

"The next universe, where to go?"

"In the order of 1 Universe, 12 Universe, 5 Universe, 8 Universe, go one by one."


Next, Hitt drove the cube, took Su Bai, one universe after another universe!

In a few months, Su Bai also conquered one after another!

Take all four universes!

Moreover, every successful conquest of the universe allowed him to choose a divine skill!

At this moment, he has mastered six divine skills!

Freedom! Obtained when conquering the sixth universe!

Selfishness! Obtained when conquering 11 Universe!

The Power of Creation! Obtained by conquering the 1st Universe!

Fixed body! Obtained by conquering the 12th Universe!

Resurrection! Obtained by conquering the fifth universe!

Go back in time for three minutes! Obtained by conquering the eighth universe!

Likewise, he is now also the Lord of the First Universe!

Lord of the Fifth Universe!

Lord of the Sixth Universe!

Lord of the Eighth Universe!

Lord of the 11th Universe!

Lord of the 12th Universe!

There are 12 universes in total, and he has already ruled six of them!!!

It is worth mentioning that after ruling the six universes, he has a lot of special abilities!

For example, the universe-wide teleportation healing technique and some other divine skills!

This makes Su Bai can't help but look forward to what will happen after ruling the entire universe!

On this day, Su Bai, who has conquered the six universes, including Hitt, is flying towards the sixth universe!

Walking with them, there is another human being with a muscular sound, which looks extremely powerful!

This human is the strongest person in the 12-year universe that Su Bai met when he conquered the 12 universe!

His strength is so strong that he can fight on par with the normal him!

This is something even Beerus can't do!

And he is also proficient in all kinds of magic, and his intelligence is not bad, so he can be said to be an all-around talent!

Under the pity of talents, and taking him away will not affect the Tournament of Power, Su Bai has always taken him with him.

He called, three.

"I really want to see you, Master Su Bai's hometown." Jin San was a little excited.

Because he knows that this trip is the way back for Mr. Su Bai!

He will meet, Su Bai's main base, the sixth universe!

Su Bai stood in place, just looking at the surrounding planets, without saying anything.

If possible, he can use the power of God to teleport the whole universe directly.

But he didn't, he wanted to just take a leisurely look at the scenery along the way.

It is a kind of life.

"Master Su Bai, why don't you continue to fight in other universes?" Hitt was puzzled.

He thought that after this trip, Su Bai would directly conquer all 12 universes!

I didn't expect to hit half of it, so I went back.

"I have more important things to do." Su Bai pondered.

"If you miss this point in time, you won't have a chance, so I have to go back now."

"That's it." Hitt nodded, and didn't ask much.

"That's right." Hitt glanced at Jin San beside him, and then said.

"Master Su Bai, allow me to resign from the position of Dharma Protector!"

"Huh? Why did you resign from the position of guardian?" Su Bai looked at Hitt, a little surprised.

He was still thinking about how the three of them would share the position of Dharma protector after Jin San was born.

Unexpectedly, Hitt would take the initiative to resign!

"Jin San's basic strength is very strong. After he becomes a Dharma protector, he will definitely be stronger than me." Hitt looked serious.

"After all, being a Dharma protector can greatly increase your own strength!"

"Besides the problem of strength, I also want to go to the universe and fight more now!"

"During the time I walked with Master Su Bai, I have seen too many powerful people!"

"I am fully aware of my own shortcomings, so I decided to... penance!"

"So that's the case." Su Bai nodded.

"then you go.

With a wave of his hand, Su Bai directly dismissed Hitt's position as a Dharma protector!

At the same time, Jin San was handed over the position of guardian!

Before becoming a law protector, Jin San had Su Bai's normal combat effectiveness.

After becoming a Dharma protector, Jin San directly surpassed Su Bai's normal state!

Hitt took a deep breath, he decided, after sending Su Bai home, he will plunge into the Lord of the Universe!


... ‥ Asking for flowers ... 0

After that, have a good fight with Son Goku!!!

"Okay, you go to practice." Su Bai waved to Hitt.


Hitt was taken aback.

"I can just go back by myself, and it won't delay your cultivation." Su Bai smiled.

He originally wanted to travel for a few more days, but since it's all over, forget it.

Just use the whole universe to teleport and return to the sixth universe.

"Ah?!" Hitt was dumbfounded.

Go back by yourself?!

How to go back? Fly back?

Although Master Su Bai is powerful, it is impossible to fly across the universe.

"It's not long since I just learned it." Su Bai smiled, and then grabbed Jin San.

"Hit, practice hard, I hope that next time we meet, you can defeat Son Goku!"


Su Bai and Jin San disappeared directly in front of Hitt!


Hitt gasped!

What kind of move is this?!

Can fly directly from the eighth universe to the sixth universe?!

Terrible, Lord Su Bai is becoming more and more terrifying!

Hitt was in a daze for a moment before recovering.

"Okay! I'm going to work hard to practice too. When we meet next time, I must defeat Son Goku!"

Hitt drove the Universe Cube and started a long journey of cultivation.

Planet Sharada of the Sixth Universe.


Su Bai took Jin San and directly appeared in the palace of the king of Rangya.

"Wow?! Is this Lord Su Bai's palace?" Jin San came here, looking at everything around him in amazement.

Before Su Bai said anything, Champa, Vados, Caulifla and others flew over.

Thinking about it, I sensed Su Bai's anger

Su Bai also sensed carefully, and found that Son Goku and Vegeta were also on their planet.

Presumably, these two guys can't wait to practice.

"Master Su Bai, you are back!" Caulifla and the others looked at Su Bai excitedly.

"Yeah." Su Bai nodded, signaling everyone not to get excited.

"Son Goku and Vegeta, how long have you two been here?"

"About a month." Caulifla responded.

"Just a few months after we parted, the two of them came here excitedly."

"I see." Su Bai nodded.

From this point of view, if they are not in the seventh universe, they have no chance to participate in the Black Goku incident.

But it just so happened that he could take advantage of the fact that the two of them were not in the seventh universe, and make a mistake by himself.

In the future time and space, all gods and spirits have fallen, and he can do many things.

Many things can also be verified.

While Su Bai was thinking, Son Goku and Vegeta flew over.

"Hi! Long time no see Su Bai!"

Son Goku came directly to say hello to Su Bai, and at the same time saw Jin behind Su Bai!

"Wow! It feels like your breath is so strong!" Son Goku exclaimed.

At this time, everyone realized that Su Bai was following this person.

Moreover, through the perception of breath, the strength of this person is incredible!!!

Champa's pupils shrunk, this guy Su Bai, it doesn't matter if he is strong, but are his subordinates also so strong?

This breath is not much worse than his.

No, it should be said, stronger than him!

And Vados also looked solemn, but she was not looking at Jin San.

But Su Bai.

She felt that Su Bai's strength has become stronger again!

I haven't seen you for a few months, Su Bai has become, much, much stronger than before!

The power contained in it even made her tremble a little!

Yes, she felt a little, fear!

"What a monster." Vados couldn't help whispering.

At this time, Son Goku couldn't help rubbing his hands and walked to Su Zhong's side.

"Su Bai, you are really good here, with all kinds of skills."

"Me and Vegeta have been practicing here for a month, and both have reached the full power of Ultra Blue!"

"Compared with before, the strength is very different."

"What's wrong? What do you want to say?" Su Bai saw Son Goku like this, and he knew it.

This guy is definitely itchy!

"Hey, can I have a fight with your guardian?" Son Goku scratched his head.

"I want to see how big the gap is between me and your guardian!".

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