The Start Of Douluo Gets The Alien Martial Soul

Chapter 100 The General Assembly Is Coming, Shrek is Stupid

After Liu Erlong sent out the invitation letter, the five elemental academies responded quickly. The fastest response was Thunder Academy. After all, Thunder Academy and Shrek Academy are also under the hands of an old Dage. However, the current Shrek Academy was obviously working against Dage, so the Thunder Academy naturally refused to Shrek's invitation.

Of course, although the Thunder Academy refused quite simply, it was just to separate the relationship with Shrek Academy and draw a clear line, but it did not swear against Shrek Academy. After all, they are all Dage. The relationship must be too rigid.

Then came the Kamikaze Academy and Blazing Academy. When replying, the two still replied together. The meaning is also very obvious, that is, they are not willing to accept Shrek Academy as a third party. The other two are sweet and sweet. However, their attitude towards Shrek Academy is also very polite. How can Shrek take the initiative to send out the invitation letter did not neglect others, and there is no need for them to actively engage with Shrek Academy.

Then there are Tianshui College and Elephant Academy. The two also responded to Liu Erlong one after another. To Lin Feng’s surprise, Tianshui did not directly agree to Liu Erlong but agreed to meet and exchange. The college happily agreed to Liu Erlong, which Lin Feng expected.

After receiving the reply, Liu Erlong also quickly responded to Tianshui College, agreeing to meet with the senior officials of Tianshui College to discuss, and for the Elephant Academy, under Lin Feng’s suggestion, he deliberately made some suggestions. Although the requirement of difficulty is not excessive, the Elephant Academy and even the Elephant Sect cannot complete it.

The final result is also in Lin Feng's plan. The Elephant Academy naturally did not agree to Liu Erlong's later conditions, and some abruptly rejected Liu Erlong. On the other hand, Tianshui Academy also replied again, and the two were also finalized. During the meeting time, everything is moving in the ideal direction...

Two weeks later, the senior officials of Shrek Academy and Tianshui Academy met. Although I don’t know who the representative of Tianshui Academy will be, Liu Erlong personally led the team to Tianshui Academy in order to show his own importance. Long leading the team and taking the initiative to rush to Tianshui Academy are all a bit low-pitched, but this is also no way. After all, Shrek Academy is a cute newcomer, and you must remain humble when treating big guys~

Those who rushed to Tianshui Academy with Liu Erlong were naturally Lin Feng and Flanders, as well as Lin Feng's maid group, and the big black cat that Lin Feng often held in his arms.

On the way to Tianshui College, under Lin Feng’s suggestion, Flender also took the opportunity to perform in front of Liu Erlong. After two months of actual combat drills, compared to his stupidity when he first arrived at the academy. Flender was obviously going to be more mature, and Lin Feng somewhat felt a sense of accomplishment.

After chatting along the way, Flander, who was relaxed, had a pleasant chat with Liu Erlong, while Lin Feng avoided Liu Erlong and Flander on the grounds of thinking about the strategy for Tianshui College. The sight of Flanders can be considered to have created enough space for Flanders to play. Along the way, Liu Erlong also has some inexplicable affections for her boss Ascension.

"Hello, we are the mission of Shrek Academy. This is Ms. Liu Erlong, the dean of our academy. Before that, we have made an agreement with the senior management of your academy in advance. Please inform your academy. High-level."

After arriving at Tianshui College, Flander, who had been under the guidance of Lin Feng, stopped the conversation with Liu Erlong in time, and then took the initiative to greet the little girl guardian of Tianshui College. His behavior was also generous and decent, Liu Erlong. He also smiled inadvertently, all of which was seen by Lin Feng who was quietly observing.

As for Lin Feng, in order to highlight Flanders, he deliberately pretended to be obsessed with thinking. Liu Erlong and Flanders had already greeted the guards of Tianshui College, and he stepped out of the carriage unhurriedly. For Lin Feng like this, Liu Erlong didn't think he was deliberate. He just shook his head helplessly at his over-serious appearance...

"Hello, I am the deputy dean of Tianshui College, Xue Yao."

Liu Erlong, Lin Feng and others did not wait long. The senior officials of Tianshui College soon sent someone to approach the crowd. They were all women, and they were all women with good looks and figures. Well, this is also Lin. Feng and the others had expected it, but even so, everyone was still amazed. It is indeed an academy where the guards are all girls.

"Hello Dean Liu, I am very glad that you can visit in person, and thank you very much for your attention to our Tianshui College. Because of some special reasons, our dean cannot receive you personally, so I have to come to receive you. This conversation conducted by the college will also be discussed by Dean Liu and I. I hope Dean Liu can understand."As soon as they appeared in the field of vision of Lin Feng and others, Xue Yao and others approached quickly, showing the attitude of Tianshui Academy. After all, the dean of Shrek Academy came directly, so Giving face, Tianshui Academy can’t Don't give it to the face, after standing still after approaching Shrek everyone, Xue Yao also proactively stretched out his hand for the first time.

"It's not in the way. The strength of Tianshui Academy is obvious to all. As the top existence in many academies, it would be our honor if Shrek Academy can get the guidance of Tianshui Academy~"

Liu Erlong didn’t care about the fact that the dean didn’t show up. Whether she really had something or not, it didn’t matter to Liu Erlong anyway. As long as the exchange between the academy can be finalized, it will be in the next academy conference. There is also the possibility of cooperation and alliance. This is Liu Erlong's goal. As long as the goal can be achieved, the process is not so important.

Then everyone followed Xue Yao into Tianshui Academy. All the way, there were beauties of all sizes. Although Lin Feng wanted to put on a high-cold look, but the conditions didn't allow him, Lin Feng really controlled himself. , His big piercing eyes drifted from side to side, and he couldn’t help thinking about whether he wanted to open such an academy.

There is one thing to say, it's so f*ck scent~

But Flander is different. He only owns Little Sister in his heart. Since the first time he saw Liu Erlong, he has fallen in love with her incorrigibly, but he is too inferior. Even Yu Xiaogang, facing the waste of Martial Soul, can find out where he is inferior to others, the proper Alpha dog, the iron licking dog.

In contrast, Flender’s position in Liu Erlong’s heart was unknowingly elevated. After all, whether he likes it or not, he only owns a man in his eyes, and no woman will refuse. Right?

In fact, Lin Feng really didn’t intentionally give Flander a background wall this time. He really controlled himself. He didn’t know why he wanted to look more at the opposite sex around him. Could it be that he was in his own bones? An old-fashioned critic? This can't help but make Lin Feng have self-doubt, but he still attributed it to his lack of energy for Flanders——

Well, that's it, it's all Flanders' fault...

"I don't know how your college is going to communicate with our Tianshui College?"

After the two parties settled down, Xueyao also opened the door and said, "It can be seen that your hospital also attaches great importance to this meeting. For the sincerity of your hospital, our Tianshui University is also willing to show our sincerity, but Just like your college will fight for the interests of the own college, we will naturally also fight for the interests of Tianshui College, and this meeting is also the first to invite our Tianshui College, so your college can put forward your ideas , We can negotiate on your hospital’s ideas, and I believe we will have a pleasant exchange."

"Well, since Vice Dean Xue has said so concisely and clearly, then I'm not welcome..."

Seeing that Xueyao became stronger as soon as he sat on the negotiating table, Liu Erlong was originally a hot temper, and naturally there was nothing to hold back. He immediately proposed the plan that he had negotiated with Lin Feng. Of course, most of the contents of these plans. They were all proposed by Lin Feng, "I believe that your college has also learned about the major reforms of our college. Of course, the name of our college has also changed. There is nothing to hide from the dean here. I used to be a blue bully college. Is there indeed the support of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family behind it? It still has it, but it is only financial support..."

Immediately, according to the results of discussions with Lin Feng and Flender, Liu Erlong was the first to explain the "single secrets" that existed before Shrek Academy. In fact, these things are not too hard for Tianshui. The college saw Own’s sincerity, and then proposed a series of plans based on the previous reform project——

The first point is that because both parties recruit students for civilians, the two colleges can communicate with each other in terms of student sources. You must know that the admissions conditions of Tianshui College are actually very harsh, and there are many people who have relations with Tianshui College. It can't be all women, right? Moreover, it is impossible that all the women who are in a relationship are beautiful women, right?

There are always men who are related to Tianshui Academy, and there are many ordinary women among women, and there are more ordinary women than so-called beautiful women. These are all students that Tianshui Academy cannot accept. , But the people who are close to them can't give up. At this time, the role of Shrek Academy appears.

Shrek Academy can lower the requirement to recruit them to a certain extent, so that it is also a suitable place for relatives and friends of Tianshui Academy.

Of course, this is not a one-way service, the same reason, if Shrek Academy has suitable candidates, they can also be sent to Tianshui Academy for further study. After all, Tianshui Academy at this stage is indeed better than Shrek Academy.

Then comes the second point. Doesn't Shrek Academy have a series of reward systems and incentive policies? Tianshui College and Shrek College can conduct exchange student learning exchanges, either regularly or irregularly. Tianshui students who are exchange students can also receive the same rewards as Shrek students during the exchange period, as long as the exchange students can meet the standard.

In the same way, Shrek’s exchange students have the same treatment in Tianshui College. They can also enjoy the reward system of Tianshui College during the exchange period. However, the benefits of this exchange content are indeed inclined to Tianshui College. After all, history Lake College's reformed reward system is well-known for its wealth...

Finally, there is the third point, that is the content of the strategic alliance, and this item is also the real purpose of Shrek Academy. The content of the agreement is that whenever Shrek Academy and Tianshui Academy must maintain a consistent strategic camp, No matter what the situation is, when one party is exhausted, the other party must try to help as much as possible, and must not stand by, let alone abandon or sell teammates——

If one party has any strategic plan that needs to be implemented, the other party must be notified in a timely manner.

And the third point is actually very tasteless, but it is also somewhat binding. For Tianshui College, it is understandable that Shrek will do this. After all, without the protection of the old Dage, the lonely Shrek wants to find someone who can hold hands. Good friends can also understand, the contents of the first two items are obviously beneficial to Tianshui College~

One is to help Tianshui Academy accept the students they can’t accept, and the other is to distribute the own resources to the students of Tianshui. It uses half of Shrek as Tianshui’s back garden, and Shrek bought it in exchange for it. , But as the influence of the Friendship Academy, so Shrek Academy will be less troublesome.

Of course, this is on the premise that Tianshui College is still not aware of the college conference. If Tianshui College knows about the college conference, then I am afraid that they will think about this cooperation. After all, the strength of Tianshui College is not weak, and they also have it themselves. Ability to strive for a good result-

However, under the premise of needing to help Shrek, it will inevitably affect Tianshui College's own grades, but the point is that Tianshui College still does not know the news of the college conference. Shrek has this opportunity...

Therefore, in the face of Shrek’s conditions, Tianshui College did not have any reason to refuse. After pretending to think about it, and then pretending to discuss, Xue Yao also happily agreed to Liu Erlong’s conditions, Tianshui The college and Shrek College have officially become the Friendship College, and the news will be made public the next day——

Actually, there is no need to be so high-profile. Many Friendship Colleges are not so high-profile, such as Kamikaze Academy and Blazing Academy. Although they have been Friendship Colleges for a long time, they have never announced it, but everyone knows it well. .

And the reason for the announcement of the friendship between Shrek and Tianshui is to give Shrek, who has just broken the shell, a boost, and also Shrek's move to paralyze Tianshui. Only in this way can it explain why Shrek Academy has paid so much. The price of friendship with Tianshui, always get the best out of everything, right?

Soon, Xue Yao also signed a series of "unequal" treaties with Liu Erlong...

As night fell, Liu Erlong and others also moved into the vacant student dormitory under Xueyao’s arrangement. After all, Tianshui College is also a large-scale college. With strict enrollment, it is normal that there will be vacant dormitories, but These idle dormitories are not dilapidated at all. It can be seen that Xueyao also has the intention to "show off" to Liu Erlong and others——

As if to say, did you see it? You guys don’t lose at all~

But in the dean’s office, Xueyao had not had time to rest. The dean naturally needed her, the deputy dean, to handle the affairs of the college in an orderly manner. Just as she was sorting out the documents, a woman suddenly broke into the office. Seeing the woman appearing in the office, Xue Yao was not surprised, but not too surprised.

"Sister, why did you come back so soon?"The visitor is the dean of Tianshui College and Xueyao’s half-parent Big sis. Xueyao was a little unexpected to see the appearance of Big sis. The key is that the one who came back at night, "Is not in the clan Is there any emergency meeting? It stands to reason that you should stay in the clan for several days. Why did you come back so soon this time? Did something happen?"

Like Xueyao, the dean of Tianshui College is also an extreme beauty, with the same icy blue long hair. Both her appearance and figure are first-class stunners, especially her figure. Liu Erlong's figure is also not tolerable, and in appearance, it is different from Liu Erlong's hotness, and it is also different from Xue Yao's cold charm. The beauty dean of Tianshui College wears The feeling to others is more like a prohibitive sense of abstinence~

In response to Little Sister's inquiry, the dean did not rush to answer, but instead asked Xue Yao, "Have you met with the Shrek Academy delegation?"

"I have seen it, their dean Liu Erlong personally led the team, and he is indeed full of sincerity."

Seeing that Big Sis mentioned this matter, Xue Yao also replied briskly. After all, she signed a valuable "big deal" for Tianshui College, and even the corners of her mouth couldn't help but smile when she spoke.

Seeing the appearance of Little Sister, the dean already had an idea in her heart, but she still asked, "What about the exchanges in the academy? Have you talked about it? What do you say?"

"It's all negotiated. Although I don't know why, the conditions they gave are really high prices. Maybe they really just need a fellow ally. After all, they have just been kicked off by the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family. It is inevitable~"

With that said, Xueyao also handed the relevant signed documents to own Big sis. After receiving the documents, the dean also read the content of the friendship treaty calmly, just like Xueyao said, Shrek Academy The conditions given were indeed a sky-high price that no one could refuse, and he shook his head somewhat helplessly.

"What's wrong, is there a problem with the contract?"

Seeing the appearance of Big sis, Xue Yao couldn't help feeling a little flustered. Did she fall into the opponent's text trap?

"There is no problem with the contract, and Shrek really has lost money~"

A somewhat funny glance at own Little Sister, the unconsciously cold Dean said, "Didn’t you just ask me why I came back so early? You are afraid that the friendship between Shrek Academy and our Tianshui will be completed, but I I still underestimated Shrek's courage, this is not like the method Liu Erlong can use~

Let me tell you that in a month, the two empires will hold a continent-wide academy conference. At that time, even Martial Soul academy under His Highness Martial Soul will also participate. The purpose is to allow the colleges across the continent to perform a ranking. , As for why the two empires did this, I don’t know, but at that time, Shrek Academy is a bit of a hindrance to us~"

"Fuck it, bitch Liu Erlong!"

When he heard what Big sis said, Xue Yao, who had figured out everything in an instant, also opened her mouth.

"Are you embarrassed to talk about others? Take care of yourself."

Xue Yao, who just wanted to vent, saw the expression in Big sis's eyes. Although there was no extra emotion, she was still a little bit worried and silent...

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