The Start Of Technology Live Broadcast To Build Rockets

Chapter 143 - I plan to clone Tyrannosaurus Rex (reward plus 5)

"Who am I?" Du Xingyu's mind was in chaos, and the technology simulator transmitted a piece of information to his brain. He digested it for a while before he sorted out his clues.

This world is very similar to the world he had before graduating from university in his "last life". The history and culture are roughly similar, with only a few differences.

In this world, his name is Du Xingyu and he is 24 years old this year. His parents were unfortunately killed in a car accident when he was young, so he basically has no relatives.

Du Xingyu had excellent grades since he was a child, and was admitted to the top university in China, Peking University with the city's first college entrance examination score. Studying in the Department of Biology, currently in the first year of postgraduate.

He has been frail and sick since he was a child, and recently he has been researching and working continuously for a period of time due to a tight project. After writing the paper all night last night, she suddenly fainted when she stood up in the morning. Fortunately, she was found by a roommate in the same bedroom and sent to the school hospital.

The few people next to the hospital bed are all his roommates, senior brothers and sisters. As for the crying little girl with "pear flowers and rain", it is Su Ziyun, the granddaughter of tutor Du Xingyu.

Du Xingyu's mentor, Su Yutang, a well-known biology professor at Peking University, often left Su Ziyun with several of his students because he didn't have time to take his granddaughter. Su Ziyun is closest to Du Xingyu again, so this scene appears.

"That's what you said, don't grab snacks from me next time." Du Xingyu's voice suddenly came, and the little girl raised her head, staring at him with big teary eyes for a few seconds, then she burst into laughter. Said: "Great, you're all right!"

She hesitated for two seconds, then added: "I will only eat half of your snacks next time!"

"Du Xingyu, you finally woke up!" An old-looking man stepped forward and said, Pang Yan, Du Xingyu's senior and one of Su Yutang's doctoral students.

"Are you okay?" Du Xingyu's fellow junior and roommate Bao Xian asked concerned.

"It's okay, it's just overworked." Du Xingyu sat up and said apologetically: "It makes everyone worried."

"It's okay if you are okay, you almost scared me to death!" A student in gray clothes patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. She is Du Xingyu's graduate student at the same time, Yang Mu.

"I have to send a message to the instructor first, and the instructor also said to see you." Pang Yan immediately sent a message to the instructor, telling him that Du Xingyu was awake.


Du Xingyu underwent a simple examination. The doctor confirmed that he was just overworked and there was no major problem before he was released.

"You can rest for a few more days." Pang Yan warned, "When you have a good rest, then choose a topic."

"Brother Xingyu, you must rest well. You said that next time I have a holiday, you will take me to eat roast chicken!" Su Ziyun reminded earnestly.

"I know, snacks!" Du Xingyu rubbed her little head and smiled.

"That's it. Du Xingyu, we won't bother you. If you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital for an early check." Yang Mu said.

Everyone bid farewell, and Du Xingyu and roommate Bao Xian returned to their two-person graduate dormitory. Bao Xian is also a graduate student in biology, but his research direction is slightly different from that of Du Xingyu.

Du Xingyu's research direction is mainly genetic engineering, while Bao Xian's research direction is biochemistry and molecular biology.

"Brother, don't toss yourself too much. You're just studying, what's the rush?" Bao Xian said while turning on the computer: "Our tutor, Su Yutang, is a top biology professor. We will study with him for a few more years to guarantee a future! "

"Haha." Du Xingyu said without saying anything, "Thanks to you today, I invite you to dinner tonight."

"Are you rich?" Bao Xian vomited.

"Enough." Du Xingyu said. When he was admitted to the university, the high school awarded him 200,000 yuan. During the university, various scholarships continued. Now living in school, I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking myself.

"Okay, then I'll go out first and see you tonight." Bao Xian went out, and Du Xingyu was the only one left in the dormitory.

Du Xingyu looked in the mirror, looking at his young face and slightly thin body, he couldn't help but be in a trance.

In another world, he is the highest commander of the Human Guardian Alliance, commanding the highest human combat power, the space fleet.

And here, he has become a poor student again, just like a world away. That's how it feels!

Du Xingyu has been in this world for a few days and is already familiar with the situation here.(Read more @

He didn't forget his purpose, Du Xingyu started the second experiment of scientific and technological civilization on the science and technology simulator.

"In this era of technology, I named it-"The Era of Biotechnology."

"The goal this time is to make human biotechnology explode and break the limit of human life span!"

Science and Technology Simulator: "The science and technology simulation of the "Era of Biotechnology" has been established, the test site, the second earth time and space, the main development technology is biotechnology.

Under the science and technology simulator, a new branch of science and technology appeared.

Such as molecular biotechnology, genetic engineering, cell engineering, biochemical engineering, microbial engineering and so on.

Science and Technology Simulator: "Please establish a new research project as soon as possible to gain energy points."

When he came to this world, the energy points of the technology simulator had been exhausted, and Du Xingyu had to start again.

Until now, Du Xingyu somewhat understood the greatest use of this "energy point". When he is spreading a certain technology, his behavior will affect the entire era!

Just like in the last interstellar age, decades later, under the influence of Du Xingyu, many people became space soldiers and scientists and opened space business. It can be said that he influenced an era and promoted the formation of the interstellar age!


While recuperating, Du Xingyu is also digesting and learning biotechnology knowledge. With the accumulation of the previous era, he quickly mastered most of the knowledge of biotechnology.

A few days later, he received a notice from Pang Yan to hold a laboratory meeting.

The key biological laboratories led by Su Yutang usually organize meetings once a week. Su Yutang will attend when he is free, and his student Pang Yan will chair it when he is not free.

It mainly talks about some research processes, literature, and reports.

When Du Xingyu arrived in the laboratory, he saw several classmates carefully moving things, which seemed to be fossil specimens or fragments.

"What kind of fossil is this?" Du Xingyu asked curiously.

"Dinosaur fossil." Yang Mu said, "To be precise, it is a fossilized skull fragment of Tyrannosaurus rex."

"Where did this come from?" Du Xingyu asked curiously.

"It was given by someone else." Yang Mu said, "This is a fossil discovered in North America not long ago. It is extremely precious. The remains of intact cartilage cells have been detected in its skull fragments, which may contain detailed DNA information of Tyrannosaurus rex. This is Stanford. A gift from the university to us at Peking University, we can use it to study the remaining DNA information."

"So it's like this." Du Xingyu nodded, "That's really expensive."

Sixty-five million years have passed since the age of dinosaurs. After such a long time, DNA information has long been lost. Even in fossils, only fragments of DNA can be found, and it is not even certain that it must be a dinosaur.

And there are complete cartilage cell residues on this Tyrannosaurus skull, and it is possible to find complete Tyrannosaurus DNA information, so this Tyrannosaurus skull fragment is indeed worth a thousand dollars!

Seeing this Tyrannosaurus skull, Du Xingyu's heart moved. If the DNA information of Tyrannosaurus Rex can be collected and the completed Tyrannosaurus Rex genome is obtained, then there will be a chance to replicate dinosaur embryos. The gene editing and cloning techniques involved are of great significance to the development of biological sciences.

The laboratory group meeting soon began, with a total of more than 30 people, and Du Xingyu, as the youngest student, sat at the back.

Pang Yan said on the top: "Let me talk about our study last week..."

Pang Yan did not speak passionately, and his language was relatively serious. He had only spoken for half an hour, and the members of the group meeting were a little drowsy.

Pang Yan didn't take it seriously, and insisted on finishing.

Several students who were in the same period with Du Xingyu ignored a glance, they were relieved, and finally finished.

"Okay, there's one more thing below." Pang Yan said, "The youngest juniors and sisters, the teacher asked me to inform you that you can start choosing your own graduate subjects."

"Finally I can choose a topic!" The students in the same period have been waiting for a long time. If you choose a topic early, you can finish it earlier, write a graduate thesis or something.

This is one of the most important links in their graduate career.

Pang Yan continued: "I think you should all think about what topic to choose? I suggest choosing a mature topic in our laboratory to facilitate your research."

Choosing a mature subject will save you many detours, and there are tutors and seniors who can guide you. This is also the choice of most students.

"I choose the direction of gene editing." Yang Mu said immediately, "About artificial modification of nucleases."

Su Yutang's laboratory is relatively advanced in genetic technology.

"I am also in the direction of gene editing." Another female graduate student said, "It's just the modification of plant genes."

Several students chose the direction of the subject one after another, but Du Xingyu did not say anything.

Pang Yan said, "Du Xingyu, do you want to study any topics?"

"Brother, I want to ask. New materials from the laboratory, can that Tyrannosaurus skull be used for research?" Du Xingyu asked first.

"That." Pang Yan thought for a while and said, "The teacher originally told us to find time to test the DNA information on it, of course it can be studied."

"That's fine." Du Xingyu said, "I want to study that Tyrannosaurus skull. As for my subject, it should be ‘cloning of Tyrannosaurus rex.’"

"Huh? What did you say?" Pang Yan was taken aback, and then asked, "Du Xingyu, do you want to clone Tyrannosaurus?"

"This is too ridiculous..." Yang Mu vomited.

"Fortunately, the tutor is not here, otherwise you must be given a meal!" Bao Xian said.

"Junior brother, you choose one carefully." A senior sister said, "cloning a Tyrannosaurus rex is too ridiculous, you mean it is reliable to study how to clone a mammoth!"

"I just want to choose this, clone Tyrannosaurus Rex!" Du Xingyu said firmly, it was because of the difficulty that he chose, he did not come here to graduate, but to change the world!

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