The Start Of Technology Live Broadcast To Build Rockets

Chapter 169 - Yunzhou Worm's Nest

Li Tai connected to the communication, and Du Xingyu's figure appeared on the display.

"Professor Du, hello." Li Tai greeted.

"Command Li, hello." Du Xingyu said, "I contacted you this time because our biological and chemical weapons have made progress."

"Are there any new weapons?" a group of commanders gathered around and asked.

"Yes." Du Xingyu said, "The first batch has already been sent to the Yunzhou base, and I am also on my way. I will talk about it later."

On the railway leading to Yunzhou, a train was running at high speed, escorting combat power throughout the journey.

On the train, there are huge opaque glass containers, which seem to be soaking in something.

Du Xingyu was sitting in the middle-end carriage of the train, along with a group of biological and chemical weapons and military experts.

"It depends on whether you can succeed this time!" Du Xingyu's suitcase contained the secret weapon of the trip.

The biochemical brain is a biological computer developed specifically for mutant monsters. Using it, it can replace the brain function of the mutant creature and control the corresponding mutant creature.

This kind of chip is also hierarchical, and mass production of secondary biochemical brains can already be achieved in the rear manufacturing plant, and the output of tertiary biochemical brains that can control third-level mutant organisms is less.

After the advent of the Great Biological Disaster era, some major transportation arteries were guarded by humans to prevent the transportation routes from being cut off.

Along the way, some scattered mutant creatures attacked the train, all of which were discovered and killed by the escorting fighters in advance.

Du Xingyu came to the Yunzhou base without any risk. Here, a group of military commanders have been waiting for him for a long time.

"Professor Du, finally looking forward to you!" Li Tai, as the highest commander here, came to greet him personally.

"Professor Du, if you don't come, we don't know what weapon to use!"

"Yes, those mutant creatures evolve too fast. Now there are many mutant species that are not afraid of heat weapons. There is a giant elephant with bone armor. Our shells can't penetrate its exoskeleton. It can step on it with one foot. Flat an armored car!"

The commanders complained one after another. They were stationed here. They didn't know how many tactics they tried and how many soldiers they lost, but they were still at a disadvantage!

"Professor Du, what kind of weapon did you bring this time?" This is what they care about most.

Du Xingyu smiled and said, "Look at everyone!"

Behind him, the cargo box of a military transport truck opened and a large glass container on the train appeared.

"What is this? Chemical weapons?" everyone curiously asked.

"Turn on!" Du Xingyu gave an order, and the biological computer in his body directly issued instructions to the electronic equipment of the container. The protective color of the glass container began to fade, and a predator immersed in the nutrient solution appeared inside.

"Second-level predators?" Of course, Li Tai knows this kind of creature. Although the predators are not very powerful, they are very agile and numerous, which has caused them a lot of trouble.

In the terrarium, the predator suddenly opened his eyes, the terrarium opened, and the predator popped his head.

"Professor Du, be careful!" Several commanders and guards immediately raised their guns nervously to attack the predators.

Du Xingyu waved his hand and said, "Don't get excited. The weapon I'm talking about is, to be precise, the biochemical brain in its brain. This predator's brain has been completely replaced by a biological computer, and now it is under my control. "

"What?" Hearing his words, a soldier looked horrified.

In their eyes, these mutant creatures are human-eating enemies. They have no humanity. How can they be controlled by humans?(Read more @

"Biochemical brain? Can it really control these mutant creatures?" one person asked in surprise.

"Get down!" Du Xingyu shouted.

Behind him, the grinning predator lay down obediently, motionless.

"Jump in place!" Du Xingyu gave another order.

The predator jumped up violently, a full dozen meters high! Then it fell on the spot again, without a trace of extra movement, like a machine without emotions!

"It really listens to instructions!" Li Tai was startled, and then full of joy, and said, "If we can control mutant creatures to fight, then the whole battle will be reversed! These mutant creatures, in special places, are more than heat weapons. Ten times stronger!"

"Professor Du, you are really our savior!" a commander quickly asked, "how many predators like this do we have?"

Du Xingyu said: "This time I brought a thousand predators, all implanted with biochemical brains. They can accept our electronic signal instructions, and at the same time can turn on the intelligent mode."

"These predators are the first experimental products, and they are mainly used for intelligence reconnaissance."

"If it goes well, I will make stronger biological and chemical weapons!"

"Good! Haha, good!" Li Tai smiled, "We are worried that we can't figure out the details of Yunzhou Worm's Nest!"

Du Xingyu said: "This time I also brought a research team and a temporary research base. Yunzhou Worm's Nest will be my biological and chemical weapon test site and the first battlefield for us humans to counterattack!"

"Professor Du, don't worry, as long as we have one soldier left in Yunzhou, we will definitely protect your safety! Let you conduct research and experiments smoothly!" Li Tai saluted.

Du Xingyu replied, and he and his team stationed at the Yunzhou base and began actual combat research.

After the first batch of 1,000 predators were set up with smart programs, they were all put into the area of ​​Yunzhou Worm's Nest, this human forbidden zone after the catastrophe!

The eyes and nose of these predators, through the biological computer, will transmit the detected information back through the signal transmission device of the biological computer.

When the humans retreated, some signal devices were arranged in the Yunzhou area, so the information can be received smoothly.

"In three days, I have penetrated into the Yunzhou Worm's Nest. These predators are so easy to use!" In the headquarters of the Yunzhou base, Li Tai looked at the electronic screen in surprise.

They are also implanted with biological computers, which can directly receive information through biological computers. However, Du Xingyu found that some mutant organisms can transmit brainwave information similar to "hypnosis", so when receiving information from predators, they will not directly use it. Received by your own biological computer to avoid being attacked by biological signals.

In the picture from the predators, they have entered the depths of the mountains. Here, few animals and plants they are familiar with can be found.

Even the seemingly innocuous tree may open its blood basin and mouth, one bite by a predator!

One thousand predators lost more than two hundred in three days.

"According to the detection information in the past few days, the periphery has almost been covered with secondary variants!" Du Xingyu said, "and this is less than 10% deep!"

"It seems that my research on the worm's nest is going to be updated. In the worm's nest, the speed of biological evolution will accelerate!"

"Professor Du." A military expert said, "This is the distribution map I just calculated."

He sent the chart calculated by the biological computer to the display screen, which divided the sub-regions of the mutant with different colors. The darker the color, the more mutant creatures and the higher the level.

"The information we have previously and the information detected by predators now show that there is a large-scale migration of mutant creatures to the Yunzhou base."

"It is certain that the next beast wave attack is not far away!" Li Tai said solemnly.

Du Xingyu carefully observed the chart, he frowned and said: "How do I feel that the movement of the beast tide is too purposeful and regular. It is reasonable to say that they should not know the location of the Yunzhou base, but their movement purpose is so accurate. Is there a creature commanding it?"

"Professor Du, we also doubt this!" A commander said immediately, "It's too weird. It stands to reason that these creatures are predatory resources by nature, just like locusts. But these mutant beasts are obviously going to attack us humans. In cities and bases, can it be said that there are also commanders in mutant beasts?"

"High probability." Du Xingyu nodded. "According to our research on mutant creatures, the first, second, and third-level mutant creatures have not shown the wisdom of advanced intelligent creatures. But once the Z virus infection rate reaches 100% Above forty, they should have elementary wisdom. If they are mutant creatures of level four or five, they may have human wisdom."

"Such a terrifying monster, with human wisdom, is too terrifying!" Li Tai worried.

"Unfortunately, I haven't had the materials for in-vivo research on mutant organisms at the fourth and fifth levels." Du Xingyu regretfully said, "This time I came to the Yunzhou base, and one of the purposes was to obtain materials for advanced-level mutants in vivo."

"If there is any need, despite the instructions, we will fully cooperate." Li Tai has realized that Du Xingyu's research will determine the direction of the war!

The predators continued to penetrate the Yunzhou Worm's Nest, and after another week, there were only less than two hundred predator intelligence soldiers left.

And Du Xingyu has more and more information about the Worm's Nest in Yunzhou. He knows more information about mutants, as well as the branch regions of mutant creatures.

According to the branch, they roughly drew a distribution map of the insect nests in Yunzhou.

"A layer of second-level mutant beasts and second-level mutant plants are distributed on the outermost periphery of the Yunzhou Worm's Nest. They form the outer defense system of the Worm's Nest. We have never broken through this layer of defense!" Li Tai said.

"Then the middle-level area, where the third-level mutant creatures are active, and there are a few fourth-level mutant creatures. It is worth noting that these fourth-level mutant creatures seem to have their own territory, just like mutant beast generals!

"In the most core area, predators can't get into it at all."

"There must be five-level mutants in the core area, and the combat power is comparable to nuclear strike forces!" Du Xingyu directly concluded, "The distribution of the worm nest, let me be sure, it must have a commander with advanced wisdom!"

"What I am worried about now is that there will be a sixth-level mutant in Yunzhou Worm's Nest, that is, a planetary battleship-level BOSS!"

When it comes to planetary stars, everyone present felt scared for a while, but they knew that the North American aircraft carrier was sunk by the fifth-level mutant. Then, wouldn't the sixth-level variant easily destroy the entire Yunzhou base?

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