The Start Of Technology Live Broadcast To Build Rockets

Chapter 17 The Thoughts Of Various Countries

Chapter 17 The thoughts of various countries

However, this time, Yu Bo pretended to be deaf and mute and did not speak out.

Xia Tong, a colleague of Du Xingyu Space Agency, said: "I can prove that it is the same as the news reports. The successful launch of the Mars probe belongs to the Mars probe R&D team led by Professor Mo Shen."

"But the first contributor to the successful recovery of the Long March 5 Yaosi rocket is definitely Du Xingyu! It can be said that the entire plan was designed by him, and we made almost no changes!"

"When implemented, no more than 1% of the original plan was changed! A rocket engineer who had only joined the space agency for two months could actually achieve this! There is no rocket engineer in the team now who has decades of experience Not convinced!"

"@宇波, why doesn't the clown come out and scream? Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean Du Xingyu can't do it!"

Xia Tong's answer received more than 100,000 likes, and many netizens followed him and left him messages.

Anonymous user: "@宇波, are you the expert? I think you are a brick expert, right?"

Oak Man: "@元波, you screamed happily when you cursed people, why don't you make any noise now?"

Promise for one year: "@元波, come out and apologize!"

Professor Meow Meow: "@元波, the bad old man is so bad that I almost believed you!"

No matter what netizens yelled, Yu Bo pretended not to see it and said nothing. He also closed the private message.

However, this did not prevent everyone from asking him to apologize. Someone found the official account of the "International Aerospace Association" and asked about this matter.

The International Aerospace Association immediately issued a statement, saying: "Regarding recent netizen reports that @yubo defamed Du Xingyu, our association officially issued a statement. Yu Bo only once served in the association organization and was not a formal member of the association, and he has resigned for five years. The matter has nothing to do with our association. We warmly celebrate the successful launch of the Tianwen-1 Mars probe and apologize to Mr. Du Xingyu."

As soon as this statement came out, many people naturally criticized Yu Bo.

Some people also took the initiative to apologize to Du Xingyu, saying that they had misunderstood him before.

Du Xingyu’s account at Station B has more than one million fans because of this incident!

The news of the launch of Tianwen-1 was also broadcast abroad, but what attracted the most attention was the recovery technology of the heavy-duty launch vehicle.

The United States, Europe, Russia, island countries, and even India have all launched Mars probes. Only the recovery of heavy rockets is a problem for the world's aerospace community!

But now, this problem has been solved by a young rocket engineer from China. How can they not be shocked?

ESA, European Space Agency Headquarters, Paris, France. This is a space agency established by 22 European countries. The national space station, Galileo positioning system, Mars Express, Venus Express, spacecraft, etc. are all masterpieces of the European Space Agency.

At this time, at the European Space Agency headquarters, a group of rocket engineers, aerospace engineers, space physicists, and dynamics experts were watching the video of China's rocket launch.

The successful launch of Tianwen-1 was within their expectations. China is also one of the top aerospace powers in the world and has the capability to launch Mars probes.

But the recovery of the rocket stunned them!

"OH, MY, GOD! They did it!"

"This is a heavy-duty launch vehicle weighing several hundred tons, and they recovered it completely!"

"Looking at the recovery status, it's almost intact! The positioning is very precise, even more perfect than the previous recovery of the Space Exploration Company's Falcon 9 rocket!"

"Is this all the design plan of this Chinese young man?" Du Xingyu's information appeared on the screen.

"Because he designed a recyclable rocket in college, he was admitted by the China Space Agency under special circumstances. He directly used his plan to design a heavy-duty recyclable launch vehicle! This is a genius!" Experts from the European Space Agency exclaimed.

"If only he were one of us Europeans!" someone said.

"His information shows that he has not officially graduated yet. We can invite him to study at a top university in Europe and work in our research base... maybe he can become one of ours!" someone said.

"It's impossible, China won't let him go!"

"We have money! As long as he comes, are we afraid that he will go back?" People from the European Space Agency immediately contacted several well-known universities and sent invitations to Du Xingyu in the form of research and academic exchanges.

In the United States, Space Exploration Technology Company is the industry of Musk, the famous Silicon Valley Iron Man.

Before Du Xingyu’s recovery rocket was launched, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 heavy-lift launch vehicle had the most advanced rocket recovery technology in the world.

Of course, a lot of this information comes from the help of the American Space Agency, which once had similar technology in its aerospace aircraft.

"Can the Chinese recycle rockets? And is it perfectly recyclable and reusable?" Musk was a little uneasy after hearing the news.

Relying on breakthroughs in rocket recovery technology, the Space Exploration Company has received a large number of orders from the US military and the world, and investors are willing to invest large sums of money to support it.

The reason is that they believe that SpaceX can develop mature rocket recovery technology. Reduce the cost of rocket launches from hundreds of millions of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars! Let rockets become a means of transportation, not disposable consumables!

But now, the Falcon 9 has been overtaken by the Long March Rocket in a corner! This suddenly made Musk wary.

"I want this Du Xingyu information, and contact Rodney immediately!" Musk's brows furrowed into the word "Chuan".

The Rodney he wanted to contact was the senior executive of NASA.

Space Exploration Technology Corporation has always had close ties with the US Space Administration and the US military, and the space agency is also willing to "share" some technologies with them.

Allowing private companies to develop rocket technology and undertake space missions will reduce a lot of unnecessary expenses for the space agency.

However, at this time, Rodney was in no mood to talk to him.

Discussions are also taking place within NASA.

"China's aerospace technology has always been decades behind ours. Why? Why have they mastered rocket recovery technology this time?" Director Campbell asked. Veins popped up on his forehead. Just now, the White House office called to question He, but he couldn't answer.

"Well... Director, there may be new breakthroughs in science and technology..." the chief rocket engineer of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said helplessly.

"We must come up with a plan for this matter! If their technology is matured, it won't be long before satellite and spacecraft launch orders around the world will be transferred to China!"

Space agencies from various countries are discussing this matter, and the China Space Administration is celebrating.

Cao Liang did not break his promise. He asked for credit for the rocket design team and received permission. Everyone received corresponding rewards.

As Du Xingyu is the main contributor to the recovery of the rocket, how to reward him has become a difficult problem.

For such a great contribution, the reward must not be less, but what is the reward? This creates a headache for the responsible leaders.

(End of chapter)

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