The queen bee is also thinking about this issue, continue to fight? In all likelihood, it is impossible to beat. Although they have more warships than human civilization, they have lost their dominating weapons, and no matter how many Star Region-class warships are just giving the enemy experience.

surrender? It is impossible. The queen bee knows that the sapiens of their hive civilization is a threat to humans such as carbon-based creatures, and humans will definitely not coexist peacefully with them.

Then there is only one way to escape.

Run directly and become a star thief civilization? The queen bee is not reconciled. Their hive civilization is also a level 3.9 civilization, occupying the existence of an open star cluster, and fleeing before launching a full-scale war?

"Immediately find the contact person of Ye Xiao Civilization in the free and civilized trading market, and I will talk to them personally!" The Queen Bee ordered.


The Night Owl Civilization is as famous as the Butterfly Civilization in the Orion Arm, because they are one of the rare four-level civilizations in the Orion Arm.

The Butterfly Civilization established a free and civilized trading market, while the Night Xiao Civilization established the Star Thieves Alliance.

Other civilizations don't know which star cluster the Yexiao civilization originally was in and what it was called. They only know that the Yexiao civilization is mainly active near the M97 Yexiao Nebula, which is an area more than two thousand light-years away from the territory of human civilization, almost the edge of Orion's arm.

Soon, the hive civilization was connected to the Yexiao Nebula.

The Queen Bee negotiates with the leader of the Ye Xiao civilization.

"Honeycomb Civilization?" "Xiao", the leader of Ye Xiao civilization, appeared in the meeting room of the free and civilized trading market like a black fog.

It is said that the creatures of the night owl civilization do not belong to any kind of carbon-based life and silicon-based life. They were born in the nebula and wander in the universe. It's like a mass of nebula matter with consciousness, or a gaseous creature.

"Your civilization is at war with human civilization, what are you looking for at this time?" Xiao first asked. He was very well informed and knew about the war between hive civilization and human civilization.

The Queen Bee said: "Ow, our hive civilization is willing to join the Star Pirate Civilization Alliance, and is willing to dedicate the hive star cluster to the night owl civilization. The premise is that the night owl civilization must ensure the safety of the hive civilization, and give us a habitat and a parasite. civilization."

"Oh?" Xiao's figure has been fluctuating, "So, you are no bigger than human civilization. Interestingly, human civilization is only 3.6 level civilization, can you actually defeat you?"

"Human civilization uses black hole weapons." The Queen Bee said directly, "Our master weapon has been destroyed."

"It seems that the two camps have already hit us." Xiao also believes that human civilization is helped by other civilizations.

"You said that you dedicate the hive civilization to us, and ask for our help." Xiao Xiao said immediately, "Queen Bee, your wishful thinking is too good. After the hive star cluster is captured by human civilization, we still need our own Take back."(Read more @

"Not only that, but also promise your terms?"

The Queen Bee said: "Xiao, you are a fourth-level civilization. There is no problem in capturing these territories. And this is what we dedicated to you. Even if you go to attack human civilization, other civilizations can't do anything."

Under normal circumstances, the fourth-level civilization of Orion Arm will not actively attack other low-level civilizations. Because once they do this, a large number of civilizations will immediately take refuge in the angel civilization camp or the demon civilization camp. Then they will be alone, waiting to be conquered by the camp civilization.

"No!" Xiao refused directly, "We will not do such thankless things."

The Queen Bee cursed secretly, he knew that Xiao Xiao must feel that the benefits were not enough.

He had no choice but to say: "In addition to these, the Hive Civilization is willing to become a subsidiary civilization of the Night Owl Civilization. Our Hive Civilization is a 3.9 civilization, which is only one step away from the fourth-level civilization!"

"As long as you are willing to help us, the hive civilization is willing to fight for the night owl civilization!"

The meaning of the queen bee is that their civilization can become the war weapon of the night owl civilization.

The fourth-level civilization is not good for the third-level civilization, but the third-level civilization can! If the Yexiao civilization uses the hive civilization to conquer the territory and do some things for them, other civilizations will find no excuses.

And when necessary, the Ye Xiao civilization can provide technology to the hive civilization, so that they can be promoted to the fourth level of civilization and become the "weapon" of the Ye Xiao civilization.

Xiao and the senior officials of Ye Xiao Civilization had a discussion, and they were a little excited.

"The wise insects of the hive civilization are very useful weapons. They can quickly invade and conquer the civilization."

"A 3.9-level subsidiary civilization, we also rarely have it."

"Human civilization is indeed too much. If they are allowed to expand, the Orion Arm will soon have another Level 4 civilization."

"If human civilization is the pawn of camp civilization, we really have to prepare early!"

"so be it."

Xiao said to the Queen Bee: "I agree to your request. The Hive Civilization must not announce that you have become our subsidiary civilization. All actions must follow my command."

"As you wish." The Queen Bee "sold" her civilization to Ye Xiao Civilization.

"Then please send your strength to support us immediately, otherwise our star cluster will be completely occupied by human civilization!"

"No hurry." Xiao said, "The hive star cluster is just an open star cluster with scarce resources. You can completely evacuate. First go to the nearby open star clusters to escape, and then we will provide help to let you regain the territory by yourself."

"You have to understand, we can't shoot directly!" Xiao said.

The reason they are reluctant to take action directly is that they don't want to be involved in the civilized war so quickly. Once there are advanced civilizations behind human civilization, Ye Xiao civilization may expose itself.

"I hope you don't break your promise!" The Queen Bee was very upset, but had to agree.

After the contact was cut off, the Queen Bee immediately issued a new order, "The main body of civilization immediately goes to the M43 Nebula and hibernates first. After we get the help of Yexiao Civilization, we will regain the lost ground!"


The M43 Nebula is a resource-poor region near the Hive Star Cluster, with few stars, and most of the region is sparse nebula material. For the third-level civilization, this is equivalent to a barren land!

Forced to migrate to the savage land, the hive civilization said that it is impossible not to be aggrieved in the heart.

"Human civilization, let you be proud of it for a while. When we come back, we will definitely raise all of you in captivity! Use it as a container for our people!"

Because of the Queen Bee’s decision to withdraw, the attack on human civilization went smoothly. In the galaxies they reached, only some robots or legions abandoned by the main body of the hive civilization were still fighting. In front of the Death Star and the main fleet, these resisting forces were quickly wiped out.

Wei Xuan's fleet took only two months to reach the star field where the main body of the hive civilization was located.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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