Qin Shaochen also returned to his room.

The first thing he did was to count the spoils!

First, he took out all the silver notes and counted them. Only then did he find that there were more than 4,000 taels of silver notes in total.

He accidentally became a rich man!

Most of the silver came from Master Yao!

Those evil people used all means to make money, so they naturally had a lot of silver!

The second thing he needed to deal with was the talisman.

That was a good thing for spiritualists!

If my little sister really succeeded in opening her spirit, it would be the best gift for her!

But if... my little sister didn't succeed, he would find out as soon as possible how to use that thing?

Then, he took out the small bamboo sword and looked at it carefully.

This is of course a good thing, which can be kept as a self-defense weapon.

The only drawback is that it is too small and cannot be used directly against others.

After packing up a few things, he excitedly took out the "Five Elements Secret" and looked at it carefully.

After reading only a few pages, I was moved.

I turned a few more pages, and I was overjoyed!

It turned out that this spiritual art is quite special.

The book clearly states that the most suitable person to practice the Five Elements Art is a Five-orifice Spiritualist who has opened all five spiritual orifices.

The so-called Five-orifice Spiritualist is a spiritualist who has opened all five spiritual orifices at the same time.

This is exactly my situation.

Among the spiritualists, I am a very rare type.

The magic of the Five Elements Art is to use the five spiritual energies of gold, wood, water, earth, and fire to combine and construct a Five Elements Ring in the body.

When practicing, running the Five Elements Ring can greatly speed up the absorption speed and purify the purity.

However, there are some special requirements for constructing this Five Elements Ring.

The most important point is that the five spiritual energies must be evenly matched and relatively balanced.

During the practice, any lack of spiritual energy will cause the Five Elements Ring to lose balance and completely collapse!

Therefore, the best candidate for practicing the Five Elements Secret is the Five-orifice Spiritualist who has opened the five spiritual orifices at the same time!

When Qin Shaochen saw this, how could he not be excited and extremely happy!

At the same time, he also had some understanding in his heart!

In the past, when he was practicing the Opening Spirit Secret, he noticed that the spiritual energy absorbed by each spiritual orifice was actually different.

For example, the spiritual orifice on the top of the head - the sky, absorbs mostly gold spiritual energy.

The spiritual orifice in front of the eyebrows - the tip of the eyebrow, is biased towards wood spiritual energy.

The left and right hands are biased towards water spiritual energy and fire spiritual energy respectively.

The last spiritual orifice - Zhonghe, corresponds to earth spiritual energy.

To practice the Five Elements Secret, one spiritual orifice corresponds to one spiritual energy!

"This is really a heaven-sent marriage!"

Qin Shaochen slowly closed the book and fell into deep thought...!

If this book "Five Elements Secret" falls into the hands of other spiritualists, it may be a chicken rib, tasteless to eat, but a pity to throw away!

But for Qin Shaochen, it is the most suitable spiritual secret in the world.

Absolutely the best choice!

"The book says that once the Five Elements Wheel is successfully constructed and put into operation, the speed of cultivation will increase by more than three times!"

"In other words, practicing the Five Elements Secret is three times faster than practicing the Open Spirit Secret!"

"That's true, of course I have to change to the Five Elements Secret!"

What are you waiting for, build the Five Elements Wheel immediately!

Thinking of this, he quickly found a brush, a bundle of kraft paper, and sat at the table, and began to draw one stroke at a time.

The Five Elements Ring drawn in the "Five Elements Secret" is also a rune.

However, in order to construct it, a total of fifteen similar runes are needed.

When he saw so many dense lines, entangled and intertwined. He felt a little overwhelmed!

But the next moment, he cheered up again.

"Even the weird Elder Zhou can construct hidden runes in his dantian."

"How can I give up!"

Just like that, he calmed down again and devoted himself to copying.

Unconsciously, he didn't know how many times he copied, and finally remembered the various changes of the runes firmly in his mind.

After a short rest, he closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the bed, and started to practice the Five Elements.

Slowly lead the spiritual energy in the body out of the dantian, and divide it into five strands, and begin to interweave and interweave with each other!

When he started to operate, he found that it was really not easy!

After practicing for a long time, he didn't achieve much results.

He walked to the small courtyard and calmed down.

Then he went back to the house and started the distressed practice...!


The next day, the brother and sister sealed a red envelope and went straight to the patriarch's house.

When they arrived at the door of the patriarch's mansion, it was really lively.

The two handed over the invitation and congratulatory gifts, entered the mansion, and were led to a side house.

The people sitting in the room were all three generations of the clan.

There, Qin Shaochen met Qin Qifeng and another genius of the Qin clan, Qin Zhenzhen.

A group of three generations of clansmen surrounded Qin Qifeng and talked happily.

Qin Shaochen was not good at talking, and most of the time, he just listened.

Suddenly, Qin Qifeng turned to Qin Shaochen and mentioned something.

"Shaochen cousin, do you know that Qin Zhenghong from the third house is going to challenge you at the clan meeting!"

"Qin Zhenghong!"

Qin Shaochen was a little surprised.

"You don't know yet!"

Qin Qifeng patted Qin Shaochen on the shoulder.

"Qin Zhenghong from the third house has already said that he will avenge his previous humiliation at the clan meeting!"

Two years ago, Qin Zhenghong, a playboy from the third house, cursed Qin Xiaoluo in the square in the middle of Zhangjiajie, and was heard by Qin Shaochen.

At that time, Qin Shaochen knocked the playboy down in the square without saying a word and beat him up.

Many people in the three generations of the clan knew about this incident.

The playboy Qin Zhenghong was even more ashamed and humiliated. He had threatened to take revenge many times.

Qin Shaochen had heard this rumor many times and never took it to heart.

"I will meet him at the clan meeting this year. Let's see if the boy has made any progress in the past two years."

"Shaochen cousin, don't underestimate the enemy. Qin Zhenghong has been staying in the provincial capital for the past two years. I heard that he also worshipped a great martial arts master as his teacher."

A clan member reminded.

"Besides, I heard that he has also learned a mysterious martial art..."

Qin Shaochen smiled helplessly.

Discussing a martial artist's challenge was a bit boring for him.

"Since everyone is curious, who will win or lose between the two of them."

Qin Zhenzhen was a little excited.

"Why don't we open a betting table now and see who will be the final winner between the two of them."

As soon as this was said, many clansmen agreed.

Qin Shaochen was stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect that my cousin, a delicate girl, would be so gambling!

I couldn't help but shook my head.

Qin Qifeng took the opportunity to pull Qin Shaochen aside.

"This time, thanks to the two masters from my hometown, I escaped!"

"Grandpa said that it's rare for the two seniors to come here. Everyone should pay their respects!"

After speaking, he patted Qin Shaochen on the shoulder.

"Why don't I take you to meet the two elders!"

"I am only a third-generation member of the clan. Would it be inappropriate to visit them like this?"

"No, the two elders have met many younger generations of the clan in the past few days."

"Besides, they also sent a lot of gifts. In my opinion, they will definitely give you a lot of things when they see you!"

Qin Shaochen was also a little interested in the two masters in the provincial capital, so he nodded.

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