The Storm God

Chapter 999 Watering the mouse hole! (Please subscribe!)

The words are divided into two ends.

Regardless of the shock and anticipation of Young Master Huaikong and others on the other side, and testing the power of the divine weapon.

r county seat.

Near the abandoned factory.

Bai Xiaofei's search army quickly spread all over the place.

Because there is no deliberate hiding.


Many people have seen visions.

Small bee reconnaissance planes are small in size, even smaller than real bees, and generally do not attract people's attention. But Bai Xiaofei's one thousand shadow clones are different, flying around one by one, that's called unscrupulous!

Fortunately, the abandoned factory is located in a remote location.

Within a radius of more than ten kilometers, few people came in and out, and it did not cause too much confusion and commotion.

It's just that people who occasionally stop here, or drive by, see the flying shadow clone, and the impact is not very big. If it were a big city like Beijing or Shanghai, let alone more than a thousand shadow clones, just one shadow clone flying around in the sky unscrupulously would cause great commotion and commotion!

Regardless of the impact, let's talk about the results first.

have to say.

This Ximenhao deserves to be immortal.

I don't know if he ran away long ago, or was frightened by Bai Xiaofei's overwhelming battle, and hid in the dark and dared not come out.


Searched for ten or twenty minutes.

Bai Xiaofei was stunned and didn't find any clues, but he was very depressed.


"I still can't believe I can't find it!"



Bai Xiaofei, who was so angry, was furious now!

In order to find Ximenhao, this old fox as soon as possible, Bai Xiaofei even opened the Myriad Demon Blood Eyes, using his clairvoyance power to see through everything, like a radar scan, to start a blanket search with each shadow avatar as the extreme point of the range.

at the same time.

The ability optimized by Shunfeng Er - to listen to everything, was also displayed by Bai Xiaofei.

Listen to everything.

Can listen to any animals and plants.

It is even the language exchange information of some special consciousness and living body.

Once it is used, within a certain range, almost everything around him will be Bai Xiaofei's intelligence eyes and ears. As long as there are some things about Ximenhao in any species exchange information, such as his clothes, grooming, behavior and so on, Bai Xiaofei can use this as a basis to follow the clues and find Ximenhao's whereabouts as soon as possible!

The only downside is that the consumption of these two incomparably heaven-defying abilities is really huge!

Especially now that Bai Xiaofei has created so many shadow clones, the huge consumption is multiplied by more than 1000, such a terrifying level, even with Bai Xiaofei's awesome strength, it may be difficult to last for too long, at most it will only be about 3 minutes That's all!

Within this 3-minute time limit, if Ximenhao couldn't be found, then Bai Xiaofei really had no choice but to look for it slowly.


Bai Xiaofei was lucky.

And the blood pupils of all demons and the ability to listen to all things are really bugs!

It took less than 30 seconds for one of Bai Xiaofei's shadow clones to search over a cornfield, using the communication between thousands of corn plants and the ability to see through everything, he quickly locked on to Ximenhao. location and whereabouts.


This shadow clone did not act rashly.

Instead, after leaving the flying thunder god's space spell, he immediately lifted the multiple shadow clone spell on himself.


With the release of ninjutsu.

Under the influence of ninjutsu rules, Bai Xiaofei's body at the abandoned factory got Ximenhao's information almost instantly.


"Finally found you immortal!"

"Look at you still running!"


There was a gleam in Bai Xiaofei's eyes.

follow closely……

He immediately released all the shadow clones (except the Wolong mountain area).

There is no way, Wanmo Xuetong's ability to see through everything and listen to the state of everything consumes too much, no matter how powerful Bai Xiaofei is, he can't afford it! When all the shadow clones disappeared, the huge exhaustion and fatigue all fell on Bai Xiaofei in an instant.

That is Bai Xiaofei!

Anyone else would have been crushed to death by this horrible side effect like a hammer hitting an ant!


Recovered a bit.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care how Long Wu reacted.

Directly, he teleported to the corn field just now with a flying thunder god technique.

Followed by Ningshen and using his mental strength to explore, as expected, in the depths of the corn field, there is a man-made open space. There are not many corn stalks on the open space, only three or five. In the cornfield, this vacancy cannot be seen at all!

The most important thing is that there is a big hole more than half a meter wide under the open space.

Ximenhao was hiding inside.


Bai Xiaofei laughed strangely.

Ximenhao is also the ancestor of the Ximen family, who surpassed the master level, and even the supreme level super master, how majestic, domineering, and arrogant he used to be! Now it ended up like a mouse burrowing into the ground, it can be said to be very miserable and broken!


Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about these.

As long as you are your own enemy, no matter what your virtues are, even if you are a hundred thousand times miserable, you should be punished or you should be punished!

This is a matter of principle and should not be confused with sympathy!

"Water escape - the art of vortex!"

The two hands quickly formed seals, and a water escape ninjutsu took shape almost instantly.

follow closely……

A huge water mass, under the control of Bai Xiaofei's will, appeared out of nowhere above the big hole, and then, as if there was an invisible funnel under it, the water mass was in the shape of a vortex, and began to quickly move towards the big hole, extremely turbulent The madness leaked in!


At this time, Long Wu teleported over.

"This is……?"

Seeing this picture, Long Wu couldn't help being startled on the spot, and couldn't help but ask Bai Xiaofei: "Your Excellency, may I ask what you are doing?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly, and said with deep meaning: "It's just watering the mouse hole!"

"Rat hole?"

Long Wu was stunned.

It is clear.

He still didn't understand what Bai Xiaofei meant.

Just when he was about to ask again, suddenly... There was a loud "bang", the ground exploded, and the green corn stalks scattered in all directions, followed by a figure in a state of embarrassment, pouring water from Bai Xiaofei to the mouse hole. Nearby, like a mole, it suddenly popped out from the ground.

Long Wu took a closer look.

Good guy!

What kind of mole is this!

It was clearly Bai Xiaofei who had been looking for the ancestor of the Ximen family for a long time——Ximenhao!

this moment.

Seeing Ximenhao's embarrassing behavior covered in water.

Only then did Long Wu understand what Bai Xiaofei meant by watering the mouse hole just now, Ximenhao is like a mouse, hiding in that big hole!

So far.

Long Wu couldn't help but want to laugh, this guy Ximenhao actually got into a hole in the ground!

I'll fuck it!

No wonder no matter how I looked for it, I couldn’t find anyone else!

It turned out to be hiding underground!


It's a shame he figured it out.

After knowing each other for so many years, why didn't I see that Ximenhao still has such a specialty?

I really went astray!


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