The Storm God

Chapter 1008 Antarctic Crystal Palace! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

Mu Mu called and called Bai Xiaofei.

It is said that all the procedures and certificates have been obtained from Jiang Ze. From now on, those industrial chains will all belong to our Space-Time Technology Company.

Although the tone was excited, there was also some worry and lack of confidence.


He wasn't worried about anything else.

but myself.

With the rapid expansion of Time and Space Science and Technology, the company's business and products are increasing, and the wood is gradually becoming uncontrollable. After all, the five new industrial chains were originally based on the Dongfang family and the Nangong family. Proud flagship industry ah!

It has a huge market foundation and influence, and the scale is huge, and some have even spread to foreign markets!

Such a powerful industrial chain, one is enough for people.

Not to mention five!

The Dongfang family and the Nangong family of the four great families have so many talents and foundations that they can manage half of the industrial chain. No matter how powerful the wood is, it is impossible to manage five such large industrial chains at once. Ah, what's more, Space-time Technology Company itself is very powerful!

Now that Space-time Technology Company has become even more powerful and has become a dragon, Wood feels that he can't hold it anymore.

For the development of the company.

Mu Mu truthfully described his concerns to Bai Xiaofei.

The meaning is very simple, I'm not capable enough, I'm afraid I won't be able to manage the ever-increasing space-time technology company, if not, let Bai Xiaofei find another awesome talent, I can help them or something, do what I can matter!

"Get out!"

Bai Xiaofei roared angrily.

Immediately he said seriously to Mu Mu: "Mu Mu, the chairman of the company, it can only be you! I don't trust others, it doesn't matter if you don't have enough ability, just learn slowly, you will get up one day, why worry? Is there someone like Fatty to help you? Just do things well for me, and don’t think about anything else!"


Wood wanted to say something else.


Bai Xiaofei didn't even give him a chance to speak, so he just hung up the phone!

Whatever you say, don't listen!

follow closely.

Afraid that Mu Mu will call again.

Bai Xiaofei simply put his phone back into the dimensional space, and started losing contact.


No matter what the wood does.

The position of the director of this company, no one else even thinks about it!

How could Bai Xiaofei hand over such an important strategic deployment of the Space-Time Technology Company to others? Although he has the means and ability to control people, as the saying goes, "the fat and water don't flow to outsiders", who is he not to look for? Instead of wasting feelings and cultivating others, it is better to support your own brothers!

This matter is not negotiable at all!


Bai Xiaofei also left the room.

After a day of deliberation, he has already found a place where he can hide the vision.

That is--


The space-time shuttle is about to be upgraded.

According to the little boy, when the upgrade is successful and it is restarted, there will be a huge phenomenon. You have to pay attention to it yourself, so as not to cause any abnormalities and be noticed by others, so as to discover your secret or something.

In today's technological age.

Any city, even the rural areas in remote areas, almost has the Internet. It is almost impossible to completely isolate the vision and commotion.

The only places that are more reliable are the Antarctic and the North Pole!


There is a special phenomenon - the aurora!

The aurora is a brilliant luminous phenomenon, which occurs when the sun brings a flow of particles into the earth's magnetic field, and it appears at night in the high altitude near the north and south poles of the earth. They are called the Northern Lights in the North Pole and the Aurora Aurora in the South Pole.

The aurora itself can be said to be a huge phenomenon, which is most suitable for covering up the vision of the space-time shuttle when it is upgraded!

As for why not choose the North Pole, but choose the South Pole?

The reason is simple.

There is no land in the North Pole, it's all ice floes!

The greenhouse effect of global warming that has been hesitant for these years is melting at an extremely fast speed.

If the space-time shuttle is upgraded, the shock caused is too large, and the ice floe is shattered or melted, wouldn't it be a drowning chicken? But Antarctica has no such concerns! Not only does it have a vast land, it is not afraid of those accidents, but the temperature is lower than the North Pole, and there are few people, which is much safer than the North Pole!

After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't delay, and immediately released Bai Cass.


"Help me pick a great location in Antarctica!"



Bai Cass understood what Bai Xiaofei meant.


He uses the Tianjian Satellite.

In the area of ​​the Antarctic continent closest to the earth's axis, a convenient location for Bai Xiaofei to move was found.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei took a look.

Through the images transmitted by the Tianjian satellite, it was found that it was still very remote and hidden. Although most of the area is covered by thousands of years of ice, these are nothing to Bai Xiaofei. Whether it is the power of the ice or the power of the earth, he can easily open up a cave or something.

"It's here!"

After finalizing the location, Aries began to separate, and then covered Bai Xiaofei's body.

After the spatial latitude is accurately positioned.


With a bang.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei appeared on the Antarctic continent.

The cold and severe wind hurts the bone marrow. For an ordinary person, I am afraid that I would have been shivering from the cold!


Bai Xiaofei didn't feel cold at all.

Even, bathed in the cold wind like a knife and an axe, Bai Xiaofei still felt very comfortable, like a fish in water, that sourness, it's almost indescribable!

This discovery surprised Bai Xiaofei himself.


"Is this sourness due to the power of ice?"

"A windfall!"


Bai Xiaofei muttered to himself thoughtfully.

His power of ice comes from the world of Marvel, the Frost Monarch of Jotunheim, one of the Nine Kingdoms, the Frost Lord Laufey. As we all know, the Frost Giants live in a world full of icy coldness. Yes, the environment there is even worse than the Antarctic continent, but people feel extremely comfortable!

When he was there before, Bai Xiaofei didn't feel much.

But now...

After leaving the Marvel world.

This can be said to be the first time for Bai Xiaofei to be in such a cold environment, like a fish that has landed on the shore and has not seen water for a long time, and finally found a lake or a pond. I am deeply happy, but it is also a windfall!

Take a deep breath of the "fresh air" of Antarctica.


Bai Xiaofei started to get down to business.

Under the effect of the power of ice and the power of the earth, which is proficient in elements, a hidden cave was quickly created by Bai Xiaofei on the halfway up a lofty mountain. Don't look at the cave from the outside, but the environment and layout inside are very grand!

Under Bai Xiaofei's meticulous design.

Inside this cave, it can be said to be beautiful and luxurious to the extreme. Rock jade deeds, palaces and pavilions, and ice sculptures that can be seen everywhere, combined with the white brilliance of the night pearl, reflect the entire cave mansion incomparably gorgeous, like a crystal palace. Such a beautiful scenery, even some world-renowned villas, castles, etc. Nothing compares!

Someone might be about to say it.




Here, I have to explain.

In the beginning, Antarctica was just Bai Xiaofei's impromptu idea, to cover up the foothold of the vision produced when the space-time shuttle was upgraded, but when he came here and took a bath in the "fresh breath" that made him feel so comfortable, he immediately My son fell in love with it!

Compared with the metropolis full of smog pollution, this Antarctica is simply a paradise!

The gap between the two, using a very vivid metaphor, is the gap between the garden full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, and the old-fashioned smelly toilet. If it were you, which one would you choose? No matter what you choose, anyway, Bai Xiaofei has decided to build his own "home" in Antarctica.

The construction of Dongfu is completed.

Bai Xiaofei even personally made a cool ice crystal plaque for him, with the words "Antarctic Crystal Palace" written on it!

Don't get me wrong!

It's really just a simple Crystal Palace, don't get it wrong!


ps: Thanks for subscribing! 1 more! For some reason, this book has been blocked, which has caused difficulty in reading. Here, Wuyou would like to say sorry to everyone. In such a general environment, Wuyou has nothing to do. If there are any bugs that may appear later, please let me know. Forgive me a lot, if you don't understand anything, you can ask in the book friend group!

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