The Storm God

Chapter 1013 Earthbound Spirits and Despair! (Please subscribe!)

The first seven.

It is a folk custom.

It is the first time for the deceased to return to Yangyang to visit his six relatives and relatives after the death of the deceased. During the day of Qiqi Festival, the dead person’s bardo stage is officially established. , I still don't know that I have died, and I can't be called a so-called ghost.

It is rumored that on the first seven days of Zishi, there will be ghost soldiers with turned heads and horse faces, two ghosts, big and small, with erratic thinking, escorting the souls of the dead back to their homes in the underworld. After the first seven days, the deceased will board the Wangxiang Terrace and start the road to Huangquan Road. Once gone, he will never return!

And today.

It was the seventh day of Shan Xiaowei's death.

If after today's midnight, Bai Xiaofei still can't find Shan Xiaowei's soul and put it in the Yunling bottle to warm it up, maybe she will return to the underworld, drink that Mengpo soup, and reincarnate. At that time, even if Bai Xiaofei has great ability, it will not help the matter.

It's about six o'clock in the afternoon.

It was less than six hours before midnight, that is, twelve o'clock in the morning.

Time can be described as quite tight.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to delay.

Put away the soul-searching mirror and the spirit-yun bottle, and immediately summoned the Aries golden holy clothes, directly using the ability of space teleportation, teleported himself to the vicinity of Wolong Mountain in the suburbs of Beijing, which was once Nangonglang's Yulongfu Villa Manor around.

According to common sense.

At this moment, the place Bai Xiaofei went to should be Shan Xiaowei's home.

But according to what the little kid said, there are geographical restrictions on the scope of activities of people or other objects after death. This phenomenon is called [Earth-bound spirit]. Shan Xiaowei, who died in a foreign land, could not return home with her own strength.


Only Bai Xiaofei came to her place of death.

The earth-bound spirit is a person or other object. After death, because of unfulfilled wishes or resentment, the soul is trapped in the place of death and cannot leave. The earth-bound spirit of the suicide will continue to experience death; the earth-bound spirit of the violent death will wander in the same place blankly.

The earth binding spirit itself will think that he has not passed away because of his deep worries and grievances, so he will always do the movements and routines he was used to in his lifetime. This kind of special living body is generally unable to leave its own land, but if it is restrained, it will be protected. From another perspective, this is also the meaning of "spirit protected by the earth".

From a theological point of view, the spirit takes a small piece of land (including buildings) as its body, and it can even be called the young form of the earth god, as long as its "earth-bound" range is enlarged ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, one million times , that is the earth god who controls a piece of land!


This possibility is almost one in a million, very small!

Shan Xiaowei is just an ordinary person, without the slightest special ability. After a sudden death, if she is unwilling, she will become an earth-bound spirit in nine out of ten. Even if she is the first seven, she will not be able to leave the land of death. Only when you stop, will you teleport to the Wolong Mountain Area.

The former Yulong Mansion villa and manor had already been completely destroyed by Bai Xiaofei.


Just an empty void.

More than half of the once majestic Wolong mountain disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a bare halfway up the mountain, like a small mound, without any momentum!

Seeing so.

Not only did Bai Xiaofei feel a headache, the range was too big!

If he had known about the existence of the Earth Binding Spirit, Bai Xiaofei would not have destroyed Yulong Mansion and the entire peak of Wolong Mountain. Otherwise, he only needed to search the villas in Yulong Mansion to find the single Xiaowei's soul.

And now.

Yulong Mansion has completely disappeared.

Without the real object for reference, the desperate Bai Xiaofei wanted to find Shan Xiaowei's soul, so he could only search every corner carefully in this huge hollow halfway up the mountain. Although the situation is not as exaggerated as looking for a needle in a haystack, But it's not easy at all!


Although the altitude of Wolong Mountain is not high, it is extremely vast and wide!

Now the peak has been destroyed, leaving only a bare halfway up the mountain. The cross-sectional area can be said to be very vast, and it is dozens of times larger than the original area!


No matter how hard it is.

Bai Xiaofei will never give up!

Isn't the scope a bit wider, just search more, what's the big deal!

After comforting himself, Bai Xiaofei didn't hesitate, and immediately took out the soul-searching mirror from the dimensional space, and then started from a certain position on the halfway of Wolong Mountain, and began to search and investigate bit by bit.

The existence of the soul is mysterious and unusual, it is different from any special energy.

strictly speaking.

The soul is also a living being.

And this special existence, even if Bai Xiaofei's spiritual power is more than a hundred times higher than that of ordinary people, it cannot be easily perceived and seen, unless he has the legendary yin and yang eyes, or the heavenly eyes of Buddhist supernatural powers. But...his ability to listen to everything can slightly sense abnormalities in the surrounding energy, and he can assist Bai Xiaofei from the side.


The soul-searching mirror is indeed a special magic weapon for searching spirit bodies, it is easy to use!

After Bai Xiaofei identified its blood drop and bound it into his own exclusive equipment, he realized that it can change its size according to the user's needs, that is, it can be large or small, and the range is completely according to the user's needs. It depends on the power of soul, spirit, merit, willpower, etc.!

well known.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't have many other strengths.

But the power of wish is the strongest, since it was obtained, it has hardly been used, and now it has reached as much as 5 billion!

It is the most suitable for expanding the body size of the soul-searching mirror now!


Set according to the rules of Soul Search Mirror.

It takes more than 100,000 willpower to increase the soul-searching mirror by a tiny bit, and it is consumed continuously, with the unit of every second. The larger the range of increase, the more terrifying the consumption, such a shocking expenditure Well, even though Bai Xiaofei has a deep family background, he dare not waste it lightly!


Bai Xiaofei could only enlarge the Soul Search Mirror by about ten times.

Expand it from the size of a palm at the beginning to the size of a washbasin today, and then start holding it with great pain, like shining a flashlight into the darkness, looking for lost embroidery needles. Forced to search.

Time is like water.


On the willow tip on the moon, darkness descends.

It was less than a moment before twelve o'clock in the morning, but Bai Xiaofei still hadn't found Shan Xiaowei's soul, which made him very anxious!

"Little brat!"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shouted: "This soul-searching mirror can't be fake, right?!"

It's no wonder that he has such doubts. Although the area on the mountainside of Wolong Mountain is wide, after half a day of searching, it has almost been explored. It stands to reason that Shan Xiaowei's soul should have been found long ago, so The earth-bound spirit was formed.


I have been busy for most of the day.

Apart from the resentful spirits formed by the people or animals of the Nangong family who were crushed to death by Bai Xiaofei's psychic power on the spot, no clues about Shan Xiaowei's soul were found at all. Seeing that the time limit is approaching, it's no wonder Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry!

"It shouldn't be!"

The little kid also had a dazed look on his face.

"According to the normal situation, this soul-searching mirror should have found Shan Xiaowei's earth-bound spirit long ago. How could there be no clues or discoveries?"

"Could it be..."

"Her spirit body isn't here?"


So far.

The little kid couldn't help but startled.

Immediately, he hurriedly asked Bai Xiaofei about the circumstances of Shan Xiaowei's death in detail.

Although Bai Xiaofei didn't understand why the little kid suddenly asked this question, he still patiently told the little kid about the scene of Shan Xiaowei's tragic death in very short words, and finally asked, "Do you ask?" What is this for? Could it be that the method of death is different, and the existence of the earth-bound spirit is also different?"


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's narration.

The little kid scolded badly on the spot, and said in a serious tone: "Master, why didn't you tell me that after Shan Xiaowei died, her body was chopped up and fed to the dog? Ordinary death is completely different!"


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback by the training, and said speechlessly, "How do I know the difference!"

Immediately hurriedly asked: "Little boy, tell me quickly, what is the difference between this, the soul search mirror can't find Shan Xiaowei's soul, does it have something to do with this? What should I do now? Shan Xiaowei What happened to your soul?!"


The little kid first sighed heavily.

Then he explained: "Master, whether it is a person or any other object, the soul will not leave its original body immediately after death. During this period, if someone uses special means to rule out the cause of death of the deceased, such as The fatal injury to the body can still be resurrected!"

"I go!"

"There is still such an operation?!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was shocked immediately, with an incredible expression on his face.


The little boy gave him an angry look.

He continued: "Actually, this method does not necessarily have to use techniques such as comprehension. It can also be done with technological means. For example, the medpod3000 in the Bliss Space can bring people back to life? The reason why the brain is required not to have The damage is due to the soul of the human body, most of which reside there!"

"Once the brain is destroyed, the soul is also lost, and naturally it cannot be resurrected!"


Upon hearing this.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly froze in place as if struck by lightning, opened his eyes wide, and murmured in disbelief: "Little brat, what do you mean... because after Shan Xiaowei died, her body was destroyed. I chopped it up and fed it to the dogs, so I can't revive it at all?!"

A face full of despair.


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