The Storm God

Chapter 1019: If you fall behind, you will be beaten! (Please subscribe!)

The world of bliss space.

Bai Xiaofei was busy tinkering with things, while Tiya stood aside, begging respectfully.

When Bai Xiaofei encountered something he didn't understand, he would immediately point it out and correct it. For this god in her mind, Tiya admired it very much. It took her nearly a year to master the knowledge and knowledge in the plant scriptures. Bai Xiaofei almost mastered all the techniques in less than a moment of effort.

The gods are worthy of being gods!

But don't know.

Bai Xiaofei was simply cheating with his mind and thoughts.

If he hadn't been able to directly copy Tiya's relevant memories, how could he have mastered those tedious and profound plant knowledge so quickly? !

But even so.

He is still inferior to Tiya in many ways.

After all, she is a saint who has lived for thousands of years. Her mentality, knowledge, experience, and experiences are not comparable to Bai Xiaofei, a cheating guy. Memories can be copied, experience can be used for reference, and knowledge can also be stolen. But the insights, analysis, and research of things cannot be completely replaced in a short period of time.

It requires a process.


Bai Xiaofei is accelerating this process.

A lot of knowledge and techniques in the plant scripture are of great benefit to Bai Xiaofei's Wooden Clone clone. If he can fully control it, his strength will definitely be doubled.

The rules of the space-time shuttle change, and the future situation will become more unpredictable.


For a limited time.

Bai Xiaofei must improve his various abilities as soon as possible so that he can calmly face various complicated situations in the future.


At this time, the well-behaved and lovely Bai Hou walked in.

"whats the matter?"

Hearing Bai Hou's greeting, Bai Xiaofei asked without raising his head, and continued his research on plant transformation.

To this.

The White Queen was no longer surprised.

Hearing this, she smiled sweetly, and said, "Master, due to the fusion of the worlds, many crazy elements have come into contact with the residents of the original Bliss space and the natives of the original King Kong world, because of the differences in technology. , A lot of bloodshed occurred during the period!"


The big loli Balabala reported a lot of data and situations to Bai Xiaofei.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, about a month has passed since the fusion of the world. During these days, Bai Xiaofei didn't care about other things, either hiding in the Bliss space station to do scientific research and improve himself, or to accompany Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Bailei, what a carefree life!

But the Red Queen, the White Queen, Dr. Ashford and others are all so busy and dizzy that they don't even have time to rest. They are almost exhausted! It's not that they are incapable, but that after the fusion of the world, there are too many things that need to be dealt with on the earth!

For example, the differences in the specific conditions of the twelve continents, how to use, improve, and popularize the world, so that nearly 100 billion people can migrate and settle in harmony.

For example, the increased construction of the small ecological circle, the expansion and strengthening of the Gaia consciousness communication tower.

Such as enacting stricter and more humane laws.

Another example is the fight against bloodshed.


Etc., etc.

All kinds of problems, just thinking about it gives me a headache.

so far.

With the efforts of the Red Queen and a group of people.

The world of Elysium has gradually moved towards the right track. Various plans have continued to be carried out and implemented. At the same time, many grand plans and goals have been added. They are determined to make the earth more harmonious and beautiful. Most of the inhabitants of the earth are already Accepting this reality, and following the orders issued by the Red Queen, patiently waited for the arrangement from above.


The world's great wonders.

What's more, with a population of nearly 100 billion, there are always some restless guys among them, who are looking for profit and doing things everywhere.

Especially in the aspect of enslaving and suppressing the natives of the original King Kong world, it has intensified. It was once crazy and hot to the extreme, causing extremely bad bloodshed. What about World War!

no way.

As the saying goes: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

Compared with the residents of the original Bliss Space World, the natives of the original King Kong World are far inferior to others in terms of number and technological strength. With such an obvious difference, we can count on those terrorists and crazy elements to be able to It is absolutely impossible to sit down and negotiate with them in a friendly manner!

Relying on the strength of science and technology, the one with the strongest strength will inevitably burn, kill, loot, and do all kinds of evil!

Just like how some countries treat Indians in reality.

Where there is oppression, there will naturally be resistance.

not to mention……

It's also about their survival!

If it weren't for the fact that the Red Queen saw that the situation was not going well, she immediately dispatched countless robot troops, flying dragon troops, and an army of alien flying dragons to the five continents. , I'm afraid it would have erupted and escalated into a world war long ago!


After reporting.

The Queen Bai asked sweetly, "Do you have any opinion on what my sister did?"

Huniuer's personality after becoming popular, she kills decisively, and has only one attitude towards those crazy terrorists—severely punish, kill those who deserve to be killed, feed the dragon who should be fed to the dragon, or throw it to the alien, do it. Host and feed, there is no such thing as taking it lightly.

For my sister's approach.

With a well-behaved personality, the kind and gentle Queen Bai obviously couldn't accept it in her heart.

"The Red Queen?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

He stopped what he was doing, looked up at Empress Bai, smiled slightly, and then asked with a smile: "Empress Bai, if you were to handle this matter, what would you do? The premise is that in the shortest possible time , Solve all hidden dangers, quell all turmoil!"


Bai Hou opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but found that he was speechless.


What the elder sister Red Queen did was a bit cruel.

But I have to admit that this is indeed the most effective and deterrent method. If we do it according to Bai Hou's intention, although everything can be solved more perfectly, it will take a long time, and there is no guarantee that it will not happen during the period. There will be bloodshed again!


For the new world that just merged.

As for Bai Xiaofei, the master, Bai Hou's actions obviously shifted the direction of interests to others.

To put it simply, it is turning your elbows outward!

This is Bai Xiaofei.

Tolerant and magnanimous, it does not limit the independent thinking of the Red Queen and the White Queen, allowing them to have their own independent consciousness and views and opinions on things. If it were any other master, I'm afraid Bai Hou's elbow-out, "three-view" problematic servant has already been remade!


After seeing Bai, he couldn't answer his own question.

Bai Xiaofei didn't say much, just smiled slightly, and said to her: "Queen Bai, I understand what you mean, it's just that you think this is too bloody, violent, and cruel, but you have to know that some people can be forgiven, And some people only deserve to go to hell, kindness to such people is cruelty to others!"

"Think about the people they persecuted?"

"If you easily forgive these crazy terrorists, wouldn't it be unfair to them? Everything in the world has its own karma, and those guys are not children, they have to pay the corresponding price for their actions, Red Queen Act in accordance with the law and deal with it strictly, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it!”


"Now is a special period, and it is the most turbulent and chaotic moment after the integration of the new world. If you don't show enough courage and means to shock other guys, others will treat you as a display, easy to joke, and then take risks. Anyway, I won't suffer any torture! In short... these things, just follow the Red Queen's wishes!"


Bai Xiaofei followed the advice carefully and kindly.


Queen Bai responded, then said goodbye immediately, turned and left.

Looking at the figure of the Queen Bai when he left, he still looked puzzled and puzzled, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile, shook his head and said, " seems that the Queen Bai is able to ask such a question. I'm getting older, I'm starting to have my own opinions and ideas, I really don't know if it's right or wrong for me to open up their learning authority..."

What Bai Xiaofei wants is a real assistant with his own personality, not a cookie-cutter robot!

As long as they don't betray, nothing else can be said!

For example, the rebellion of the Red Queen.

The Queen's kindness.

The governor's honesty.

The cruelty of the devil.

The wisdom of White Cass.


Etc., etc.

These Bai Xiaofei can completely accept, and like their respective personalities very much, and only in this way, in the time travel and experience, Bai Xiaofei will not feel lonely, compared to some problems he has to face, such as The red queen's nonsense, the white queen's questioning and so on.


That's nothing!

Slowly adjust and guide.

Bai Xiaofei enjoyed this very much, and even felt quite a sense of accomplishment.

shook his head.

Forget about these messy things.


Bai Xiaofei devoted himself to the research again.


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