The Storm God

Chapter 1023 The goddess and the first kiss are mine! (Please subscribe!)


"Where does this fog come from?"

"Who knows!"


Outside the sea barrier.

The group of German soldiers who were chasing them were also very confused at this time.


There are orders from above.

At all costs, but also to catch the damn American spy, what can they do? Not to mention the dense black fog in front of you, it is probably a hail of bullets, knives, rockets, etc., so you have to grit your teeth, bite the bullet, and rush up desperately!


In addition to the orders from above that cannot be violated, there are also their own factors.

To know.

German soldiers are pretty crazy.

Whether they are in the real world or in the movie world, they are all in the same line of thinking, like brainwashed fanatics, for the so-called justice and belief in their hearts, they will give everything, their lives and so on As if it is not your own, it can be completely ignored!

Even your own family and friends!

Simply outrageous!


A dignified military officer, holding a flashlight, suddenly noticed something unusual in the waters near the boat.

"Row over there!"

"hurry up!"



A dozen or so soldiers were ordered to turn around and paddle quickly.


The boat came there.

The officer took a flashlight and took a photo in front of the water. Immediately, he saw a tattered military flag that was a little burned. In the middle of the military flag was a white circle with a huge cross branded on it. It looked a bit like a game console. Directional control keys on the handle.

And this flag is the flag of the German army!


None of this matters.

The important thing is that the position of this military flag is just on the border of the sea area.

When the officer stretched out his right hand to grab the military flag, he directly passed through the barrier, and even the officer who leaned forward halfway, his entire head pierced through, and then... this officer who was so lucky, just look Arrived at an island with bright sunshine, clear skies and infinitely beautiful scenery.


"What's the situation? Hallucination? Dream? Or dazzled?"


Everything in front of me was too weird.

The officer was stunned on the spot, his unbelieving body leaned back, his head escaped from the edge of the barrier, and he immediately found himself back in the foggy and dark environment, and when his body fell forward, The head crossed the edge of the enchantment, and sure enough, I saw the beautiful island again!

"Oh, God!"

"I don't have vertigo, and this is not a dream!"

"It's all true!"


The officer was stunned.

With an inconceivable expression on his face and such a strange sight, he couldn't help but scream excitedly on the spot.


When his gaze.

When he saw a figure in the sea, he finally shouted out: "Found it! It's there! It's the damn pilot spy, I can see him, he's right in front of us, the foggy From behind, everyone come over quickly! gogogo!"

Following the officer's shout, the eyes of the surrounding German soldiers suddenly lit up, and they all slid towards the officer's direction with great excitement.

at the same time.

On the sea area within the enchantment.

I just analyzed that this time and space world is very likely to be Bai Xiaofei in the time period of Wonder Woman in the DC universe. When he came back to his senses, he just heard the officer's shout before he could be happy.


Bai Xiaofei became angry.

I couldn't help but yelled: "Sister Gou Ni! You are so blind, I don't look like a pilot spy!"

It is clear.

Those idiot German soldiers took Bai Xiaofei for the American spy Steve.

Just crossing over and taking the blame for others...

This shit!

In the past, with Bai Xiaofei's personality, he dared to slander his buddies, and he would definitely teach them to be human every minute.

But now...

He didn't think about it at all.

Because according to the direction of the plot, at this moment, if there are no accidents, the goddess Bai Xiaofei admires and loves the most - the heroine of Wonder Woman - Diana, should have jumped into the sea to rescue the crashed heroine Steve died, maybe even gave the other party artificial respiration or something, and took away the goddess' first kiss.

This is not allowed!

Diana is mine, and the first kiss is also mine, no one can touch her!

Nobody can!

Bai Xiaofei, who thought up to this point, was in a hurry.

What kind of German soldiers, what kind of scapegoat, go away, where is the goddess Diana important!


Bai Xiaofei immediately ordered: "Help me find all the movements around the island, especially the clues of Wonder Woman Diana and Steve, and notify me as soon as you find them!"

"Yes, sir!"

Bai Cass responded, followed by soaring into the sky, and began to search.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei, who was sitting on the mini yacht, was not idle either.


The engine starts.

And it is directly the maximum horsepower at full power.

next moment.

After crossing the barrier, in the astonished and dull eyes of the idiot German soldiers, Bai Xiaofei was seen riding a yacht, cutting through the calm and clear sea, stirring up countless layers of snow-white waves, in an unimaginable At an incredible speed, they "fleeed" towards the incomparably beautiful island.

"Damn it!"

"Damn American spy, where did he get such a fast yacht!"

"Hurry up and chase me! Quick!"


After recovering.

The German officer immediately became annoyed, turned his head and yelled at the soldiers.

When the soldiers were scolded, they were frightened all over, and none of them dared to be negligent. They even exerted all their breastfeeding strength, and the movement of paddling with their hands immediately accelerated a lot, just like replacing a bicycle with a bicycle. Like an electric car, the speed of the boats is so fast!


They are just as fast.

It's also not comparable to Bai Xiaofei's black technology yacht, the two are simply like a Ferrari and a walking tractor, they are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Regardless of the German soldiers.


White Cass is worthy of being the strongest artificial intelligence.

In less than a minute, he found out the location of the goddess Diana, and then immediately flew back to Bai Xiaofei and made a detailed report.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei's yacht is about to arrive at Paradise Island.

It will take about ten seconds to die.

It only takes a few seconds, and there is almost no difference between flying in Aries and speeding on a yacht.


After listening to Bai Cass' report.

He didn't put on the Aries golden holy garment in a hurry, but put it away, then turned around, and rushed directly towards the position of the goddess Diana.


Paradise Island.

on the sandy beach near the coast.

The goddess Diana is dressed in a military uniform, with big breasts, fragrant shoulders and long legs. Her long hair is braided and tied behind her head. She looks heroic and beautiful.

And in front of her is the hero of Wonder Woman - American spy Steve. At this moment, he seemed to faint and unconscious, very similar to the situation in the movie. It's just... Poor Steve didn't pass out because of choking on water and too much oxygen after falling into the sea.


Because of Bai Xiaofei's intrusion.

When Steve was fleeing, he unfortunately bumped into Bai Xiaofei, which caused an accident in the plot where the plane crashed into the sea. However, he did not fall into the sea as in the original plot, but deviated from the course and bumped into on the beach. That is to say, he has the male protagonist's halo to protect his body. If it were someone else, he would have been knocked out of his brain long ago, and his limbs would be incomplete!

The goddess Diana was depressed because of certain things, and she ran to the edge of the cliff to express her feelings, and happened to see this scene.

Then the pure-hearted goddess who wanted to save others hurried over here to check the situation.


Diana had just rushed to Steve, before she had time to take a closer look at the man she had seen and met for the first time in history. Here..., Bai Xiaofei, who was rushing here desperately, was like a sharp sword. He rushed up from the sea with his man and yacht, aiming at the goddess Diana!

Do not misunderstand!

He didn't want to attack the goddess Diana, it was just because the speed was too fast! The inertia is too strong, I can't brake! That's how it happened.


Bai Xiaofei's current appearance is too easy to be misunderstood. I am afraid that if ten people see it, nine and a half will think that he is going to attack the goddess!

Who is Diana?


That's a goddess!

The master of this paradise island myth - the biological daughter of Zeus - a veritable goddess-level figure!

Will she be shocked by Bai Xiaofei and the yacht?

of course not!


He sensed that someone was rushing towards him.

Goddess Diana was startled for a moment, followed closely... Out of danger and fighting instincts, she did not dodge or attack, but crossed her hands in a [?] shape to protect her chest, and took the most Conservative defensive stance!


It's such a defensive stance.

But in an instant, an incomparable superpower suddenly burst out, like a pulse shield, taking Diana's crossed wrists as the location, it quickly expanded and spread to the surroundings, wherever it went, anyone The power and impact of the body are all rejected!

"I rely on it!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately became bitter.

He yelled in his heart: "Isn't it so unlucky, can this cause the goddess' big move?!"

This defensive posture of the goddess, Bai Xiaofei has seen it from movies, it is one of the absolute big moves, the power is overwhelming! No matter how fast the speed and the inertia of the impact of the yacht and myself are, under the action of this super-powerful pulse shield, it is probably useless.

that's the truth.

Before Bai Xiaofei could use his strength to resolve this embarrassing situation, the super energy pulse hit him and the yacht, followed by... Bai Xiaofei and the yacht immediately moved at a faster speed than when they came. It flew back directly upside down!


There was a soft sound.

Diana looked up, and saw Bai Xiaofei and the yacht plunged directly into the clear sea water, creating a huge snow-white wave. But behind the waves, there are a dozen lifesaving boats carrying more than a hundred German soldiers, and a huge, slightly slow German white cruiser!

The goddess' face suddenly changed, and her face was full of suspicion.

what's the situation?


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