The Storm God

Chapter 1035 Dishonesty and matchmaking! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei was a little dumbfounded.

Although he had expected that with the personality of the goddess Diana, it was very likely that he would be recognized by the Star Breaker Hammer and picked it up, but when he saw it with his own eyes, Bai Xiaofei was still a little shocked and unbelievable. You know, it's an artifact from another world, and it belongs to Marvel. I didn't expect to recognize a superhero from the DC world!

It's incredible!


Thinking about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

First of all, the other female Amazon warriors on Paradise Island couldn’t hold the Star-Smasher Hammer, because although they have noble morals and want to protect world peace, they look down on humans from the bottom of their hearts and think that humans are the scourge of everything. Avoid it!

This is unfair, and all living beings cannot be equal, so it is not recognized by the hammer!

Diana was different.

Regardless of her status as a goddess, she is gentle and kind, warm to others, and full of curiosity and love for everything. She doesn't have any prejudice against human beings. On the contrary, she thinks that they are full of wisdom, enthusiasm, rushing towards freedom and creation, extremely yearning and curious, just like children!


She is brave, righteous, and selfless.

For the sake of people she doesn't know, the goddess can even put all her efforts in spite of her own life and death!

Diana's narrow heart, pure beauty, and high quality.

Absolutely far surpasses Thor and his ilk!


Able to get Hammer's approval.

For the goddess Diana, it is also an understandable thing!


Because of too little experience.

Goddess didn't go through much.

Many things are based on her own understanding, one-sided cognition and judgment, unable to be truly fair and objective, so that the future plasticity is still unknown, so Hammer's recognition of her is not complete. Although Diana picked up the Star Breaker Hammer, she was very reluctant!

It's like a weightlifter trying his best to lift the iron bar. Diana's situation was the same. Just lifting the Star-breaking Hammer to a height of about ten centimeters made her use almost all of her strength. In an instant, she was dripping with sweat and her expression was incomparably exhausted.

It looked like it might be unable to hold it at any time and would fall down.


Even so.

Queen Hippolyta and other Amazon female warriors were also excited and excited about this.

All of them had green eyes, stared straight at Diana, and cheered loudly: "Great! Diana, you really didn't disappoint us! You picked it up! Come on! Just hold on for a while , this Star-breaking Hammer, which is almost comparable to the divine weapon that dominates Zeus, is yours!"

"You must hold on!"


Shouts came and went.

Bai Xiaofei, who was watching from the side, was very speechless, and said in his heart: "Hey! My rightful master is here, at least you should also worry about my feelings, okay?"


After persisting for a while.

Finally Diana couldn't stand it anymore, she couldn't hold the hammer any longer, and let it fall down.

Seeing such a situation.

Immediately, there were waves of unwillingness and dismay in the surroundings.

The queen Hippolyta and the female general Antiope were particularly outstanding. Their expressions were like those of a dead husband... oh no, the same as the death of an old lady. It was a grief and reluctance!

It would be fine if Diana didn't pick it up at the beginning, but she obviously picked it up, but she couldn't stick to it until the end. Such a result is the most distressing and unacceptable. Thinking of such a powerful and terrifying artifact , was supposed to belong to Paradise Island, but just missed out on him, how could they not be willing? !

It's not that they are greedy.


The female warriors of Paradise Island are very qualified and moral.


They want too much to defeat Ares, the god of war.

As a result, they were covered and blinded by this emotion and urgent thoughts, making them temporarily full of greed!

Under this greed, the female general Antiope rolled her eyes and acted like a rogue. She looked at Bai Xiaofei fixedly and said, "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, just now you said that as long as someone can pick up the Star Broken God Hammer, then it belongs to the other party, right?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei has already seen through everything. Antiope's little eyesight and calculations are not worth mentioning in front of Bai Xiaofei's vicious eyesight and spiritual power. But...he just smiled lightly, and didn't refute or defend on the spot, but said very grandly.

"very good!"

Antiope smiled triumphantly.

Then he said: "Then you have also seen that Diana has successfully picked it up. Although the time is a little short and the degree is a little weak, it is picked up after all. According to what you just promised, this Star Breaker Hammer It should belong to Diana now, Mr. Bai Xiaofei, do you have any objection?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The surrounding female Amazon warriors couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment.

Including the Queen.


"What I just said is that as long as it can be picked up, it's fine, and there are no other requirements!"

"According to this statement, Diana totally did it!"

"In that case..."



Diana was also slightly taken aback when she heard this.


Different from everyone's performance.

But she didn't have the slightest joy and excitement, she thought that what Antiope said was wrong, she couldn't pick up and use the Star Breaking Hammer as easily as Bai Xiaofei, this was a failure. It would be a bit too rascal for Antiope to do this!

This is completely out of context!

Literally forcing people to give him the Star Breaking God Hammer is just like a robber!

The key is.

The Star Broken God Hammer can't be used by itself at all.

It's useless to come!


The goddess took a deep breath to relieve the exhaustion from the exhaustion just now, she opened her mouth, just about to say something.

But at this moment.


However, Bai Xiaofei was beyond everyone's expectations. Instead of refuting or denying Antiope's words, he nodded very seriously and affirmatively: "According to the previous promise, Diana picked up the hammer. Although the situation is a bit different, the fact is that As a matter of fact, if the Hammer of the Star Breaker has confirmed her, then it belongs to Diana, and I have no objection!"

As soon as this word came out.

The surrounding female Amazon warriors, including the queen, goddess, and female general, couldn't help being stunned again. They stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei with unbelievable and unbelievable eyes, their minds went blank, and they didn't know what to say.

Obviously, he was confused by Bai Xiaofei's brain circuit which is different from ordinary people.

They were shocked and speechless for a long time.

To know.

This is the hammer of God!

Capable of exerting the power of thunder and storm, it is comparable to the magical weapon that dominates Zeus' lightning scepter!

Bai Xiaofei gave it away without even thinking about it!

"Cake seller!"

"Why don't you be so proud!"


Everyone said that they had received 10,000 tons of critical damage.

After a while.

The queen and others finally recovered from the shock.

follow closely……

The crowd burst into earth-shattering cheers.

Queen Hippolyta was not as happy as everyone else, but frowned slightly, looked at Bai Xiaofei with a smile on his face in disbelief, and asked in a daze: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, what you said is true Really? Are you kidding me? This... the Star Breaker Hammer, you really want to give it to my daughter Diana?!"

"No no no!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a smile, and then said solemnly: "Your Majesty, you are wrong, I did not give it to her, but she herself has been approved by the hammer, which means that she I am also qualified to be its master, this point, even I, cannot control its will!"


Hear this.

The queen couldn't help being startled again, but she was excited.

She knows better than anyone else what the Star Breaking Hammer represents. If it was something else, she might not agree with Antiope's approach, because it is almost the same as bandits, robbers, and rascals, but in order to deal with Ares, the god of war, increased Diana's chances of winning. At this moment, the queen had no choice but to bite the bullet and be a rascal!

For Diana.

Hippolyta was willing to give up everything she had!


Immediately afterwards she began to have a headache.

It's not because of Bai Xiaofei, but because of the Star Breaker Hammer!


The Star Breaker Hammer is very powerful.

But although Diana "won" its approval, it was not complete. With all my strength, I can only lift it up to about ten centimeters, and it can't last long. Even moving and carrying such an artifact is a huge problem, let alone being used to fight and deal with Ares, the god of war. up!

Thinking of this, Queen Hippolyta felt a headache to death!


The female general Antiope is not stupid either.

After the excitement, she also thought of this question very quickly, and her brows frowned instantly.


The position and attitude of her thinking about the problem.

There is a big difference with Queen Hippolyta, the most obvious place is the growth and responsibility of the goddess Diana. The Queen hopes that Diana will be safe and sound, and only wants her to be an ordinary person, happy and worry-free, while the female general hopes that Diana will shoulder her own responsibilities and defeat Ares!


On the matter of dealing with the Star Broken God's Hammer.

The female general Antiope and Queen Hippolyta are also very different.

All Hippolyta wanted was a hammer, and she didn't want her daughter to get too close to Bai Xiaofei. Although Bai Xiaofei was not a human from this world, but a traveler from another world, and seemed to be a god, it still couldn't be erased. Go to the queen's vigilance and prejudice against this man Bai Xiaofei!

It's not that the queen is ignorant and can't figure out the key to this.


as a mother.

This is her instinct and subconsciousness, nothing else!

Not so with Antiope.

Although she is Diana's aunt and has a nominal relationship with the goddess, what she thinks more about is Paradise Island, responsibility, and Ares, the God of War! For these reasons, she can become extremely cold-blooded and ruthless, so much so that she has performed various exercises on the goddess Diana that are several times more severe than ordinary people since she was a child!


Seeing that the situation is getting better and better.

Although Diana got the Star Breaker Hammer, she couldn't use it and fight at all. Of course she was in a hurry!

However, her thinking was completely opposite to that of Queen Hippolyta. Not only did she not object to Bai Xiaofei and Diana being together, but she also wanted to match them up. After all... Bai Xiaofei is also a god! In terms of experience, means, combat power, and... all of them are much, much stronger than Diana, a god who has not yet awakened!

If the two can be together, they can learn from each other when they have nothing to do, which will undoubtedly benefit Diana a lot.

Maybe under Bai Xiaofei's guidance, Diana awakened in advance.


It can also win over Bai Xiaofei by the way.

When the time comes, the two of them will face the God of War Ares together, and the chances of winning will naturally be great!

In Antiope's view, ordinary men are naturally not worthy of Diana, but Bai Xiaofei is different. First of all, he is not a human being in this world, and he is not a mortal at all, but a god, and he is also a man with a heart. Truth, goodness and beauty!


He also couldn't get the approval of the Star Broken God's Hammer!

Such a man, who is almost impeccable in terms of background, ability, and personality, is completely worthy of Diana! This is almost the best companion choice for Diana! Whether it was for Paradise Island or Diana's own lifelong event, Antiope felt that he had no reason to stop them!

Think here.

Antiope couldn't help but move in his heart.

Before Diana, Queen Hippolyta and others could react, they smiled and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei really kept his promise, and even such a powerful and rare magic weapon can be handed over to others. It's really impressive." I admire it, but... with Diana's current ability, I'm afraid she won't be able to use it to fight!"

"How about this!"

"This Star Breaker Hammer is kept in Mr. Bai Xiaofei's place for the time being, and you can take it out when Diana can use it completely, or when you need it. Also... Bai Xiaofei's purpose is to travel the world, and we, Paradise Island, carry Paradise The name is not in vain, these few days, why not stay on our Paradise Island for the time being, and take a good look at it!"

"By the way, I would like to give Diana some pointers so that she can get the full approval of the Star Breaker Hammer as soon as possible!"

"Mr. Bai Xiaofei, what do you think?"


As soon as this statement came out.

Queen Hippolyta couldn't help being stunned on the spot, and looked at Antiope with displeasure, but what the other party said made sense, so she was speechless, and finally sighed, Her Majesty the Queen could only You can let it go, everything is the overall situation!

The goddess Diana was also taken aback.


She didn't have the slightest resentment.

Instead, the eyes that looked at Bai Xiaofei became more and more fiery.

The other female Amazon warriors around are also like Diana. They don't have much resistance or opinion on Bai Xiaofei's proposal to stay on Paradise Island for a visit. On the contrary, they are quite welcome. Although Bai Xiaofei is a man, they But he didn't see him as a man, but as a god!

A god visits Paradise Island.


I feel excited just thinking about it.


Hear Antiope's proposal.

Bai Xiaofei shrugged his shoulders indifferently, anyway, his goal is the goddess Diana, as long as he can be with the goddess, it will be the same everywhere, so he nodded and said with a smile: "Anyway, I don't have any urgent things to do now, just According to what you said, let's take a good look at Paradise Island for now!"

while speaking.

With a thought in his mind, he directly took the Star Broken God Hammer into the dimensional space.

Then he said to the goddess Diana: "I will keep this magic hammer for you first. If you want to use it, just tell me and I will give it to you immediately!"


"Where is the hammer, why did it disappear all of a sudden?"

"Could it be the means of a fairy?"

"so amazing!"


The hand that Bai Xiaofei showed was too weird and shocking.

Naturally, it aroused the amazement and shock of the Amazon female warriors again in an instant, and the eyes they looked at Bai Xiaofei couldn't help becoming more curious and fiery. Then they were not polite to Bai Xiaofei, and they all asked questions.

"Mr. Bai Xiaofei!"

"How did you disappear the hammer just now?!"

"Besides the hammer, do you have other weapons? If so, can you give me one? I like to use the long sword the most!"

"And me, and me! I'm the best at bows and arrows!"

"What is your world like?"



In an instant.

Thousands of Amazon female warriors have different opinions, like a hundred thousand whys, and there are more than one question!

It made Bai Xiaofei's head almost explode.



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