The Storm God

Chapter 1037 Enlighten the Goddess and Go to the North Pole! (Please subscribe!)

have to admit.

As a spy, Steve is also the hero of Wonder Woman. His mental quality and tenacity are still very good. To put it bluntly, he is the hero after all. He is much stronger than ordinary people, and he can resist the lasso of mantra, so how can he be weak in spirit?


No matter how strong he is, he can't be Bai Xiaofei's opponent!

In front of Bai Xiaofei's mind power, Steve's level is like an ant in front of an elephant, weak and pitiful, the two are not at the same level at all, Bai Xiaofei can easily invade and The brainwashing of Steve began.

To get revenge on Steve.

This fellow Bai Xiaofei shamelessly changed the other party's sexual orientation, making Steve, a straight man, instantly a gay!

And it's very heavy!

In this way.

With Steve and the goddess Diana, it is almost impossible to save any more.


"Let's see how you're doing!"


Bai Xiaofei felt refreshed now.

He suddenly felt that doing this would be more enjoyable and vicious than directly killing Steve. Fortunately, this is Paradise Island, and almost all of them are women. Otherwise, if you switch to other places, I am afraid that the revenge effect will be more significant. , when Diana sees that Steve likes men, flirts with men and so on, it will be even more enjoyable!

While doing bad things.

Bai Xiaofei didn't forget to copy some memories about the outside world from Steve's mind.

after all……

Someone just came into this world.

Newcomer, who is not familiar with the place of life, the relevant memory of Steve, a veteran, is undoubtedly a very good guide.

After doing all this, Bai Xiaofei smiled triumphantly, followed by using hypnotism to control Steve to come out of the "bathtub", then put on his clothes, and sat there like a good baby. And he walked out of the cave and brought Diana in.

Just like in the movie plot.

After chatting with Steve for a few words, Diana began to ask about the war.

Poor Steve.

Now he has been completely brainwashed and hypnotized by Bai Xiaofei.

Regarding Diana's question, he naturally knew everything and talked endlessly. He didn't flirt with the goddess like in the movie, and he didn't talk about the watch his father gave him.


In order to maintain the coherence of the plot and allow Diana to leave Paradise Island smoothly, Bai Xiaofei did not restrict Steve's instinctive consciousness. Therefore, the famous saying that Steve's father told him: "When you see something wrong, either do nothing or take action!", under the influence of inertia, Steve also said it.

And obviously.

Diana was shocked by the cruelty of the world war.

This made her deeply realize that blindly evading and deceiving herself is not the solution. Ares, the god of war, has always been there, especially now, more active and rampant, stirring the whole world into chaos and war, even If I don't go to him, the other party will come to me in the future.

Instead of sitting still and passively waiting for the enemy to come to your door, it is better to take the initiative to attack and defeat the enemy first!


This time with Steve.

That completely strengthened Diana's belief in leaving Paradise Island to find Ares, the God of War.

As for Bai Xiaofei?

All right.

All that needs to be done has been done.

He just asked some questions symbolically.


The two left the cave.

On the way back, Diana obviously hadn't recovered yet, with a dignified and worried look on her face.


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help comforting him: "Don't think too much!"


"There's nothing wrong with it!"

Bai Xiaofei interrupted the goddess' words, and said with a smile: "I understand and understand your feelings, but you have to understand that you are not a savior, your ability is limited, you can't save everyone, even the ruler who is stronger than you Even Zeus can't save the human race in the whole world, let alone you?"

"To tell you to relax is not to tell you not to think about anything, but to put everything in your heart and not be affected by these things, even your own judgment and reason. No matter what the problem is, we should learn to be mature and calm. No matter what the final result is, as long as we have a clear conscience!"


He is persuasive.

In order to drive to the goddess Diana, Bai Xiaofei even used a little hypnotic power.


I don't know whether it was Bai Xiaofei's words that moved her, or the hypnosis effect.

After hearing the words, the goddess was slightly stunned, silent for a moment, followed by a bright smile, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "I understand! Thank you for your enlightenment, Mr. Bai Xiaofei, with you, I find that there seems to be endless things to learn Well, I feel very lucky to have your help!"

"Ha ha!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled modestly.

To be praised by the goddess, someone feels very happy.

After chatting with Diana for a few more words, the room of the two of them was already in front of them. When we were parting, Bai Xiaofei suddenly smiled at the goddess and said, "Diana, if you want to leave Paradise Island and go to the God of War Ares, please take me with you. To be honest, I really want to see how this guy ends up. How powerful it is!"


Diana couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she heard this.

She still worried that she didn't know how to talk to Bai Xiaofei and ask him to help her deal with Ares, the god of war. Unexpectedly, Bai Xiaofei took the lead in bringing it up at this time. This undoubtedly surprised Diana very much, but more importantly Much more joy and excitement!

With the help of Bai Xiaofei, the powerful God of Thunder, Diana believes that dealing with Ares, the God of War, will become easier and easier!

The only problem that needs to be solved now is how to get out of the island.

Queen Hippolyta.


Relatively speaking, this problem is much easier to solve.

Even if mother disagrees with going out of the island, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to sneak out, in order to save the peace of the world, I believe mother will forgive me!

Diana thought so.


She smiled gratefully at Bai Xiaofei.

The eyes were full of emotion, and Bai Xiaofei's favor in her heart also increased gradually.

"Good night!"

The two separated.

After saying goodnight to each other, they each returned to their rooms.

Because of Bai Xiaofei's enlightenment and active help, the goddess Diana made her feel very happy. Not long after returning to the room, she fell asleep beautifully.

the other side.

After Bai Xiaofei returned to the room, he didn't fall asleep just yet.

He and the goddess Diana went to the cell where Steve was held, and it took him about half an hour to go back and forth, plus the questioning with Steve in the middle, and at this time, the Tianjian Satellite had already It successfully reached the Arctic Circle, and launched a search and detection of the glacial continent within the Arctic.

Relying on the super black technology on Tianjian satellite, Bai Xiaofei believes that he should be able to find the Kryptonian exploration spacecraft very soon, even if it is difficult, it will not exceed 2 hours at the latest. As soon as he thought of the 100,000 civilized technologies inside, he was so excited that he didn't want to let it go, how could he still sleep!

during this waiting period.

Bai Xiaofei didn't wait, but sat cross-legged, concentrated his attention, and began to explore certain rules and power attributes of this world.

For example...

Magical elemental power or something.

You must know that the world is different, and the degree of activity of elemental power is also different.

Like a complete technological world, due to the solidification of spiritual concepts, the power on the magic side is greatly sealed and restricted. No matter how high Bai Xiaofei's magical attainments are, as long as he has not reached the level of breaking the rules, he will be able to overcome the restrictions of the world's rules. Otherwise, he will not be able to use the power of magic!

Especially the magical power of Karma Taj!


The Magic Universe is unique to Marvel.

In other worlds of time and space, there is no magical universe at all. Bai Xiaofei cannot absorb the power of the magical universe, and naturally he cannot use the magic of the Karma Taj system. In comparison, the magical power of the Asgardian system does not have this limitation.

As long as Bai Xiaofei can perceive, connect, and control the surrounding elemental factors, he can carve magic formulas to cast Asgardian magic power. As for the power, it depends on the activity and restriction of the surrounding elemental factors.

The quieter and more restrictive the element factor is, the less powerful it is, and it is even impossible to cast magic at all.

on the contrary……

The more powerful the magic is.

The world of the DC universe is somewhat similar to the world of Marvel, vast and huge.

The missions of several giants of the Justice League, as well as some villains and so on, involve a lot of fields, technology side, magic side, super power side, mutation side, alien side, and even mythology side. It has everything that one expects to find!

According to common sense.

In such a world of time and space, the activity of its element factors should be very high, even if there are restrictions, it should not be too large.

When Bai Xiaofei first came to this world, he encountered German soldiers invading Paradise Island, and competed with Amazon female warriors, talked and entertained, and took revenge on Steve... It can be said that he was very busy, and now he is finally free. Take a good look at the power of rules in this world.

after all……

This is related to his ability to display in the future.

It must be taken seriously.

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei opened his eyes, with a depressed expression on his face.

In his mind, this DC world should be similar to the Marvel world. Even if the magic of the Karma Taj system cannot be used, the magic of the Asgardian system should be no problem, but after some investigation just now, he was forced to The discovery, the fact is not the case at all!

Compared with the activeness of elements in the Marvel world, although the DC world is not bad, the perception between the two is really too great.

To use an image metaphor, it is a tiger and a cat.

Magic casting is possible.


That power is much worse than in the Marvel world!

Almost more than half!


At this time, the little boy suddenly jumped out and explained: "This situation is normal, because in the DC world, there are not many people with magical abilities, and they are not mainstream, and the elemental factors within the world rules are naturally active. , it’s not as good as the Marvel world!”


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he couldn't help being startled.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. Of the seven giants of the Justice League, Batman is the technology side, Super is the alien side, Wonder Woman is the myth side, and The Flash is... well, technology + mutation + Super power side, Cyborg is technology + alien side, Neptune is biological mutation side, and Green Lantern is proper alien side + technology side!

The characters on the magic side are basically villains.

Can't be mainstream!

What a superhero in the Marvel world!

Ancient One, Doctor Strange, Dormammu, Scarlet Witch (half), Loki (half)...too many, the two are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

There is such a huge gap between the activity level and restriction of the element factor, but it is reasonable.


The little boy added: "Another point is that the current time period is too early, and the evolution of the rules has not yet been completed, so the restrictions are relatively greater. In addition, you are not from this world, and the magical power you have learned is different from this one. There are essential differences and differences in the world, and the combination of various situations will naturally increase the difficulty!"

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed resignedly.

Bai Xiaofei also understands the evolution of the rules that the little kid said. To put it simply, the rules of the world are not static. They will gradually change with the passage of time and the changes of humanities. For example, the world of the DC Universe is still the same now. During World War II, except for Wonder Woman, most other superheroes had not yet been born.

Whether it is the environment or the humanities, they all stay in a relatively backward situation.


The rules of the world are relatively backward.

Things like the super power side, mutation side, magic side, etc. have not spread, so the restrictions on them are relatively huge! If Bai Xiaofei traveled here, not this time period, but Man of Steel, or Dawn of Justice, it is estimated that the world's rules will be much more relaxed in suppressing the power of different systems such as superpowers, mutation side, magic side...etc.

This is like in a feudal environment, where women basically stayed in the boudoir. If we put some of the common behaviors of women in the past, they would be regarded as heresy by everyone, and they would be suppressed and sanctioned , the reasoning between the two is the same.

Faced with this situation, what can Bai Xiaofei do?

I can only accept my fate!


The methods and abilities possessed by Bai Xiaofei are far more than just the magic side, he also has the technology side, martial arts side, superpower side, and even the mythology side!

Without Butcher Zhang, he wouldn't be forced to eat hairy pigs!

In a blink of an eye.

More than an hour passed.

Just when Bai Xiaofei was bored and a little annoyed waiting.

Tianjian satellite lived up to expectations. After nearly an hour and a half of carpet search, it finally found the hidden and extremely secret Kryptonian exploration spacecraft.

"Very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was immediately overjoyed and almost jumped up in excitement.


"Send me the geographical location and space coordinates of the exploration spacecraft!"

"I'm going over here!"


Bai Xiaofei said excitedly.

While talking, his hands were not idle.

Immediately began to build an isolation circle around the room, and performed the multiple shadow clone technique, creating a physical clone!


"Already prepared!"


Bai Cass' movements were also not slow. Before Bai Xiaofei finished his preparations, he had already controlled the Tianjian satellite and sent the space coordinates of the Kryptonian exploration spacecraft to Bai Xiaofei's brain. It was even...very considerate, and directly summoned Aries to facilitate Bai Xiaofei's space teleportation.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Wear the Aries on your body, and then start to confirm the space coordinates. After everything is ready, then he said with bright eyes: "The preparations here are all done. Let's go back quickly while the time is still early!"

"Yes, sir!"

Bai Cass responded, and immediately started the space teleportation.

next moment.

There was a loud bang.

Bai Xiaofei's figure disappeared directly into the room.

Fortunately, he has already set up an isolation circle around him, otherwise, such a big commotion, in the dead of night, it would be impossible not to attract the attention of the Amazon female warrior of Paradise Island!


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