The Storm God

Chapter 1042: Medicinal Food Riding a Dragon to Find the Sword Master! (Please subscribe!)

After a while.


Bai Xiaofei's Mudun avatar finally let out a long sigh of relief. The Samsara Eyes in his eyes quickly degenerated and returned to the black and white pupils of ordinary people. Come back, back to normal.

Bai Xiaofei has completely overcome the incompatibility of spiritual consciousness crossing the boundary at first.

To be honest, it was far more difficult than he expected!


Can bear it.

Although Bai Xiaofei's current strength is only about half of Mu Dun clone's original strength, he is not a master in Fengyun World, and he can easily compete with it! After all, the two are not of the same type at all, one is martial arts, and the other is an almost mythical existence, the two are not of the same level at all.

"My lord (immortal teacher)!"

In the distance, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Bai Xiaofei's aura restrained. They are all top experts, so it is not difficult to see that Bai Xiaofei just lost control of his strength and ran away. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was back to normal at this moment, he bravely used his posture to come to Bai Xiaofei, and asked cautiously: "Are you alright?"

"much better!"

Seeing that the two were injured, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Seeing the huge damage he caused around him, he couldn't help but blush. Fortunately, he was extremely strong in heart and thick-skinned, and the embarrassment disappeared in a flash, and he explained: "Sorry, my spiritual consciousness just came to this side. The world, can't adapt to the environment here, so that the power is a little out of control, are your injuries okay?!"

"No problem!"

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng said nonchalantly: "It's just a small injury, I just adjusted my breath for a while, and now it's all right!"

Having said that.

But the breath of the two of them was still a little disturbed.

It is clear.

The two are talking politely.

Bai Xiaofei is not a fool, how could he fail to see their situation?

heard the words.

He shook his head with a wry smile.

With a wave of his hand, a space card appeared out of thin air.

In the astonished eyes of Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, they saw that the card rapidly grew in size, and then the door opened, and an intelligent service robot came out from inside, pushing an extremely luxurious dining car in its hand. Filled with a lot of gourmet delicacies, it is delicious in color and fragrance!

The delicacies are incomparably delicious, and people are fascinated by the smell. With a big movement of the index finger, the appetite will be whetted just by looking at it. The most important thing is... There seems to be a special power in this fragrance. Once it enters the chest cavity, This made Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng's viscera trembled, and they felt much more comfortable in an instant!

"This is……?"

The two were suddenly taken aback.

Looking at the delicacies on the dining car in astonishment, Bu Jingyun dared not say anything: "My lord, are these delicious delicacies made of the immortal family's panacea? It turns out that just smelling them can make people feel comfortable all over. Speeding up recovery is simply more effective than a unique secret medicine!"


Bai Xiaofei said pretentiously: "These delicious delicacies are made by me using many natural treasures, as well as the flesh and blood of the fire unicorn and the female flying dragon. They can not only cure diseases and heal injuries, but also increase skills. You were injured by me just now, so take these as compensation for you!"

"Come and taste it, don't be shy!"


Bai Xiaofei greeted very generously.


Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng looked at each other, with astonishment and shock on their faces, and said in their hearts: "Good guy, it's actually a delicacy made of heaven, material and earth treasures, as well as the flesh and blood of the fire unicorn and the female flying dragon. This curative effect, the immortal is worthy of being an immortal, even the usual diet is like this...extraordinary!"

I can't accept it!


"Thanks to the gift of the lord (immortal teacher)! I'll be respectful instead of obedient!"

"I want to taste the taste of this fairy food!"


The two of them were not polite to Bai Xiaofei, they all thanked him, and couldn't wait to start tasting these celestial herbal delicacies made from the flesh and blood of unicorns mixed with many treasures from heaven and earth.

"This smell..."

"It's really wonderful!"



As soon as the two started eating, they were immediately amazed by the deliciousness of the medicinal food.

this moment.

They dare to say without exaggeration.

The Xianjia medicated food in front of them is definitely the best food they have ever eaten in their life!

After all, this is a gourmet cuisine from the future. The high craftsmanship is by no means comparable to the backward world of ancient martial arts like Fengyun. Qi also spread rapidly in Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng's bodies.

The injury caused by Bai Xiaofei's Shenluo Tianzheng just now recovered at an astonishing speed! Not only that, but the skills of the two of them have also improved to a higher level and have been greatly improved. Especially Bu Jingyun, the improvement is even more significant, and the effect is far above Nie Feng!

after all……

The meat unicorn evolved from the fire unicorn.

Its essential characteristics are still fire, and most of the inner energy is strong and yang, which is almost the same as Bu Jingyun's unicorn arm, and belongs to the same vein, so it is natural for him to improve. It is relatively large, unlike Nie Feng, who practiced Bingxin Jue, Aohan Liujue, Fengshen Legs, and attribute strength, which are more feminine.

There are many medicinal foods on the dining car.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng couldn't finish eating alone, so Bai Xiaofei naturally followed suit.


His boss doesn't move his mouth.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng probably won't enjoy this delicacy to themselves.

After a while.

The three of them ate almost enough.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand to ask the intelligent service robot to take away the leftovers, and then asked Bu Jingyun, "Bu Jingyun, how far is the Juggernaut's residence from us?!"

After drinking and eating, it's time to get down to business.

And the first stop.

Bai Xiaofei is looking for the Juggernaut.

after all……

Juggernaut is old.

According to Fengyun's plot setting, he is already on the verge of death, not far from death.

When the day after tomorrow, the beginning of autumn, that is, the day of the decisive battle between the Juggernaut and Xiongba comes, it will be the end of the life of the Juggernaut! If you don't find him before that, and experience the subtlety of the Holy Spirit's sword technique, especially the development and comprehension of Sword Twenty-Three, then there will be no chance in the future!

As for other powerful martial arts such as Wan Jian Guizong, there is no rush, there will be opportunities in the future.

The Juggernaut's Sword Twenty-Three is the number one!

"Not far!"

Bu Jingyun replied: "From here to the east, if you drive fast all the way, you can reach it in less than three hours!"


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

"It takes 3 hours to speed up the whip? Converted into real time, it is about 6 hours, no! This speed is too slow, and it will delay things too much! The Juggernaut is running out of time, time is tight, I don't care about 6 hours, but the Juggernaut doesn't have the extra 6 hours!"

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately dismissed the idea of ​​riding a horse.

He resolutely said: "The riding speed is too slow, let's change to a faster vehicle!"

"Faster transportation?"

When Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng heard this, their faces were full of puzzlement. In their opinion, Qianli Liangju was already the best means of transportation. But it can't last long, so if you want to run long distances, you still have to rely on a thousand-mile horse!


Bai Xiaofei said it was too slow.

This is a bit embarrassing, but thinking that the other party is a fairy, the two of them are relieved. The things of ordinary people are difficult to see in the eyes of the fairy. What is it? Could it be that the legendary fairy artifact is not working?

Think here.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were filled with anticipation and excited.

next moment.

I saw Bai Xiaofei wave his big hand again.

A golden space card flashed, followed by... a gigantic, ferocious Qilin dragon, whose body was billowing with flames and extremely domineering, walked out of the huge space card aggressively.

See this scenario.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were stunned on the spot.

"Oh My God!"

"This is... the Fire Qilin!"


The two of them were taken aback and were taken aback.

But soon they were surprised to find that the terrifying creature in front of them, which was very similar to the fire unicorn, seemed to be very different from the fire unicorn they killed. It is more domineering, and most importantly, it actually gives people a feeling of docility and peace.

It was obviously a very ferocious and flaming monster, but it gave people such a feeling.

It's just unbelievable!

"grown ups!"

"I don't know where this monster came from? Why is it so similar to that fire unicorn?"

"Could it be..."

Bu Jingyun looked thoughtful.

The same is true for Nie Feng. The two vaguely thought that when Bai Xiaofei got rid of the Huo Qilin's corpse before, he seemed to have said that the Huo Qilin's body was very useful to him. It's hard to let them have doubts and guesses.


Seeing the dubious looks of the two, Bai Xiaofei nodded with a smile, and said, "This monster is called the Qilin Dragon, and I created it by combining the dna extracted from the fire unicorn's corpse with the dna of the flying dragon." It is a brand new creature, it combines the strengths of the two, it is more powerful and powerful, it is one of my many monster brothers!"

"Its flying speed is very fast, and it is the most suitable to use it instead of a fast horse!"


Bai Xiaofei said triumphantly.

"Kirin Dragon!"

The two were suddenly shocked.

With the identities and cognitions of ancient people, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng naturally couldn't understand the dna, but the other contents were completely understood by the two of them! In short... this thing is even better than the fire unicorn! And it seems that Bai Xiaofei has more than one monster like this, there seem to be many, many heads!

Don't see you.

Is such a terrifying monster just a means of transportation used by Bai Xiaofei?


"Means of transportation?!"


Seeing the turbulent red flames of Qilinlong, feeling the surrounding void, and the temperature gradually rising from the scorching, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, who were thirsty, could not help but swallow their saliva in amazement. Sighed: "This unicorn dragon is full of domineering flames. I'm afraid it will become a barbecue as soon as it goes up. How can I ride it?!"

"Don't worry!"

Bai Xiaofei saw their worries, and explained with a smile: "The flames of this Qilin dragon can be retracted freely!"

while speaking.

He reached out and patted Qilinlong on the head.

Qilinlong understood, snorted, opened his mouth wide, and saw the turbulent flames, which were immediately swallowed by Qilinlong like a long whale sucking water, which was visible to the naked eye. The neck and chest area became flushed in an instant.

It felt like the steel had been melted, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng couldn't help but wonder if the Qilinlong's neck and stomach would melt away?


What they feared didn't happen.

The crimson color of the magma in Qilinlong's chest quickly became dim and cooled down. And with the disappearance of the raging flames, the surrounding temperature also returned to normal in an instant, but the air was a little dry and the oxygen was thin. On the contrary, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng heaved a sigh of relief, secretly sighing at the magic of Qilinlong!


smile slightly.

Bai Xiaofei jumped straight up onto Qilinlong's broad back.

"Time is running out, let's hurry up!"


Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, after being shocked, quickly recovered their minds. Seeing Bai Xiaofei jump up, there was no trace of ink or fear, and they also used their body skills to jump on the back of Qilinlong. Qilinlong is huge, with wings on its back, and its back area is very wide. Three or four people can stand on it, and it doesn't look crowded at all.

"Hoo hoo!"

Under Bai Xiaofei's order.

The Kirin Dragon let out a roar, followed by fluttering huge dragon wings, carrying the three of them, and quickly flew into the sky, all the way east, towards the Juggernaut's hermitage, and hurried away.



Qilinlong is extremely fast.

Standing on the back of the dragon, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng felt the strong wind pave the surface, making their flesh hurt. Looking down, they saw the beautiful mountains and rivers, sparse villages, and people smaller than ants... Everything in my life is like a passing cloud, passing by in a hurry, and I can't see clearly at all!

After recovering from the shock of Feitian, the two of them were even more surprised to find that in the blink of an eye, they and others had already flown dozens of miles away!

"So fast!"

Nie Feng, who is known as the God of Wind, couldn't help exclaiming: "If we fly at this speed, we may arrive at the hermitage of the Sword Master within half an hour. The Kirin Dragon, this speed is absolutely incredible!"

"Half an hour?"

Bai Xiaofei raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said displeasedly: "It's still too slow! Little thing, go faster!"


The master has an order, and Qilinlong dare not disobey.

Hearing this, he could only grit his teeth and roar, and with all his strength, he waved the dragon wings desperately, increasing his flying speed a lot.

Poor Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, Qilinlong's speeding flight before had already made them a little unbearable, and they had to use their true energy to maintain breathing and balance. Now that the Kirin Dragon suddenly accelerated, the shock and impact the two of them suffered was even greater. They had no choice but to bear the strong wind in the sky with a wry smile, and tried their best to maintain their body shape, so as not to let themselves get embarrassed and fall down!

On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei.

No matter how the Kirin Dragon accelerates and how fierce the wind is, it is still as stable as Mount Tai, with its hands behind its back, firmly fixed there like pine trees and cypresses, with the demeanor of a master.

Seeing it, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were amazed and admired.

"As expected of a fairy!"


But don't know.

Bai Xiaofei was not as relaxed as he imagined, but extracted a large amount of chakra, part of which was scattered on the soles of his feet to maintain his body's stability, and part of which was distributed outside his body to form an invisible shield against the high-altitude wind Huo Xiao, because of the cross-boundary teleportation, the consumption is much higher than usual!


In order to pretend to be aggressive and maintain the unfathomableness of the immortal, no matter how expensive it is, Bai Xiaofei has to endure it!

After a while.

Under the guidance of Bu Jingyun and the others.

The Kirin Dragon carried Bai Xiaofei and the three of them, after changing direction and route several times (flying over the head without paying attention), finally arrived at the sky above the hermit place of the Sword Master.

The place where the sword master lives in seclusion is extremely remote, living by the mountains, quiet and deep.

There is only a small river in front of the door.


There are no other people in the surrounding area for dozens of miles.

Such an open and isolated environment greatly facilitated the Qilinlong's landing.

The three of them landed and came towards the bamboo house where the Juggernaut lived in seclusion.


It was a bit of a coincidence that Bai Xiaofei came here.

The Juggernaut, who lives in seclusion here and rarely goes out, is not at home today!


"The Juggernaut is not here, where can he go?"

"Could it be..."

Bai Xiaofei was depressed.

Frowning slightly, he said in his heart: "Because of my arrival, the plot has changed, and the Sword Master went to find Xiong Ba for a decisive battle in advance?!"


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