The Storm God

Chapter 1353: Bright Moon Level Cultivation Technique! (Please subscribe!)

Huangtu Domineering is a very special unique skill, what it needs is not any power of the practitioner, but the Emperor Dragon Qi that only the emperor can have!


This unique technique was created by the emperor of the original civilization world, a very high-level world. In order to collect the needed emperor dragon energy, the emperor continued to fight in all directions, even the heavens and the world!

It's a pity that his fate was not good. When the empire was at its peak, he happened to meet the even more perverted Heaven Swallowing Demon Emperor. As a result, his success was on the verge of failure. His fame and grand ambitions finally turned into endless mourning and disappeared in the long river of history. !


His empire was also destroyed by others, and Huangtu's domineering mind was also obtained by outsiders, and they were cultivated and studied!

There are tens of thousands of peerless wizards in all heavens and myriad worlds, and after several transfers, they have become what they are now. Compared with the original version, the current Huangtu Overbearing has undergone countless revisions and improvements, and its power and effect are naturally more powerful and perverted!

But even so, it can't change its biggest disadvantage, that is, it needs massive, even vast and infinite emperor's dragon energy to cultivate it to the peak state!


Huangtu's domineering pinnacle is comparable to the ruler of a saint, with power that spans the heavens and is invincible! But these are only theoretical, because no one can practice it to the highest level!

Let alone the highest level, even half of the level of cultivation is very small!

It can be seen how difficult it is!


It's not that this emperor's overbearing way is so difficult to cultivate, obscure and profound. On the contrary, Huangtu Overbearing's cultivation is extremely simple, as long as anyone with a little bit of talent can almost practice it, and even make rapid progress!

The real difficulty lies in the core of cultivation, that is, the emperor's dragon spirit that only the emperor has!

This thing is not so easy to obtain, as I said earlier, it is an overall energy composed of many forces!

If you want to expand and strengthen the emperor's dragon spirit, in addition to continuously strengthening your own destiny, you can only win the hearts of the people in the country, gain the supreme power of faith, and continue to expand the territory, conquer the world, and make it a The things in one's pocket gather infinite spiritual veins and the power of dragon veins. Only these three methods can strengthen one's imperial dragon spirit!

The first and second points are easy to handle. It is nothing more than to strengthen oneself, to confuse the citizens to believe in themselves, and to contribute their sincerity to themselves.

But only the third point, to expand the territory, conquer the endless world, make it your own domain, increase the overall strength of the spirit veins and dragon veins, is not an easy task!

after all,

This is war!

It's not a simple battle between one or two people. Just because you are strong doesn't mean your country and soldiers are as strong as the army!

If you don't have enough strength and strategy, if you dare to fight the world, the gain is not worth the loss. If it is serious, you will even put yourself and everything in it to make wedding clothes for others!

Leaving that aside!

It's just that you want to govern the country, win people's hearts, develop national strength, conquer the world, and cultivate yourself. The two are very contradictory.

To know.

Human energy is limited!

This has nothing to do with whether you practice or not, the level of the realm is the same for everyone. When you are doing one thing, if you are distracted and then do other things, the two things will definitely be affected to a certain extent.

Not being able to do your best, taking care of one thing and losing another, this is the most depressing and helpless part of Huangtu Domineering!


This is for others! With Bai Xiaofei, such a problem does not exist at all!

To know.

First of all, he can travel through the heavens and worlds, especially those lower worlds, such as the four famous arresters, Xiao Li Fei Dao and so on. If Bai Xiaofei wants to become the king, it is absolutely easy!


Conquering the world, expanding the territory, and strengthening the power of the spirit veins and dragon veins within the country, it is not a problem for Bai Xiaofei at all! Even if he encounters a world that cannot be handled by a higher level, Bai Xiaofei can still figure it out gradually, such as Marvel, such as DC, etc.!

Bai Xiaofei has plenty of time to develop his own power, as long as he fights steadily, it is not impossible to completely conquer it in the end.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei also possesses the ability to fuse worlds, but as long as he wants to, Bai Xiaofei can fuse any small world of Bai Xiaofei, regardless of whether the two technological civilizations are consistent or not!


The closer the civilizations are to the world, the easier it is to integrate, the higher the success rate, the degree of improvement, and the possibility of mutating into a more advanced world!

And the higher the level of the small world, the more benefits it can add to Bai Xiaofei, as well as the greater the emperor's dragon spirit!


Bai Xiaofei has many super artificial intelligence assistants, such as Red Queen, White Queen, White Cass, Mole, etc. He is also proficient in the technique of multiple shadow clones, so he can be distracted and multi-purpose. Apart from the double decline in strength, there are no major side effects!

With their help, there is basically no need for Bai Xiaofei to worry about matters such as governing the small world, gathering people's hearts, gathering beliefs, strengthening the national strength, training and cultivating army generals... and other matters!

All these situations are added together, and the sky-defying advantages and capital formed can completely allow Bai Xiaofei to practice Huangtu Hegemony without any worries! As if this set of exercises was created and existed specially for him, there is simply nothing more suitable for Bai Xiaofei than it!

“It’s just that the price is a bit expensive!”

Looking at the long string of "0"s on the Time and Space Mall, and the additional conditions specially marked on the back, Bai Xiaofei felt his heart twitch, it was a pain in the flesh!

"Emperor Way Baye, Haoyue-level exercises, theoretically can be cultivated to the realm of dominance, easy to get started, and rapid progress, but the imperial dragon energy needed in the later stage is immeasurable, so there has been no one who has achieved it. Due to the particularity of the exercises , so the price is far lower than other exercises of the same level, the selling price: 15 billion energy value, 30,000 merit power, 20 million fate power!"


"15 billion energy value, 30,000 merits, and 20 million lives, this is simply a lion's mouth!"

"Can it be cheaper?"


Bai Xiaofei looked unwilling, this was almost 70% of his property! He laughed and said, "It's not long since I got the reward, and you're going to take more than half of it. It's too dark, can we discuss it?"


The little boy was speechless for a while.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's pained and reluctant expression, he shook his head helplessly, and said, "Master, I can't decide, if you think it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it, and it's already very cheap, okay, you know The other Haoyue-level kung fu techniques all have at least an energy value of more than 100 billion, a power of more than 100 million lives, and a merit of over a million. You are not satisfied with being able to create such a cost-effective baby as Huangtu Domineering !"

The things sold in the Time and Space Mall, whether it is natural materials and earthly treasures, scientific and technological products, secret exercises, or magical weapons... all have an obvious classification.

At the beginning, it was an ordinary level, and the highest level was only sss level, such as Sacred Heart Jue, Eye of Reincarnation, Sword Twenty-Three...etc. With the improvement of Bai Xiaofei's strength, the advancement of the space-time shuttle, and the subsequent items The level has also been raised one after another!

From the ordinary level, it has been upgraded to the overall level of time and space, namely the star level, the bright moon level, and the fierce sun level!

I heard that there are even more terrifying cosmic-level and primordial-level existences on it, and even higher-level existences!

And like the infinite gems in the Marvel universe, according to the little kid, they belong to the existence of the star-level highest-level nine-star peak, and the value of each one is quite high!


Mainly unique!

Even if you have money, you can't buy it if you want to buy it, unless someone gets it and sells it, so it can be said to be priceless!

Even a star-level existence can use this power, so how terrifying should the Haoyue-level one, which is one level higher than it, be?

No wonder the price is so crazy!

"Of course I know that!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged bitterly, pulled his face and said: "I have limited funds, of course I have to ask!"

His current assets can be said to be not much, or not much, but it is still a bit traumatic to take out so much all at once, and Huangtu Domineering, a bright moon-level skill, is of great importance and will affect Of course, Bai Xiaofei must carefully consider the direction of his future struggle and the way forward.


After thinking it over and over again, Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth, paid all the expenses, and bought this Haoyue-level peerless exercise----Huangtu Domineering!

Isn't it just some "money"!


If we don't have it, we can earn it again!

Sitting on such a magical weapon as the space-time shuttle, it is easy for Bai Xiaofei to obtain "money" or something, but if he misses the imperial way, he will not be so lucky if he wants to buy it when he is not short of money. easy!

Don't miss this opportunity!

Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not miss out on such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


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