The Storm God

Chapter 1355 Change the world with one thought! (Please subscribe!)


Whether it's Zhuge Zhengwo or Catching God, they are all peerless masters with the highest strength besides Bai Xiaofei, and they have all stepped into the realm of harmony between man and nature, far surpassing before!

Even Tieshou, Leng Lingqi, Chasing Life, Wuqing, Ji Yaohua and others, with the help of Bai Xiaofei, have made breakthroughs one after another, entering the level of peerless masters, and they are only one step away from the unity of man and nature!


Compared with Bai Xiaofei's current state, they feel that they are as weak as a baby, but Bai Xiaofei is a legendary giant comparable to a mountain!

The difference between the two sides is simply cloud and mud!

Maybe Tie Shou and others still can't feel how awesome Bai Xiaofei's current state is, because their strength is low, and they can't fully understand the unity of man and nature, but Zhuge Zhengwo and Catching God are not!

Martial arts journey, the further you go, the more difficult it is, especially after you reach a certain level, even if you want to advance a little bit, it is hard to reach the sky!

Just like Zhuge Zhengwo and Catching God, after they entered the realm of the unity of man and nature, they realized that the world is so vast, majestic and turbulent, and incomparably magnificent. If they want to achieve the perfect unity of man and nature, and integrate into the world, How difficult and slim it is!

After a year of training and comprehension, although their strength has increased several times, in fact, the realm of the two of them has not improved much. At most, they have a better understanding and pure understanding of the realm of harmony between man and nature. That's all.

And what about Bai Xiaofei?

At first, the two of them also felt that Bai Xiaofei was also in the realm of the unity of man and nature, but it was only a little higher than their own realm. If they had the chance, they might not be able to reach Bai Xiaofei's realm!


The means and abilities don’t count!

But now, with a better understanding and study of the unity of man and nature, and after seeing Bai Xiaofei's unremarkable attitude as if he was integrated with nature, the two of them realized that they were wrong! And it was dead wrong!

How can Bai Xiaofei be a level higher than himself? It's several stages and orders of magnitude higher, okay?

In his situation, using the realm of harmony between man and nature is not enough to describe Bai Xiaofei, because he is like this piece of sky, and there is no need for fusion at all! Even...even this world has to run according to Bai Xiaofei's will!

That's right!

Both Zhuge Zhengwo and Catcher now have this faint feeling, as if... Bai Xiaofei doesn't even need to make a move, just a single thought can induce the power of heaven and earth to blast him to death!

This feeling has no basis or sign, after seeing Bai Xiaofei for the first time, their hearts, and even the depths of their souls, have spontaneously popped up!

It's like an instinct!

The primitive instinct of creatures to seek good luck and avoid evil in the face of great danger! It sounds a bit mysterious, but in the hearts of Zhuge Zhengwo and Catching God, this kind of instinctive vigilance and trembling is extremely clear and definite!

"This person must not be messed with!"


"Death is certain! And it's the kind that can blow oneself to pieces without any effort, and die without a place to die!"

"Even if it's against the sky, you can't provoke him!"



The two admonished themselves in their hearts.


Regardless of how the people around them react. Here, after Bai Xiaofei appeared, his eyes swept over everyone, and then he immediately raised his brows, obviously discovering the abnormal behavior of Zhuge Zhengwo and Catching God. I couldn't help but secretly surprised and said: "Interesting! Unexpectedly, with the realm of the two of them, they can also feel my abnormality. It seems that their recent understanding of the realm of harmony between man and nature is quite gratifying!"

No wonder Bai Xiaofei thought so.

To know.

In the past half a month, Bai Xiaofei has been cultivating Huangtu Domineering like crazy, not only using the convenience and experience stacking function of the multiple shadow clone technique, but even using the time-stop bug when the soul leaves his body!

These fifteen days, to Bai Xiaofei, were like 15 years, it was a long and tormenting time!


God rewards hard work!

Hard work is not without rewards, Bai Xiaofei finally succeeded in cultivating Huangtu Domineering to the third level of perfection, and he is only one step away from entering the fourth level. That is, to break through the limitations of the mortal realm and step into a higher level of starry realm.

Bai Xiaofei's current imperial path is domineering, he has reached the peak of the mortal realm, and his strength is so strong that it has even far surpassed the three-element unity kung fu he majored in!

If the strength of the two techniques were to fight, it would be no exaggeration to say that the three-level perfection realm of Huangtu Domineering would definitely be able to blood-torture the three elements in one!

This is the difference between the two!

after all……

Huangtu Domineering is a Haoyue-level kung fu, even if Bai Xiaofei has only cultivated to the most elementary level of the third level, its power is definitely not something that any other kung fu can easily resist!

Hitting ten with one hand is still a modest way of saying it!


This also has something to do with the incompleteness of Bai Xiaofei's triadic unity. He has only practiced the Beiming Divine Art now, and he still lacks the coordination and compatibility of the other two exercises that can complement it. Naturally, it is impossible to be Huangtu's overbearing opponent based on this alone!


If Bai Xiaofei can fully integrate the three elements into one and achieve the true three elements in one, then the situation will be another matter!

Because the ternary unity is not as simple as adding one plus one plus one of the three exercises, but three different exercises that complement each other and produce a heaven-defying mutual reaction similar to nuclear fusion!

No one can tell how awesome its real power is, because what kind of exercises are used for fusion is completely different from person to person, and the results will naturally be different!

Just like Xiongba!

His ternary unity is the fusion of the three unique fists, palms and legs that respectively possess the three natural artistic conception powers of cloud, frost and wind.

According to the level evaluation and division of the space-time shuttle, if it is cultivated to the highest level, it must at least be a star-studded existence. The power is so strong that it can even challenge it by leapfrogging!

It can be described as against the sky!

And Bai Xiaofei...

His Three Elements Unity is now only a combination of the Beiming Divine Art, the other two exercises have not been found at all, and the overall level is not even half. It's just the peak of the second floor of the mortal realm!

One is a mortal realm technique, and the other is a Haoyue-level technique, which one is stronger and weaker, it is easy to see at a glance!


Bai Xiaofei believes that he can't make mistakes. With such a magical weapon as the space-time shuttle, he can travel through the heavens and worlds at will. He doesn't believe that he can't find two other exercises that can perfectly match Beiming's magical skills!

Once found, when the three elements are united and the fusion is complete, its power may not be as powerful as Huangtu Domineering!

after all……

The Three-Yuan Unity can be regarded as a cultivation method that can continue to grow and has the potential to defy the sky, so Bai Xiaofei has never given up on the exploration of the cultivation method and the research on the Three-Yuan Unity!

It's a pity that luck is a little bit bad. After searching for so long, Bai Xiaofei has not been able to find a matching technique. This is also one of the main reasons why Bai Xiaofei's own strength has grown slowly and almost stagnated. Hard work is half the effort!

But now that is no longer the case! Because Bai Xiaofei has cultivated the imperial path overbearing that does not conflict with the unity of the three elements, and has used the huge and almost heaven-defying Emperor Dragon Qi to cultivate to the highest level he can reach so far in one breath!

to this day.

Bai Xiaofei's own strength finally had a qualitative improvement. It can be said that he was on a steady rise. Once he soared to the sky, he directly reached the peak of the mortal realm!

Such strength, coupled with other messy abilities and methods, leapfrog challenges and so on, for Bai Xiaofei, it shouldn't be too easy, okay!

Even compared with the superhuman avatar of the powerful bug, the Mutun avatar, Bai Xiaofei's physical strength is not much less than that now, not inferior!

The most important thing is...

After Bai Xiaofei reached the peak of the mortal realm, he already had enough conditions to refine the four famous capture worlds!


This time and space has been completely refined by Bai Xiaofei, and it has become one of his small worlds!

And because of cultivating Huangtu Domineering, Bai Xiaofei also has a special ability----

Take control of the world!

In this world, whether it is people or things, or mountains and rivers, wind, clouds, thunder and lightning, everything is under Bai Xiaofei's control. As long as he wants, Bai Xiaofei can completely change their existence and fundamentals with just one thought!

In the small world of these four famous arresters, Bai Xiaofei is like the sovereign existence of the supreme god! Everything must run according to his will!

One thought changes the world!

Zhuge Zhengwo and Catching God have a deep understanding of the realm of the unity of man and nature, and the spirit, energy, and spirit have long had an inexplicable connection with heaven and earth, so they have a feeling and instinct of incomparable vigilance and fear for Bai Xiaofei, who is the master of all things reaction!


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