The Storm God

Chapter 1357: The Grand Ceremony Begins! (Please subscribe!)

three days later.

Bai Xiaofei's wedding ceremony is officially open!

this day.

The whole capital is boiling.

Every household, whether they are princes or nobles or ordinary people, almost every household is decorated with lanterns and festoons, flourishing, full of festive atmosphere and colors. Must-have dolls and favorite objects for little ones!


The first and biggest impression of the capital today is that there are so many people! That's a sea of ​​people!

Almost out of sight!


Just the people queuing up to enter the city are several kilometers away!

It can be seen how hot it is today!

no way!

Who made today be Bai Xiaofei's wedding ceremony!

That is the number one Dragon Emperor in the ages, and Yayu who won the Shenhou Mansion will almost certainly become the future Dragon Queen who is the number one woman in the entire Chinese Dragon Dynasty in the future! For such an important ceremony between the two, who wouldn't want to participate in it and follow the excitement? Even if you can't get in, even if the distance is closer!

To know.

According to the official explanation of the wedding ceremony, at the final stage of the wedding, the Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Queen will ride a dragon and circle the city! This is undoubtedly the best opportunity for many people who cannot enter the imperial palace and see the Dragon Emperor, Dragon Queen, and Jiaolong!

So of course they have to sharpen their heads and drill in desperately!


Once missed.

It is estimated that many people will never forgive themselves in this lifetime!

And as long as there are too many people, especially in such an unbearably hot and fanatical atmosphere, stampedes and casualties may occur if you are not careful. Due to the festive atmosphere of the wedding, the Dragon Dynasty officials had to dispatch the most elite army to guard and inspect every street and corner of the capital to ensure that everything was safe!


Within the major strongholds in the capital.

There are also emergency ambulance and medical services, as well as the huge hologram projection equipment that Bai Xiaofei spent a lot of money and material resources in a hurry to build, almost all over the entire capital, so that those who are not far away from thousands of mountains and rivers, thousands of miles People who came all the way here, but couldn't enter the palace, can also see the scene of the wedding very clearly!

With these high-tech equipment.

Naturally, crowding and stampede incidents are less likely to occur due to the crowds at the scene.


These technologies are top-notch.

Whether it is the brightness, the amplitude, or the distance, they are all against the sky. Let alone you are 100 meters away, even if you are standing 500 meters away, as long as there is no big problem with your eyes, you can almost see it very clearly. See clearly the picture it projects!

And the projected content is not flat, but holographic!

Countless times more advanced than 3D!

in addition……

Above the sky of the entire capital.

There are also tens of thousands of miniature planes floating around. These small planes fly at a very low altitude, only about ten meters above the third floor. Moreover, each small plane is equipped with a special package almost the size of their fuselage, which contains some delicious candies from other worlds.

In order to create a more joyful atmosphere and effect for the wedding celebration.

Someone also set up some surprises.

for example……

Inside the package of the small plane.

It's not just candies and other delicacies, there may be treasures, panacea, or magical secrets in it!

These small surprises are all specially designed and forged by nanotechnology. Whoever gets them first will trigger the mechanism, thus completing the identification and binding. ... If you are willing to hand it over to others, then that is another matter!

In order to make these little surprises more humane, Bai Xiaofei didn't choose to let them recognize the owner directly, but handed over the right to dispose of them all to those lucky ones. How to choose is entirely up to the other party's wishes! After all, it is random! The surprise is too high!

for example……

An honest farmer who doesn't know a lot of characters suddenly obtained a peerless magic book, what do you ask him to do? practice? Do you think he can learn it? If you can't learn it, it's useless to keep it, and it may even bring disaster to yourself!

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty!

At that time, this magical secret book will not be a surprise to him, but a great disaster!


A woman, or a master of Yin and cold attributes. Fortunately, I got a treasure of heaven, material and earth, or a panacea, but it turned out to be of the attribute of rigidity and yang, which is completely opposite to the attribute of the kung fu practiced. It is useless to them at all! What do you do when you call them?

You can't use it, you can't throw it away!

Isn't it extremely depressed?


When the right to choose is returned to their own hands, the situation will be different!

You don't need it?

Unable to practice?

Attributes that don't match you at all?


It doesn't matter at all!

You can take it out, exchange it with others, or sell it, auction it, or want to leave it to your descendants, all of this is fine!

For the lucky ones who get a surprise, when the binding is completed, the nanotechnology carrying the surprise gift will also collect the relevant information of the lucky ones at the first time, and send them to the terminal server set up by Bai Xiaofei, which is convenient for statistics And supervision, inquiries, sales and auctions, and secondly, it can also provide a certain security guarantee for the lucky ones!

If anyone wants to inquire, exchange, purchase, or auction, they can come to Huaxia official here, which is safe and fast! If someone is murdered by others because of this, Nanotechnology will truthfully feed back the criminal's information to the server as soon as possible, and issue a global reward for arrest!

This bounty was officially recognized by the Huaxia Dragon Dynasty. Even if the criminal fled to the ends of the earth, he would never have thought about it.

And there is almost no possibility of escape!


For this wedding ceremony.

It can be said that Bai Xiaofei racked his brains, wanted to break his head, and spent a lot of money!

Of course, he did this not just to add to the festiveness of the wedding ceremony. Strictly speaking, Bai Xiaofei used the wedding ceremony as an excuse to launch some policies and management systems that he had planned for a long time, so as to make him more happy. Manage this small world easily and easily!

Just like those little surprise gifts!

First, it can add to the atmosphere of the wedding, second, it can also show the generosity and magnanimity of the Dragon Emperor, win people's hearts, increase prestige, gain a wave of wishes and fans, and third, it can also have some expectations, maybe just in case, just Can thus create a peerless master!

It can be said to serve multiple purposes!


The most important thing is the initial promotion and implementation of the informatization of the whole people!

After all, this is the backward old feudal era. There are many things that the absolute majority of people simply don’t understand or believe. In such a situation, if you want to promote scientific cultivation, it is obviously half the effort with twice the effort! Only by allowing the public to taste some sweetness, with stimulation and motivation, can it be better carried out and unfolded!

And those little surprise gifts are Bai Xiaofei's stepping stones!

Bai Xiaofei believes that after seeing the huge holographic projection equipment, the sky filled with small planes, the surprise gifts taught by nanotechnology, the information collection, and the convenience and power of the more complex information management system, he will definitely be stimulated. Many people's curiosity and research heart!

By the time.

There is no need for Bai Xiaofei to say anything.

Naturally, many people will jump out and ask Huaxia Longchao to promote and teach this unprecedented thing, so that more people can enjoy the convenience and benefits brought by technology, and at the same time Can accelerate the development of society and the germination of talents!


These are things for the future.

Let's not mention it for now.

Inside the palace.

On the spot, the prime minister looked at the Rolex retro-style gold watch that Bai Xiaofei gave him. Seeing that the time was almost up, he turned around and winked at several ministers, then walked into Bai Xiaofei's bedroom, and said to Bai Xiaofei respectfully: "My lord, the auspicious time has come, and the wedding ceremony should begin!"

This moment.

But Bai Xiaofei was wearing a golden dragon robe, wearing a purple gold flying dragon crown, his face was ruddy, his skin was like jade, his eyes were like stars, and his eyebrows were like flying swords. Proud, radiant, full of happiness and excitement!


Bai Xiaofei nodded excitedly: "Let's go!"

Walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, more and more people came out, followed by a group of people. With the roar of the sky salute, the wedding ceremony officially opened!


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