The Storm God

Chapter 1594 Dilemma! (Please subscribe!)

The matter of Xiao Bailei's kidnapping was put to rest just like that.

It didn't cause any uproar, and even under Xiao Bailei's request, Bai Xiaofei didn't tell Diana and the others about this matter, so that the three girls didn't know about it. Although the Red Queen had deep doubts about this, but Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything about it, she had no choice but to let it go in the end.


Life returned to calm.

Those who should go to work should go to work, and those who should do research should do research.

Whether it's Bai Xiaofei and others, Richard's family, or Superman Clark, everything seems to be back on track, except that Superman has not yet officially returned.


Should be soon as well.

Because in a blink of an eye, the time has come to the day when the US space shuttle test flight. According to the plot of the movie, if there is no mutation, the space shuttle will have an accident and fly into space with the Boeing airliner strapped under it. If Superman does not appear, hundreds of huge casualties will occur.

Bai Xiaofei firmly believed that at such a critical moment, Da Chao would definitely show up.

By then...

Then he can discuss with Da Chao.

Some people may ask, why didn't you go to Dachao to learn from each other before, why did you have to wait until this time?

The reason is very simple. It's not that Bai Xiaofei didn't think about it, but after seeing Clark's miserable and depressed face, he gave up resolutely, and said in his heart: "People are so miserable, it's better not to look for him at this time, Stealing other people's things and using them as a target for practice is too bullying!"

So, someone decided to wait for Da Chao's mentality to improve before making a move, and the day when Da Chao officially returns is undoubtedly the best time.


The day has finally arrived.

Almost all the major news media are reporting on the test flight of the space shuttle. After all, this is a major event in the United States. Almost all the news media have gone to it, and it is all broadcast live. It is useless even if you change the channel, because almost all channels are talking about this matter, unless you turn on the TV turn off!

Similar to the original plot, Clark stayed at the newspaper and performed other jobs. And Louise, on behalf of the Daily Planet, went to the space shuttle for live broadcast and reporting. Richard, Jimmy, the boss, and all the employees in the newspaper office are almost paying close attention to the situation on the space shuttle.


Even Bai Xiaofei and the others in the manhattan villa are no exception.

At the same time, whether it's a coincidence or the inertia of the plot, Lex Luthor actually chose this day to conduct his own crystal transformation and value-added experiment. Immediately following... Everything after that followed the plot to the right track. Because of the experiment, a large-scale pulse radiation and power outage were triggered.

Even the space shuttle far away in the sky was no exception, which caused accidents.

The system failed!

Cannot be canceled!

The device tied to the Boeing airliner cannot be unlocked!

The astronauts in the space shuttle found sadly that they could only watch the space shuttle ignite, and then carry the Boeing airliner below it, and head towards outer space at an unparalleled cosmic speed. They tried everything, but they still couldn't prevent the tragedy from happening.


The situation inside the space shuttle is still good.

After all, it is a space shuttle specially made for the space environment, and they are the main force. Even if the current accident happens, it will not have much impact on them. The most difficult thing is the Boeing airliner bundled under space, because it simply does not have the ability to rush out of space.

If no one can stop it and let the space shuttle take the Boeing airliner and fly towards space, it will not be long before the Boeing airliner will catch fire due to high-speed friction with the atmosphere due to its high speed. Passengers, journalists, and related personnel of the military will be burned to ashes!

"Cake seller!"

"How could this happen, God bless!"

"I don't want to die yet!"


Everyone is not a fool, even if no one said it clearly, the passengers in the airliner are very aware of their dangerous situation. But so what? In the current situation, they have nothing to do but fasten their seat belts, grab their respirators, silently pray to God in their hearts, or a miracle will come, and shout for help!

And the situation inside the Boeing airliner.

Through the camera that swayed back and forth inside, and even experienced weightlessness, the incomparably clear live broadcast was transmitted to almost all TV channels on the ground. In just a moment, almost the entire United States, and even most people in the world, all the people who followed the test flight of the space shuttle, knew that there was an accident in the test flight of the space shuttle.

for a while.

Everyone was caught in anxiety and worry.

Among them, the ones who are most concerned are just a few people, such as Bai Xiaofei's family.

And Superman Clark!


Seeing that the space shuttle had an accident, the anxiety in Clark's heart was almost gone.

He immediately dropped the work at hand, and when no one was paying attention, he hurriedly turned into a superman, flew into the sky, and chased after the space shuttle. Needless to say, the super speed of this world, even the earth can be reversed by his influence, resulting in the phenomenon of time reversal. If you want to catch up with an aerospace-grade space shuttle, it is not a trivial matter. pieces?

as expected.

The picture on the TV channel changed suddenly and seemed to have stabilized somewhat. Especially on the military side, with the help of military-grade reconnaissance satellites, the on-site pictures they got are even more clear. At the most critical moment of the accident, everyone in the US military suddenly saw a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Said he was familiar with.

It is because he was once a superhero admired and yearned for by countless people, the incarnation of justice, and a worldwide super idol.

And he is unfamiliar because this superhero has disappeared for too long. People are forgetful, not to mention disappearing for a full 5 years, so that people have almost forgotten his existence. Now that he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, everyone will naturally feel a little strange.


More or excitement and excitement.


See the red and blue figure.

At this moment, all the people on the military side couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Because they all know that since Superman is on the move, the result is almost doomed, and it is almost 100% safe. Although there is a high possibility of accidents and irreversible losses and casualties, but Compared with the extremely bad situation before, it can be said that it is much better now!


Those who know the specific situation on the scene are, after all, a minority. Ordinary people, as well as the passengers in the Boeing airliner, because of various limitations, they don't know the specific situation at the scene at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and they are all trapped in extreme worry, panic and fear. emotions.

Fortunately, Superman's speed and ability are really not covered.


The device for the space shuttle to lock the Boeing airliner was completely melted under the cutting of Superman Clark's heat rays. Without the additional momentum of the space shuttle, under the influence of the gravity of the earth, the out-of-control Boeing airliner continued to rise for a period of space under the influence of inertial force, and then began to quickly fall towards the ground.

And at this time.

Superman Clark is busy taking care of the space shuttle.

There is no way, because of the impact of unexpected circumstances, the power of the space shuttle, dragged down by the Boeing airliner whose size and tonnage is several times that of itself, is no longer enough to make it complete the ability to break out of the earth's gravity. Da Chao could only send the Buddha to the west, pushing the space shuttle all the way into outer space, and completed the test flight mission.

The nearly 100 passengers in the poor Boeing airliner have just experienced the suffering of a rapid upward flight, and now they have to bear the fatal stimulation of falling like a meteorite. The person was already frightened and passed out on the spot.

Including the masses of countless TV tickets.




At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The huge Boeing airliner had been subjected to high-temperature friction with the atmosphere twice, and now it could no longer bear it anymore. The fragile wings on both sides turned into scraps on the spot, and fell apart directly. During the fall, it was quickly burned up and turned into billowing dust all over the sky!

The plot changed at this moment!

The Boeing passenger plane is now falling straight towards the ground like a bare vertical bar, and the speed of falling is also soaring again because of its shape! According to such a ferocious and unparalleled speed, it would take less than a few seconds for the Boeing passenger plane to hit the ground fiercely, destroying the plane and killing everyone.

And this time.

Da Chao just pushed the space shuttle and flew not far away.

After realizing the dangerous situation of the Boeing airliner, Clark's face suddenly changed. He wished he could turn around and rush to the Boeing airliner to save it, but... at this moment, the space shuttle needs his help, if now Stop, lose power, and the space shuttle is bound to fall down due to the influence of the earth's gravity!

The current Superman is in a dilemma, and he doesn't know what to do.

As for this situation, the U.S. military, which has military-grade satellite monitoring, naturally understood it in an instant, but they were completely helpless when they understood it.

Just when Clark was impatient and was engaged in a battle between heaven and man, considering whether to send the space shuttle up or save the passengers on the Boeing airliner first, a communication message of a special frequency suddenly reached Superman's ears : "Hey Clark, do you need help?"


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