The Storm God

Chapter 1622 Intellect against the enemy! (Please subscribe!)


The military region closest to the metropolis is dispatching troops and heavy armed forces to deal with the three generals of Zod.

And the fastest of them is undoubtedly the one that can fly - fighter jets!


Little Bai Lei and Little Jason were even faster than them.

After all, the two of them were originally located in the metropolis, plus Xiao Bailei could fly, so the speed was naturally unmatched by anyone. However, the two little guys did not act recklessly. They knew that with their own strength, it was impossible to beat the three generals of Dozod, so the two were going to outwit them!

As for Louise...

All right.

Although she had already rushed back after getting the news, she couldn't stand the road full of fleeing vehicles and crowds. As a result, she was blocked in the middle of the road, and she was dissuaded by the police and soldiers, saying that it was dangerous inside. Don't get close, until Louise revealed her identity, they were so surprised and let Louise go with sympathy.

But even so, it would take some time for her to come to Planet Daily.

At this time, Xiao Bailei and Xiao Jason had already boarded the elevator to the top floor of the Planet Daily Building. Because of the arrival of General Zod and the three of them, the entire building had already run away, so naturally No one stopped and persuaded the two little guys, so that they came to the top floor smoothly.


The elevator doors open.

Dozens of eyes followed closely.


Everyone was taken aback.

Especially Richard, who was held high by Yasha, his eyes were wide open, full of disbelief, his eyes were full of horror and horror, as well as infinite worry, and he couldn't help shouting: "Jason , Bai Lei? Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at school at this time? OMG! It’s dangerous here, hurry up..."

The words are not finished.

The whole person was thrown out like garbage.

Yasha, on the other hand, almost teleported, came to the door of the elevator, grabbed little Jason and little Bai Lei, with an excited and cruel smile on her face, hehe said: "Hahaha! Really! That's great! I thought it would be enough to have Louise's husband as a hostage, but I didn't expect that there would be such a big surprise, and their sons also ran over!"


Her icy gaze was fixed on the delicate and lovely little Bai Lei.

Yasha's eyes were full of curiosity, and she said, "Who is this little girl? In her body, I seem to feel a very powerful energy, is it an illusion?"

Little Jason was struggling and shouting "Daddy" all the time, pretending to be worried and even crying. Little Bailei looked much older, so she was not like little Jason, and she probably wouldn't believe him either. She just looked at Yasha directly, as if she was not afraid of anything.

Then with harsh words, he said in a hateful voice: "Hey, stinky woman, let us go, or I'll let my daddy beat you all to the ground!"

That appearance, not to mention how cute it is, is almost bleeding.


When Yasha saw this, instead of being angry, she laughed, "This little girl is really extraordinary. She dared to threaten us. It's interesting!"

On the other side, General Zero and Zod couldn't help but smile.

no way.

Who made little Bai Lei so cute?

Even a heart of stone will turn into soft fingers after seeing the cuteness of little Bailei.

And this time.

Richard, who was thrown out before, was also afraid to come to Asha.

No way, before the two little guys came here, in order to torture Richard, Asha had already pinched Richard's feet, so he could only use crawling. When he came to Yasha, he grabbed Yasha's thigh with both hands, and begged, "Please, let Jason go. Whatever you want, come to me. The child is innocent!"


Yasha didn't say anything, and kicked up directly, kicking Richard out on the spot.

But this time, the force was significantly stronger than last time. Richard flew upside down, knocked over many desks and instruments, and finally fell to the ground. Obviously, after this collision, he suffered serious injuries. Coupled with Yasha's torture to him before, it will be even worse.


"Uncle Richard!"


The two little guys suddenly turned pale with shock, and almost said in unison.

Especially little Jason, who was so emotional that he almost couldn't help bursting out his strength to avenge Richard. Fortunately, at this time, the warning voice of the US military suddenly came from outside: "The gangsters inside, you have been surrounded, let go of the hostages in your hands, we..."

That's not the end of the story.

The impatient Ling rushed out and punched the person who was shouting with a loudspeaker and flew out. The helicopter carrying the soldiers was also scrapped on the spot, and exploded in the air, releasing a huge cloud of flames and shock. Zero, on the other hand, was unharmed, floating in the air, facing dozens of armed helicopters around him.


See that the negotiation is invalid.

The US military, of course, would not be polite to Zero, and opened fire directly.

Countless anti-aircraft bullets, missiles, if they don't want money, they all rushed towards Zero at once. But the bitter thing is that those weapons and ammunition are useless except for setting off fireworks in the air, and even Zero's clothes can't be damaged at all.

On the other hand, zero.

But like a wild beast, he directly faced countless bullets and blew up one helicopter after another with his bare hands.

It's like a tiger among the sheep, invincible!

at the same time.

While the attention of Yasha and General Zod was attracted by the big battle outside. Little Bai Lei winked at Little Jason, who immediately understood, then nodded slightly, expressing that he understood what Little Bai Lei meant. The next moment... the Meow Meow Hammer suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then was taken by Little Bai Lei, and with a "bang", it hit Yasha's stomach directly.

"Go to hell!"

Little Jason also launched an attack at the same time.

He exerted his greatest strength, his small arms and legs were like small electric motors, slapping and kicking Yasha frantically.

Poor Yasha, caught off guard, thought that the ordinary kid on two earths would be a character with extraordinary power, but she was sadly reminded on the spot, and was slapped and kicked a hundred and eighty times by little Jason in an instant, and After being hit by Xiao Bailei's meowing hammer with all her strength, her whole body was blown out of the Planet Daily building like a cannonball.

That's not all.

The unlucky Yasha, on the way of flying backwards, crashed into the fire coverage area of ​​the military troops by a very coincidence. Regardless of Yasha's situation, the military thought it was Zero's helper, and ordinary people can't fly, so they just messed up and bombed, and the firepower was a raging passion.

Although these soldiers also know that their own firepower seems to have no effect on others, but it is better than doing nothing, right?

The key is that it's very cool to play like this!


This time of venting anger did not last long. The dozens of armed helicopters around were easily dealt with by Zero without a single hit, while Yasha was completely stupefied and waited until the artillery fire disappeared. , She was extremely embarrassed, and she fell straight into the stone wall of a building somewhere, like a green onion.

at the same time.

Inside the top floor of the Daily Planet.

After Xiao Bailei and Little Jason sent Yasha flying in an instant, they didn't relax at home.

The two little guys have a clear division of labor. Little Jason is responsible for rescuing Richard, while little Bailei is using the thunder and lightning of the Meow Hammer to bombard him frantically. General Zod, who is also unresponsive, bombards the other side as well. After leaving the building, he quickly ran to the unconscious Superman Clark and picked him up.


Little Jason has also carried Richard on his back.

After the two met, Little Bai Lei grabbed Little Jason's hand and said, "Hold on to me!" Then, taking turns with the Meow Hammer, she soared into the sky and fled in the opposite direction. . By the time the three of General Zod finally came to their senses and returned angrily to the top floor of the Daily Planet, the two little guys had already taken Richard and Superman away.


"Unexpectedly, I am famous as General Zod I, and now I am being played around by two children!"

"Follow me!"


General Zod was extremely angry.

Before leaving, it actually released a terrifying thermal energy ray, which directly set the top floor of the Daily Planet on fire. The raging fire and billowing smoke swept across the sky in an instant, forcing the surrounding troops who wanted to chase the three generals of Zod to stop and rescue the Daily Planet employees trapped in the building.


Naturally, the military will not let General Zod and the others go so easily.

Although the helicopters are no longer chasing, there are still fighter jets. Compared with the clumsiness and limitations of armed helicopters, the most advanced fighter jets in the United States are undoubtedly the best air combat units. They are fast, powerful, and maneuver in the air. Extremely flexible, it is also best suited for chasing and sniping enemies.

As for whether it can cause damage to the enemy, that's another matter.


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