The Storm God

Chapter 1629 So Confident! (Please subscribe!)


"They didn't kill any of them, how is this possible?"

"This is impossible!"


Yasha was indeed a little scared.

When she confidently thought that the surrounding BT army had been killed by herself, she saw that they were only slightly distorted, and there was no serious problem. After the exponential increase, Yasha, who was terrified after thinking about it, was completely stunned.

This is the first time she lost her composure in so many years.

Even the emotion of fear!


The tens of thousands of BT robots around her didn't care what she thought. Their scarlet electronic eyes all locked on Yasha one after another, and then they all took up their weapons and launched ruthless fire coverage on her. What air bombs, pulse guns? Ah, particle guns, ultrasonic waves, etc., etc., all kinds of black-tech weapons and means emerge in endlessly, beating the bewildered Yasha to the point where she can only flee with her head in her arms.


You read that right, you just fled with your head in your arms!

Although Yasha is a Kryptonian, she has the same superpower as Superman, her strength is infinite, and her skin can resist almost all weapons, but she is not invincible after all, especially the magic resistance, which is almost 0, while the robots of the BT Legion , the driving device of the energy core is the magic energy response pile built by the same elements of the Rubik's Cube in the universe, and the green energy crystal.

And it is also supplemented by countless inscription systems and enchantments. While equipped with various black technology weapons, it can also launch a certain amount of magic attacks! Although these magic attacks did little harm to Yasha, there were so many robots that couldn't hold back the BT Legion. A salvo of tens of thousands of robots, who the hell could resist it!

If I don’t run away, I’m afraid I really have to explain it here!

As for Superman...?

Ma Dan!

I can't control my own life anymore, who still has the heart to worry about an enemy!

I love you so much, let's run away first!

that's all.

Yasha, who was aggressive and imposing just now, was instantly slapped in the face by the BT army, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. If it weren't for the main mission of the BT Legion, which was to rescue Dachao, not to snipe the enemy, with their number and ability, it is estimated that Yasha would not be able to run very far, and about 70% of them will be explained here today.

If they revealed the [Kryptonite Heart] on their chests, it would be nothing to say, Yasha did not run away 100%!

That's right!

Each of these battle robots of the BT Legion was imitated by Bai Xiaofei, one of Dachao's old enemies - the model of Metal Man, with a fist-sized kryptonite inlaid on its chest, and then supplemented with a special pulse The light wave device can expand the radiation and wave frequency of kryptonite to the maximum, becoming the killer weapon against Kryptonians.

If it wasn't for maximizing his own image and interests, in fact, Bai Xiaofei would not have needed to deal with General Zod and the three of them by himself. He could easily handle it with just a BT robot. Who let them all have the Kryptonian's deadly weapon? It is God's will that mutual generation and mutual restraint, no matter how invincible your combat power is, if you encounter a deadly nemesis, you can only accept defeat obediently!

Closer to home.

After driving Asha away, the BT Legion successfully transported Dachao through any door to the Apollo, and gave him medical treatment.

Of course, it's just a relatively simple medical method.

to be honest.

In fact, it is procrastinating.

Otherwise, once Da Chao wakes up immediately, according to his temperament, he will definitely throw himself into the battle immediately.

But in this way, Bai Xiaofei's credit will be shared.

Of course someone is not happy.


Hey, you understand.

The BT Legion will drag Da Chao's injury first, so that he can't recover quickly, and wait for Bai Xiaofei to deal with General Zod and the other three.

And at the same time.

General Zod and Zero didn't get much better either.

Whether it's Bai Xiaofei or the Gemini controlled by Baicas, they are all super existences that are not weaker than the Kryptonians. In a one-on-one situation, it is difficult for them to take advantage of it. It's not that they can't do it, but that Bai Xiaofei has a very clear understanding of the Kryptonians' abilities, combat power, and other relevant data.

As the saying goes, "Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles!".

That's the reason.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two sides fought a battle.

Apart from making the city more messy and miserable, the actual effect was not much.

Of course, this is for General Zod and Zero.

Not so with Bai Xiaofei.

At least……

They have a clearer and clearer grasp of the battle data of the Kryptonians.

And from the beginning to the end, the two did not fight seriously, otherwise...with Bai Xiaofei's current abilities and methods, if he really wanted to kill General Zod and Zero, he would not have to go through such trouble. There is only one person on the general's side, or there are many people, so they come and kill as many as they come, and send them to the west directly!

That's how confident it is.


The two sides broke up at the touch of a button.

There are two reasons. One is that Yasha fled back to General Zod, and the other is that Bai Cass reported to Bai Xiaofei: "Superman Clark has been successfully sent to the Apollo by the BT Legion. Richard and his wife, as well as little Jason and little Bai Lei, will take care of them."


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei's cynical and playful face finally became serious, he grinned at the corner of his mouth, looked at the three General Zod with cold eyes, and secretly said: "It seems that we have to speed up here, otherwise it will be hard I'm afraid that the director's scene will be messed up by someone!"

After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei winked at Bai Cass.

Baicasta immediately understood, and immediately rushed towards the three of General Zod without saying a word.

The three generals of Zod did not dare to neglect, and fought back one after another. The trinity formed a standard offensive formation, easily blocked Bai Cass' attack, and also occupied a lot of advantages. They were in the upper hand and gave Bai Cass Cass created a lot of pressure. But Bai Xiaofei was still floating here, like passers-by and spectators, watching with relish, without any intention of stepping forward to help.


Seeing so.

The old and cunning General Zod suddenly jumped in his heart, and had a very bad premonition. His intuition told himself that there must be something tricky in it, but he couldn't tell what it was, so he could only tell Zero and Asha while fighting, be careful and beware of fraud.

The two of them should be at the same time, while they joined forces to deal with Baikas, they also reserved considerable combat power and energy to put Bai Xiaofei on.

"Hey hey hey!"

"General Zod, are you guarding me like that? To be honest, you really think too much. The real killer is actually not me, but... Baikas who has been fighting with you all the time, don't you Don't you feel that there is something wrong? For example, your strength is getting weaker and your fatigue is getting stronger?"

"Or maybe your reactions are too slow to feel it at all?"


A curious look on someone's face.

But hearing what Bai Xiaofei said, the three of General Zod woke up suddenly. It seemed that, as the other party said, their strength seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and they couldn't help feeling more and more tired and sleepy, and they couldn't even breathe. They all began to become hasty, as if they had aged decades in an instant, and all the abilities of the body had decayed exponentially.

The three of them were suddenly terrified.

General Zod yelled in fear: "What the hell is going on? Damn, what did you do to us?!"

at the same time.

The three also quickly gave up the fight and stayed away from Baicas.

Seeing this, Bai Cass didn't chase after him, but returned to Bai Xiaofei's side with a smile, and put his arm on Bai Xiaofei's body. Visible to the naked eye, a stream of emerald green pure energy instantly merged into Bai Xiaofei's body from Gemini's body. And these energies are exactly the vitality that Bai Cass plundered from the three generals of Zod by using the devouring effect of the green energy crystal reversed!

The reason why Baicas rushed over to challenge the three generals Zod by himself before was actually to cheat the three of them.

Weaken the enemy, then strengthen Bai Xiaofei.

at last……

Let Bai Xiaofei harvest the heads.

And then achieved the final victory of this war, and obtained all the wishes and prestige born of this catastrophic event as he wished.

This is the plan he made for Bai Xiaofei.


"It's too late to say anything now, prepare to accept my sanctions!"

"Infinite rampage... open!"

"The sixth level!"


With an angry shout.

Bai Xiaofei's aura suddenly erupted like a volcano, crazily erupting, and the superimposed increase of 64 combat power made his aura unmatched, like a hurricane passing through, blowing away all the surrounding clouds and so on. It also made the three General Zod on the opposite side feel deep oppression, suffocation, and despair, and their faces instantly became darker than the bottom of the pot!

Their first reaction was——



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