The Storm God

Chapter 1640 Bloody massacre! (Please subscribe!)

Daily Planet.

Many staff members are busy with their work nervously.


One opened his mouth wide.

He stared out of the glass window dumbfounded, there was a refined man flying with a sword, and he seemed to be flying towards this side rapidly.


Before he could react.

The elegant man Yu Jian had already come first, almost teleporting to the Daily Planet. Then the building of the Daily Planet was in trouble. Not long after it was repaired, it was destroyed again. Although the scale of the damage this time was only one window, it still caused people to exclaim and confusion.

"what's the situation?"

The boss of the newspaper, that is, Richard's father, ran out of his office immediately when he heard the noise.

However, before he had time to get angry and figure out what happened here, an extremely sharp blade suddenly stayed on his neck, and at the same time, an extremely cold shout followed. Fang came: "Tell me, where is Louise?!"


The boss of the newspaper office is so depressed.

Xin said: "Who did Louise provoke? Why does Mao no matter which bastard wants to trouble her? Could it be because of Superman?"

Needless to say, he guessed right.


No prize for guessing right.

And at this time, the newspaper boss finally saw the opponent's lineup clearly. Seeing that the opponent seemed to be a Chinese elegant man, he was relieved, because in his opinion, Easterners, especially Chinese people, have always been more humble and polite. , even if it is a villain, it is generally good for other villains and so on, so they should not kill innocent people too much.


He bit the bullet and asked, "Why are you looking for her?"


There's no after that.

The corner of the elegant man's mouth grinned, and the long sword floating out of nowhere suddenly swung horizontally, and the large head of the newspaper boss was chopped off directly.

In an instant, blood gushed out like a fountain, splashing everywhere around the newspaper office.

The crowd screamed in fear.

"You answer!"

The elegant man didn't care what the people around him would do. After he coldly killed the boss of the newspaper office, he turned his eyes, and the flying sword followed his will, and then lay across the neck of another newspaper employee. In the middle is the endless killing and bloodthirsty light.

"She went out, I believe she will be back soon!"

With the lessons learned from the boss of the newspaper office, this employee did not dare to have any negligence or hesitation, and immediately revealed all about Louise's situation.

"very good!"

"In that case, I'll wait for her here!"

"You better not lie to me!"


The refined man Jie Jie laughed strangely.

Immediately afterwards, the employee secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he had finally recovered his life, when he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then he felt his head spinning, and saw a very familiar headless corpse, just like a newspaper office. Like the boss, spurting blood: "That person... seems to be me?"

And at the last moment when his consciousness was about to be completely plunged into darkness, from the corner of his eye, he could still see the headless corpse that was slowly falling to the ground in the entire newspaper office almost instantly by the extremely fierce sword light and the blood spurting wildly everywhere. The staff were filled, and my ears were full of the miserable cries for help and screams of my colleagues.


He saw the elegant man showing a smile scarier than a devil, and then completely lost consciousness.

As for the entire Planet Daily, except for the elegant man, all of them were dead, and all of them were chopped into headless corpses by the elegant man. The death conditions were horrible. Not only that, after these people died, the sword of the culprit actually started humming.


A series of gray shadows.

Soon, smoke rose from the body of the dead newspaper staff, and was finally absorbed into his body like a sword swallowed by a whale.

at the same time.

At the bottom of the Daily Planet building.

Louise and Richard, after sending Bai Xiaofei and others away from this world, finally came to their work place, talking and laughing all the way, taking the elevator of the building, climbing towards the working area of ​​Planet Daily on the top floor. Come here, without knowing what a cruel scene of purgatory awaits you above.



Superman Clark and Little Jason are explaining things in the Ice Palace of Krypton.

Speaking of this, I have to mention that the original Kryptonian Ice Palace was destroyed by General Zod and the other three, but later Bai Xiaofei used the green inheritance crystal to help him rebuild one. On the one hand, it is to test the efficacy and power of the green inheritance crystal, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as repaying Dachao's favor.

If you take other people's things, you can't let Dachao have no "home" to return to.

And because of this.

Da Chao would seriously suspect Bai Xiaofei.


Those are all in the past.

Even if Da Chao knew that Bai Xiaofei took away his inheritance crystal, he wouldn't have any complaints or dissatisfaction. Because Bai Xiaofei couldn't help saving him and embarrassing him several times, and also helped Dachao rebuild the Krypton Ice Palace, and gave him many gifts to help Dachao break through his own limits and greatly increase his strength.

All of this is enough to offset the grievances of the past.

But now, Da Chao brought little Jason here to inherit everything in the Krypton Ice Palace, including the storage belt that Bai Xiaofei gave Da Chao. For his son, Clark certainly had nothing to give up. He directly handed over all the transparent inheritance crystals in the Krypton Ice Palace to Little Jason.

Little Jason also accepted all this very solemnly.


It didn't take long for him to be happy.

Da Chao's brows suddenly frowned, obviously sensing that Fei Zhen and the others were approaching here. Immediately, Clark briefly explained a few words to Little Jason, and immediately flew up and rushed out. Little Jason was left alone in the Kryptonian Ice Palace, his face full of confusion and doubts, and he didn't know why.

After a while.

Clark is back.

However, he didn't fly back by himself, but was wounded and dying, dragged back by three strangers like a dead dog.

The three strangers are naturally Fei Ji, Aji, and Lisa.


They're not doing well either.

Fei Jian's armor was tattered, just like a beggar. Not to mention Lisa's body was scorched black, and there were bruises and redness everywhere, and her long tail was cut off directly. The most ordinary-looking Ah Ji, although there is no obvious injury on the body, but the spirit is obviously a little depressed, as if he has not slept for ten days and nights.

As for his signature metal book, it was as if it had been thrown into a brazier and stir-fried for a dozen times. The original shiny golden appearance was now covered with signs of scorching and melting. The three of them flew into the Ice Palace of Krypton from the outside, while grinning hoarsely, talking in an extremely depressed manner.


"Unexpectedly, the great super in this world has such terrifying strength, speed, strength, endurance, heat rays... all aspects are far beyond our imagination, and he is only one step away from entering the realm of the second-order holy peak. If it weren't for Aji's magic to restrain Dachao, we would have been cold for a long time with just the two of us!"

"This time travel through time, I thought it would be easy to handle, but unexpectedly, it reveals weirdness everywhere!"

"It's so wicked!"


Waiting to fly into the Krypton Ice Palace.

The three of them immediately discovered the existence of Little Jason. They were taken aback for a moment, and then they were overjoyed: "Hey, isn't this Little Jason, the son of Superman? There's really nowhere to find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it." , I never thought that this kid would be with Da Chao, it saved us a lot of effort!"

"That's right!"

Lisa grinned and said, "This is called killing two birds with one stone!"


But Little Jason completely ignored the three of them.

At this moment, all he could see was the wounded and dying Da Chao. Because of worry and endless anger, little Jason's gaze gradually began to change, and then... two extremely terrifying heat rays, without any warning. , shot out suddenly, and among the three of Fei Zhen, he rushed to the front, and Lisa, who was defenseless, was directly bombarded.

no way.

He is the one who asked to hang Da Chao.

Seeing his biological father being beaten into such a miserable state, the angry little Jason, suddenly awakened by the heat rays, who wouldn't hit him? !

The most important thing is that Little Jason's thermal energy rays seem to be very special. Not to mention the abnormal lethality just awakened, the color of the light is not red in the traditional sense, but almost golden Yes, scorching flames, burning to the extreme golden brilliance like the sun!

And Lisa, who was blasted to the head by the golden rays, was immediately pierced with two huge holes as if she had been irradiated by an ultra-high temperature laser on the paper. And because of the high temperature, no blood or brains flowed out of these two holes, but were burned to ashes on the spot by the subsequent terrifying high temperature.

Poor Lisa, before she could figure out what was going on, was headshot by the angry little Jason with two newly awakened golden rays, and turned into a smaller headless corpse. Then with a "plop", he fell down from the air, seeing that it was a tragedy GG, and he was completely cold.

As for his accomplices, Fei Jian and Aji, they froze on the spot, with expressions of disbelief and bewilderment on their faces. Fortunately, with Lisa's lessons learned from the past, the two of them had a buffer time, and soon came to their senses, and then used their own methods to avoid Little Jason's golden rays.

And immediately launched an attack on Little Jason.


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