The Storm God

Chapter 1655 Weapon experiment! (Please subscribe!)


The command and combat space of an aircraft carrier is inherently small.

Therefore, under the leadership of General Ducao, Bai Xiaofei quickly came to the core of their scientific research department. And with the opening of the hatch, the first thing that catches the eye is not some researchers in white coats, nor a dazzling array of various instruments and equipment, but several clusters of mineral substances that seem to be incomprehensible.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes were instantly attracted by them.

"Be good!"

"If I'm not mistaken, these should be the main materials for making black armor, right?"

"It really is tall!"



Bai Xiaofei couldn't help opening his star eyes.

He wanted to see the difference between these special mineral substances, but what was so frustrating was that his omnipotent star eye failed at this moment. In Bai Xiaofei's line of sight, the color of these mineral substances is pitch black as a whole, there is no so-called core black spot at all, what is just an extremely chaotic black vortex.

Just like a black hole, it absorbs the surrounding light radiation and other energy elements all the time.

However, there is no abnormality or change in Qi itself.

Simply incredible!


This is just the most primitive mineral material exposed outside. Next to these substances, there are some that are installed in special transparent airtight tanks, performing various data analysis, operations, and energy transmission and transformation. They are filled with special force fields and azure blue. Halo, looks more mysterious and sci-fi.

Go a little further in.

Those are all kinds of dark alloy armors that have been basically formed and have obvious armor shapes.

Some are burly and domineering, while others are slender and light.

The forms are not the same.


It's the researchers of the department.

They are currently surrounded by several transparent airtight tanks, conducting various analyzes and tests, and operations on the mineral substances inside, and some are even cracklingly operating the computer, as if they are importing data to the mineral substances inside. And through the eyes of the stars, Bai Xiaofei can clearly see that with the operations of the researchers, the internal contents of those minerals are undergoing tremendous changes.

The most obvious thing is that the black hole-like chaotic vortex inside these mineral substances is rapidly weakening and closing. Until it finally stopped running completely, and then under the influence of the researchers' black technology, it magically transformed into a door-like filter, and the force field around it became more stable and systematic.

At this point, the prerequisite work for mineral substances seems to be over.

The rest is estimated to be mixed with other different mineral substances, fused and forged, and then designed with a special shape and computing cloud technology, and finally finalized. Heijia, just like that, came out successfully.

Of course, these are just the results of Bai Xiaofei's prediction and analysis based on what he saw and his own understanding and reasoning.

What the specific circumstances are is another matter.


Even if there are some discrepancies.

It is estimated that it will not be too different from Bai Xiaofei's speculation.

After all, the star's eye that can see the essence of things is not built. What Bai Xiaofei lacks is just the corresponding black technology of the other party.

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's thoughts and reactions.


Seeing the arrival of Ducao and Bai Xiaofei, several leaders of the research department came over and greeted them with a smile, especially the way they looked at Bai Xiaofei, which was called a frenzy. I don't know, I thought the other party had some kind of special tendency towards Bai Xiaofei.

And General Ducao.

But with a smile, he made a brief introduction to each other and explained the purpose of this visit.

"Very good!"

And after listening, the researchers here were immediately excited, and almost didn't jump up. Then he left Ducao there, and they all surrounded Bai Xiaofei, asking Bai Xiaofei all kinds of questions, and couldn't hold back the words that had been hidden in his heart for a long time. All kinds of doubts for a long time were all asked.

that scene...

It's almost like elementary school students encountering problems they can't do, and asking Xueba for help.

It made General Ducao laugh for a while.

"Xiao Fei!"

"It seems that I am no longer needed here. You guys should communicate and research more, and try to find a solution to the problem as soon as possible."

"I'm leaving first, there are still many things to do!"


Ducao shook his head and said with a smile.

As for Bai Xiaofei, he didn't have time to talk to him at all, and he didn't even know whether he heard him or not. Because these researchers are so enthusiastic. With three floors inside and three floors outside, Bai Xiaofei was completely surrounded, and more and more researchers joined the ranks.

A group of people scrambled to be the first, as if a hundred thousand people possessed them, they surrounded Bai Xiaofei and asked questions.

You still expect him to notice Ducao?


Regardless of how Bai Xiaofei gets along with a group of researchers.

After General Ducao left the research department, he went directly to the weapons and ammunition department of the aircraft carrier, obviously still thinking about the weapons and ammunition that Bai Xiaofei gave him. But it's also true to think about it. As a war madman famous in the galaxy, he has received a large amount of war supplies. If he doesn't experience and understand their specific power and effect, it would be too unreasonable.

A general, the commander on the battlefield, doesn't even know the power of his weapons?

This is simply a joke!

"Boom boom boom!"

And when he walked in.

In the entire department, there were deafening roaring explosions, as well as the exciting sound waves of the crowd cheering and applauding.

"What's the situation?"

General Ducao was suddenly curious.

When I came to the weapon department, I didn't see what was going on, but I was taken the lead. What's the trouble?


Some soldiers spotted Dukao.

Then he quickly restrained his expression, and gave him a military salute seriously. Those around who were relatively close to this soldier obviously heard his voice, so they all came back to their senses and saluted quickly. And as they straightened their posture, the situation in the entire department suddenly became clearer.


General Ducao nodded.

He didn't pay attention to these soldiers, because at this moment his mind and attention were completely attracted by the scene opposite.

On the opposite side is a standard shooting training ground, various targets, and various experimental props. Now... a group of soldiers are holding some unfamiliar standard weapons and conducting various weapon experiments on the training ground. And that effect is obviously astonishing, otherwise it would not arouse the cheers and applause of the people around.

at first……

General Ducao was still a little puzzled.

Even if the weapons and ammunition given by Bai Xiaofei were more powerful, it wouldn't make his soldiers so excited, right?

Just like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

But now...

He finally understood why.

It's not that these soldiers have never seen the world, but that the weapons and ammunition given by Bai Xiaofei are really awesome. Nima, a 30 cm thick steel plate was shot through by a rifle that looked no different from ordinary guns, and a big hole was exposed!

What the hell!

Those who didn't know thought it was made by sniper cannons.

wrong! Even a sniper cannon may not be able to cause such a large amount of damage so easily. This shit can almost catch up with the anti-tank gun! And most importantly, this is just one of many experiments. Similar amazing cases, there are many, many besides.

for example……

That simulated armored vehicle.

It was actually a soldier who used a seemingly ordinary weapon to blast it into parts and debris all over the place with three or two shots.

What's more, when a bullet went out, not only the target was completely destroyed, but even the wall of the room behind it also caused considerable damage. Transformation, after layers of strengthening and protection, if it is replaced by an ordinary wall, I am afraid that it will suffer along with it, and a big hole will be punched out directly!

And similar examples, not a few, can be seen almost everywhere.

General Ducao was stunned.

"I rely on it!"

"These are the so-called lowest-end mass-market weapons and ammunition that Bai Xiaofei gave us?"

"Do you want to be so scary?"


He was so shocked that he couldn't help but swear.

It can be seen how excited and excited General Ducao is now. It is estimated that if it is not for the scruples about the image, and so many soldiers around, he can jump up excitedly. Similarly, Qiangwei, who came first, was not much better. At this moment, he also looked shocked and dumbfounded.


After hearing his father's astonishment.

Qiangwei regained her senses for a while, then turned her head and glanced at the opened space card. To be precise, there were still many types of weapons and ammunition with more powerful models that had not been tested in time. Immediately afterwards, the corners of her pink and alluring mouth couldn't help twitching slightly, and she said in a trembling voice: "Father, I think it's better for us to conduct the experiment in another place, otherwise..."

That's not the end of the story.


Suddenly there was a strange sound coming from the side.

Everyone looked around, and saw a soldier, holding a mini pistol full of futuristic technology, and fired a shot at a target in the training ground. But this time what was fired was not a bullet in the usual sense, but a group of pulse energy groups as thick and large as a bucket.

Although the speed of the energy group was a bit slow, there was an unidentifiable "buzzing" sound as it was advancing. The next moment, the target was instantly smashed into slag. As for the pulse energy group, the momentum remained undiminished, breaking through layers of barriers in the training ground, and finally crashed into the hull of the Juxia aircraft carrier with a "boom".


After a loud bang.

The almost indestructible wall of the aircraft carrier's hull was unexpectedly blown out by this group of pulse energy groups.

It looked like it might explode at any moment.


See this scene.

All the people at the scene were suddenly stunned.

Naturally, all the shooting and weapon experiments around have stopped because of this. Fortunately, otherwise...

The consequences were unimaginable!


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