The Storm God

Chapter 1665 Advisory and Counseling! (Please subscribe!)

Liu Chuang, Qilin, Cheng Yaowen, and Qiangwei all came here by helicopter with General Ducao and Lianfeng, which is somewhat different from the original book. Because in the original book, Qilin seemed to come to the Super Seminary in a (unmanned) car, but now she has directly turned into a helicopter.

It can be seen that there must have been some changes that Bai Xiaofei didn't know about, or the plot had a certain mutation because of his arrival.

At the same time, Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang stared at each other.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

Seeing that the other party is also in the Super Seminary.

Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun said in unison, full of surprise and disbelief, especially Ge Xiaolun, he never thought that even Liu Chuang could come in. You know, although Master Xin is also a gangster, his situation is much better than that of Liu Chuang. At least he didn't extort or bully women.

this moment.

He suddenly had doubts about the reliability of this super seminary.

Why does everyone want it?


Both are relatively restrained.

Although each other was very dissatisfied with each other, and it could even be said that some enemies were extremely jealous when they met, but they all held back and did not show it. On the other side, female policewoman Qi Lin was also extremely curious about Ge Xiaolun being here, and said to herself, "I never expected to see him in this kind of place. It's really a world where we don't meet each other."

Compared to Liu Chuang.

Qilin's impression of Ge Xiaolun was obviously very good.

After all, when they met for the first time, Ge Xiaolun acted bravely, while Liu Chuang played the villain role. In addition, Liu Chuang was old and had been in the society for so many years. He had committed many crimes and often went to and from the police station , as a frequent visitor to the detention center, Qilin naturally didn't have a good impression of Liu Chuang.


Qilin and Liu Chuang had already met before they came. So they have already passed the stage of not confronting each other. Although they haven't settled their suspicions, they each live in peace.

Among the four of them, Cheng Yaowen was the most low-key.

As a descendant of the Dexing royal family, Cheng Yaowen suffered a great change in the planet when he was young, his country was destroyed and his family was destroyed. Cheng Yaowen was adopted by an ordinary and simple peasant family. He has completely inherited the fine characteristics of traditional Chinese people, simple, honest, Low-key, introverted, looks quite mature and stable, very general style.

As for Rose...

All right.

This girl just got off the plane.

Immediately ran to Bai Xiaofei, but didn't say anything, just stared at Bai Xiaofei with big eyes.

Properly put on the posture of making Bai Xiaofei Ling Chi with his eyes.

He was speechless when he showed someone.

at the same time……

Ge Xiaolun directly shifted his attention.

He stopped staring at Liu Chuang angrily, saw Qiangwei girl running up to Bai Xiaofei, looking like she was going to stare at Brother Fei to death, and ran over in a hurry, trying to get close and strike up a conversation, with no morals. Although Qiangwei failed to attract Qiangwei's attention and attention, she managed to attract a certain amount of firepower for Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head amusedly.

Ignoring Qiangwei's fierce eyes, she came directly to General Ducao and Lianfeng, and complained: "General, you are finally here, if you don't come, I will kill you!"


"Xiao Fei, I know you are not that kind of person!"

"Thanks a lot!"

General Ducao shook his head and smiled.

Of course he wouldn't take Bai Xiaofei's words to heart, anyone with a discerning eye would know he was joking.

Immediately, General Ducao signaled Lianfeng next to him with his eyes, and the latter immediately understood, then twisted his graceful waist, and walked up to Qiangwei, who didn't know what he said to the other party, Qiangwei immediately put it away. With his own emotions, he followed Lianfeng and brought Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang into the teaching building of Super Seminary.

before going in.

Ge Xiaolun also reluctantly looked at Bai Xiaofei, as if asking for help. It's not just him, Rui Mengmeng and Zhao Xin are also the same as Ge Xiaolun. After all, the three of them were all recruited by Bai Xiaofei, so naturally they have a deep dependence on Bai Xiaofei. Bai Xiaofei just smiled slightly, and waved at the three of them: "Go in!"

Only then did the three follow Qiangwei and Lianfeng into the teaching building bitterly.

And here on the scene.

Only Bai Xiaofei and General Ducao were left.


Bai Xiaofei put away his smile.

Looking sternly at General Ducao, he asked, "Is there any news about the fight against Buddha Sun Wukong?"

Before coming to Juxia City to carry out his mission, Bai Xiaofei asked Ducao about the Earth’s native God of War and the fight against Buddha Sun Wukong. He thought that Ducao, as an old acquaintance of Sun Dasheng, would definitely know a lot of news. Thinking... Lao Du told Bai Xiaofei that even he knew very little about it.

turn out to be……

Except for the first encounter.

For a lot of time in the next few days, Monkey King was in a state of seeing the dragon and not seeing the tail.

Even if Lao Du wanted to find Sun Wukong, he might not be able to find it 100%, it depends on the situation and luck. The reason why Bai Xiaofei wanted to find Sun Wukong was very simple. He wanted to do two tricks with the legendary Sun Dasheng, especially the other party's avatar technique. Someone was very interested in it. It was best to learn it secretly and strengthen himself.

Then there is.

If you can harvest Sun Dasheng's friendship from the beginning.

Or just invite him out of the mountain directly, that would be beneficial to Bai Xiaofei and not harmful at all. Even with Sun Dasheng as his backer, many of Bai Xiaofei's plans could be put on schedule ahead of schedule. For example, if you go to Angel International in Tianhe City, you will meet the legendary Angel Yan or something.


The idea is beautiful.

But the scene was extremely cruel and rejected Bai Xiaofei's delusion.

Old Du failed to find Monkey King, and the message he sent was also lost. This made someone very depressed, and said speechlessly: "It seems that this shortcut will not work!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't continue this topic. The matter of Monkey King can only be discussed later. With the development of the plot, Brother Monkey will show up sooner or later, and Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry. What he is more concerned about now is, what is the attitude of China's top management towards him? Can the Black Great Wall Project be fortunate enough to participate in it?

Although General Ducao is the commander-in-chief of the Earth Defense of the Super Seminary, he is not from Earth after all, Ye is not from China, let alone the highest leader, and the Black Great Wall project is of great importance, so Lao Du can't be the master at all, but He could convey Bai Xiaofei's meaning to his superiors.

at the moment……

The main members of the Xiongbing Company have been recruited, and training will begin immediately.

There should be an answer above, right?


Seeing Bai Xiaofei ask about this matter.

Lao Du smiled and nodded, then patted Bai Xiaofei on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Fei, what you mean has been approved by the superior. However... since your origin has not been fully clarified, it is impossible to give it to you." Your status and position are too high, and you won't be allowed to participate too much in the affairs of the Xiongbing Company."

"I hope you don't mind this!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled lightly, expressing that he didn't care. He didn't care much about the matter of the Xiongbing Company. Except for Sunlight Leina and the power of the galaxy, Bai Xiaofei wasn't too interested in the others, saying: "It's expected, General, what you said It’s not finished, there should be a follow-up, right?”

"Sure enough, you saw it!"

Old Du looked at Bai Xiaofei pretending to be surprised.

Immediately, the ink was gone, and he said: "Although the higher-ups didn't let you participate in the matter of the Xiongbing Company, they said that in view of your particularity and the powerful technological power completely different from ours, they can assign you a special troop." , I hope you can train another batch of super fighters, not to be able to reach the level of a company of heroes, but at least you must be able to help a little!"

"As for the selection of the troops, the training content, and the number of the troops, it's all up to you!"

"If you need anything, just ask!"


Speaking of which.

Old Du glanced at Bai Xiaofei, and said with a smile: "Xiao Fei, you have been promoted, and your position and rights are almost similar to mine. It can be seen that the superior still attaches great importance to you, and I hope you will not disappoint the country's expectations. Try to train an army of tigers and wolves as soon as possible to deal with the interstellar war that may break out in the future!"


Bai Xiaofei sweated a little.

Speechlessly looking at General Ducao, with a bitter expression on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched and said: "General, can I quit? I just want to do a good job of research, why did you give me a unit? It's up to you I'm in charge, let's go around me! If something goes wrong in training, it will be a big shame at that time!"

"Ha ha!"

Old Du shook his head.

Stretching out his hand, he handed Bai Xiaofei a medal and a small notebook, and said with a smile: "It's too late, the order from above has been officially issued. Here, here is your certificate and the special medal awarded. From now on, you will be our Super Seminary A technical consultant and strategic counselor specially hired by Earth Defense."


Bai Xiaofei's expression became even more bitter.

Speechless, he said, "Khan, is this considered being forcibly dragged onto a bandit ship? Well, since I can't refuse, I'll go all out. But let me say the ugly things first. Since I'm training this army, anyone You are not allowed to intervene or intervene, and all the things and equipment I want must be in place, otherwise you will change people!"

"On this one condition, if you accept it, I will do it, and if you can't let it go!"


An unquestionable tone.

Of course, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't make a loss-making business. Since his boss wanted to train the team for them, it shouldn't be too much for him to use this reason to ask his boss for some equipment, technical information, etc., right? As for training? Hehe, there's no need for Bai Xiaofei to act, just draw up a regulation and let the soldiers play by themselves.

If you have that time, you might as well do your research.

In this world, technology is everything, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Of course, Bai Xiaofei will not be willing to lag behind and be controlled by others.

"no problem!"

Old Du seemed to have expected that Bai Xiaofei would say this a long time ago. Hearing the words, he immediately agreed without hesitation, and immediately turned his face straight, looked at Bai Xiaofei seriously, and said: "Xiaofei, your request, the superior will do everything Strength satisfies you, but there is also a condition above, that is, you must see certain results!"

"After all, this is an interstellar war that concerns the survival of the earth, not a joke!"

"Do you get me?"


A face of seriousness and solemnity.


Bai Xiaofei grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said confidently: "General, you can relax, as long as you don't lose the chain, I will definitely not have any problems! On the contrary, it is your army company, don't be overtaken by my troops. Go, otherwise you will lose face to the whole universe!"

"Yo ha!"

When Lao Du heard this, he immediately got excited, laughed and said: "Your army has no shadow yet, so you dare to say such big words, and you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue. Well, since you want to compare, Then how about we make a bet, if you lose, how about taking out a set of high-end black technology?"

"What if you lose?"


The corner of Lao Du's mouth raised, and he said unreasonably: "How could I lose! Don't worry, I will never lose!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

Xin said: "Damn! As a dignified general, you are playing tricks!"


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