The Storm God

Chapter 1670 Eat morning and night! (Please subscribe!)

Not for a while.

General Ducao found Bai Xiaofei.

He said excitedly: "Xiao Fei, you really gave me a big surprise!"

What he said was right, whether Bai Xiaofei settled the turmoil in Juxia City, captured the gluttonous soldiers, or subdued Ershen Thornton, this is definitely exciting news for the earth. Especially the last one, this is tantamount to directly adding a super combat power to the military.

Can Lao Du not be excited?


Bai Xiaofei naturally understood what he meant.

Hearing this, he smiled slightly, then looked at Lao Du seriously, and said seriously: "I'm sorry, general, Eshen Thornton is my younger brother, but he is not under the control of your military, and you can't control him, let alone satisfy him. He will bring you only disasters and troubles. Believe me, Thornton can only rest easy if he follows me!"


"When necessary, I will send him to cooperate with you to fight against those alien interstellar invaders."

"But the premise is that you have to do me a little favor!"


Looking at Lao Du fixedly, he didn't mean to be joking at all. Seeing this situation, Lao Du was slightly taken aback, his face of surprise quickly sank, and he asked curiously: "What's going on? Could it be that E God Is Thornton very difficult to control? Or say it's... that's all! Since you subdued it, then everything is up to you, and I will explain it to the higher-ups."

Such an important combat power can even influence the balance of victory and defeat in the battlefield on earth, which is naturally not something that a mere general Ducao can decide.

But Bai Xiaofei's wishes cannot be completely ignored.


Now Lao Du can only make mud.

However, he has full confidence that he can persuade his superiors to value Bai Xiaofei's opinion.

Because the legend of Thornton, the god of Er, is widely circulated on the earth, what kind of personality and temper, after a short understanding, I believe it can be seen. Among other things, Thornton's previous behavior of eating the gluttonous soldiers was definitely not acceptable to the higher-ups in Huaxia.


A cannibal.

If this suddenly goes crazy, it's not a small trouble!

Since Bai Xiaofei has the ability to tame him, and he can fight for the earth, I believe it is too late for the higher-ups to be happy, so how could they compete with Bai Xiaofei for the leadership of Thornton. If it is not handled properly, it may cause some disasters, so Lao Du is sure that the higher-ups will most likely not have any opinions on this.


What made Lao Du curious was.

What exactly did Bai Xiaofei ask him to help him? It seems that there is nothing you can do to help the other party, right?

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei saw Lao Du's doubts.

Immediately, he told Lao Du all his concerns in detail. In short, Eshen Thornton is different from Sun Wukong, it is very likely that it was created artificially, just like Ge Xiaolun's super genetic warriors, it is inevitable that there will be some rebellion in the future, or be restrained, so I want to use Juxia With the scientific and technological strength, Thornton was given a physical examination.

First, you can have a more specific understanding of Thornton. For example, physical fitness, strength, exclusive abilities, etc., all of which will play a big role in future control. The other is to take precautions before they happen. It is best if there are no hidden dangers. If there are any, you can target them earlier and find a way to get rid of them.

the last point.

Bai Xiaofei can also combine all aspects of Thornton in a targeted manner based on the obtained data, giving it strength and improvement.

And to accomplish these things, it is naturally impossible to rely solely on Bai Xiaofei's Kamigawa civilization technology, which can only be mastered at an elementary level. Even if it can, the time required will inevitably be huge. But the Juxia is different. There are so many talents here, as well as technological strength, if they want to complete Bai Xiaofei's plan, it will be effortless!

Don't you see, in the original book, after Sun Wukong tested Ge Xiaolun and others from the Xiongbing Company, the Juxia soon prepared a special Shenhe black armor for Brother Hou?

Even the stronger Monkey Brother is like this, let alone Eshen Thornton.


Bai Xiaofei is an outsider after all.

He didn't have the right to mobilize the resources and talents of the Juxia, and he could only turn to Lao Du for help if he wanted to complete his plan.

"I see!"

Lao Du instantly understood Bai Xiaofei's intentions.

Immediately, he nodded very refreshingly, and agreed: "It's just a small matter, isn't it just a detailed physical examination, and the Kamigawa armor, it's on me. But...Xiao Fei, this Eshen Thornton, You have to take care of it for me, otherwise if something goes wrong, it will be difficult for me to be a middleman!"

"There is also the matter of the Wolf Warriors!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

What Lao Du meant was very simple, that is, only with corresponding achievements can he get more rewards. However, what he did now was purely due to Lao Du's personal reasons. If Bai Xiaofei disappointed his superiors, it would be difficult for Lao Du himself to do so.

He assured: "Old Du, don't worry, you will never be blamed!"


"I will instruct you to deal with the matter about Eshen Thornton as soon as possible. At the same time, I have already sent the information to the top of the 10 special forces of the Wolf Warriors you selected. I believe they will be sent here soon. After the arrival of Sunshine Leina tomorrow, the Xiongbing Company will start formal training, I hope your Wolf Warriors won't be delayed for too long!"

"Otherwise, you will lose the bet between us!"


Old Du haha ​​said with a smile.

The two chatted a few more words, and then Lao Du left the research department.

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, immersed himself in his own research. It's just that it hasn't been done for a while, and all the things that Lao Du ordered have been done. All the scientific and technological departments and personnel have been ordered to do their best to help Bai Xiaofei give Eshen Thornton a physical examination, and the Shenhe battle armor manufacturing.

As for Thornton's black armor shape, they don't need to worry about it, Bai Xiaofei will design it himself.


Bai Xiaofei interrupted the research.

Summon the space card and release Eshen Thornton.

Seeing the appearance of a huge humanoid crocodile, the researchers in the research department were naturally taken aback, including Thorton himself. Of course... Fatty Crocodile, who is cute and cute, was surprised for a different reason than the others. He thought that these researchers were the delicacies specially prepared for him by Bai Xiaofei.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

"Do you only know how to eat all day long?"

"Can you be a little bit promising!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

And Thornton also knew that he had embarrassed the boss, he immediately looked embarrassed, and then said bluntly: "Well, since you have spoken, the boss, then I, Thornton, will only eat two meals a day, not at noon , just eat two meals in the morning and evening, um, that's it. Boss, are you satisfied?"


Bai Xiaofei sweated profusely.

Looking at a serious face, but no matter how you look at it, he looks like Thornton who is intentionally funny and cute, and said speechlessly: "Damn, what do you mean, I have to eat sooner or later!"


This guy actually nodded solemnly, and said: "It can't be less, or you will starve!"


Someone is completely speechless.

At the same time, after seeing such a scene, the surrounding scientific researchers also instantly understood that the vicious-looking humanoid crocodile in front of him, who didn't look like a bird, actually had a very simple personality and was easy to get along with. He didn't need it at all. Frightened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then everyone laughed knowingly.

Xin said: "Hahaha, I really don't know whether to cry or laugh when I meet such a stupid and cute foodie boy!"


Under Bai Xiaofei's leadership and arrangement.

A group of scientific researchers immediately carried out a detailed and meticulous physical examination and analysis on Thornton. And in view of the fact that Eshen Thornton is a super genetic warrior more than a thousand years ago, and is a special existence mixed with animal forms, so this project is very huge, and it is far from being completed in a short period of time.


The main reason is that their data is too small.

Moreover, the Juxia does not have an artifact astronomical computing cloud similar to the big clock, otherwise there is no need for such trouble.

Time flies like a flash, and in such a busy research atmosphere, the next day came in a blink of an eye. And after a whole night of non-stop research and analysis, although the researchers did not completely decipher the super genetic engineering technology of Eshen Thornton, they gave a very positive result - there are no hidden dangers or loopholes in its body .

at the same time……

The huge computing cloud technology of the Juxia.

It also combined some of Thornton's abilities and physique, and gave some more accurate data and analysis of Bai Xiaofei. And with these, Bai Xiaofei can start to design his special combat armor for Thornton. Of course... in view of the incomplete data, the design can only be partial, but it's better than nothing.

And the 10 special forces selected by Bai Xiaofei to participate in the Wolf Warriors also arrived at the Juxia aircraft carrier battle group in a helicopter gunship around noon today. And Lao Du also told Bai Xiaofei that Sunlight Leina sent a message, and it is expected to arrive on Earth's Juxia within an hour later.

"Very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, and excitedly said: "The legendary goddess is finally coming!"

The 10 special soldiers who were carefully selected from all over China couldn't help but feel their hearts twitch when they saw Bai Xiaofei facing him so anxiously, and said speechlessly: "Damn it! It can't be, this guy Is it the instructor and head of our wolf army? Why do you feel completely unreliable?"


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