The Storm God

Chapter 1748 Blood for blood! (Please subscribe!)

On board the Great Strait.

Old Du is very busy.

All kinds of orders from above, the aftermath of the battle in Tianhe City, as well as various casualties and damages, almost all of these require him to handle and be responsible. After a rough division of labor, it will be the work of other people. As the commander-in-chief of Earth's defense, Lao Du naturally couldn't escape his responsibility for the interstellar war.

And at this moment.


Qiangwei contacted him urgently, and said in an anxious tone: "Xiaofei, he..."

"What's up with him?"

Old Du thought that something happened to Bai Xiaofei, he was startled when he heard the words, and before Qiangwei finished speaking, he interrupted directly: "Could there be some accident? No! Isn't the fighting over there already stopped? ? The rest of the fish that slipped through the net, even ordinary troops can handle it, so what else can happen to Xiao Fei?"

"He went directly to Taotie!"

Qiangwei also didn't care about arguing with Lao Du anymore. The situation was urgent, so she quickly told Lao Du everything about her affairs, and finally said: "Dad, no matter how strong Bai Xiaofei is, the other party is after all The gluttonous legion of the interstellar civilization, it is so difficult to deal with just a vanguard flagship force, Xiao Fei went to fight the gluttonous main force alone..."

That is simply to die!


Qiangwei didn't say the latter words, but that's what she meant.

And her intention of contacting Lao Du is also very simple, that is to let the Juxia mobilize the most powerful military satellite on the earth - De Nuo 3, to explore and detect Bai Xiaofei and the situation of the gluttonous main force in the universe starry sky. If Bai Xiaofei is really in danger, he can find a way to rescue him in time.

Although it is unlikely that there will be any good spaceships on the earth, if they go there, they will almost only die, but this attitude still needs to be corrected.


Knowing a daughter is like a father.

Why didn't Lao Du understand Qiangwei's intention?

Hearing the words, he nodded immediately, and said seriously: "I'll give you an order now. Besides, if you don't have anything to do over there, you can come back and take a good rest, and leave the rest to the army. If something happens to Bai Xiaofei, who can rescue him?" , and only you super fighters!"


Qiangwei hung up the communication.

Then he shared Lao Du's opinion with Leina, Monkey King and the others.

There is no objection from everyone, and they are all complied with.

at the same time.

Lao Du, Lianfeng and others on the Juxia side also immediately started to act.

Although the Deno-3 satellite cannot locate and detect too distant cosmic starry sky, as long as there are energy fluctuations as a reference and data comparison, it can still calculate something. And Bai Xiaofei's speeding flight, as well as the cosmic war between the two sides, will inevitably break out various energy conflicts, so there is almost no big problem in trying to detect the situation over there.

as expected.

Lianfeng operated the Deno-3 satellite. After searching and scanning for a while, he finally locked on the coordinates of Bai Xiaofei and the Star Wars in the Pluto zone. According to the analysis screen fed back by the satellite, the battle there had obviously already broken out, and the battle situation was quite tragic.

As far as the eye can see, on the huge fuzzy detection screen of the Juxia Command Center, the entire screen is almost full of flashes of energy weapons, as well as explosions of various grand scales, followed by various spacecraft wreckage. In the vast cosmic starry sky, wanton sputtering and diffusion.

"This is……?"

Seeing such a scene, Lao Du and the others couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

First of all, I was taken aback by the huge power and offensive and defensive formation of the gluttonous army. I never expected that there were so many main forces of the opponent. The Grand Cross, the flagship of the vanguard, had more than two hundred searches. There are nearly 10,000 warships and destroyers, and it is obvious that they do not intend to give the earth any way of life!

But these are still light. What really shocked Lao Du and the others, their faces full of disbelief, and their jaws almost dropped, was the current state of the gluttonous main force, which is a bit miserable indeed! That's right. Even if they were miserable, it would not be an exaggeration to describe them as horrible.


The scale of Taotie's main force is as big as it is big.

But now it has been completely destroyed and completely turned into the wreckage of the universe. The number and scale of the star ruins seem to be even more frightening.

At a glance, apart from the more than 200 vanguard flagship Grand Crosses with light energy barriers still intact, cruising in the cosmic starry sky, releasing the main artillery fire from time to time, there are various small warships as high as nearly 10,000 around them. However, it was destroyed by someone like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves, almost naked!

That's right!

It was almost annihilated!

Originally surrounded by countless small battleships, the gluttonous main force looked extremely shocking and majestic, giving people a sense of endless pressure. But now... as the surrounding small battleships were destroyed by people at an incredible speed, and finally turned into dust in the universe, more than 200 vanguard flagships seemed to be about to become bare commanders!

It's like a proud and beautiful peacock whose gorgeous feathers have all been pulled out abruptly, so there is no charm at all. Of course... Even so, the more than 200 Pioneer flagship Grand Cross, forming an offensive and defensive formation, cruising together in the universe starry sky, is still quite majestic. At least Lao Du and others think they want these guys, That was still pretty stressful.

And the culprit who caused all this, don't need to think too much, it must be Bai Xiaofei!

as expected.

Following the operation of the beautiful woman Lianfeng.

The Deno-3 satellite was searching for the energy signal, and in the extremely fierce interstellar war, it quickly found Bai Xiaofei's figure. But Bai Xiaofei's speed is really too fast, with the ability of De Nuo No. 3, it is not enough to locate and track Bai Xiaofei's movement in real time, so what is displayed on the screen is only a golden fuzzy light group.

And Bai Xiaofei.

It's like an extremely powerful meteor, like the scythe of death, every time it shuttles through the main gluttonous army, it will be accompanied by clusters of explosions and destruction, destroying at least 2 or 3 ships. The small battleship was completely destroyed and turned into dust in the vast universe.

His strategy is also very simple.

Avoiding their edge, breaking down one by one, relying on incomparable speed and flexibility, shuttling back and forth between the gluttonous main force, never giving the opponent a chance to release super powerful weapons, unless the opponent doesn't care about the casualties of their own people at all, otherwise they can only Let Bai Xiaofei lead them by the nose, and then he was beaten until his skin was bruised and his face was swollen, and he didn't even cry!

Although the style of play is a bit mean and shameless, it is very effective.

At least……

Up to now.

Bai Xiaofei didn't get hurt at all, except for the fact that he was expending a lot because of the fastest speed and full power of energy and strength, but what he got in exchange was an astonishingly bumper harvest. Those were nearly ten thousand gluttonous small warships, and in just half an hour, they were almost wiped out by him alone!

Such a record is simply unbelievable!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I guess no one would believe it, and maybe even be laughed out of my teeth.

After seeing such a scene, on the Juxia, in the entire command center, including Lao Du, there was one counted as one, and they were all completely stunned, not because their eyes were bulging and about to stare. It looks like the posture of the jaw dropping to the ground trying to sink the aircraft carrier, just like seeing an ant fucking an elephant, almost everyone's brains froze at this moment.

It's not that they can't bear it, they just stay there, and the shock can't be added.

But Bai Xiaofei's performance was too terrifying!

To know.

That is the main force of Taotie!

The alien invaders whose civilization and technology are far superior to those of the earth for many years, the tyrants with extremely powerful combat effectiveness, not just ostentatious and paper villains, the tragic degree of the Tianhe Battle, and the countless soldiers and civilians who died It can be well proved that the brutality of Taotie's main force is definitely higher than that of a small advance force!

The gap between the two is definitely the difference between cloud and mud.


Such a ferocious and terrifying enemy, but now Bai Xiaofei was alone, yes, alone, and he didn't seem to be wearing the Seraphim Pluto's divine clothes, and directly overwhelmed the main force of Taotie. The terrifying army that looked like locusts crossing the border was suddenly crippled and turned into a bare-bones commander!

I go!

What a pervert!

You have always thought that Bai Xiaofei was a docile tiger, but now he suddenly transformed into a terrifying tyrannosaurus rex, how can you not be shocked, how can you not be stunned?

It's too damn scary, isn't it!


After the shock and daze.

Lao Du and the others, who came back to their senses, were completely excited right after.

Ducao was so excited that he jumped up on the spot, patted his thigh uncontrollably, and shouted loudly: "Okay! Well done! Fuck him hard, Xiaofei, just let it go!" Today, we must let them know that our earth is not easy to bully! If you dare to kill innocent people in China and massacre civilians, then let them come and go!"

"A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!"


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