The Storm God

Chapter 1773 Tiejiaman beast! (Please subscribe!)

That's right!

The Tiejiaman in front of him, in Bai Xiaofei's view, is definitely a monster. Looking at Tiejiaman among other cosmic knights, whether it is the protagonist or the villain, which one is not so handsome? Full of futuristic technology style, a super existence that can't even be killed by a nuclear bomb.

But this one in front of me...

Tut tut!

It's so ugly!

If he hadn't seen d-boy use the crystal to transform with his own eyes, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but wonder if the other party had transformed. That's right! It's an alien! The style of d-boy's transformation is very similar to the fusion of creatures and machines on the alien body. The overall style can be described as dark and weird, revealing a ferocious and cruel taste everywhere.

The only difference between the two is probably the color and physiological structure of the body.


Although d-boy's current appearance is not good, but the overall strength is still very strong. Bai Xiaofei used the analysis of dark data and the detection of Pangu's dark system to clearly mark the opponent's danger level, which is the most dazzling red, which shows that the opponent definitely has the ability to hurt or even kill Bai Xiaofei.

"Is it an antimatter cannon?"

Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly, secretly guessing in his heart.

If you want to say what is the most powerful weapon among the cosmic knights, it is undoubtedly Tie Jiaman's antimatter cannon. When it comes to anti-matter cannons, we have to mention Tiejiaman's transformation system. According to the official setting of Cosmic Knight, Tiejiaman's transformation is the product of special genetic modification.


strictly speaking.

Tiejiaman is also a kind of super genetic warrior.

It's just that it is slightly different from the super engine focus of Ge Xiaolun and others. Radham's black technology is more inclined to the improvement of the creature itself.

Closer to home.

When Tegaman transforms, the huge energy in the crystal will form a crystal force field, forming a bridge between the four-dimensional space and the high-dimensional space, creating a gravity-free thing like a flat horizon. At this time, the transfiguration system will filter positive particles and anti-particles from the quantum vacuum activated by the crystal stand.

Positive ions form positive matter, forming a special exoskeleton that wraps the body, which is like a mecha, full of futuristic technological style. Don't look at them as mechanical, but in fact, all exoskeletons are extensions of the body, and the two are mentioned together, regardless of each other.

Once the armor is damaged, the body will also be injured, and the blood that flows is not lubricating oil, mechanical parts, or electric sparks. However, these biological armors also have the ability and strength far beyond mechanical technology, which makes people have to admire Radham's technology, which is really incredible.

The rest are antiparticles.

Anti-particles generate anti-matter, which is stored in an anti-matter container made of exoskeleton, and becomes Tegaman's strongest weapon - anti-matter cannon.

However, this thing is not something that any Tiejiaman will have. For example, in the anime Cosmic Knights, the green archer-like Tiejiaman that appeared at the beginning did not have an antimatter cannon. Once the antimatter cannon and Tegaman's positive matter armor meet, they will be annihilated.


This does not mean that the target will necessarily be cleared and killed.

Because the strength of Tekkaman has a very important relationship with the personal strength of the body and the terminal that cultivates them, even... if conditions permit, Tekkaman has room for further strengthening, that is, there is a tekkamanplus version. In the anime, freeman strengthens d-boy with a flowering radham tree. Later, in order to fight against blade, evil also went to strengthen it.

The power of the enhanced anti-matter cannon is unquestionable, and it will definitely kill the ordinary Tie Jiaman in seconds.

Cough cough, the topic is a bit far away.

Closer to home.

In fact, most of the things we usually see are positive matter composed of positive particles. Antimatter technology is not without it, but it is only in its infancy. Just like what the commander of Chaoshenxiongbing Lian Taotie said, once anti-matter combat weapons are involved, the energy required to consume is too huge, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Radham's Tiejiaman clothing system is obviously very advanced in terms of both positive matter technology and antimatter technology. If there is no certain defensive means, even a master of Bai Xiaofei's level would probably be unbearable if he was attacked head-on or by a sneak attack, and took an anti-matter cannon.

The encounter of positive and negative is 0, this is the most fundamental theorem in the universe!


A theory is a theory.

What actually happened is another matter.

For example, the d-boy in front of him has the same name as the hero of the space knight, but he is definitely not at the same level in terms of appearance or strength, so he may not be able to kill Bai Xiaofei. This is the conclusion that Bai Cass came to after careful analysis, even if the other party has an unfathomable anti-matter cannon.


Baikas speculates that this d-boy is not a complete Tiejiaman.

As we all know, Radam's Tiejiaman clothing system is actually a stronger version of biological weapons made by Radam for himself. It can be regarded as a kind of puppet, and the screening requirements and conditions are very high. Once the conditions are not met, or there is rejection, it will be eliminated.

Since d-boy can maintain a complete self-awareness, it means that he was not parasitized by Radam.

For Tiejiaman who has not been parasitized, whether it is due to subjective reasons or objective accidents, the result is the same, that is, the incomplete Tiejiaman dress system. The biggest shortcoming of this kind of Tiejiaman is that the time for transforming to fight is quite limited, at most about 30 minutes.


The mind and spirit will be backlashed, and then go berserk and become a demon.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei immediately understood why Lao Mi's gravity field in Area 51 can only be activated for half an hour. Because this is the limit of d-boy, even if it exceeds one minute, whether d-boy is crushed to death by high-pressure gravity on the spot, or turns into a demon, it will be an unbearable loss for them.


Excessive consumption is also a very important reason.

Although there are many things mentioned above, in Bai Xiaofei's mind, thoughts flashed like lightning, and it only took a few seconds at most. And when Bai Xiaofei finally calmed down and began to look at the other party again, d-boy finally completed his Tie Jiaman transformation, completely turning into a humanoid monster, wearing a thick, strange, domineering exoskeleton armor, showing In front of everyone.

Just at this time, the eyes of Ge Xiaolun and others around him finally returned to normal, and after seeing d-boy's new look, they couldn't help but let out bursts of exclamation. Including the poisonous spider in the League of Haters and others, take a look at the d-boy's handsome exoskeleton armor that covers the whole body, and then look at his rudimentary stuff...


This is completely the difference between cloud and mud.

At this moment, they finally understood a sentence - people are more dead than others, and goods are better than goods! There is no harm if there is no contrast, once there is a contrast, and it is an incomparably huge one, the harm will naturally be greater. At this moment, the poisonous spider and others from the Hateful Alliance felt that it was really heartbreaking.

And it was so cold and painful that I couldn't breathe!

"tekkaman, beast!"

Regardless of how everyone outside reacts.

In the scene, the transformed d-boy brandished his own weird weapon in his hand, and after playing a handsome poss majesticly, he also called out his title of Tie Jiaman at the same time.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "A fierce beast? Hehe! It fits your current image quite well."

When watching anime before, he felt very strange, why both the protagonist and the villain would say their own titles after they transformed, and what they called each other was not the other's name, but the other's title. Is it to show off? Or is it to tell the audience another identity after transformation?

After seeing the situation of d-boy, Bai Xiaofei vaguely understood that this should be the built-in programming language design of Radam's dress transformation system. Just like when an xp computer is turned on, a windows animation window page will appear, every Tie Jiaman will automatically display his title after the transformation is completed.


This title is also the specific model of the Tiejiaman.

For example, the anime protagonist d-boy's name is blade, translated into Chinese, it means sharp blade, which is quite in line with his Tiejiaman characteristics. The d-boy in front of him, Tiejiaman's title is actually called beast, it can be seen that it was designed in the shape of a beast at the beginning, no wonder its appearance is so weird.

A ferocious beast that might go berserk at any time.

Hehe, isn't this a dangerous man? No wonder the other party has the same nickname and name as the hero in Cosmic Knights. The name of d-boy is worthy of the name.


The word danger is also for ordinary people.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, Tie Jiaman beast could barely catch his eye.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei looks down on d-boy.


An incomplete Iron Garman.

A guy who only has about 30 minutes to fight, why should he fight Bai Xiaofei?

Except for the anti-matter cannon that can pose a little danger to Bai Xiaofei, all the other methods of Tie Jiaman are almost ineffective against the superhuman Bai Xiaofei. Once the battle entered a stalemate, after 30 minutes passed, d-boy would have to undo Tie Jiaman's transformation.

By then...

The d-boy who returned to normal, let alone Bai Xiaofei.

I'm afraid that just anyone holding an ordinary small pistol or dagger can threaten d-boy's personal safety, right?

How could such a guy whose strength and status are extremely unstable with the help of external force, with Bai Xiaofei's ability, how could he feel dangerous? Unless d-boy can be strong enough to kill him in an instant, which is obviously impossible, otherwise there is no need for Lao Mi to ask Bai Xiaofei for help!

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's thoughts and reactions.

"can we start?"

After the transformation, d-boy asked Bai Xiaofei.

The tone is arrogant, full of strong confidence and momentum. At the same time, because of the exoskeleton armor, d-boy's voice sounds full of metal texture at the moment, just like electronic pronunciation, but even so, anyone can It can be heard that d-boy's excitement is clearly impatient to start a fierce battle with Bai Xiaofei.


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