The Storm God

Chapter 1783 Lena leaves! (Please subscribe!)

Great Gorge.

In Bai Xiaofei's room.

Two figures suddenly appeared, they were Bai Xiaofei and Leina.

"Little Fei!"

As soon as she stood firm, Leina couldn't wait to ask: "You just said... my grandpa is not dead? How is this possible? My grandpa is already... This is something everyone knows, why do you say that my grandpa is not dead?" Die? What the hell is going on here? Are you lying to Cheng Yaowen, or do you really know something that I don't?"

"What do you say?"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, looked at Leina's eagerness, and explained: "I don't need to lie to Cheng Yaowen, who is just a mere Cheng Yaowen. Your grandfather is really alive, but it's okay if he's not in a good state. In the big battle, although Lie Yangxing was the final victor, he still won miserably. As for why your grandfather died on hold, then you have to ask Pan Zhen!"

"Pan Zhen?"

Lena was taken aback when she heard that.

Immediately, he didn't dare to say it: "He actually knew that my grandfather was not dead? Doesn't this mean that he has been deceiving me all this time?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Obviously yes, although there are certain difficulties, but this is the fact, your grandfather is not dead, but for some reason, he hid it, the outside world and even most of you Lieyang star , I don’t even know about it, but I can be sure that, as the guardian of Lieyang Star, Pan Zhen must know!”

"If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask him."


A swearing look.

But Lena was completely stunned, obviously unable to accept such a fact.

Bai Xiaofei didn't say much, but just looked at Lena quietly. He was very clear about the grievances between Deno Galaxy and Lieyang Star, and it was definitely not something that could be explained and eradicated in a few sentences. Fortunately, it used to be Most of the people of that era have died.

Now there are only Di Hongkun (Leina's grandfather), Lao Du, and the little prince Cheng Yaowen left. It is very simple to resolve the conflict between them. The result is nothing more than resolving grievances, or between the two, being completely killed by one of them.


The latter is less likely.

Otherwise, with the strength of Emperor Hongkun and the power of Lieyangxing, Cheng Yaowen and Lao Du, the two De Nuo descendants who survived by luck, would not be able to live today. The key is whether Cheng Yaowen can let go of the hatred in his heart (Old Du doesn't count at all), as long as he lets go, everything will be fine.

As for Cheng Yaowen, Bai Xiaofei has absolute confidence.


This is the general trend.

It is also an established fact in the plot of the original novel. Even if some accidents may occur, there will never be too much deviation, let alone Bai Xiaofei's intervention and help now. Don't look at the fact that Bai Xiaofei just beat up and lectured Cheng Yaowen, but the actual effect is not trivial.

It must be known that Bai Xiaofei used his mind and thoughts.

Every word he said before, every word, has the effect of shocking the soul and reaching the most real and deepest thoughts in the depths of the soul, otherwise Cheng Yaowen would not have such a big impact just because of Bai Xiaofei's simple preaching The reaction immediately fell into deep thought.

This is the function of mind power.


The main reason is that Cheng Yao's character is not bad.

Otherwise, no matter how hard Bai Xiaofei works, he still can't change Cheng Yaowen's view of Leina, unless his memory is completely erased.

The key is to see when this kid Cheng Yaowen will be able to fully wake up.

Let's not talk about anything else.


After pondering for a moment.

Leina finally believed Bai Xiaofei's words, and recovered from the shock.

Then he said to Bai Xiaofei: "Xiaofei, if what you said is true, then I think I have to go back. I want to ask Pan Zhen and my grandpa what happened back then. Why destroy the De Nuo galaxy, if possible, I will give Cheng Yaowen an explanation!"

"You want to go back?"

Bai Xiaofei was shocked when he heard this.

This is not what he wants, not to mention parting with the goddess, this matter itself is beyond the track of the plot, Bai Xiaofei is really afraid that it will cause many twists and turns, so he said: "Is it necessary to go? Actually In the past, who is right and who is wrong is no longer important, because dead people and destroyed planets cannot be regenerated at all!"

"Instead of entangled in the past, it is better to start with the present and the future."


Bai Xiaofei looked at Leina firmly, with a swearing look, and said: "I promise, after Cheng Yaowen wakes up, he will never pursue the past, and everyone will be like before, all comrades who can be trusted and entrusted to ! Reina, trust me!"

"Little Fei!"

Lena shook her head and said with a smile: "Of course I believe you, has nothing to do with me going back. No matter what the cause of the previous war was, who was right and who was wrong, even if it has been tens of thousands of years, but As the main god of Lieyang Star and the current empress, I feel that I have the obligation and responsibility to know and bear all this!"

"do not worry!"

"I won't mess around, I promise you!"


The voice just fell.

Before Bai Xiaofei could say anything else.

Seeing that Leina suddenly stepped forward, her passionate red lips were heavily imprinted on Bai Xiaofei's cheeks.

Bai Xiaofei was shocked immediately.

next moment.

The tenderness and heat on the face are far away.

Even the figure of the goddess Lena also turned into a golden light and disappeared without a trace.

Only Bai Xiaofei was left blankly on the spot.

I was speechless for a long time.


And the other side.

Cheng Yaowen finally recovered from his contemplation. He ignored Ge Xiaolun and others who cared about him, and directly used his heart of the earth ability to summon a magnetic rock suspended in the air, which was like a flying machine, carrying himself At an extremely fast speed, it shot towards the direction of the Juxia.

After so long training.

The current Cheng Yaowen seems to have reached an astonishing level in the use and development of the power of the earth. Similar to this kind of flying combat method is simply trivial.

And his purpose is also very simple, that is, to return to the Juxia immediately, and then ask Lao Du, one of the survivors of the tragedy of the Great War, why the Deno galaxy went to war? Old Du's answer, as well as his attitude, will directly affect Cheng Yaowen's future relationship and decision with Lie Yangxing and Leina.

The poor and bewildered Ge Xiaolun and the others were stunned on the small training island, looking at me and I looking at you, all of them were depressed and speechless. Captain Lena has left, and Cheng Yaowen, the vice-captain, has also left. What should we do with the rest? We were training, but something like this happened, should we continue? Will you call back home?

at last……

Everyone looked at Qiangwei in unison.

There is no way, who told her to be Lao Du's daughter, and now she can only rely on her to contact and ask the superiors what they mean.


Qiangwei rolled her eyes angrily.

But she was depressed, she didn't give up, but quickly contacted Lao Du, and told her dad everything that happened here, and then asked: "Now we What should I do? Continue training, or go back to repair?"

"Come back!"

Old Du pondered for a moment, then gave instructions with a sigh.

This is also something that can't be helped. There is such a fierce conflict in the team, what do you make the rest of the team think? Even if they were allowed to continue training, it would be difficult for them to concentrate. Instead of letting them think wildly and wasting time and energy on the island, it is better to call them back and give everyone a thought lesson.


And at the same time.

In the shadow space, after hearing Pang Tang's report, Taotie's immediate boss, Karl the God of Death, smiled sinisterly, then contacted Morgana, the king of demons, and began to implement his long-planned new plan. And after paying a certain price, finally got Morgana's nodding promise.

The God of Death and the Devil officially formed an alliance at this moment.


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