The Storm God

Chapter 1799 Surround Wei and save Zhao! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

Morgana was furious.

Facing Bai Xiaofei's crazy behavior, even if he is as strong as her, there is nothing he can do.

It's not that she can't do it, but that Bai Xiaofei is too buggy.

Teleport ah that is.


Come and go without a trace.

There are almost no restrictions, how to fight him?

Although the black technology micro-wormhole carrying technology of the Devil Legion is also very powerful, but it is based on having enough data, otherwise let alone teleportation, I am afraid that it will not even be able to locate Bai Xiaofei's position . But the demon army's information on Bai Xiaofei's ability is pitifully little.

Especially now, with Bai Xiaofei who has the aura of invisibility and the cloak of nothingness, even the big clock has deciphered his relevant information. The demon army is really powerless and helpless against Bai Xiaofei.


Artest looked shocked, and said bitterly: "What should we do now? With the ability of that guy Bai Xiaofei, I am afraid that we will soon be able to wipe out all the forces we have deployed in the United States. That is more than a hundred thousand My fellow demons, we must find a way to stop him!"

The voice just fell.

The mechanical device in front of him suddenly lit up with a red dot.

This red dot represents a certain distribution base of the demon legion, which has been uprooted and completely wiped out. Just like the base in Hawaii that was smashed to pieces by Bai Xiaofei with a giant meteorite. On the map of the United States on the monitor, a total of more than 20 distribution bases of the demon legion are displayed.

Although the demon distribution bases marked on the map vary in size, there is no doubt that most of the people stationed there are elite demon troops.

Only a small number of non-demon races are eligible to enter the base.

And now...

Two have turned red.

That is to say, the demon sub-base that lights up in red has been completely destroyed.

And it's not hard to imagine the instigator, it must be Bai Xiaofei. After all, Bai Xiaofei's abilities are there, apart from him, no one else can do such a crazy thing.

"So fast!"

Artest was shocked again.

How long has it been, maybe not even a minute, Bai Xiaofei actually destroyed another branch base!

What a terrifying speed, what a terrifying ability!


Before Artest could react from the shock.

The black technology device of the Devil's Castle, followed by an alarm bell, began to sound alarms continuously. At the same time, the more than 20 demon sub-bases marked on the map of the United States also quickly turned red one after another. In the blink of an eye, more than half of the bright spots on the screen turned into dazzling scarlet.

That is.

The forces of the demon army deployed in the territory of the United States.

It's just that in less than a minute, about half of them have been completely wiped out by Bai Xiaofei.


And see such a scene.

Even Morgana, who was as strong as the Demon King, was so shocked that she couldn't help but gasp.

In less than a minute, more than a dozen sub-bases of the demon army were killed! Nima, what kind of ability is this? Are you hanging up? ! Morgana was completely shocked by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying methods. My heart is full of fear and astonishment, but more of it is monstrous anger.

well known.

Although Morgana was cruel and cruel, she cared very much about her subordinates.

Now that Bai Xiaofei has killed more than a dozen of her demon sub-bases at once, and slaughtered tens of thousands of demon subordinates, how can you tell her not to be angry? As soon as this anger came up, as the majestic demon king and the greatest evil in the known universe, Morgana naturally forgot all her fears about Bai Xiaofei.

"This lunatic!"

"Tai, send my order to let all the fellow demons in the United States evacuate the sub-base. Those who can use micro-wormholes to evacuate use micro-wormholes. ...No matter what method you use, just evacuate immediately, and you must never let that bastard Bai Xiaofei succeed again!"

"At the same time, immediately mobilize a team of demon elite combat teams!"

"Send them to China!"


Artest responded when he heard the words.

The movements of his hands were not slow, and he immediately carried out Morgana's order. However, when he began to mobilize the demon elite combat team, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback, wondering: "Queen, what did you just say? Are you sending the demon elite combat team to Huaxia? Are you going to...?"


Morgana nodded indifferently.

With boundless anger and cruel murderous intent released in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "That bastard Bai Xiaofei dared to slaughter my demon people wantonly in front of me, it's so obvious that he wants to fight me to the death In the end! Since both parties have completely torn their faces apart, why should I worry about it?"

"He is now massacring our compatriots everywhere in the United States and destroying our bases. Yes, we really can't stop him. His teleportation ability is too buggy. Even I have no ability to track and attack him. But...we You can give him a way to repay him!"

"If the monk can run but can't run away from the temple, I don't believe that the whole of Huaxia can be like him, and have such a terrifying teleportation ability! I want that bastard Bai Xiaofei to know that the fate that dares to provoke our demons is also unbearable for ordinary people. Yes. When Huaxia is in trouble, I won’t save Bai Xiaofei and he won’t go back!”

"This is called besieging Wei and saving Zhao!"


Morgana deserves to be Morgana. She has survived the tens of thousands of years of war with the angels. Her commanding ability and commanding ability are naturally beyond doubt. No, after the initial shock and anger, Morgana quickly figured out a way to deal with Bai Xiaofei.


Although this method is good, it still cannot change the bad situation in the United States. Even if it succeeds, countless demons will be sacrificed.

However, this was already the best choice Morgana could think of.


The result will only get worse!


Artest has followed Morgana for so many years, so his mind is naturally not slow.

He understood the Queen's intentions almost instantly, and he immediately lifted his spirits, responded with a cry, and then hurriedly executed the operation. At this time, Morgana was gnashing her teeth and staring at the bright red spots on the screen, while secretly using the ability of the dark plane, and began to urgently contact Karl, the god of death.

As an ally, if he is in trouble, of course he can't let him sit idle and watch the show.

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei already knew about the God Killing Plan.

This is a huge variable for both parties. If the problem is not resolved quickly, the troubles will only be greater in the future, and it is even possible that it will lead to the collapse of the entire plan. And such a situation, Morgana is absolutely not allowed.

To know.

She has fought against Holy Kesha for tens of thousands of years without any result.

Now that she had finally seen the hope of victory, she had waited tens of thousands of years for such an opportunity, so she naturally had to seize it tightly. If someone wants to prevent her from fulfilling her wish, no matter who the other party is, even if it is someone with incredible strength, Morgana will do everything she can to fight him.

This moment.

On the display of the Demon Castle, red dots kept lighting up. Morgana has almost 30 sub-bases of demon power deployed in the United States; and now, 21 of them have been destroyed by Bai Xiaofei. And this number is still rising, but the speed behind it has slowed down significantly.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei is dying.


His intelligence is not enough.

According to the information given to Bai Xiaofei by President Osima, there are a total of about 20 sub-bases of the devil.

But in reality, it's much more than that. It's just that Lao Mi's ability is limited, and some demons' sub-bases can't be found at all. It was also because of this that Bai Xiaofei's actions slowed down later. He spends more time looking for the devil's sub-base, and once he finds it, there is only one end -

was completely destroyed.

Regardless of the situation on Bai Xiaofei's side.

Let’s talk about the Devil’s Castle first. The Devil’s actions are very fast. With the Queen’s order and Artest’s emergency withering, a team of more than 30 demon elite combat teams was quickly assembled. They are fully armed one by one, and their strength looks very strong and not easy to mess with.


The devil's micro-wormhole technology is activated.

This demon elite combat team immediately passed through the wormhole and arrived near the Yunshan base in Huaxia.

And their primary goal is Donghong Sijiu in the base!

A strategic nuclear missile.


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