The Storm God

Chapter 1819 Look no one! (Please subscribe!)

"it's me!"

To be honest, Bai Xiaofei was very surprised by the attention of the holy Kaisha.

Even if Yuhiko's report, his own existence should not be so valued by the holy Kesha who claims to be the king of the gods, right? Logically speaking, shouldn't Ge Xiaolun, who is the heir to the power of the galaxy, deserve more attention from her? Why did you skip Ge Xiaolun and directly aim at me? and……

I haven't been in touch with Kaisha myself, how did she know that I am an outsider?

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was very puzzled.

For some reason, he faintly felt a little uneasy, it was an instinctive throbbing. It was as if... I was naked and was placed under a magnifying glass, and all kinds of research and inspections were clearly observed at a glance. The feeling of having no privacy made Bai Xiaofei very unhappy.

However, it is worth mentioning that Holy Kaisa is worthy of being the strongest in the known universe, one of the most beautiful women among angels... From her, Bai Xiaofei felt the deep pressure and the vastness of the abyss. breath. It is conservatively estimated that the Holy Kaisa must at least be an existence above the high level of sanctification.


Maybe Kaisha has surpassed [becoming a saint] and reached a stronger state of [becoming a god].

Specifically, you will only know after the fight.


Bai Xiaofei can only rely on guesswork.

At the same time, apart from Holy Kaisa, the rest of the guardian angels are also very powerful. Not to mention Yan, as the left-wing guard of the holy Kaisa, his strength is naturally beyond doubt, and there is a proper holy-level existence. Although it is only the beginning of the holy, it is also very powerful. The sub-biological engine, it is estimated that its strength can increase a lot.

But among the dozen or so high-ranking guard angels who descended, Bai Xiaofei didn't find the right-wing guard Zhi Xin. It is estimated that the holy Kesha and others should have run to Karl, the god of death first, and then left Zhixin there, as in the original plot. If there is no accident, they may not escape death.

Except for the two wing-level guardian angels, Yan and Zhixin, the rest of the angels are also very beautiful and powerful. According to the analysis and detection of Bai Xiaofeipan's ancient dark system, they at least have the strength of the peak level of the extraordinary realm, especially the beautiful angel named Leng, who is almost the strongest among the many guardian angels. It looks like it can break through to the saint level.

"Is this the essence of angelic civilization?"

Bai Xiaofei nodded secretly, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, it's terrifyingly strong. I won't talk about Kesha. She is definitely a super god, plus two holy-level guard wings, and more than a dozen high-ranking angels at the peak of the extraordinary. Even if the combat power is some high-level world, it can definitely go sideways, and this is only part of the angel's strength!"

"No wonder Holy Kaisa is so arrogant, almost defiant, she is so confident!"

"Unfortunately, it is destined to fall here..."


Think of such a powerful team of angels.

But because of the arrogance of the holy Kaisa, almost all of them fell and died tragically in a foreign country. Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but feel sorry for them, and he was full of sympathy.

It was at this moment that Bai Xiaofei finally understood the self-explanation of the angel family in the original book: "Angels are such creatures. With their best bodies, they do the most dangerous things, enjoy the feeling of being admired and loved by all people, and enjoy being with each other." The excitement of fighting evil. Dance in the wind of evil, or die in a poignant battle, or help one side."


This is the fate of angels.

Yan is destined to be his own woman, and he wonders if he can reverse her fate and promise her a peaceful and happy future?

In just a short moment, Bai Xiaofei's mind turned and he thought a lot.

And it doesn't matter what Bai Xiaofei thinks.

At this time, Lao Du had already stood in the confrontational position, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "You are the holy Kaisha? What are you doing here on Earth?"

War madman Ducao, this is the title of Lao Du back then. Nearly 10,000 years ago, Lao Du personally launched the Deno War, which caused a large number of military and civilian casualties, as well as countless property losses. The war between the two civilizations of the Deno galaxy was protracted. In the end, the sun god of the Lieyang star intervened and detonated the sun of the Deno galaxy, which finally deserved the demise of the Deno galaxy.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the known universe, Lao Du's name is also super resounding.


Even against the Holy Keisha.

Old Duna also didn't have the slightest bit of stage fright, he was full of courage, and he was full of the iron-blooded spirit of a soldier, which was very powerful. At the same time, it also made the soldiers on the Juxia feel encouraged and excited. Shocked by the powerful aura, he came back to his senses.


Regarding Old Du's negotiation, Holy Kaisa didn't pay any attention to it. She turned her eyes away from Bai Xiaofei's body, and then instantly turned into a hazy and strange misty white color, and said to herself: " Give me a minute to read about Earth... umm, beautiful world."


Old Du frowned slightly.

Was ignored? It would be a lie to say that you are not angry.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he can only hold back his anger now, and continue to negotiate with Holy Kaisa: "What do you really want?"

Holy Kaisa continues to invade and read all data and information about the earth, countries, nations, religions, beliefs, history... In short, everything, almost everything that happens on the earth, cannot escape her. Fayan, and then she quickly had a panoramic view, taking in everything at a glance.

follow closely……

She finally spoke.

But the tone is more like talking to himself: "Ah, there are wars everywhere, the whole history of the earth is war, war, war, death, death, death, no wonder Death Karl is interested in you. Death Karl is keen on studying death , this planet couldn’t be more suitable for him.”

Keisha's voice didn't deliberately avoid anything, and with her strength and status, there was absolutely no need for scruples.

Say what you want, and you are not afraid of offending people at all.


Her soliloquy.

It was also true that everything fell into the ears of everyone at the scene. This seemed to be an answer, but Bai Xiaofei didn't feel much, but Lao Du and others were different. Seeing that Lao Du's face darkened and his eyes became a little colder, he continued to ask: "Aren't you here for the war?"

Old Du Ke still clearly remembers that Karl, the god of death, once conducted a live broadcast in front of people all over the world, which probably means that the earth is being targeted by forces in the universe, Karl the god of death is one, and Morgana, the king of demons, is A, likewise, self-proclaimed righteous angelic civilization is also included.

The earth is only for submission, and has no right to resist at all. The only freedom is to choose which side to submit to.


The gluttonous army has arrived.

Not long after, Morgana's demon army also appeared on the earth one after another.

Now, even the most powerful angelic civilization, the holy Kaisa who claims to be the king of the gods, has descended on the Great Strait. With all these incidents combined, what do you make Lao Du think? As a war madman and the current commander-in-chief of the earth's external operations, he would take these outsiders as potential enemies for granted.

It was precisely because of this that when Lao Du said these words, his attitude couldn't help but become extra rigid and indifferent.

The meaning is very simple, if you want to fight, you can fight!

Who is afraid of whom!

What is Holy Kesha?

How can you fail to see through the little thoughts and meanings in Lao Du's words? !

"Come here for the war?"

"Have you overestimated yourself? We can't use war to bullshit you."

"You are not qualified enough!"


A look full of disdain.

Holy Kesha's tone was haughty and defiant. This kind of high-ranking appearance will make anyone feel uncomfortable when they see it.

Among them, Ge Xiaolun is the most serious.

"I rely on it!"

"I don't like the appearance of this high-ranking old woman!" "Chief! "

Ge Xiaolun suddenly said: "Can I say a few words on my own behalf?"


Old Du nodded in agreement.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Bai Xiaofei, Lao Du, and everyone around, Ge Xiaolun stood up straight, full of anger, raised his neck, pointed at the high and holy Kaisha, and shouted loudly: "Hey! The one sitting on the sofa, the age Big...what are you doing?!"

A typical scolding posture.

Seeing it, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head secretly, and said in his heart: "Oh... I thought Xiao Lun would be awe-inspiring, but the result is still the same, it seems that he is still not mature enough!"

As for Ge Xiaolun's speech and actions, Holy Kaisa's reaction was more direct and undisguised. It was completely a joke of a monkey. She laughed on the spot, raised her beautiful brows, and said speechlessly: "Yo, this is [Galaxy Power]? Is it just such a small thing?"

I can tell.

Seeing that the legendary power of the galaxy is so unbearable and naive, Keisha seems very disappointed.

Immediately, her gaze turned to Bai Xiaofei again involuntarily, and then her gaze and attitude were completely different. There was a sense of satisfaction that after shopping around, she finally found the best choice. And Kaisha's reaction made Lao Du super upset.


Old Du, who was full of anger, couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "Negotiations should look like negotiations..."


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