The Storm God

Chapter 1833 Go to Frazier! (Please subscribe!)

The research and development of technology has never been a matter of one day, let alone the black technology with excessive content, even if Bai Xiaofei has a lot of background, if he wants to complete his own technology system, it will not be completed in a short time.

But fortunately, he has enough time, and he has an artifact that can travel through the heavens and worlds, so even if he is a little anxious, he doesn't worry about it at all, and he is very busy every day.

Not only him.

The same goes for Sunshine Rena.

With the help of the method of spiritual cultivation taught by Bai Xiaofei, Leina has a new orientation and understanding of her own strength. At least she no longer simply thinks that the power of the physics department is everything, and the derivation of spiritual power has opened a new door for her.

That's right!

After half a month of hard work.

Leina has already cultivated her own spiritual power, and it is of a fairly high level. After all, she herself is one of the three major god-making projects, her physique is supernatural, and her mental power was far beyond ordinary people before, but she didn't know about it because she didn't practice it systematically.

Now being led by Bai Xiaofei, who has practiced the most top-level spiritual cultivation method, it is natural to enter the country at a rapid pace, which is frighteningly fast. But it's a pity that Lena didn't awaken her mind power or anything, but she could control her own mental power to form simple defense and attack.

And this is exactly what Bai Xiaofei wants to see.

The reason is to prevent the calculations of Morgana and Death Karl. Although Lena has the guardian heart sent by Bai Xiaofei, but it is only a piece of equipment after all, how can it be more powerful than her own?

Now Lena's mental strength is not bad, which naturally relieves Bai Xiaofei's worries a lot.

While Bai Xiaofei was busy tinkering with the new type of combat uniform, many things also happened outside the barren mountain base. For example, the preliminary structure of the first survival base has been completed, and the development and construction of large spaceships have almost taken shape... and so on.

The international situation has also made significant progress due to the more perfect Skynet system. Of course, this is limited to the more than 50 countries that have joined the Skynet system, and the rest of the neutral forces are still the same.

There is still no awareness of the gluttonous army and demon army that are eyeing them.

Surprisingly, Morgana's demon army has been very quiet these days, and has not launched any actions. They are all huddled in their bases, and have no intention of expanding outside.


This is probably because Kaisha and other angels are on the earth.

Of course, Bai Xiaofei will never believe this kind of statement. He is sure that the two powerful forces that have already formed an alliance with Karl, the god of death, and want to kill Kesha must be secretly carrying out secrets that no one knows. action.

As for what it is, Bai Xiaofei is not very clear.

in addition……

He didn't care at all.

What Bai Xiaofei was curious about was, why didn't the Holy Kaisa give him an answer? Is it possible that becoming the reputation of the angel family can really abandon the method of spiritual and soul cultivation? That mood cultivation base is too high, right?

If that is the case, then someone will have to think of another way.


Whether it is the Genesis Library.

Whether it is Tiejiaman's genetic modification, or other black technologies, they are all waiting for Bai Xiaofei to provide the core key technology, and Kaisha's super genetic code is undoubtedly the most powerful unlocking key.

with it.

Bai Xiaofei's research in the field of genetics will inevitably usher in a qualitative leap. At that time, when combined with Krypton's Genesis Bank, the black technology of Radam civilization, and various super genes he has collected, the overall strength will be overwhelming. will advance by leaps and bounds.

At the very least, his infinite optimization ability can save more than 80% of the time, and can complete the absorption and replication of the power of the galaxy, the power of killing gods, and even the ability to emit the light of the sun as quickly as possible.


Because of the incompatibility of the light of the sun with the body of Superman.

Bai Xiaofei can only find another shortcut, and his final choice is to create a fourth clone. The original form of its ability is naturally the light of the sun, but its specific DNA must be based on Bai Xiaofei.

It's a pity that the three major god-making projects are far from being created and copied by Bai Xiaofei's random thinking. Without Kaisha's super genetic code as the key, with his current ability and technological level, he wants to perfectly forge his own sun. It is absolutely impossible to have a single body without more than a thousand or eight hundred hours.


After a week of doubts and waiting, the angel finally took action.

this day.

Bai Xiaofei was busy tinkering with the modular research of the new combat uniform, but suddenly a message came from the Juxia, Lao Du said: "A messenger has been sent from the Angel, saying that there is something very important and I need to find you discuss."


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly said: "Wait a moment, I'll be right there!"

If you guessed correctly, the so-called messenger of the angel should be Angel Yan. In other words, the plot of the God Killing Project has already begun to happen, and it is estimated that there must be something wrong with Frazer.


Everything is Bai Xiaofei's guess.

Whether this is the case, it can only be confirmed after arriving on the Juxia and seeing the other party.

In this way, thinking wildly in his mind, Bai Xiaofei found Leina who was meditating to temper her mental strength, and told her to stop practicing and follow him to the Great Gorge. And the barren mountain base here will also be put away.


Leina was completely puzzled by Bai Xiaofei's behavior.

Isn't it just to go to the Juxia and meet the angel's messenger? There is no need to demolish the entire barren mountain base, right? Could it be that something more serious is about to happen?

on this...

Bai Xiaofei just smiled and didn't explain much.

What do you ask him to say? Could it be possible to tell Lena that I guess the plot is about to reach a critical moment, and I don't have extra time to do research at all, so I have to complete my upgrade task?

It would be hell to not treat Bai Xiaofei as a fool.

After a while.

Everything is tidied up.

The barren mountain base completely disappeared, Bai Xiaofei took all of them into the space card and his own dimensional space, without leaving any traces on the scene. Of course, huge barrens and open spaces are exceptions.

Immediately, the two teleported back to the Great Gorge.


Great Gorge.

The facts did not exceed Bai Xiaofei's expectations.

The messenger sent by the angel is indeed an angel. The purpose of her coming here is not only to express the angelic civilization's peaceful and friendly attitude towards the earth and China, but also to seek help.

To put it simply, it is the same as the original plot, I want to find a powerful warrior, follow Angel Yan, leave the earth together, go to the planet Frazer in the Fairjord galaxy, help Angel and the natives there, repel the massacre of the people of demons.

This behavior also fully demonstrates that the angels are on the side with the earth.

Asking Earth's super soldiers to help is also to help Earth and China, so that they can see the cruelty and vastness of interstellar wars as soon as possible. It is definitely not as simple as one or two countries, but countless planets, all of which are involved.

As for Huaxia North Star, after learning what the angel meant, they immediately held an emergency meeting, and unanimously agreed to the angel's request, expressing their full support for this operation.

after all……

The other party is an angel.

The most powerful civilization in the known universe, such an ally came forward to seek cooperation, and a fool would refuse, let alone a backward civilization facing an interstellar crisis and its own misery, a small earth?

As for the candidate to go to Frazer, according to the plot of the original book, it should have been Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy. But now for some reason, even Bai Xiaofei was dragged in together.


In order for Bai Xiaofei to join obediently.

Angel Yan also gave him a condition that he couldn't refuse at all: "Queen Keisha said, as long as you can help us successfully complete this mission, the previous transaction will continue."

"At the same time, to show our sincerity, this is a deposit paid to you in advance!"


As soon as the words fell, Yan gave Bai Xiaofei a huge data packet.

After receiving it, Bai Xiaofei realized that it was all about the sacred language and codes of the angel family, and after completely mastering and integrating them, he was shocked to find that the core content turned out to be the general outline and brief description of the super genetic code.

He was immediately overjoyed.

After looking through it carefully, Bai Xiaofei was sure that this thing is definitely not a fake.

Because even if this is just the general outline and brief description of the super genetic code, it is only a rough inspection, without detailed study, Bai Xiaofei's genetic technology has a sense of enlightenment in many aspects.

If you continue to study, it is conceivable that Bai Xiaofei's genetics will definitely make a worthwhile leap.

Such an effect is simply against the sky.


It's just a general outline and a brief description.

How awesome and powerful the complete super genetic code should be, Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe it. Just as he has never been able to figure out the Tiandao stele, the super genetic code is obviously also a treasure of the Tiandao level.

It's a pity that Kaisha is about to fall, if Bai Xiaofei goes to Frazer with Yan, this super genetic code may never be obtained. Every time he thought of this, Bai Xiaofei felt very unwilling.


With a lot of thoughts, Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said secretly: "I'm not completely hopeless. The matter over Frazier's side, with the strength of Yan and Ge Xiaolun, plus my means, there is no reason why I can't do it alone." Ancient Sword Demon Atuo!"

"And Kesha on the earth side will also encounter the god-killing sniper attacks of Morgana and Death Karl. My upgrade mission also requires me to witness Kesha's fall with my own eyes. As long as I operate well, I may not be unable to obtain all Super genetic code."

"The avatar that stays on Earth can also help Reina on Earth, it can be said to be multiple in one fell swoop!"

"Okay, let's do it!"


Bai Xiaofei made up his mind to pay attention.

Then, after some careful preparations and dark hands, he, Ge Xiaolun and Yan boarded the miniature Angel galaxy shuttle to the planet Frazer in the Fairjord galaxy.


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