The Storm God

Chapter 1835 Death by Burning Heart! (Please subscribe!)


Inside the base of the Devil's Castle.

Morgana asked anxiously: "How is it? Have they left yet?"

"Report to the queen!"

After a while of operation, Artest immediately said: "According to the detection, there is no signal from them on the earth. The interstellar glider that left just now should be Angel Yan, Bai Xiaofei, and Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy."

"That's great!"

Morgana was overjoyed when she heard the words, and said with a smile: "The trouble is finally gone, and now our plan can be implemented without any scruples. Pass on the order and let my subordinates prepare for me!"


Morgana then started contacting Death Karl again.

Carl connected quickly, and replied: "How is it? Has Bai Xiaofei left the earth?"


Morgana couldn't help being taken aback.

Can't help being curious: "How do you know that Bai Xiaofei will leave the earth?"

She was very puzzled. According to the plan, the angel would definitely not leave the future prince alone, and would definitely send a wing-level guard to Frazer to suppress the rioting demons, but Bai Xiaofei's shot, in Morgana's opinion But it was an accident.


All of this has long been in the calculation of Karl, the god of death.


Karl, the god of death, smiled and explained triumphantly: "Of course it is calculated. Don't forget, the big clock is in my hands. As long as there is the situation on the other side of the earth, I don't have to worry about not being able to calculate their actions."

"Zhi Xin is on my side. Holy Kaisa has no other high-level guardian angels except Angel Yan, and according to my calculations, Bai Xiaofei has only two options for action. One is to leave the earth with Yan, and the other is to go with Reina. Stay on Earth."

"How to choose depends on how much Bai Xiaofei loves and loves the two of them. The big clock gives a higher probability of leaving the earth. No matter how he chooses, I have corresponding countermeasures."

What Morgana said was both startled and admired.

Of course she knew about the ability of the big clock, but she never expected that Karl, the god of death, could use it to such an extent that he could almost calculate the opponent's every move, which was simply terrifying.

I thought to myself, if Carl used it against me, I'm afraid I would also plot against him, right?

But the queen is the queen after all, no matter how shocked and apprehensive she was, she recovered quickly, and then said in a deep voice: "It's useless to calculate, the key is to keep them there completely, you are sure ?"


Karl, the god of death, vowed: "Although my void fighters are only the first batch of experimenters, their strength is still very guaranteed. The emergence of void power is destined to crush all current power systems!"

"Morgana, you can boldly set off a bloody storm on the earth. I guarantee that there will be no mistakes in the matter of Frazier. What you have to worry about is how to defeat the heroic company and wolf squad of the Great Strait. Let's go, Rayna, the light of the sun!"


Carl's tone was rather off-putting.

After hanging up the communication depressingly, Morgana didn't let her subordinates take action immediately, but waited cautiously for another day. Firstly, a more careful investigation of the Juxia can be carried out, and secondly, it is also necessary to ensure that Angel Yan and others leave completely.

Bai Xiaofei's reputation is too strong.

Morgana didn't want to attack the Great Strait by herself, and when she snatched Sunshine Lena, the other party suddenly jumped out. In the previous few confrontations and fights, the demons have never gained any benefits.

She has to make sure nothing goes wrong.

at the same time……

Over there in the dark nebula.

Karl's repeated actions finally aroused scorching suspicion, and he asked, "Did you contact Morgana just now? What did she say? Are you in the same group?!"


Karl, the god of death, nodded, without denying Zhi Xin's words.

But in the face of Zhi Xin's violent aura of burning herself at any time, she turned a blind eye to it, and said indifferently: "She just said that Angel Yan left the earth and went to Frazer to protect Ani Cid, and wants to talk to her Let's kill Holy Kesha together."

"Otherwise, kill me too!"


The voice just fell.

In the surrounding void, more than a dozen demon figures flashed.

Zhi Xin was furious immediately, without saying a word, holding the flame sword, he immediately fought with these demons. Although Zhixin is young, only 500 years old, but after all, he is the right wing guard of the holy Kaisa, and his strength is still very strong.

And those demons, if they are exhausted, they are some second-generation guys, and they are not Zhixin's opponents at all.


Demons were slaughtered.

Zhi Xin was unscathed, and landed in front of Karl, the god of death, and was about to say something, but heard a "poof", a flaming sword suddenly pierced through her chest from behind, and stabbed straight out.

Blood splattered.

The scorching god-killing energy wantonly destroyed the heart-burning super gene.

The angel's beautiful body finally fell down, completely silent. Faced with the death god Karl, the old Yinbi, Zhi Xin is obviously too weak. It's not that she is not strong enough, but that she has too little experience, so she was easily calculated.

No more threatening threats.

The smile on Karl's face, the god of death, was obviously more insolent and evil. At the same time, in the bright and vast night sky of stars, following Karl's instructions, a big devilish and illusory face emerged.

this moment.

The long-planned plan to kill God finally unfolded.

The departure of Bai Xiaofei, Tiantian Yan, and Ge Xiaolun was like a fuse, completely kicking off the prelude to this earth-shattering conspiracy. And poor Angel Zhixin was the first victim.


the other side.

In the vast universe, the cute mini interstellar shuttle, after crossing more than n wormholes, finally brought the three of Bai Xiaofei to Frazer in the Fairjord galaxy, but Frazer's atmosphere is too special, It cannot pass through.


The three of Bai Xiaofei could only descend to the ground by artificial flight.

The cabin door opened with a "swish", and the three of them stood in front of the door. Outside were the bright and beautiful stars and the universe. Ge Xiaolun only glanced at it, and his legs couldn't help trembling. Is there any danger?"

It's not that he hasn't done a high-altitude landing before, but it's his first time landing from outer space, so he can't help feeling a little apprehensive. Yan laughed, and said: "You have all the power of the Milky Way and still think about such a stupid problem, how far behind you are."


Fly directly.

He kicked Ge Xiaolun who was caught off guard on the spot. Poor Lunzi, under the gravitational force of Planet Frazer, just waving his hands and feet indiscriminately like this, falling down like a meteor.

"You come first!"

Facing Yan's stare, Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "You are familiar with this place, of course you are leading the way, I will follow behind you closely, so you won't get lost!"


Yan Yan gave Bai Xiaofei a meaningful look. In the end, he smiled lightly, without saying anything, the wings on his back suddenly spread, and he flew away from the interstellar glider, and rushed towards Ge Xiaolun quickly.

Inside the galaxy glider.

Bai Xiaofei smiled strangely, and muttered to himself: "Anyway, you don't need this thing. Instead of leaving it here to waste, you might as well give it to me. This is called diligence and thrift. It's a virtue, okay?"


Fly out directly.

The galaxy glider parked in space was instantly reduced to the size of a toy under the effect of Pym particle technology, and then Bai Xiaofei took it into his own dimensional space.

From the very first moment someone saw it, someone had made up his mind to take it away.

Now Bai Xiaofei finally got his wish.


A barren land in the Northland.

Two figures streaked across the sky like meteors, and finally landed in the vast and vast mountains. These two people are exactly Angel Yan and Ge Xiaolun. The posture they landed in was a little unsightly, like a real meteor, smashing a deep hole in the ground.

But Bai Xiaofei will be much better.

He flew very slowly, estimating the time, and felt that the two of them had almost reached the ground, so he unhurriedly activated Dark Flying Thunder, and the next moment, he appeared directly beside Ge Xiaolun with a calm expression on his face.

Ge Xiaolun was speechless for a while.

Complained: "Brother Fei, you, you are too shameless!"

How thick-skinned Bai Xiaofei is, how could Ge Xiaolun be able to move with such a little words, he shrugged innocently when he heard the words, and said: "None of my business, the person who kicked you is obviously her!"

Typical off topic.

Xiao Lun was about to say something when two burly warriors suddenly walked over. One of them, a guy in armor and a bull's head helmet, with an expression of disbelief, said to Yan: "Are you the God of War, Zhixin?"


The man next to him, who was obviously much shorter, knelt down in front of Yan.

A flattered and terrified look.


Yan ignored the kneeling man.

Instead, he looked at the burly man in the cow helmet with great interest, and said, "You actually know Zhi Xin?"


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