The Storm God

Chapter 1842 Void-like device! (Please subscribe!)

"What did you call me in for?" Yan asked curiously.

After making up his mind, Bai Xiaofei pulled Yan into his room without saying a word, saying that he had something important to tell Yan, but with Yan's intelligence, he obviously didn't believe that Bai Xiaofei would say something serious.

And it is true.

Bai Xiaofei pulled her in just to plan Yan's death.

However, before taking any action, if necessary, it is necessary to explain to Yan in advance, otherwise Yan after rebirth and awakening will never have any contact with Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to make things like this.

Take a deep breath.

Bai Xiaofei sorted out his thoughts, and then said to Yan with a serious face: "Yan, there are only two of us in the room right now, so I won't hide some things from you. To tell you the truth, we are in a very dangerous situation now. !"


Yan obviously didn't believe Bai Xiaofei's words.

As angels, they are proud in themselves, and according to the data obtained so far, although the forces on the demon side are large in number, their overall strength is not that high. In terms of high-end combat power, their side Totally dominant.


Isn't this just a joke!

She frowned, looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, and said speechlessly: "Bai Xiaofei, you must have been frightened by Morgana's name, right? A mere ancient sword demon Atuo scares you? This It's not like your style at the time!"

The "at that time" in Yan's mouth, Bai Xiaofei knew in his heart, was referring to making a deal with Keisha, showing his hole cards, and almost confronting Angel Civilization, when she said this, it was obvious that she was mocking Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't angry either.

After all, Yan doesn't know the specific situation now, so it's only natural to have that kind of thinking. It would be even more unbearable for someone else. He could only be patient, and explained to Yan: "Of course I'm not afraid of a mere Atuo, but the Void Warrior is different!"

"Void Warrior?"

Sure enough, he was worthy of being a deadly enemy. When he heard the word "void", Yan's expression was suddenly startled, and his face also became serious. He frowned and asked Bai Xiaofei, "Say it clearly, what void warrior? What else do you know?"

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, and immediately said: "I know very well how strong my Heavenly Sword Satellite is. Even if you want to destroy it in an instant, it is not easy, so I have absolute reasons to doubt it. , Death God Karl's old Yinbi must have also intervened!"

"Karl, the God of Death, has been studying the void quality. This is almost a matter known to everyone in the known universe. If there is no result, it is absolutely impossible for a mere glutton to have such an ability."

"Ato is just an enemy on the surface, and Karl's Void Warrior is the key. If we swagger and run over, there is almost a 100% possibility of being ambushed. Just in case, we must find out how to restrain the void. way!"

"Otherwise, it will only be a matter of time before the group is destroyed."


That's all.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes stared straight at Yan, with a sincere look on his face.


Yan was a little embarrassed to be looked at by Bai Xiaofei, his pretty face couldn't help but blushed, and he said speechlessly: "You, if you think of a way, just think of a way, why are you staring at me? Could it be that the way you said, is in On me?"


She was just talking casually.

Unexpectedly, Bai Xiaofei nodded seriously, and said solemnly: "The solution is indeed on you, but if you want to put it into use completely, you have to pay a little price, and this is exactly what I called in. The main reason!"

"Whether you can kill the Void Warrior, break the deadlock, and return to Earth as soon as possible, it all depends on you!"

"For the offense, I hope you don't blame me!"


Having said that, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sigh. Looking at Yan's bright and beautiful eyes, with a very helpless expression, he said, "I'm doing this for everyone's benefit, otherwise... the consequences will be unimaginable!"


Yan was a little dizzy from Bai Xiaofei's words, and quickly reached out to stop him, wondering: "Tell me first, what price will I pay for the method you mentioned, if what you said is true , for the sake of justice, even if I am buried here, I am willing!"

"Very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

Seeing this, he immediately replied excitedly: "Yan, what you have to do is very simple, that is, die once, and you don't need to do anything else. After you die, you will naturally know exactly what happened. .”

Angel Yan: "..."



Mountains in the southwest.

The two armed helicopters were rushing towards the mission target, and the people on them were Liu Chuang, Rui Mengmeng, He Weilan, and Liu Chuang, four super fighters, and the pilot of the helicopter.

The difference from the original book is that, regardless of whether they are flying in a helicopter, this helicopter is not an ordinary helicopter, but carefully crafted with a lot of black technology absorbed from Bai Xiaofei, and it is specially used for the Xiongbing Company. It is used by soldiers to perform tasks.

Beyond that, there are better flying machines, even fighter jets.


Missions in the wild and wooded areas.

Those things are obviously not suitable, only helicopters, a flying tool that can hover in the air and detect at low altitudes, are competent. Moreover, they are not used for fighting, they are pure means of transportation, and the main combat power is still Liu Chuang and others.

Closer to home.

After more than half an hour of flight.

The two helicopters finally arrived at the expected target location of the mission, and what is surprising is that those demons who had come here earlier did not hide their figures, ambushed and sniped, but stopped at the place so blatantly. in place.

He looked like he was waiting for the arrival of the Xiongbing Company.

"This doesn't feel right!"

Although Liu Chuang prefers to use force to solve problems and is not very good at commanding battles, he can clearly see that the demon's behavior is very strange. The so-called "everything goes wrong, there must be a demon", he immediately told his teammates to be careful Be alert, approach carefully, and pay attention to the surrounding situation, so don't fall into the enemy's trap.

"You should worry more about yourself!"

Qilin replied angrily: "We can't even see things that can be seen by a brain like yours? Besides, no matter how good your eyesight is, can it be better than my beyond-the-horizon combat capability?"


Chuang Zi was stunned instantly and had nothing to say.

at the same time.

The demon team on the opposite side also began to calm down when they saw Liu Chuang and others from the Xiongbing Company approaching slowly. They didn't choose to leave or go to war directly, but quickly pulled out a very weird device from their aircraft.

One of the demons muttered, "I don't know if this kind of void device given by Karl, the god of death, will work. Don't trick us. Whether we can go back or not depends on it."

The other demon was very straightforward. Hearing this, he snorted, "If it doesn't work, you'll know if you try it! It's best if it works, but if it's a rubbish thing, we can make preparations early. Look at me!"


Press hard with your hand.

The void-like device, like a black spar, was activated immediately.

next moment……

Seeing the two helicopters slowly flying towards this side, they immediately began to shake left and right like a drunkard who was too drunk, and violently bumped up, looking as if they might crash at any time look.

Inside the helicopter.

Liu Chuang and the others turned pale with shock, and said in a daze, "Damn, what's going on?"

"Are we attacked?"


The pilot of the helicopter tried his best to control the helicopter, while sweating profusely explained: "I don't know what happened, our instrument failed in an instant, and we can't do anything. I suspect that we have entered the enemy's special magnetic field ambush. Circle, you must turn around immediately!"

The idea is good, but will the enemy give you this chance?

Obviously unlikely.


Just as the pilot was trying to control the helicopter and wanted to turn around and stay away from the devil, two strange red light beams shot out from the enemy's aircraft angrily. The helicopter with all the system failures, without any ability to fight back, defend and dodge, was hit by both pairs on the spot.

next moment.

There were two bangs and explosions.

All the systems failed, and the helicopter that was hit by two laser cannons from the enemy head-on immediately burned with raging fire, carrying billowing black smoke, swirled from high altitude, and planted towards the mountains and forests on the ground.

at the same time.

The Wolf Warriors team in the northeast area was also ambushed and attacked by demons, and the situation was very dangerous.

Even Sun Wukong, Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain, was forced to be trapped in the energy barrier by the scheming demon team because of protecting Su Xiaoli, and he couldn't break through no matter how he rushed.

On the other side of the earth, the situation achieved by the demon army can be described as good.


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