The Storm God

Chapter 1869 I'm waiting for you! (Please subscribe!)


The top of the mountains.

The dozen or so high-level guardian angels who were still fighting the demon army were fighting fiercely, but all of a sudden, they fell straight from the sky like dolls without electricity. go down.

The army of demons was taken aback.

follow closely……

They suddenly realized that this was Kaisha's fall.

The warriors of the angelic civilization are different from other civilizations. Just like the computer in an Internet cafe is connected to a terminal main control program and server, the sacred database of the holy Keisha is that terminal server.

The advantages of doing so are obvious, but the disadvantages are equally obvious.

Just like now...

Kesha fell.

The sacred database will be closed and crashed accordingly, and all the angels who connect and share this terminal server service will also be like the computers in Internet cafes, because of the crash of the main control system, they will crash and restart accordingly.

Normally, this might be nothing.

But in a battle, once such a crash occurs, it is extremely fatal.

it's not...

After reacting.

Immediately, some demon warriors took the opportunity to restart and killed a few angels who were unable to react in time. The rest of the stronger ones, although they had quick reflexes and saved their lives, suffered serious injuries as a result.

The situation is critical now, and they can only endure the pain and sorrow, retreat and escape.


at the same time.

Frazer, the wild region of the Northern Realms.

Angel Yan was rushing towards the location of Ge Xiaolun and Bai Xiaofei, but it was only about halfway through the flight. With Kaisha's fall, Yan, who was also connected to the sacred data, soon suffered backlash and disconnection. line effect.


At this time Yan has awakened the sub-biological engine.

Using the power of the void, it did not decline severely, but without the support of the sacred database, the ability of the secondary biological engine will also be greatly affected, and the effect it can exert is greatly reduced, almost none of it exists.

no way.

The power of the engine is so dependent on the reserve of knowledge. Without the holy Kaisa's database as a reliance, it is like a toothless tiger or an eagle with broken wings. No matter how strong its ability is, it cannot be displayed.


Yan can't even think about the sub-biological engine now. She is filled with the sadness and disbelief of Kaisha's disconnection. As the strongest fascination in the known universe, Yan can hardly imagine that Kaisha will fall to the earth.

A single Morgana absolutely does not have this ability.

The main thing is Carl, the god of death!

this moment.

Yan could not help but become more convinced of Bai Xiaofei's previous remarks, that Carl, that pervert, might really be walking ahead of the angels, and far surpassed the level of Queen Kaisha.

Otherwise, how could Queen Keisha...


Absolutely not.

Queen Kaisha is just disconnected, not necessarily fallen! right! Unless I saw it with my own eyes, I absolutely don't believe that Queen Keisha would be killed by Morgana and the others.


Now is not the time to think about these things.

Kesha fell, the demons are powerful, the evil winds are rising, and the city of angels is bound to be in jeopardy. Frazer's Ani Cid may also be in danger as the prince. Now I have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the angel civilization. responsibility!

In any case, hurry up and meet Bai Xiaofei now.

I believe he will find a way.

Yan thought so.


Having regained her confidence and belief, she immediately fluttered her wings and continued on her way.

After a while, Yan finally arrived at the destination. As far as the eye can see, the corpses of demons are all over the ground, as well as blood and internal organs of all kinds of messy colors. The entire huge area is a mess, like ruins.

The entire battlefield is simply tragic to the limit.

Take a look.

Almost all corpses.

The number of these mountains and plains is tens of thousands to say the least.

But now, there are only two who can stand. One is Ge Xiaolun, and the other is the ancient sword demon Atuo. The ordinary demons around seemed to have been slaughtered, or they ran away.


The living creatures that could be seen at the scene were only the two of them.

But at this moment, Ge Xiaolun is waving the big sword in his hand, fighting with the sword demon Atuo. Atuo's condition was rather miserable, not to mention the tattered armor on his body, and the wings behind him were cut off directly.

It is precisely because of the loss of the ability to fly that Ge Xiaolun can fight with Atuo.

to the opposite.

Ge Xiaolun's condition is very good, although he is quite embarrassed, but he looks unharmed, but the murderous intent and anger in his eyes look like they are going to break through the sky, as if Atuo has done something wrong. Dai Tian's bad things are the same.

"Where's Xiao Fei?"

Angel Yan was stunned for a moment.

Didn't Bai Xiaofei come early? But why are there only the two of them?

"Sister Yan!"

"Angel Yan!"


Lunzi and Atuo apparently also noticed Yan's arrival.

Ge Xiaolun was pleasantly surprised, while A Tuo was terrified and stunned. While his face changed drastically, he resisted Ge Xiaolun's sword, and then immediately turned around and ran away with the help of this force.

It's like a mouse seeing a cat, that's a snap.

no way!

That's Angel Yan!

The left-wing guardian angel of Holy Kaisa, the strength is unfathomable.

Normally, Atuo might not be afraid of him at all, but it's different now. Just now in the battle with Bai Xiaofei, Atuo was pressed and beaten almost the whole time, not to mention the Slaughter Demon Sword was snatched, even the Demon Wing was chopped off, and his combat strength was greatly damaged.

Now he can't even deal with Ge Xiaolun, so how could he be the opponent of Angel Yan!

If you don't run, is it possible to wait to die?


"If you have the guts, don't run away, get back to me!"


Lunzi yelled at the back and chased him all the way.

It's a pity that although A Tuo was in a miserable state, his physical strength was far beyond what Ge Xiaolun could match, especially his ability to escape was far beyond imagination, and within a few steps, he had already made contact with the devil's two-winged flagship on Earth. got in touch.

With the assistance of Artest and other technicians, a worm door ripple opened instantly, and Artest got in without hesitation.

Now it's completely gone.

"Horse eggs!"

Ge Xiaolun was suddenly very angry.

And at this time, Angel Yan had already come to his senses, and flew to Ge Xiaolun's side, asking: "What's going on? Didn't Bai Xiaofei come to save you? Why are you two on the scene, and him?"

It's fine if she doesn't mention it.

After saying this, Lunzi burst into tears immediately, and howled, "Sister Yan, I'm sorry, Brother Fei tried to save me, but in the the end...he was accidentally killed by that damned Atuo..."


Yan didn't dare to say anything: "You said Xiao Fei was killed by A Tuo? How is this possible?"

She has seen Bai Xiaofei's strength and means with her own eyes, even if it is not as good as Queen Keisha, it is definitely not far behind. What's more, there is an extremely powerful special force by his side, how could he be killed by a mere Atuo.

This is absolutely impossible!


It must be fake!

No matter what others think, anyway, Yan Shi absolutely does not believe that Bai Xiaofei will be defeated and killed by A Tuo.

She felt that there must be something tricky about it.


Why isn't there even a corpse?

"I do not believe!"

Angel Yan gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face, "Ge Xiaolun, what's going on, tell me clearly! From Bai Xiaofei's coming to save you to the so-called killing, tell me every detail without missing anything! "

"Is such that……"

Ge Xiaolun also stopped crying.

In fact, he didn't want to believe that Bai Xiaofei would be killed by Atuo, but Lunzi saw all this with his own eyes. I forgot about my usual mysterious methods.

Now that I think about it carefully, it is indeed full of strangeness.

Is Brother Fei not dead?


He began to explain to Yan.

Finally, Lunzi said with certainty: "The demons at the scene were all killed by Brother Fei. After he healed my wounds, he held the Star Breaker Hammer, and the sky was filled with thunder and lightning. He was invincible. Really! He was too domineering, but later when he was fighting with A Tuo in a unique move, he didn't know what happened, but suddenly his body froze..."

Speaking of which.

Ge Xiaolun paused slightly, frowned and recalled carefully.

After a while, he said seriously: "Then, Brother Fei seemed to have lost all his strength, his whole body became lifeless, and even the Star Breaking Hammer in his hand no longer released thunder and lightning, just like It looks like walking meat, just standing there upright."

"I was hit by the dark energy smashing ball released by Atuo immediately, and turned into countless fragments on the spot! The specific situation is like this, and I saw everything with my own eyes! But looking back now, there are indeed too many doubts. gone."


Yan was silent for a while.

He suddenly asked, "What about his Star Breaker Hammer?"

"Should it be over there?"

As Ge Xiaolun said, he immediately ran to a certain place on the battlefield.

After searching for a while, he waved to Yan and shouted: "Sister Yan, Brother Fei's hammer is here, but I don't know what happened, but I can't even lift it at all, if you didn't try ?”


Yan walked over quickly and raised it casually.

But the moment her jade hand came into contact with the Hammer of the Star-Breaking God, a strange energy and information suddenly entered her mind, and except for Bai Xiaofei, no one could handle the Hammer of the Star-Breaking God , and was easily lifted up by Yan.

at the same time.

Infinite thunder and lightning surged out.

An incomparably pure thunder and lightning divine power poured directly into Angel Yan's body along the handle of the Star Breaking God's Hammer. The divine power and the energy in his body intertwined and quickly merged into one, which raised Yan's strength to another level almost instantly.

Ge Xiaolun next to him was dumbfounded on the spot.

Seeing this situation, he murmured in disbelief: "Damn it! What's the situation... Could it be that the hammer has recognized the master? But it's right to think about it, you and Brother Fei can control thunder and lightning, and the hammer recognizes you It’s not surprising that it’s the Lord!”


Yan smiled.

It seemed to be whispering and it seemed to be answering softly: "This is a gift from Xiao Fei before he left! He said that he is not dead, but he has to leave. He will definitely come back."

"I am waiting for you!"


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