The Storm God

Chapter 1887 Devour the world! (Please subscribe!)

The little boy quickly looked it up.

Compared with Bai Xiaofei's movements, as a system elf, he is obviously more powerful. Sure enough, in less than a minute, he already had an idea, and stopped inquiring and searching.

"Is there a result?"


The little boy nodded.

However, he didn't answer Bai Xiaofei's question right away. He seemed to be pondering and thinking. After all, no matter how powerful the exercises are, it depends on whether they are suitable or not. For example, the Sunflower Book, isn't it awesome? That must be quite awesome, but is it something that ordinary people can practice?

In the same way...

The little boy had to help Bai Xiaofei find out the most suitable exercises for him.

Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry, and waited patiently.

After a while.

The little boy's brows finally opened.

He looked up at Bai Xiaofei, and said seriously: "Master, according to my comprehensive analysis and comparison of some very good exercises, I think the most suitable one for you is the cultivation and application of spiritual power."

"Others are either too wasteful or not suitable."


Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment.

Immediately puzzled, he said: "How do you say that, there are so many exercises in the Space-Time Mall and the Heavens and Myriad Realms, but none of them are suitable for me?"

An unbelievable look on his face.

Just kidding me.


The little boy was stunned for a moment.

Immediately he shook his head with a wry smile, knowing that Bai Xiaofei had misunderstood, so he quickly explained: "Master, things are not what you think. There are many exercises, but for you, there is really no need to buy them!"

"What's the meaning?"

"What I mean is, master, the three-element combination you created yourself is very good. The key is that it fits your own situation almost 100%. Although the power is a bit low now, it has not yet achieved the real three-element combination. one."

"Once the true three-element unity is achieved, the power will definitely not be inferior to any other extreme exercises, so I do not recommend the master to learn other exercises. The three-element unity is enough for you to play."

The unity of three elements is derived from Xiongba's self-created martial arts.


However, Bai Xiaofei didn't completely copy it, but based on his own practice concept, combined with his own situation, he used Beiming Magic, Refining and Transforming Qi... and other methods to form his own practice.

Nowadays, there is only one of the three elements.

Although the power is good, but compared to some domineering martial arts, and self-cultivation skills, etc., it is obviously somewhat insufficient. That's why Bai Xiaofei decided to learn other exercises.

How can I think...

But the little boy said that the concept of three elements in one has huge potential. It is developed to the limit, and it is not even worse than other superb exercises. This makes Bai Xiaofei a little surprised: "Really, the exercises created by myself are so powerful. ox?"


The little kid smiled wryly and shook his head.

He explained: "I didn't mean that, but I said that according to the normal situation, if you just mix some rubbish martial arts into it, it will naturally be impossible to reach the super state."

"And these are not the main point. The main point is that I let you practice the spiritual method, also in order to conform to your three-element unity cultivation philosophy, and finally walk out of your own martial arts!"


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

Cultivating the spiritual method is also for the unity of the three elements, so what is the situation?

He looked at the little boy suspiciously, but the latter didn't even write a word, and immediately explained: "Master, in your current situation, the cultivation method has three elements in one. Although the power is low, it has great potential. There is the Jue of Nine Spirits and Stars."

"The only thing lacking is the cultivation of spiritual power."


It's not over yet.

Bai Xiaofei, whose brain power is also not low, immediately understood the meaning of the little boy, and suddenly realized: "You mean, you want my essence, energy, and spirit to all reach the strongest state, and finally perform the three-element unity to achieve myself. The extremely powerful martial arts?!"

"That's right!"

The little boy nodded.

Seriously said: "This method may be extremely difficult for others, but for the master, it is extremely easy, because you already have the most powerful divine body and genes, and the method of ternary unity can help you the most. Quickly improve your strength."

"In terms of soul, the Nine Spirits and Stars Jue you practiced is also the best and the best among them. As long as you practice hard, your future achievements will not be too low without accidents. And in terms of spiritual power..."

"The master's spiritual power has already reached the deep state of the third level of the sea of ​​consciousness. With such a huge foundation as the foundation, it is bound to get twice the result with half the effort. Combined with the various supernatural powers of the mind and mind, the power is definitely not bad!"

"Essence, energy, and spirit, it is not so easy to cultivate any one to the extreme, and the power is also amazing, but after all, it is a single aspect of power, so it will have its constraints and weaknesses."

"But if the master can return the three elements to one, it will be equivalent to making up for all the shortcomings, making himself an all-knowing and omnipotent existence. However, this method of cultivation also has a huge shortcoming, that is, the progress is extremely slow!"

"after all……"

"Others only need to focus on one of them, or even two of them, but you have to completely cultivate all of your spirit, energy and spirit. The difficulty is almost geometrically multiplied."

"Of course, I'm just suggesting that it's up to the master whether he chooses this path or not."


After the little boy finished speaking, he fell silent.

Bai Xiaofei also didn't say much, but lowered his head and began to meditate. After all, this is a lifelong event related to his re-cultivation, and it must be carefully considered, otherwise, if he is sloppy, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It went on like this for about half an hour.


Bai Xiaofei made a decision.


He gritted his teeth.

His eyes were full of firmness, and he said in a deep voice: "Isn't it the unity of three elements, what's the big deal, let it be! Little boy, I have decided, and I will follow the path of unity of three elements, whether it is Whether it’s martial arts or martial arts, that’s all!”


The little boy praised: "Master is really brave!"

He stretched out his hand to give Bai Xiaofei a thumbs up, and then said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then the next thing will be easy. Master, regarding the method of spiritual cultivation, I recommend you to practice this special skill called [Swallowing Heaven and Earth]. "

"Devour earth?"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "This name sounds quite domineering, could it be a devouring technique?"


The little kid nodded and smiled: "Master's three-element unity, no matter the cultivation method of the physical body (Beiming magic skill, refinement and transformation of qi), or the infinite optimization ability of DNA, almost all have something to do with this type, so the spiritual power I also screened according to this key point in my cultivation!"

"Although the unique skill of devouring the world is not a terrific skill, its growth rate is the greatest among all the skills, because it has nothing to do with the individual's potential and talent, etc. The key is See how much you can swallow."

"The more you swallow, the greater your growth and power will be. Of course, the most important thing is that it is incomparably in line with the characteristics of the master's technique. When the three elements are combined, it will be easier and easier. Otherwise, if The types of exercises are too different, even restraining each other, collapse and backlash are still mild, and serious ones can even endanger your own life!"

"And this stunt is not very expensive. It only needs 500 million life power and 20 million merit points to buy it. It doesn't even require energy points, and other requirements such as wish power. Combined, it is simply incomparable. It is cheaper and suitable for your practice!"


Bai Xiaofei's expression suddenly changed when he heard it.

Xin said: "Damn it! At the beginning, it sounded like that, but what do you mean by the last sentence? There is no cheaper one that suits me? Look down on me? Do you think I can't afford it? I'm so... ok, Now, I really can't afford it!"

Originally, someone still wanted to talk to the brat, so why would he think that he couldn't afford advanced exercises.

You underestimate people!

But when he thought about his own situation, Bai Xiaofei realized sadly that he was clinking poor now, and his account balance had even dropped to the lowest level in history. With his current conditions, he really couldn't afford a more advanced one.

no way.

A penny beats a hero.

What's more, this is not a matter of one point difference, but a difference of countless billions. Where do you ask him to get so much "money".

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei could only lower his posture.

With an awkward but polite smile, he said: "Okay! Just as you said, isn't it just the power of 500 million lives and 20 million merit points? Then what kind of [Swallowing Heaven and Earth] spiritual cultivation method, I bought it !"

The tone of shouting is called boldness.

But in his heart, he wanted to cry without tears. He was so miserable that he couldn't stop howling: "Damn! I was already so poor, but now that I have been deducted so much, I am really going to be too poor now!"


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