The Storm God

Chapter 1970 Immortal! (Please subscribe!)

"Bang bang bang!"

And regardless of how others react.

Here, after Bai Xiaofei killed one of the enemy's armed helicopters, he didn't stop at all. The sniper rifle in his hand was regarded as a machine gun by him, shooting one after another non-stop.

And every time he shoots, he can hit the enemy with incomparable precision.


Because of the lessons learned.

The enemies are not fools, they won't wait for Bai Xiaofei to shoot him, they are trying their best to dodge, plus the obstruction and interference of other enemies around, so Bai Xiaofei's later achievements are not as amazing as the first time.

But even so.

He also took advantage of the entire regiment alone.

The remaining three armed helicopters were so beaten up by Bai Xiaofei that they didn't dare to show their heads, so they could only evacuate far away, and occasionally check their presence to avoid being wiped out by Bai Xiaofei.


What Bai Xiaofei was holding was Barrett.

At the beginning, because of the interference of the surrounding enemies, there may be a chance of survival, but if you don't run quickly, you still have the courage to wander around. Isn't this a sincere attempt to die? Since you want to die so much, then I will grant you.

next moment.

Jiaolong and the others all reacted.

Then all the raging firepower poured towards the enemies on Bai Xiaofei's side.

They were just creating opportunities for Bai Xiaofei.

Opportunity to kill the enemy.


Even though they only have 10 people.

But the weapons in their hands are unambiguous at all. Coupled with the bonus of the Steel Saint Cloth, Yang Rui and others have almost completely given up defense at this moment, focusing on attacking and suppressing. The enemy on the opposite side is suppressed by their madness Living.


Bai Xiaofei's chance came.

Concentrating, he performed a sniper version of the spear throwing technique to a super level.

Immediately afterwards, an enemy armed helicopter was pierced through the fuel tank by Bai Xiaofei on the spot, and exploded instantly, turning into a huge ball of fire, like a rain of meteors, and fell into the enemy's sphere of influence again.

However, with the previous experience, the enemy's reaction was much faster this time.

Seeing the flaming helicopter falling towards him, the terrorists and mercenaries there immediately ignored everything and ran away, only wishing that his parents didn't give him two legs to hide .


The helicopter crashed down.

Although many people were still killed and injured, compared with the results of the first time, it was much inferior. But... the terrorists and mercenaries around, although they escaped the fate of being bombed and burned to death, they still couldn't escape the fate of being killed.

Because of their scattered evasion and attack, the enemy's originally fairly neat team and formation suddenly appeared huge panic and mistakes. This kind of phenomenon may be nothing in normal times, but in a real battle, it is undoubtedly quite deadly .

And whether it is Jiaolong or Bai Xiaofei, they are super fighters with rich experience.

Naturally, they will not miss this opportunity.


Taking advantage of the moment when the enemy is in chaos and escaping.

They recklessly launched a frenzied firepower output, like a spring of bullets, like a torrential rain, and shot and killed many enemies on the spot. This guy Bai Xiaofei was even more ruthless, he actually threw more than a dozen landmines over there.

The result can be imagined.

The area that was smashed down by the shattered and burning helicopter was turned upside down in an instant, and corpses were scattered all over the field. As far as the eye can see, a large number of enemies were either shot mercilessly by crazy bullets, or stepped on the landmines thrown by Bai Xiaofei, and were blown to pieces in an instant, which was horrible.

In just such a short time, the number of enemy casualties almost reached hundreds.

no way.

Who makes the surrounding densely packed with enemies?

In such an environment with complicated secrets, there is no need to mention marksmanship or not at all. According to the direction of the enemy, even if you shoot casually with your eyes closed, you may be able to shoot and kill several, not to mention such a large-scale shooting. Bombarded with mines.


It's fine if the enemy doesn't deploy tanks, armored units and helicopter gunships.

This dispatch did not reap the benefits, anyway, it made his situation even more embarrassing and bitter. It's not that they are too weak, the trash can't take advantage of such an advantage.

Bai Xiaofei is really too perverted.

Not to mention the storage ring, if it weren't for this kind of artifact, the Jiaolong commando would have run out of bullets long ago, and would have fought bayonets and hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, so there would be no anti-tank rocket launchers.

And then there's the gun throwing technique.


Just throw the gun, just throw the gun, but Bai Xiaofei also has a Barrett version, just ask if you are afraid! What happened to the gunship? No matter how awesome he is, he can't stand up to Barrett's sniper attack.

What happened to flying in the sky.

I'll chase you down as usual, and once a big explosion and raging fire are triggered, Bai Xiaofei and others will not be afraid. Anyway, I have few people, unless the point is memorized to the extreme, those who are affected by Chiyu are also enemies.

Afraid of a ball, it's too late for me to be happy.


No one can tell what happened on the battlefield.

Maybe you have the upper hand at this moment, and you will suddenly fall to Hexi the next second.

Similarly, this rule not only applies to the enemy, but also applies to Bai Xiaofei and others. No... They were just happy for a while. The situation on the battlefield suddenly took a 180-degree super-change.

The enemy's tank and armor units finally reacted.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

More than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles survived.

After paying a huge and heavy price on our own side, we finally entered the combat state. In addition to being furious, he didn't care whether it would hurt his own people or not, and launched a turbulent artillery cover attack directly at the place where Bai Xiaofei and others were.

Compared with bullets, artillery fire is undoubtedly more powerful.

One shot is comparable to hundreds, or even more.


Just a wave of salvo attacks.

The counterattack of the Jiaolong Commando was completely suppressed by the enemy's artillery fire.

Not only that, the terrifying power of the tank armored cannon even directly smashed the buildings and bunkers where Yang Rui and others were located, making them inevitable on the spot, and they could only flee elsewhere in embarrassment.

This is also thanks to the protective blessing of Bai Xiaofei's steel holy cloth.


This wave bombed down.

Even if Yang Rui and the others didn't die, they might be injured to some degree.

And once everyone is injured, it will inevitably be an extremely heavy blow and weaken to them who are outnumbered. If it goes on like this, one will ebb and the other will grow, I am afraid that every three or two times, Jiaolong will stop eating completely.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't get much better than that.

Even, the artillery fire he suffered was far more ferocious and tragic than the 10 or so members of Jiaolong. Who made his performance so outstanding and frenzied?

Not only the firepower of tanks and armored units, but also the blows of massive enemies.

Not only that……

There are only 2 armed helicopters left.

At this time, he also participated in the crusade against Bai Xiaofei, the devil. The Gatling heavy machine gun and dozens of rocket missiles hit by the helicopter were all used on Bai Xiaofei alone, as if they didn't need money.

The area where Bai Xiaofei had just hid had turned into purgatory almost in the blink of an eye.

Numerous artillery shells volleyed and bombed frantically.

There is simply no end to death.

"Puff puff!"

It was originally a tall bunker building.

Under such ferocious firepower pouring down, it disappeared in an instant, and it was directly reduced to a depression. Billowing flames, soaring wolf smoke, and the roar of countless bullets and artillery fire became the only melody there.

Seeing this scene, Yang Rui and others were all shocked.

This level of blow, according to the general situation, is definitely dead, not to mention the flesh and blood, even the steel body, I am afraid that it can be smashed into a sieve and blown into ashes and slag.

Bai Xiaofei suffered such crazy revenge, can he, can he still live?


Instead of asking if he can live, it's better to say that Bai Xiaofei can't leave any obvious traces, otherwise he was beaten to a pulp and scum on the spot, and there is no wreckage that can be identified at all, right?

So far.

The faces of everyone couldn't help but immediately filled with sadness.

Including cold fronts.


compared to others.

Leng Feng obviously understood Bai Xiaofei's strength and methods better, so even though he was also worried about Bai Xiaofei, he didn't think that Bai Xiaofei would just die like this. No matter how bad it is, Bai Xiaofei can still wear the Battle Wolf Saint Cloth!

With the protective ability of the complete Wolf Warrior Saint Cloth, this kind of formidable firepower coverage is nothing serious at all, okay?


Everything just now was too sudden.

Does Bai Xiaofei have time to put on the complete Saint Cloth of Warrior Wolf? If not, then...

It was precisely because of this that Leng Feng was so worried.


Relying on Bai Xiaofei's strength means.

Not to mention the coverage and blows of this level of firepower, even if it was ten times more powerful, Leng Feng's heart would not be disturbed.

After a while.

The enemy's artillery strikes finally stopped.

It wasn't their kindness, but the weapons and ammunition in their hands were almost exhausted, so they had to stop. At this time, Jiaolong's Yang Rui and the others didn't have the heart to care about other things. Like the enemies around them, they all stared at the area with their eyes wide open.

They all want to know now, is Bai Xiaofei dead or not?

And on the other side...

Dust and smoke billowed, and flames soared into the sky.

Endless ruins and wreckage piled up around the sunken ground, seriously obstructing everyone's sight. If you want to see the scene in the pothole clearly, at least you have to wait until the smoke in the middle clears up.

Otherwise there is nothing to see.


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