The Storm God

Chapter 1984 Fishing in troubled waters! (Please subscribe!)


the other side.

Yang Rui and Tong Li, who landed on the ring mountain pass, also discovered the enemy's situation. The situation was basically the same as Bai Xiaofei expected. They immediately switched on the communication and told Bai Xiaofei about their plan.

Yang Rui's idea was to let Gu Shun and Li understand, occupy favorable terrain, and use ultra-long-range sniper rifles as cover and fire support. And he and Tong Li are responsible for intercepting and controlling the enemy's transport aircraft.

all in all.

It is to spend the smallest price to snatch all the "yellow cakes".

If you fight hard, it's really not worth it.


Bai Xiaofei agreed.

There is no problem with Yang Rui's plan, of course he will not refuse.


The number of enemies is too much.

Therefore, the timing of the shot must be grasped well, otherwise, once it is exposed, the whole game will be lost. Even if everything goes well, when the gunfire starts, the enemy will definitely not let it go, and the large number of enemies around must be restrained and blocked.

And this task, Bai Xiaofei and Leng Feng took the initiative to undertake it.


Yang Rui was silent for a while.

In the end, he nodded and said: "Okay, then you all be careful, once we control the plane, you will come over immediately! Don't get entangled with the enemy, otherwise it will be easy to be pinned down and unable to evacuate."


After the communication is over.

The two groups of Bai Xiaofei and Yang Rui began to lurk and wait.

At this moment, Yang Rui is not in a hurry anymore. He firmly believes that Bai Xiaofei's speculation should not be wrong, and the transportation and loading of those "yellow cakes" will also take a certain amount of time. cake” transported to the plane.

Otherwise, with just a few of them, there would be no chance, nor the effort and time.

Everyone's actions are very covert.


They all arrived at the designated ambush location.

Next, wait for all the "yellow cakes" to be loaded on the plane, and the infighting between the two waves. Of course, even if there is no infighting between the two sides, when the time comes, Bai Xiaofei and the others will take action without hesitation.

The transport plane is the key to the operation, as long as the plane is under control, half of the victory is completed. The remaining half is to support Gu Shun, Li Dong, Bai Xiaofei and Leng Feng.

If you come together, you will naturally go together.

No one can be less!


Center of the scene.

The leader of the rebel army and the Zhaka organization, as well as Dane's general Liger, where the leaders of the three parties are located, is exactly in the middle of the two waves of Bai Xiaofei and Yang Rui, like a sandwich, but there are too many enemies, it is really fighting However, it was Yang Rui and the others who suffered.

Of course, the two freaks Bai Xiaofei and Leng Feng are exceptions.


They are watching the scene closely through the telescope. And according to the analysis of the situation observed by Bai Xiaofei, there will inevitably be conflicts between the two sides, and then a big fight, which is the so-called black eating black.

This is not an unfounded guess, but a judgment after comprehensive analysis.

There is no other reason.

After forming an alliance with Dane's mercenaries, the power of the Zhaka organization has risen sharply. If they have these "yellow cakes" and Dane's enhanced technology, once they develop a powerful new type of dirty bomb, then the Zhaka organization will be really powerful. What's more, it's a steady rise, and it's soaring into the sky.

Not to mention these rebels, even many countries in the world are afraid of them.

As local terrorists, the most threatened ones are naturally the rebels and Ivia's regular army, not to mention the regular army. As a former partner, the rebels will certainly not allow the Xhaka organization to become powerful, or even break away from their own control.

Because in their view, this is a disguised form of betrayal.


They are bound to take action.

Similarly, how important the "yellow cake" is to the Zhaka organization this time, the leader of the glasses and the real boss behind it will not be unclear, and they will definitely guess that the rebels will come and eat black to stop own expansion and strength.

As the saying goes, "the first to attack is the strong, and the second to attack will suffer."

it's not...

As soon as the "yellow cake" was installed, the Zacca organization started to do it first.

After using the fake purification technology to attract the attention of the rebel leader Crazy General, the leader of the glasses received a call from the superior boss, saying that everything is ready. From now on, Ivia's war will no longer be for Not for the rebels, but for ourselves.

I saw the leader of the glasses remained calm, with Sharaf behind his back, and gently waved towards Liger and the others. The men who had been prepared for a long time, as well as Dane's mercenaries, immediately launched a crazy and cruel attack on the lunatic general and others. shooting.


Immediately there were huge casualties on the rebel side.

Even the lunatic General Sharaf himself was sieved by this sudden wave of shooting on the spot. However, the fighters he brought over were not easy to mess with. After experiencing the initial casualties and panic, they quickly formed formations and launched a crazy counterattack.


There are too few of them.

The Zacca organization and Dane's mercenaries set up a net early on. The total number of fighters was at least five or six times that of them. Seriously, that's almost a sure thing.

"Do it!"

same moment.

Seeing the hidden terrorists and mercenaries, they all took action, and launched crazy attacks on the rebels in the central area. Bai Xiaofei and Yang Rui also realized that their opportunity had come - it was easy to fish in troubled waters.

follow closely……

Neither side hesitated at all.

They started their own operations one after another. Yang Rui and Tong Li were in charge of robbing and controlling the transport plane, while Gu Shun and Li Dong were in charge of supporting and sniping from a distance. And Bai Xiaofei and Leng Feng are responsible for dealing with the large number of enemies around them, preventing them from easily encircling them.

"Bang bang bang!"

Both Bai Xiaofei and Leng Feng performed powerful gun fighting techniques against the sky.

The two of them protected the tornado and hurricane, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, killing and killing, and caught the surrounding enemies by surprise, causing a large number of casualties in an instant, and at the same time won the victory for the rebels who suffered heavy artillery fire and blows. A certain amount of breathing time.

As the saying goes, "the enemy of an enemy is a friend", this is not true at all.

This moment.

The rebels were full of gratitude to Bai Xiaofei and the others.

If there were no such displays from Huaxia, if I and the others had been so passive, they would have been wiped out sooner or later. Thanks to Huaxia's fighters, I can relax a little bit.


They began an orderly retreat.

And secretly vowed in his heart that after he escaped from birth, he must take revenge for today's shame and hatred. Whether it's the Zhaka organization or Dane's mercenaries, they can't get better in Ivia.

the other side.

The leader of the glasses and the general liger were so angry that they were dying.


"It's those damn Chinese special forces again. Sure enough, they still came. Just a few people, just want to snatch our 'yellow cake'? It's a dream! Hit me hard, don't let anyone go!"

"You go to protect the transport plane and ensure the safety of the yellow cake!"

"The rest, follow me!"


They also acted immediately.

This time black eating black is not a good thing. Once it gets out, those rebels will never let the Zacca organization and Dane go, but as long as all the people here are wiped out, the situation will be completely different up.


In any case, those rebels must die.


The same is true for China's special forces.

It's not just Dane who hates Bai Xiaofei and others, but also the Zacca organization. After all, the Zhaka organization lost nearly 4,000 people in the battle of Bassam Town. Of course, they had to protect such a grudge.

If Huaxia's special forces had a large number of people, their equipment would be fine, but the opponent only had four or five people.

In their view, this is simply death.

Afraid of a ball!

Fuck him!

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

They thought well, but the reality slapped them hard. The order from the leader of the glasses had just been issued when a special sniper bullet traveled a long distance and directly hit his forehead.


Poor this hero, his brains burst on the spot, and he took the lunch box directly.

This ending is simply worse than in the original plot.

"Damn it!"

General Liger was startled.

While crazily shouting "There are snipers!", while moving quickly, frantically looking for cover to protect himself. It has to be said that his military literacy and experience are really superb. With Gu Shun's ability, three shots in a row failed to hurt him at all.

the other side.

Yang Rui and Tong Li, taking advantage of the good situation opened by Bai Xiaofei and Gu Shun and the suppression and cover of firepower, very smoothly broke through and entered the interior of the transport plane, temporarily controlling the transport plane.

Why do you say it is temporary?

Because, following the order of the glasses leader, there are a large number of enemies rushing towards this side frantically. If those enemies are not dealt with, the control of the transport aircraft may change hands at any time.

The situation is critical.

Yang Rui pondered for a while, and said decisively: "Tong Li, go and start the plane, don't take off, keep running, let the plane move, otherwise we will be attacked so passively, sooner or later we will be captured!"


Tong Li fired a few more shots, killing four or five enemies who rushed over, then turned around and went straight to the cockpit of the transport plane. Of course he can't fly this kind of plane, but fortunately there are professional pilots in the cockpit.

Under the threat of their lives, they didn't dare to disobey, and immediately started the transport plane obediently.

As soon as the plane started, Dane's mercenaries and the Zhaka organization panicked on the spot, thinking that the Huaxia special forces were going to escape with the "yellow cake". They turned their guns one after another and began to surround and beat up the slowly starting transport plane.


There were a few clever guys, and a gunship was dispatched.

Yang Rui suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"Depend on!"

"Gu Shun, Li Dong, Bai Xiaofei, Leng Feng, come here quickly!"

"We can't last long!"

"Hurry up!"


He shouted frantically into the communicator.

At this moment, everyone's only hope is to board the transport plane as soon as possible, and then fly into the sky and escape. No matter how powerful those armed helicopters are, it is impossible to fly to that altitude to intercept them.

In other words.

As long as Bai Xiaofei and others can be received, the transport plane can successfully fly.

Even if they succeed.


How can the enemy give up?


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