The Storm God

Chapter 2084 One hit kills! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

"Where did the other teams go? Why did we only see our team fighting hard? Could it be that those bastards want to have a praying mantis catching cicadas, with the oriole behind, to earn the boss's high stakes?" Points?"

"I can't bear it anymore, everyone retreat temporarily!"


Inside Tanzhe Temple.

The flames of war are spreading and spreading crazily.

The boundless fire almost burned the entire temple house. Apart from that, the sky-shattering roars, screams and screams one after another, and bloody killings also covered almost every inch of the temple.

on the ground.

There were burnt remains and broken and messy corpses everywhere. Among them are ordinary people in the temple, and there are tight-fitting fighters from the Black Ball Squad. Bright red blood and exposed internal organs can be seen almost everywhere.

The scene at the scene was like a purgatory on earth, appalling.

In the raging flames, the figures of alien monsters moved wantonly, rushing and killing the surviving members of the black ball team. Although they also suffered a lot of casualties, the remaining ones are almost all the strongest existences.

Each of these alien monsters has extremely impressive strength and methods. The surviving members of the black ball team have almost no power to fight back against them. Even the powerful weapons exchanged for 100 points cannot fight back Cause some damage and threats.

Only the "orangutan costume" exchanged for 300 points can barely compete with them a few times.

The only thing everyone can do is - escape!


The whole temple is only this big in total.

The surrounding fire was raging, and the sky was full of flames. Behind them were crazy and angry alien monsters, chasing after them, only for the slaughter. The members of the black ball team, even if they wanted to run, where could they go?

The moment the black ball team chose to turn around and run away, no less than five fighters in tights were killed on the spot by the alien monster's attack methods, and their bodies were burned into coke in a blink of an eye.

Only the captain wearing the "orangutan suit" and the two elite team members holding pressure guns, relying on the superiority of their equipment, managed to escape the catastrophe. But the current situation undoubtedly became a dead end for them.

There are only 3 people left in the team of 10 people.

And on the other side...

The alien monsters are aggressive, and there are 8 terrifying figures gradually approaching, and each of them is a very powerful high-scoring existence. You call them heavy casualties, and there are only 3 of them left, how can they resist?

this moment.

Fear and despair are spreading boundlessly.

But suddenly...


There was a loud bang.

But it was a tall warrior in black tights with wavy hair. He jumped over from the dark suddenly. The superimposed power of the tighter enhancement effect was so huge that when he landed, the solid rocky ground was shaken. , have stepped on two small pits.

The three surviving people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that the person who came seemed to be a member of another team.

Fuck, someone finally came to help us.


They haven't waited for them to be happy.

The person who came was very rude to the captain in the "orangutan suit", and ordered: "Take off this equipment and give it to me. It will be a waste on you! Hurry up, it will be too late!"


The three of them froze for a moment.

The captain looked at the person with a confused face, and repeated blankly: "What did you just say? You want me to take off the [orangutan outfit] for you? Damn, what are you kidding, what the hell do you think? Who are you, old man..."


He didn't finish his sentence.

The visitor revealed his identity indifferently, "I am the captain of the Osaka team, Okahachiro!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The captain and the two surviving team members were dumbfounded on the spot.

Obviously, they have heard of Okahachiro's name. After all, it is a living legend. In the entire killing game, he is the only one who has achieved 7 full marks by doing it alone.

With such a heaven-defying character, who can not say "convince"?


They never expected.

One day, I would actually meet with Okahachiro, and it was still under such a difficult situation. Life is really unpredictable, you never know what will happen in the next moment.


The captain said nothing.

Immediately obediently took off his "orangutan costume".

It's not that he is really afraid of Oka Hachiro, but that he doesn't want to die. Because he deeply understands that, as Okahachiro said, the "orangutan costume" on himself will not be able to exert its due strength at all.

Only in the hands of the legendary character Oka Hachiro can it show its due value. Only by giving the "orangutan costume" to Gang Hachiro, the three of them will have the possibility of surviving by luck.

Otherwise, the result can only be death.


He is not confident that he can beat the 8 alien monsters on the opposite side. Now that there is Oka Hachiro, who wants to deal with them for him, why not do it?

as expected.

None of the guys who can become the captain of the black ball team, survive and acquire super equipment is easy. In just a split second, he figured out the stakes and immediately made a choice.

It might not be possible for someone else to do it.

Closer to home.

Seeing that the other party was so straightforward, Oka Hachiro didn't say much. Time is running out, and he has no spare time to waste with these people. Immediately start dressing the "orangutan costume" quickly, and then adjust the control system to prepare for the next big battle.

And the three surviving members of the black ball team ran away without any loyalty.

Obviously, Oka Hachiro was used as a shield.

on this...

Okahachiro didn't care either.

Because even if the three of them stayed at the scene, they would not be able to help him at all. Just run, it's convenient for you to use it, so you don't have to worry about accidentally bringing them to Chi Yu when the battle breaks out later.


Okahachiro debugged everything.

At this time, the eight alien monsters had also formed a siege, surrounding Okahachiro. To be precise, there are only 3 alien monsters surrounding Okahachiro, and the other 5 are standing in a more peripheral place.


The strength and status of those 5 alien monsters are even higher, and they don't need to deal with Okahachiro alone. They only need to send 3 younger brothers to play, and everything is enough.


This also protects against other dangers and sneak attacks.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

To this.

Okahachiro was not angry either.

Because it is completely unnecessary, the two are not the same species at all. From the very beginning, Okahachiro counted on these guys to have some kind of chivalry. They are enemies anyway, so just kill them quickly.

next moment.

Okahachiro, who was wearing the "orangutan costume", moved.

That's right!

He was in deep siege.

He actually chose to take the initiative and attack with all his strength. I saw this "gorilla" with extremely sharp spikes and sharp blades on the elbows of both arms. It was like a snake, and it came to one of the alien monsters almost instantly.


Before the alien monster with a figure of about ten feet, a thunder-like appearance, a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, and a giant hammer and nails in his hand could respond, Okahachiro suddenly stopped, followed by a sudden short fall. The whole person is like a ball, and he rolled directly from under the alien monster to behind him, then continued to move forward, and went straight to the other alien monster on the left, and rushed away.

at the same time.

There was suddenly a fine line mark on the crotch of the alien monster just now.

This mark started from the crotch, went straight up, and didn't stop until it reached the chest area. Immediately afterwards, a large amount of blood began to flow along this straight line, gushing like a fountain, and the blood splashed in the air!


This blow was made by Gang Hachiro when he rolled past the crotch of the alien monster. It was only because the speed was too fast that there was a slight delay, but no matter how delayed, the alien monster The fate is already doomed.

It's destined to be Okahachiro's point.

That's right!

This alien monster is dead.

Because long before the attack, Okahachiro had already analyzed the fatality of the opponent based on his own experience and the detection of the "orangutan suit", which was not in the brain and heart at all, but in a certain core between the chest cavity and the abdomen.

after all……

That's an alien race, not a human.

Therefore, its fatal damage cannot be measured by common sense. Oka Hachiro has a deep research and experience on this, otherwise it would not be possible to find out the opponent's fatal weakness after only a few rounds of hasty fights with Hua Piao.

It's a pity that because of poor equipment later on, I sadly received a boxed lunch.

When it comes to real strength and experience in killing enemies, if the legendary Okahachiro dares to say the second, then absolutely no one dares to say the first. Even Genno Kei and Kato Masaru who are the protagonists can't do it!

This is Oka Hachiro, an out-and-out legend!

And the legendary shot is indeed extraordinary. With just one blow, an alien monster with a score of 65 was instantly killed. With such a strong combat power and record, the three surviving people who hadn't escaped far were dumbfounded on the spot.

"Oh My God!"

"That's a high-level alien demon worth 65 points, and he killed it in one move? The legend is worthy of being a legend, and I'm completely convinced! Sure enough, only in the hands of Okahachiro can the [Orangutan Costume] be truly powerful. power!"

"With him here, maybe we don't have to worry about danger at all?"


All three were extremely shocked.

Immediately, I was deeply impressed by Okahachiro's magical operation, and became a fan of this legendary figure on the spot. Excited and excited, he didn't even run away, but turned his head and started cheering for Okahachiro.

"come on!"

"Okahachiro, kill them, kill them all!"

"we support you!"


Well, the three surviving people actually became full-time cheerleaders.

On the other side, perhaps Okahachiro's shot killed one of his little brothers in an instant, angering the alien bosses on the periphery, or the cheering behavior of the three surviving people deeply disturbed them.


The next moment, following the signal of the alien boss, one of the outermost alien monsters nodded immediately, and then rushed towards the location of the three surviving people.

Before the people arrived, the pillar of fire that soared to the sky, like a fire dragon, had already spewed wildly. Seeing this, the three surviving people were suddenly frightened, sweating coldly, turned around and ran away.

This moment.

Idols or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

Let's save our lives first!


Run back to run, but the necessary scene words still have to be said. I saw the captain running wildly for his life, while shouting in his mouth: "Oka Hachiro, be careful yourself, we will help you lure this bastard away!"

"come on!"

"When you kill the guys around you, don't forget to help us!"

"We can't beat it..."


"My ass is on fire!"

"Damn it!"


The sound is getting farther and farther away.

In the end, along with the chasing alien monsters, they disappeared from Okahachiro's sight. And Okahachiro, after killing another alien monster by virtue of his rich combat experience and outstanding personal ability, finally met an extremely difficult opponent at this moment.

His "orangutan suit" armor was unexpectedly broken by the opponent's bare hands in just one round, and a sharp elbow blade was abruptly broken. Such a terrifying enemy instantly made Okahachiro feel the threat of death.

To know.

The most powerful weapon of this "orangutan suit" is the sharp blade on the elbow. It can cut through the defense of almost all alien monsters. Anyway, before today, Okahachiro has not seen anyone who can withstand its slashing.

However, the monkey-like alien demon in front of him broke off the sharp elbow blade of the "orangutan suit" with his bare hands. This can be seen from this how powerful and terrifying he is.

not to mention……

In its hand, it also held a metal stick that could be long or short, thick or thin. Facing such a powerful enemy, Okahachiro, who has lost a sharp elbow and all other attacks are useless, has nothing to do now.

at the same time.

In the screen data of the "orangutan costume", it also clearly shows the value points of this monkey-like monster - 92 points, only 8 points away, which is a top existence with a full score. No wonder the strength is so terrifying.

"Am I going to fail again?"

Looking at the monkey-like alien demon on the opposite side, and the huge metal stick smashing towards him, Okahachiro couldn't help closing his eyes in despair. But right after this moment, a painful roar reached Okahachiro's ears first.


He opened his eyes suddenly.

As far as the eye can see, it is the terrifying monkey alien monster. At this moment, a burly and strong man like Schwarzenegger is waving a thick rock pillar and hitting his body with a stick. Then the picture flew upside down.


The giant rock pillar didn't end well either, it just shattered into countless pieces.

But this is not important, the most important thing is that Gang Hachiro was rescued because of this. Just when this legendary figure was very puzzled and surprised by this, a person he was very familiar with appeared in front of Oka Hachiro bouncing around.

This person is Kosaki Anko of the Osaka team.

Not only her.

There are also Tokyo team's Kato Masaru, Genno Kei, and an equally burly, imposing middle-aged uncle. Okahachiro guessed that this person should also be a member of the Tokyo team.

As for the other one, he didn't wear tights and combat uniforms, and didn't even have any weapons in his hands, but he was very calm and confident. He was completely dressed in ordinary clothes, so Okahachiro couldn't guess it at all.

This person is naturally Bai Xiaofei.

And the one who just attacked the monkey-like alien monster and rescued Oka Hachiro was undoubtedly Ren Zha of the main god team.

After taking the holy water of the Ice Phoenix, coupled with the auxiliary power of the enhanced tights and battle suit, Ren Zha, who wanted to take the line of absolute power, the strength displayed at this moment was shockingly strong.

As for the others...

At this moment, they were lying in ambush in different corners of the temple and did not show up.


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