The Storm God

Chapter 2102 Results Ranking! (Please subscribe!)

Ren Zha and the others were too focused.

So much so that no one noticed Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance, not even Samoyed Beckham. Normally, she might have discovered Bai Xiaofei's trace immediately, but now...

Xiao Bei, who puts all his heart on points, doesn't care about other things.

Except for the points, all the rest stand aside!


Dr. Zola is an exception.

Originally, he was going to say hello to Bai Xiaofei, but Bai Xiaofei stopped him with his eyes. Because Bai Xiaofei was also very curious about how many points Ren Zha and the others had gained in this mission.

Is it important to say hello or something?


Dr. Zola instantly understood.

Afterwards, everyone began to score and post their results. It is worth mentioning that the scoring rules drawn up by the Lord God No. 1 are different from those of the black ball Gantz. For example, three people joined forces to deal with the alien monster, but in the end the alien monster died in the hands of one of them. According to Gantz's statistical rules, whoever kills the player gets the points.

As for the others?

Feel sorry.

Not a single point!

To put it simply, points are based on headcount, no matter what the situation is, as long as the head is yours, then the points belong to you. It can be said to be quite cold and ruthless, very harsh and speechless.

The Lord God No. 1 is different. It will conduct a comprehensive analysis according to the actual situation of each person during the mission, and then give different evaluations and points according to the standard performance such as kill, main attack, assist, assist, soy sauce... award.

Compared with the indifferent and ruthless Gantz, the Lord God No. 1 is almost as caring as home.

It also made Ren Zha and others very happy.

Closer to home.


The points list and ranking listed by the Lord God No. 1 for everyone are the implementation standards of the Gantz system on the other side. Among them, Ren Zha has the most points, as high as 256 points, which is already more than 2.5 times of Gantz's full points.

According to Gantz's rules, Ren Zha can now choose three reward options with full points, that is, returning to reality, resurrecting dead teammates, and obtaining powerful weapons.


Ren Zha was not in a hurry to choose, but silently waited for others.

Apart from Ren Zha, the second place is the most inconspicuous Chen Chen. With a triple-enchanted sniper rifle, although she didn't come to the scene very often, she was able to snipe as many as seven or eight alien monsters from a distance.

The overall score has already reached 199 points, only one point away from 200 points, which can be said to have exceeded everyone's expectations. But it's true to think about it, just the three-eyed alien monster she sniped, this one is as high as 89 points, plus other alien monsters, all the points add up, it is not surprising that there is such a level.


The third place was neither Chu Sheng nor Dong Zi.

It's Samoyed Beckham.

79 points.

This is also her bonus point for killing the flame demon. In addition, Beckham did not kill the rest of the alien monsters, so the total points, only the points of the flame monster whose head counted on her.

In the end, it was Chu Sheng and Dong Zi, both of whom received "0" evaluations.

no way.

Who didn't kill any of them.

No matter how good the performance of the two is, it is impossible for Gantz's cold machine and system to reward them with any points. Fortunately, the two of them didn't seem to care much about this, they stared straight at the main god's light brain, obviously waiting for the main god No. 1's own scoring standard.

Not only Chu Sheng and Dong Zi, but also Chen Chen and Xiao Bei didn't like Gantz's reward.

The points of Lord God No. 1 are the real treasures.


before that.

Ren Zha and Chen Chen, who have reached or even exceeded 100 points, must first choose the rewards from the Gantz system. Otherwise, the selection opportunity will be reserved until the end of the next mission.

To this.

Of course they wouldn't do that.

The ghost knows whether he will be alive when the next mission is over, so the points must be exchanged for rewards first.

Without exception, both Ren Zha and Chenchen chose the third option given by Gantz, which is to use 100 full points as the exchange unit. In Gantz's exchange list, they exchanged for two powerful weapons and equipment.

A gravity high pressure gun.

The other one is a black technology sniper rifle.

so far.

According to Gantz's system statistics, Ren Zha has 56 points left, while Chenchen has 99 points left. When the next mission is over, if the two can still survive, the remaining points will be superimposed.

As long as you have more than 100 points, you can redeem rewards with full points again.

There is one thing that must be said, and that is about the resurrection of teammates. Neither Ren Zha nor Chenchen chose this second option to exchange for rewards. necessary.


It was the first time for everyone to meet, and they were not very familiar with each other at all. What's more, among the dead team members, there was no one with outstanding abilities. Even if they are resurrected this time, what about the next mission?

Their strength and awareness are almost the same as those of the rookie Mengxin. The chances of surviving can be imagined. If it were you, would you waste the points you earned so hard to resurrect these people who are almost useless at all?

Anyway, Ren Zha and Chenchen would not.


They are all very clear.

It doesn't make any sense to do this at all, this time you have points and resurrected dead and useless teammates, what about next time? If there are still full points, is it necessary to continue to resurrect those who died?

If you are not resurrected, what will others think of you?


Things like that, don't get sentimental.

After all, the passage of these points is related to one's own danger, life and death. It is love to help you, and it is duty to ignore it. How to choose, that is the individual's own business, has nothing to do with other people!

All right!

You helped him this time.

In case you die unfortunately, can you ensure that the person you rescued will also choose to resurrect you once he has full points? You must know that people are selfish. When faced with a choice that concerns their own lives, not everyone will selflessly choose to help others like Masaru Kato. It is estimated that most people will. Choose to return to reality, or exchange for powerful weapons.


For Ren Zha and Chenchen's choice.

Neither Chu Sheng, Dong Zi, nor Samoyed Beckham had any objections or dissatisfaction.

I won’t talk about what Chu Sheng and Dong Zi think. Anyway, Xiao Bei’s meaning is very simple, that is, all the points must be kept and cannot be given to others. Otherwise, how can I revive the owner, Ms. Zhang Hong?

Compare your heart with your heart.


She would never blame Ren Zha and Chen Chen, instead she would take it for granted. After all, everyone has their own feelings and bonds, as well as hopes and goals. You can't always expect others to help you, right?

Not to mention that's not realistic at all.

Gantz's system rules do not have similar functions and options at all, otherwise everyone's points will be added up to make up, whether it is to revive teammates or exchange for super powerful weapons, wouldn't the future tasks be much simpler and easier?

Closer to home.

After both Ren Zha and Chenchen made choices.

Dr. Zola did not have any ink marks, and immediately removed the exchange list on the light curtain. Then it was directly replaced with the task performance of the main god team members here on the main god No. 1, as well as their personal scores and points.

And this time.

The one ranked first is no longer Ren Zha, but Chu Sheng.

That's right!

It is Chu Sheng who is the commander.

You must know that in group warfare, the most important thing is the cooperation between the teams and the formulation of tactics. If the team members disagree and make tactical mistakes, the consequences will be extremely serious, and it is not impossible to even cause the group to be wiped out.

The existence of Chu Sheng greatly affected the overall performance of the main god team in this mission. If it weren't for his reasonable arrangements and related tactics, Ren Zha and others, who are all newcomers, probably wouldn't have achieved such beautiful results.

In addition, at the last moment, Chu Sheng also participated in the battle in person, and also played a very important role in main attack, assist, support... etc. All these things add up, and naturally Chu Sheng's score points have been extremely high. big boost.

"496 points!"

"My God, it's almost 500 points, isn't that too high?"

"Chu Sheng, now you are very prosperous!"


See Chu Sheng's results.

Ren Zha and others were surprised at first, and then congratulated Chu Sheng.

For this result, everyone present, including Beckham, did not have any dissatisfaction or objection. After all, Chu Sheng's performance is there, and the source of the points listed by Dr. Zola is also very clear.

Without any falsification, who would dare to refuse to accept it?

"so so!"

Chu Sheng was also a little surprised that his grades were so high, but he didn't show anything on his face, he still had that cold paralyzed face, but his smiling eyes betrayed him.

To this.

Everyone just smiled knowingly and didn't say much. Then everyone looked at the light curtain projected by the main god's light brain again, and they all wanted to see who the second place would be?

"Ren Zha!"


Everyone said almost in unison.

That's right, the second place is Ren Zha. The points are as high as 375. And for this result, everyone has no objection. After all, the reality of Ren Zha fighting monkey monsters, bald-headed monsters, three-eyed monsters alone, and killing the ultimate boss in the end is obvious to all.


It is understandable that Ren Zha is ranked second.

Everyone was convinced.


In third place is Chenchen.

Chenchen killed the most alien monsters among the crowd, plus many assists and assistance from the sidelines, so his overall performance was outstanding, and everyone admired him for being able to score 261 points.

And the fourth place is undoubtedly Samoyed Beckham.

She killed the flame monster alone, and then suppressed the ultimate boss Buddha alien monster with her own strength, and cooperated with Ren Zha to temporarily upgrade the magic blade of piercing space to the flame light blade, and finally killed the boss in one blow.

All these performances are also remarkable. In the end, the score given by Lord God No. 1 is - 222 points.

It can be said to be very pertinent and impartial.

As for the last one...

All right.

Needless to say, everyone guessed it.

That's right!

It's poor Dongzi.

He didn't kill any alien monsters, he didn't even have a main attack, all of them were auxiliary, and he only got 103 points. It has become a veritable double bottom number one.

Seeing this result, Dongzi's depression can hardly be mentioned.

"Mag's egg!"

Dongzi secretly vowed that the next time he performs a mission, he must get a high score, otherwise he will be the last one every time, even if Ren Zha and the others don't say anything, he won't be able to hold back his face.

after all……

Lord God No. 1 will continue to recruit new recruits in the future. If this happens every time, and you will come back to the bottom one, how will you let Dongzi deal with himself in front of a group of cute newbies? Where is the face?

We can't afford to lose that man!


Dr. Zola put away the rankings, and the projected light curtain flashed, directly changing the redemption list and the option to repay the advanced points. Dr. Zola said: "Now there are two options for you, one is to exchange items, and the other is to repay the advanced points."

"How do you choose?"


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