The Storm God

Chapter 2105 Hunting plan! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei got in touch with Xi Jun.

Coincidentally, Xi Jun was also wanting to chat with Bai Xiaofei, and at this moment, he had already arrived near the hotel where Bai Xiaofei was staying. A few minutes later, Xi Jun came to the hotel and finally saw Bai Xiaofei.

"Mr. Bai Xiaofei!"

After Xijun came in, he didn't talk nonsense. Of course he knew what Bai Xiaofei was looking for him for, so he went straight to the point and told Bai Xiaofei all the information he knew.


After listening to Xi Jun's information.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but fell silent. Although Bai Xiaofei had already learned most of what Xijun said through Dr. Zola, there were also some very useful and extremely critical information.

for example……

There are different types of alien monsters around the world, and there are naturally obvious differences in abilities and combat effectiveness. Some small countries are better, but like some big countries, such as America, China and other world-renowned countries, there are extremely many types of hidden alien monsters. And almost all of the more powerful alien monsters have their own life-saving skills and weapons and equipment.

The alien monsters in Tanzhe Temple are a typical representative of equipment. Apart from their own strength, these alien monsters still rely more on the role of weapons and equipment.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei also noticed the difference.

It's just that I don't understand it in detail. And all this information was learned by Xi Jun from the other members of the black ball team in Tanzhe Temple. Unfortunately, that foreign team has already been wiped out by the alien demon group.


Xi Jun also learned about the approximate distribution of these different types of alien monsters.


Eastern country.

For example, in China, India and other places, the alien monsters hidden in them are mostly equipment. Even if they are capable, they are extremely rare, and they are very powerful and perverted. If the black ball team encounters them, it is estimated that only the group will be destroyed. portion.

Therefore, there are almost no survivors who know the exact information.

On the European side, there are mostly monsters and mutated alien monsters. Werewolves, vampires, wizards, angels, gods and other legendary things can be seen almost everywhere there, and their strengths and abilities are quite strange and perverted.


The whole of Europe.

It is almost a paradise for monsters and alien monsters with abilities.

In Western powers such as the United States and Canada, there are no specific restrictions on the types of alien monsters hidden in them. There are utensils, monsters, abilities, and even technological alien monsters everywhere.

Because of the sparsely populated land, it is almost the Garden of Eden and playground for these alien monsters. Although there are not many alien monsters above the elite level, as long as they encounter one, they are almost all super monsters with a score of around 80.

at the same time……

The United States is also where the black ball Gantz is distributed most.

And every surviving black ball team, without exception, is an elite team with super strength and weaponry. Its overall combat capability is no worse than that of the Osaka team (peak period) where Okahachiro belonged, or even worse.

The black ball team that Xi Jun met, who knew so much information, was the black ball team in the California region of the United States, and its strength was very strong. It's a pity...the luck was not very good, but they were teleported to the capital of China, and almost all of them encountered were alien monsters who restrained them. So at the beginning of the game, they were wiped out by the opponent very sadly.

at last……

Xijun said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, if you want to obtain the super gene DNA, then I suggest you go to Europe. Although it is relatively dangerous, the harvest must be extremely rich."

As Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, of course he knew some of Bai Xiaofei's goals, and hunting the super gene DNA of alien monsters was one of them. Similarly, Xi Jun is also helping Bai Xiaofei to carry out this task.

Unfortunately, nothing has been found so far.

"Is it around Europe?"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but fell silent again. Speaking of this, he immediately thought of a plot in the original anime, that is, Xuan Ye Kei and others carried out the killing mission, but were teleported to the vicinity of an art exhibition hall in a certain European country.

And this time, it is also a world-class difficulty dungeon, not only the Tokyo team, but also many black ball teams from other countries, and the local alien monsters are almost all art sculptures. And the strength is very powerful and perverted. In a daze, the black ball team was killed with heavy casualties, blood flowed into rivers, and even lost the will to fight for a while, crying and collapsing.

Xuan Yeke and others of the Tokyo team also lost many important members and fighters in this mission. If it wasn't for Xuanye Kei and others' protagonist Halo's power at the end, they were teleported back without finishing killing those alien monsters, and the Tokyo team would probably have to be wiped out there too.

It can be seen from the horror of the power and strength of the alien monsters in Europe.

As for the situation of the other two major regions, there is no specific description in the anime, but according to the follow-up plot, after the main force of aliens arrives, the two major military powers of China and the United States will be the first to attack. The ball team should be the strongest, almost killing all the local monsters.


The main force of the aliens gave priority to attacking them.

Firstly, there are no alien monsters there, which can help him cooperate with the inside and outside; secondly, this move can also minimize the dangers he may face; thirdly, it can be used to deter other countries on the earth and attack the entire human race on the earth. Confidence and morale.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

At first.

When watching the anime, Bai Xiaofei didn't think much about other things, but looking at it now, it seems that there is a great deep meaning in it. Now that I know this now, should I do something to prepare for a rainy day?

Of course, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about the US, Canada, etc. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. No matter how many people die, he will not be sad, because it has nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei's money.

But China can't!

As a man of China, how could Bai Xiaofei watch his motherland and compatriots suffer and suffer, and remain indifferent? It's fine if you don't know. Now that you know the disasters you may face in the future, you have to find a way to organize it.


Bai Xiaofei is single and weak now, his strength and ability, even his means and background are not as good as before, how should he face the doomsday catastrophe and ruthless killing that will soon befall China's land?


There was a long silence.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei had only one answer, and that was to improve his strength as soon as possible. Only in this way can he use more powerful methods and forbidden techniques, and at the same time develop the resistance forces in China.

After all, when a large army of aliens descends collectively, it will come out in full force. It is definitely not possible for one or two people to control the overall situation, unless this person directly has the power to dominate the entire planet.

But that's obviously unlikely.


Now Bai Xiaofei can only rely on the Lord God No. 1 and the black ball Gantz to create more elite fighters. It's just that the time for this move is a little too late, and the effect it plays is not very great. After all, those aliens who came to and colonized the earth, whether in terms of body or technology, are far ahead of the earth people.

It's just that, how can the scattered teams that have been put together improvised and encouraged by seedlings fight against those aliens who have premeditated their arrival? So the key to all this depends on Bai Xiaofei himself.

And the only way he can think of to improve his own strength as soon as possible is to obtain more super genetic DNA in a short period of time, so as to accelerate the absorption and integration of Bai Xiaofei's infinite optimization ability to the Eternal Body, and then unlock more of himself Capabilities and Capabilities. Only in this way, Bai Xiaofei has the qualification and ability to use the many heaven-defying treasures in the space-time shuttle to defend China and turn the tide!

If you want to obtain super genetic DNA, the best source and source is an alien monster with abilities similar to the slippery scoop. And the largest number of such alien monsters, the most concentrated, is undoubtedly the European generation.

That is.

Bai Xiaofei wants to improve his strength as soon as possible in a short period of time. The easiest way is to rush to Europe to hunt and kill powerful alien monsters with special abilities.

Berlin, Germany, is located in Europe.

However, because it is the hometown of Heinz, and it may also be the headquarters of the Gantz terminal system, so there are no alien monsters in the whole of Germany.

Bai Xiaofei wanted to hunt and kill alien monsters with abilities, so he could only choose another target. But...there are so many small countries in Europe, which country and city should I choose as the target to save the most effort and convenience?

You can't just look around blindly, right?

After all, the massive invasion of aliens is just around the corner, and the time left for the earth and Bai Xiaofei is running out.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped hesitating.

He quickly told Xi Jun about his plan and some ideas, and then said: "The current situation is like this. Dr. Zola can help me with the development of the team, so let's not mention it for now."

"As long as I can get enough super gene DNA, my ability and strength can be strengthened infinitely, but super gene DNA is generally found on the alien monsters with abilities. And if you want to hunt such alien monsters, you can only do so in The European area is the most suitable."

"However, there are many countries in Europe and time is short. I can't act blindly and recklessly. Therefore, I must find a target location where there are many capable alien monsters and can maximize my benefits."

"What advice do you have for this?"


while asking.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have any idle hands, and immediately used his mobile phone to display a world map mainly in Europe in the form of three-dimensional image projection in front of the two of them, so as to facilitate their analysis of the specific distribution of Europe and consideration.

In the end, after pondering for a long time, Xi Jun suddenly tapped his finger on one of the positions, and said at the same time: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, I think this place should best meet your requirements!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately withdrew his gaze from looking at other countries, regions and cities on the map, then followed Xijun's finger to look, and then his eyes suddenly lit up, and suddenly said: "Not bad!"

"This is the earliest civilization in Europe. Many familiar myths and monuments in the world also originated here. At the same time, the geographical location is almost in the center of the entire European and African continents. According to the information you have obtained, there are foreign Most of the star monsters are also very powerful and terrifying existences, and they are indeed very suitable for my requirements!"

"That's it!"


Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei directly made a decision. The target location for the next execution of the hunting plan is Athens, which is located at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe and has many islands nearby.


He began to discuss the specific regulations and other related matters of the hunting plan with Xijun.

It wasn't until the sky was getting brighter that it was finally over.


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