The Storm God

Chapter 2139 Endless accidents! (Please subscribe!)

Flying battleship.

On one of the monitors in the command center, an alien creature with a height of more than ten meters, which looks like a stick insect, was frantically slaughtering and killing the black ball team on the scene.

Heinz's face darkened.

"Damn it!"

That alien creature is horrible.

The grotesque body can emit countless dandelion-like spores. Once these spores come into contact with other creatures, no matter whether it is direct contact or indirect contact with clothes, they will be instantly invaded and parasitic.

follow closely……

The body of the parasitized person will swell rapidly, as if there is an unknown creature inside, wandering happily, and finally reaches the position of the head, followed by a pair of sharp claws, from the inside to the outside, cutting open the human head and eyebrows, Like undressing, suddenly drilled out.

A brand new little monster was born like this.

As for the parasitized human being before, there was only a piece of human skin left there, with distorted eyes and expressions, and still maintained incomparable panic and despair.

This alien creature alone caused huge casualties and confusion to the Black Ball team. Fortunately, everyone's authority was raised by Heinz as an exception. Otherwise, it would still be the original 5-time in-place resurrection mechanism, and the black ball team here would have been wiped out long ago.

But even so, their situation is still not much better.

There is no other reason.

This monster is really hard to fight.

There are dandelion spores flying everywhere in the sky and around, and they will die if touched, and they will continue to strengthen the enemy's power and scale, making the battle that is not conducive to oneself even more difficult.

Even if someone is lucky enough to use high-end weapons and equipment to hit and injure the alien creature who is the boss, the opponent can quickly recover from his injuries by killing the puppet soldiers around him and absorbing the vitality of the soldiers.

This is simply an endless loop with almost no solution!

How the hell do you fight?


As a last resort, the team leader could only issue such an order. At the same time, he hurriedly contacted other nearby teams, hoping that they could come over as soon as possible, and help himself and the others to completely kill this perverted monster.

As everyone knows...

The situation of the rest of the black ball team is not much better.

They want to ask for help, and people want to ask for their help. No, not far from the battle of this black ball team, another black ball team was directly wiped out by an alien creature.


Gantz's 3D printed resurrection feature is at it again.

The black ball team that had just been wiped out collectively revived on the spot, and then sprinted for their lives again, with no intention of fighting at all. It's not that they are too cowardly, but that the enemy is too terrifying.


Have you ever seen a giant snake with nine heads?

And each head has completely different superpowers and attack methods, and its own defense is extremely powerful. Gantz's sniper rifle bombards it, it's like tickling.

How to fight!


Not just here.

The whole of Athens, which has been completely reduced to a killing field, has a total of seventeen or eight battlefields, large and small. Similar situations can be said to appear frequently one after another, except for Bai Xiaofei's Imperial Capital Squad, Kyushu Squad, and Heinz's trump card Except that the subordinate troops could barely compete with these super monsters, the rest of the elite black ball squad almost all had to be slaughtered and flee for their lives.


Looking at the dense scenes of tragic death and fleeing on the monitor, Heinz's face turned black to the bottom, almost directly turning into a black complexion. He originally wanted to perform well in front of Bai Xiaofei, to show off his formidable force and heritage.

But in the end, what he got was a burst of "slapping" slaps in the face.

That taste is simple!


But at this time, Bai Xiaofei approached with malicious intentions, and said with a smile: "Mr. Heinz, it seems that your subordinates are not very strong. How is it? Do you need help?"

"If necessary, I can ask Xiao Bei to help!"

"The preservation of the results will satisfy you!"


Heinz was shaking with anger.

Then he refused without hesitation: "No, I'm confident that this little trouble can be solved, so don't bother Mr. Bai Xiaofei to worry, I thank you for your kindness!"


It doesn't matter how Bai Xiaofei reacts.

Heinz turned his head and winked at Sepas next to him. The latter nodded knowingly, followed by his eyes suddenly turning aside, and the whole thing turned into a snow-white color, as if he was performing some unknown operation.

And at the same time.

The on-site battle situation on the monitor screen also developed obvious changes immediately.

First of all, it was the extremely perverted spore monster, the dandelion spores falling all over the sky, chasing the fleeing black ball team frantically. Suddenly... a gust of wind blew suddenly, and directly blew the surging dandelion spores to the other side.

The black ball team that was hunted down immediately escaped unharmed.

Not only that.


Several blue-white beams of light suddenly appeared in the sky.

Gantz's 3D teleportation ability was activated, and in the blink of an eye, a gigantic mecha robot appeared in front of everyone in shock. Seeing this situation, everyone in the black ball team was overjoyed: "Haha, we are saved now, everyone get on the mechs!"

Everyone rushed towards the mech robot like crazy.


The alien monster behind him is also not to be outdone.

Since the spores are parasitic and have temporarily lost their effect, then go into battle in person. The huge body, although it looks bulky, is actually quite sensitive in its movements. In just a moment, it covered a distance of hundreds of meters and rushed directly in front of everyone.


The sharp blade-like limbs slashed suddenly. This is like a super scythe attack, if it really hits the black ball team, the latter will probably be killed or injured if they don't wipe out the team on the spot.

But at the critical moment, for some reason, the alien monster staggered suddenly, as if being stirred by someone, its whole figure tilted abruptly, and the menacing "scythe" attack followed, incidentally. On the contrary, with a slight difference, he narrowly missed everyone in the black ball team.

And take advantage of this opportunity.

The members of the black ball team sneaked into the mecha robot, and then gained control one after another, began to control the mecha robot, and launched a counterattack against the alien monster.


The opponent's invading parasitic robe can ignore the barriers of organic substances such as skin and tights battle suits, and directly enter the body of the creature. But switching to a mech robot is completely different.

The whole body is made of inorganic alloy armor made of black technology, which is almost their nemesis. Coupled with the combination of a large number of mechas and overwhelming bombing, no matter how strong the recovery ability of the alien monster on the opposite side is, it is useless!

As long as all the little monsters born through parasitism are killed, the regenerative ability of the opponent can be completely eliminated. If one wave of artillery fire can't kill it, then there will be two waves, two waves will not work and three waves...

They don't believe it anymore, the firepower of ten mecha robots can't kill you, an alien monster who is not even a boss? If so, it would be too scary!

as expected.

No creature is completely invulnerable.

Even a boss-level super alien monster can be killed, let alone a mere high-level elite alien creature. Although its ability is weird and perverted, it still can't get rid of certain restrictions.

Ten mecha robots teamed up to launch several waves of indiscriminate bombing, and finally smashed the spore alien monster into scum all over the ground. And those dandelion-like spores were completely burned to ashes by the raging fire.

The little black team completely won!

On the other side, the other black ball team, which also received the help of mecha robots, turned out not to be as lucky as the team here. The huge nine-headed giant snake resisted all the attacks and artillery fire abruptly.

Even if some of the heads were unfortunately shattered, they could regenerate quickly, and then continued to release fire, freezing air, strong acid, strong wind... and other attack methods, causing considerable damage to the mecha robots that besieged themselves. trouble and damage.



It is still the black ball team that has the upper hand.

Because every critical moment, the Hydra will miss the opportunity because of such and other accidents, and then the mecha robot will react and launch firepower output again, bombarding indiscriminately!

Not only the scene of this battlefield is like this, but also more or less similar accidents have occurred in the more than a dozen live images shown on the monitor, and the alien creatures on every battlefield.


Bai Xiaofei's complacent expression just now became solemn in an instant. If there were only one or two places like this, it could be called a coincidence or a coincidence, but inexplicable accidents happened in almost all the battlefields, so there must be someone manipulating them.


Can luck be artificially controlled?

At this point, Bai Xiaofei's eyes fell directly on Sepas who was still rolling his "white eyes". At the same time, the ability of the star's eye was activated, and he wanted to take the opportunity to see through the details of the opponent's ability and figure out what was going on. .

But it's a pity that even though Bai Xiaofei used the Eye of the Stars, he still didn't find any abnormality or clues. Sepas still looks like an ordinary person in the special vision of the Eye of the Stars.

Only the eyes have a trace of special energy reaction.

But these energies are just appearances, not the actual source of energy. In other words, all of this is not the ability of Cypas itself. He is just an existence similar to a switch.

"If it's not Cypas, then the only explanation is Gantz!"

Bai Xiaofei's heart trembled, and he thought to himself: "From this point of view, Heinz seems to have a more powerful special method. I just don't know if Dr. Zola can take this opportunity to carry out reverse tracking, from Gantz's terminal system , Hack some useful data.”

"Such a powerful and heaven-defying ability must be acquired!"


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