The Storm God

Chapter 2306 Lightning strikes from the sky, and the Primarch is captured alive! (Please subscribe!)


With the emergence of such a trick as the Earth Explosion Star, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Not only the scene, but even Commander Lin and the others who saw this scene through remote monitoring were shocked by Bai Xiaofei's powerful strength and terrorist methods, and were speechless for a long time.


After a long while, the little butcher said blankly: "Commander, I didn't really believe you when you said that this senior white is a god, but now... I believe it a little..."

"Be good!"

"Control the thunder and lightning, let go of the artificial moon..."

"This is not what is God?"


After the shock.

The little butcher followed Yixi and said with a smile: "Hey, Commander, no matter how awesome the Corpse King Long You is, and now meeting a great god like Senior White... Hey, it is definitely a doomed defeat, we seem to be able to start to deal with the aftermath work?"


Commander Lin was silent for a while.

In the end, he still acted on the principle of being cautious and said: "Let's take a look again, in case there is any accident..."

That's right.


In fact, in Commander Lin's heart, he had completely agreed with the little butcher's opinion. But he is the commander after all, and he must consider the overall situation, so even if he believes that Bai Xiaofei will win, he must act safely.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "I believe that after this battle in the capital, those who oppose Bai Xiaofei should no longer have any opinions? Reject the help and alliance of a god..."


"A fool would do that!"


at the same time.

At the scene, Bai Xiaofei didn't talk nonsense with the corpse king Longyou. After using the Earth Explosion Star to expose the hiding place of the corpse king Longyou, he summoned Thunder again and launched a berserk attack on the corpse king Longyou.


The thunder and lightning all over the sky, as if it belonged to Bai Xiaofei's own house, like using his arms to strike wherever he pointed, the poor corpse king Long You hadn't fully absorbed the blood of the flesh-and-blood dragon, so he had to dodge Bai Xiaofei's thunder attack. Those who were chased and crushed were like bereaved dogs, and they were in extreme embarrassment.


Seeing this scene, Qinglong and the others were also instantly speechless.

It wasn't until this time that they truly realized how terrifying Bai Xiaofei's strength and means were. You know, the current Corpse King Longyou is at the top of the god level. Although he is not full of blood, but relying on the undead skeleton and undead blood, he is still strong enough to make them fear and even despair!

Didn't you see that Qinglong, the strongest guardian of Yanhuang, used the ability of the nine dragon hairpins and six hairpins, but failed to kill the opponent, and was even calculated and suppressed by the corpse king Longyou for a time?


In front of Bai Xiaofei, such a terrifying monster was crushed so easily that he was almost powerless to fight back, like a bereaved dog, he could only dodge and escape in a hurry...

This gap is too big, right?

What natural moat?

This Nima is simply separated by a whole Milky Way, right?

If it was him and others who faced a terrifying guy like Bai Xiaofei... fine. Heihu Saobo and others have to admit that they are not even comparable to Longyou, at least they are still struggling and resisting. If it were them, they would probably stop fighting and let them deal with it.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but start to admire the corpse king Longyou again. Although the other party is a monster villain, despicable and shameless, insidious and cunning, but his current behavior can still be regarded as a real man.


After the admiration is over, the rest is all sympathy.

As the saying goes: "The authorities are obsessed, but the onlookers are clear." As people who eat melons, anyone can see that Bai Xiaofei didn't use his full strength, and even ravaged the corpse king Longyou with a cat-and-mouse mentality. If Bai Xiaofei spoke seriously, it is estimated that the corpse king Longyou would have been killed just like his female body, right?

Originally a near-invincible, god-level master who ruled the world, but at the most majestic moment, he met Bai Xiaofei, an even more shocking existence, and was beaten and teased all the way...

This moment.

It is estimated that the psychological shadow area of ​​the corpse king Longyou, even the master of the school and the god of learning can't figure it out, right?

Isn't this kind of experience worthy of everyone's sympathy?


And the other side.

The corpse king Longyou was indeed as everyone thought, he was so depressed that he was dying.

Thinking about what an awesome character I am, who controls all the dead brothers in the world, and has a god-level top-level strength that almost traverses the world, but now he is being beaten and teased by that surnamed Bai like a bereaved dog...

It just doesn't make sense!


"I can't continue to be beaten passively like this, I have to fight back!"

"Otherwise, it will be killed sooner or later!"


Long You thought to himself.

Immediately, while dodging Bai Xiaofei's thunder and lightning attack, he began to evade: "My surname is Bai, don't be complacent, I am not fighting alone, I still have countless army of dead brothers under my command."

"Even if I can't beat you, you can never get over it. I'm not afraid to tell you all the time, I have already ordered several groups of powerful mutant corpses to attack the four safe houses in the capital."

"If you rush over as soon as possible at this moment, maybe you can save some more people, otherwise, the survivors there, I'm afraid they will all become food for my corpse brothers?"

"Bai, do you still want to play with me now?"


Longyou's idea is simple.

It is to use the safety of all the survivors in the four major safe houses in the capital as a bait to distract Bai Xiaofei and others, but he will take the opportunity to make some small moves to try to reverse the current unfavorable situation.


The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny.

Just when Qinglong and the others were shocked and worried when they heard what the Corpse King Longyou said, Bai Xiaofei just let out a faint "Oh" and then curled his lips and said, "You mean that?"

next moment.

With Bai Xiaofei waving his hand, huge magic rings of space gates quickly appeared one after another around the scene. They were like a live broadcast, directly reporting the situation of the four safe houses in the capital in real time. It was displayed in front of the corpse king Longyou, Qinglong and others...

The most important thing is that the picture that everyone saw is seriously inconsistent with what the corpse king Longyou said.


The four safe houses were besieged by a large number of corpse brothers.

But the result is not what the corpse king Longyou said, the surviving human beings are in danger, and they may become food in the mouth of the corpse brothers at any time... On the contrary, these corpse brothers who should be hunters are now being killed by several Powerful masters hunted and chased.

That's right!

Everything is completely reversed.

Regardless of the fact that there are so many corpse brothers, there are only a dozen or so human masters, but they rely on their own excellent strength and all kinds of incredible and powerful methods to abuse these corpse brothers into dogs. !


One of them is not even human.

When I saw Xiaobei in the appearance of a Samoyed, his whole body was burning with terrifying snow-colored flames, as if walking leisurely, walking in the sky leisurely, and he could kill a large number of mutant corpses with a casual paw Afterwards, the Corpse King Long You, who was arrogant just now, was stunned for an instant, and then because of this small flaw and distraction, he was struck by the thunder and lightning that Bai Xiaofei summoned...



Poor Corpse King Longyou instantly turned into a roast chicken.

Although at the critical moment, he used the huge wings on his back to wrap himself in time, but how could the thunder and lightning that Bai Xiaofei provoked be so easily followed?

In just a split second, the Life Demon Armor of Corpse King Longyou was directly blasted into a pitch-black coke by the terrifying thunder...

All right.

This thing looks like it was originally black.

In short, the details are not important, what is important is that the corpse king Longyou is really miserable. The self-proclaimed invincible Life Demon Armor was directly blasted into scum, and even his male body was severely injured and damaged.

At this moment, Longyou was completely useless, half of his head was broken, his intestines were rotten, and he was lying in the pair of pitch-black coke slag like a pool of mud. It was so miserable.


He is not dead.

After all, he is the corpse king Longyou, the ultimate boss of the world, how could he die so easily. It was only the outer body that was severely injured. In fact, the corpse king's original body hidden in the outer body did not suffer any damage.


The outer body was damaged, and the energy and blood were almost exhausted.

Even if the corpse king Longyou's original body didn't suffer any loss, it would be exhausted and there was nothing he could do. Because his original body strength is only about the level of a high-level heaven-level, even the top-level god-level can't beat Bai Xiaofei, and a mere sky-level is useless!

Moreover, Bai Xiaofei didn't have any chance to escape or use conspiracy and tricks with the corpse king Longyou's original body. Using his spiritual force, he captured Longyou's original body from the pile of dregs in an instant.


Seeing the miniature corpse king Longyou's original body about the size of a teacup floating in front of his eyes, Bai Xiaofei grinned and said, "Longyou, how do you think I should play now?"

Longyou: "..."


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