The Storm God

Chapter 2510 Tenglong Battleship VS Monster Armed! (Please subscribe!)


beyond the upper atmosphere.

Commander Lin's Tenglong battleship had an unfortunate accident, and was discovered by that huge and unmatched monster. Then there was no nonsense, and the two sides started directly.

The appearance of that monster is a bit special, it looks like a fish, but it is more ferocious and terrifying than a fish. Its dorsal fin and tail have countless tentacles, like countless spirit snakes dancing around.

The stealth ability of the Tenglong battleship is very powerful, and it cannot be detected by ordinary means.


The tentacles of the huge flying fish seemed to have seen everything, and they rushed directly towards the Tenglong battleship. The size of the opponent is comparable to that of the Tenglong Battleship, even a size larger than the Tenglong Battleship.

If it was hit hard by the opponent, even if it wasn't destroyed on the spot, it would probably lose a lot of equipment.

In view of this.

Commander Lin simply ordered to open fire.

Since the war is unavoidable, then take the initiative to attack and try to kill this monster as soon as possible. After all, this place is outside the atmosphere, even if there is any movement, it is estimated that ordinary monsters will not be able to detect it.

As long as you move fast enough, you shouldn't attract the attention of the monsters.


The idea is beautiful.

But the reality is very cruel and merciless.

That huge flying fish monster has rough skin and flesh, and is very difficult to deal with. Even though the Tenglong battleship's weapons bombarded it, it seemed to have nothing to do with it. big influence.


A certain technician of the Tenglong battleship stared at the chaotic equipment in front of him with an ugly expression, and reminded: "Everyone, be careful, the shock wave of this monster is actually an electromagnetic pulse, which will cause huge damage to our equipment!"

"Open the energy shield!"

"Pay attention to avoid!"



The two sides came and went, and the fight was very fierce.


Compared with the arbitrariness of the opponent, Tenglong battleship is obviously a little cautious and cautious in fighting. Most of the weapons and equipment used are less powerful, so as not to attract the attention of the monsters in the abyss crack below.

As everyone knows.

As early as the first time the battle started.

The fish flying monster has already reported the situation here to the leader below. Then a large number of monsters are mobilizing troops and actively defending, protecting the large formation of the abyss crack with three layers inside and three layers outside.


Commander Lin soon saw the picture displayed on the monitor, and his face was gloomy and terrifying, and he immediately ordered: "We have been exposed, and if this is the case, then there is no need to hide it anymore, increase the firepower for me, and take that Kill the damn flying fish!"


With a burst of operation by technicians.

The next moment, the terrifying weapon instantly unleashed a shocking and horrifyingly powerful firepower. With one shot, the flying fish monster, which was about the size of a Tenglong battleship, was smashed into two pieces.

at the same time……

The terrifying aftermath is like a meteor sliding down the sky.

Humans, monsters, and zombies on the earth, even in the daytime, through the thick atmosphere, can still see a burst of bright and bright fire blooming above their heads.

"Boom boom boom!"

Tenglong Battleship seemed to feel that this was not enough, followed by another terrifying salvo of artillery fire.

The poor flying fish monster was killed in a blink of an eye. The scales and flesh all over the sky, like countless meteorites, began to fall to the ground one after another under the action of the earth's gravity.

However, before they were close to the ground, because of the friction, they were roasted into cooked meat during the falling process, and then turned into black slag and ashes. Only some of them were larger and harder. Finally, it falls to the ground.

"Damn it!"

The black wolf and other monsters in Greece also saw this bright scene in the sky.

Leon was furious immediately: "Although Cai Kun's strength is only in the middle of the god level, but in terms of defense, he is indeed the strongest among us. I didn't expect to be killed so soon. It seems that human beings are serious this time!"


Hei Lang's face was gloomy and he remained silent.

After a long while, he ordered: "Concentrate all combat power, focus on protecting and defending the cracks in the abyss, even if it is death, we must not let humans destroy our plan, and at the same time send out a flying army to intercept humans as much as possible!"


With the order issued.


A large number of flying monsters that looked like dark clouds spread over Greece in groups, and then advanced layer by layer, continuously climbing upwards, as if a big net was being tightened.

at the same time.

The Tenglong battleship dived down rapidly.

It was obvious that they wanted to give the monsters below a hard time when the enemy hadn't fully set up a strong enough defense line. Otherwise, once a good opportunity is taken to prepare the monsters below, it will be all over.

"Hit me hard!"


Commander Lin also became ruthless, ordering the Tenglong battleship to use all firepower to land on the target location as soon as possible. No matter what kind of monsters are ushering in below, there is just one word - hit!

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying artillery fire, instantly like a crazy rainstorm, kept falling.

Countless flying monsters were hit by artillery fire, and then fell, followed by blood rain all over the sky, and fell down along with the tattered corpses, staining the sacred place in Greek myths and legends. Tragic breath.

Although there are a large number of these monsters, they can't hold back the fierce firepower of the Tenglong battleship.

It is like a falling comet, surrounded by raging fire, and those flying monsters trying to stop it are like a group of moths. They frantically launched suicide attacks, wave after wave.

And at the same time.

The monsters on the ground are also not idle.

Taking advantage of the confrontation between the Tenglong battleship and the flying monsters, they quickly assembled and adjusted, and quickly assembled groups of special formations, and then arranged them neatly together to form special anti-air forces.

As long as the Tenglong battleship descends to a certain height, these monster formations that have been preparing for a long time will open fire without hesitation, and give the most ruthless and cruel artillery fire to these humans who dare to come to their lair to act wildly.


The battle in the sky continues.

As the fierce battle progressed, the entire sky became scarlet, the roar of artillery fire, the roar of monsters, and the screams... mixed together, it was like thunder, rolling in, shocking and tragic.


A moment later, the huge figure of Tenglong battleship still broke through the blockade of flying monsters, carrying endless blood, like a demon king descending from the sky, and appeared shockingly in front of many monsters in Greece.

"Hit me hard!"

At the same time, the monster also received orders.

In an instant, all kinds of long-range attacks immediately bombarded the entire sky like the fireworks released during the Chinese New Year. All kinds of attack types and effects immediately engulfed the entire Tenglong battleship.

Of course……

Tenglong Battleship is not a vegetarian either.

Before being attacked, it also released its powerful weapons as much as possible. Thousands of mini super powerful bombs, like countless spirit insects, swiftly and quickly evaded the interception of artillery fire in the air, and finally landed in the formation of monsters below with incomparable precision.

In an instant, the artillery fire raged, and the beast turned its back.

Regardless of whether it was the monster side or the Tenglong battleship, neither of them took advantage of it. They were all completely engulfed by the other side's fierce artillery fire, and suffered a lot from it. They paid a heavy price for this.


On the whole, Tenglong battleship is quite popular.

After all, there is only one target. As long as the energy is sufficient and the one-time attack does not exceed the maximum tolerance limit of the protective cover, there will be no fatal threat. At most, it will damage some parts and weapons.

But the monsters below paid bloody lives!

It's pretty clear which one is better than the other.

Of course.

This is just the second wave of confrontation, nothing at all, the real contest is yet to come, who will have the last laugh and win the final battle, the result is still unknown.


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