The Storm God

Chapter 2603 Special ore, enchanted card! (Please subscribe!)

The treasures and artifacts brought by Lockheed and others are so many that they are piled up together, and they can almost become a hill. There are almost everything in it, including knives, guns, sticks, armor, and accessories, and the quality is not low.


For the current Bai Xiaofei, no matter how high the quality is, it is just a decoration.

When the realm of cultivation has reached the level of transforming gods, almost everything in the universe can become his source of energy and means of ability, and he has almost reached the point where he can kill powerful enemies almost without external objects.

Unless it's meeting an opponent of the same level, or surpassing one's own, or a very powerful artifact.

Just like the existence of space-time shuttle.

And apparently...

Lockheed and others have no such treasure.

So at the beginning, they didn't have any hope for them. The treasures they collected were only used to study the civilization technology of the Arad world, or they were used as rewards to give to the younger brothers under their command.

Even if there are really some strange things in it, the effect on Bai Xiaofei is almost negligible, the value of research is more than its practical value. Bai Xiaofei was like shopping in a vegetable market, prepared to pick and choose randomly, and then began to bargain with Lockheed and others, striving to maximize his own interests.

to be honest.

Bai Xiaofei really looked down on these things they brought out.

There is no other reason, it is too low-level. Even if it is a sacred weapon treasure, it is just icing on the cake for the current Bai Xiaofei. Compared with the millions of merits Bai Xiaofei has paid, there is really no comparison.

If Bai Xiaofei really wanted some magical weapon at his fingertips, he could find a lot of satisfactory treasures in the Time and Space Mall by spending a small amount of merit and energy points, so why bother with Lockheed and others?

It's nothing more than wanting to take this opportunity to tie Lockheed and others to himself.


What Bai Xiaofei never expected was that.

In addition to the super compass created by the great inventor Tifa, among this pile of treasures and artifacts, there are actually some real treasures and artifacts that even he can't see through.

While such existences are rare, they do exist.


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed.

But on the surface, he remained calm, picking and choosing in front of the hill-like pile of treasures with a calm expression, confusing Lockheed and others. On those few special things.

And in Bai Xiaofei's line of sight sensing, there are several special treasures in the treasure pile, which makes him a little unpredictable.

One of them is a special ore with an irregular shape. Although this ore doesn't contain much energy, in Bai Xiaofei's induction, it seems to imply some more obscure and advanced power aura.

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's extremely powerful mind and thought power, he would have ignored this thing as an ordinary rubbish stone if he was someone else.

"This is……"

Soon, Bai Xiaofei's starry eyes saw some clues. He discovered that this irregularly shaped ore was translucent white as a whole, and its molecular structure and particle arrangement were extremely special.

And the most critical point is not these, but each of its constituent particles seems to contain an extremely small power of the great way, and then the structure distribution, like a composite large formation, naturally forms a kind of A special formation formation.

In this way.

This seemingly ordinary ore has some extremely powerful special abilities.

Although Bai Xiaofei still doesn't know what this ability is, but Bai Xiaofei, who has read and comprehended the Great Dao Stele, can guarantee that that ability is absolutely extraordinary. If you can unravel the mystery, your harvest will be extremely huge.


Bai Xiaofei's intuition told himself.

Not counting other things, just this special ore with an irregular shape is already worth the millions of merits that I have paid, and it may even be even worse.

Moreover, there is not only one piece of this ore, but a full six or seven pieces.

Plus several other special treasures...


It is definitely a profit!

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei turned his mind away from the special ore, and looked at several other things. And the first thing he chose was a special set of cards, because Bai Xiaofei felt an incomparably rich magical power from them.

His intuition told himself that this kind of magic card is not simple.


Far more powerful than his own cards.

If you can crack the mystery and then integrate it with your own card technology, it will definitely bring you extremely considerable benefits. It is not impossible to even cause a new round of technological replacement.

To know.

Most of Bai Xiaofei's skills are carried by card skills.

For example, moving space, storage space, summoning magical weapons, and even violent operations, as well as taking damage, transferring attacks... and other means and abilities can all be realized with the help of card technology.


Bai Xiaofei's cards always have some drawbacks and bottlenecks.

After all, its essence still relies on the compression of plane space, as well as Pym particle technology, combined with the superposition and fusion of other means. The science and technology side occupies most of the foundation and framework. When encountering other civilizations, it is generally said that they will not be restrained too much. Great restraint may even be used by the enemy in turn.

And the appearance of this special card in the world of Allard made Bai Xiaofei's eyes brighten up, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, as if he had found some kind of combination point, and then gave birth to countless ideas and inspirations.

at the same time……

Based on careful observation and analysis.

Bai Xiaofei is also very sure that this thing is extraordinary. Although there are only 36 cards in four categories in a set of cards, it seems to contain a lot of different information and types, which should be enough to help him complete the inspiration design and card upgrade in his heart. idea.

And to prove it.

Bai Xiaofei insinuated around without any trace, and then learned from the great inventor Tifa that this set of cards was a treasure left over from the last century of civilization in the world of Arada, and it was called - Enchanted Cards.

"Enchantment card?"

Hearing the name, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and said to himself, "I'm going, this name...could it be something in the game, right? A sub-professional material item that can enhance equipment?"


Tifa, the great inventor of the little lolita, didn't know what Bai Xiaofei was thinking at all. Hearing this, he nodded, and then continued: "Although it's called enchantment, in fact, it can play far more than that. The set of cards I found only has the effect of enhancing the attribute power of props and equipment..."

"The enchanting card is my name. In fact, in some ancient books from the last civilization century, this portable item with incredible power is called a card device."

"There is a profession called card master, who uses all kinds of card weapons to fight, or to provide assistance, and even to form troops. The power is extremely powerful and unimaginable..."

"The actual utility of these cards may not be great, but they have inestimable historical value and research value..."

"Mr. Bai, are you very interested in it?"


Tifa's big bright red eyes twinkled.

That look was like seeing a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. As long as Bai Xiaofei dared to nod, she would probably dare to ask for prices in the next moment.


Someone is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Hearing this, he smiled lightly, then shook his head, and said with a disappointed face: "So that's the case, I thought it was a good thing, feelings are just a bunch of old antiques with no practical use, compared to my cards... ..."


Bai Xiaofei waved his hand casually.

As the golden light flashed, several space cards suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then grew in the wind, followed by Lockheed and the others' stunned eyes, and slowly opened the door, revealing the extremely vast, luxurious and luxurious space inside.

until then.

The last half of Bai Xiaofei's extremely pretentious words came out leisurely: "...It's really far away."

Lockheed and others suddenly: "..."

Thoroughly heartbroken.


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