The Storm God

Chapter 2614 Quantized conjecture! (Please subscribe!)

Intensification, in fact, is not a special mystery. To put it bluntly, it is the change of the density of matter, the change of the structure sequence, as well as the addition and deletion, so that it can achieve a certain special effect.

There are many ways to achieve these effects.


Everything remains the same.

In Bai Xiaofei's view, in the final analysis, there are only two types of strengthening.

One, as mentioned above, is to achieve the purpose of strengthening by changing the distribution structure of material particles and increasing their density. In short, it is compression, compression and compression, and the most direct example is explosion.

The reason why explosives are so powerful is because the burning energy is confined to a very limited and narrow space. If this model is transferred to specific items...

for example……

A one-meter-square iron block is compressed and forged to shrink to a centimeter-square level; then, whether it is its strength, hardness, or texture and toughness, all will undergo earth-shaking changes.

This means and method is actually a relatively backward and primitive strengthening method.

With Bai Xiaofei's ability, of course he wouldn't do that. Using the ability to control the molecules of all things, Bai Xiaofei can forcibly change the particle distribution and arrangement structure of certain substances with just one thought.


If you use a little more snacks.

It is also completely possible to directly change the type of matter by turning stones into gold.

Not only that, Bai Xiaofei can arrange these rearranged particles in microcosmic formations, so from a physical point of view, supplemented by these structures and the assistance of precise and powerful formations, the degree of strengthening can be maximized .


The structural arrangement of matter is basically unchanged.

If it has changed, it is basically no longer the original substance. If you want to strengthen without changing the original material, the limitation of the first strengthening method is that the formation is carved and cast at a microscopic level. The stronger the formation, the stronger the strengthening effect will naturally be.

at the same time……

Some special materials can also be added to make it ingeniously and profoundly fused with the particles of the original substance, so as to achieve a fundamental enhancement. With the superposition of the power of the formation, it can be said to be even more powerful.

This strengthening method is very simple to say, but every step of the operation is extremely difficult. First of all, the control and use of molecules is beyond the reach of ordinary people. The complex collection and qualitative changes of different material particles, as well as the formation of formations at the micro level, are even more difficult.


Although the first strengthening method is the best, but because of the difficulty, there are very few people who are proficient in it. Even in the world of Arad, where it was rumored that various technologies were highly developed in the last civilization century, this type of fortifier was still rare.

More so are other types of enhancements and techniques.

The same reason.

Under normal circumstances, Bai Xiaofei would not use this method to strengthen weapons and equipment unless necessary, because it would be too wasteful of energy and mind to operate, and it would not be popularized and mass-produced at all.

If he wants large-scale production, even he can only use other means.

The second mainstream type of reinforcement is additive reinforcement. The so-called additive strengthening refers to adding some special addition to the original substance without changing the original substance, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening.

for example……

Add some kind of stronger material, gem, or even a spirit.

The operation and implementation of this method is less difficult, and the success rate is relatively high. Most people can basically master a certain degree of strengthening after a few years of learning. The only disadvantage is that the upper limit of strengthening is lower.


Another point is that there is a high probability that it will destroy the balance of the original material.

This is like adding various auxiliary equipment to it without modifying the vehicle, and it is the same reason to continuously increase the load on it. As the degree of "strengthening" becomes higher and higher, the various performances of the vehicle will inevitably be affected by these additives.


Skilled fortifiers will minimize this burden as much as possible.

For example, Bai Xiaofei, the weapons and equipment he mass-produced and forged before, especially the robot team of the BT Legion, used the main material that was produced through this strengthening method to produce ultra-large alloys.

The hardness, strength, and even the extensibility and plasticity of magic and inscriptions of ultra-large alloys are far superior to titanium alloys and other super alloys. The only disadvantage is that it is too heavy. But on the whole, it is definitely the best substitute under Zhenjin.

And now...

With the enhancement card of Arad World, this situation has changed. Although the strengthening method of the strengthening card is somewhat similar to the two kinds of strengthening that Bai Xiaofei knows, but in some aspects, it is a shortcut, which is eye-catching.

The key is that this kind of thing can be easily mass-produced and popularized. And once the strengthening card is created, even a child with no abilities can strengthen the item through a special card releaser.


It was exactly what Bai Xiaofei wanted.

Even, the emergence of the enhancement card will, to a certain extent, bring about revolutionary changes in Bai Xiaofei's technology. It can be used not only for production and logistics, but also for combat at critical moments.

For example.

The two sides are fighting vigorously, each other is evenly matched, and no one can do anything to the other. At this time, if you take out an enhancement card and instantly strengthen your equipment...


The other party has to be dumbfounded.


learn by analogy.

If the enhancement can be reversed to create a weakening card, then the effect of the card can be released to the opponent, then the result is not strengthening itself in another sense?


All of this is easy to say, but it must be very difficult to really realize it and make it popular. Even a super boss like Bai Xiaofei, with almost endless space-time wealth, has to admit that the update of this technology is very challenging.

Nothing is unachievable.

Once Bai Xiaofei decides on something, no matter how hard and difficult it is, he will do whatever it takes to complete it.

In this way, time flew by. During the period of discussion between Lockheed and Astord, Bai Xiaofei finally came up with a feasible bill after pondering and thinking, as well as careful calculation and analysis.

Combining the previous two enhancement methods, the mystery of the Allard World enhancement card, and the development and extension of the micro-dimensional world in the quantum realm brought about by Pym particle technology, an extremely bold and crazy idea sprouted in Bai Xiaofei's mind .


You can try to quantize these cards.

Think about it, a small bracelet or cloth bag is connected to a special space inside, and even a sealed limited-level quantum dimension world, what kind of scene should it be?

All kinds of magic treasures in the prehistoric world are rumored to be the same, right?

The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Your Excellency Bai Yu!"

But at this time, Lockheed and Astord found him, and said bluntly: "We discussed it, and we can accept your proposal to carry out experiments on Astord's evolution and transformation, but you must Keep him safe!"


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