The Storm God

Chapter 2619 The terrifying disaster sweeping the heavens! (Please subscribe!)


Master Rabbit's words were so shocking, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but interrupted: "You said tens of millions of years ago, in the entire universe, the only planet with intelligent life was the earth? Then what happened to other alien creatures? here?"

This is clearly contradictory.

Could it be...

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei had some guesses in his mind, but he didn't dare to be too sure.

He was waiting for Lord Rabbit to give him an answer.

And Master Rabbit?

All right.

He didn't seem to bother talking nonsense anymore.

Hearing this, the style of painting changed, and he directly confessed: "This is the shocking secret I want to tell you. In fact, the so-called alien creatures do not exist at all. Their origin is similar to that of the current beast race. With the Tuen Kun Adventure Group, it can be said to be exactly the same!"


This time Bai Xiaofei was really surprised: "You mean to say that those alien creatures from before, no matter if they were angels, demons, or other messy weird creatures, are not actually natives of this world. But like Allard's orcs and the Tuenkun Adventure Group, they are all outsiders who broke into this world from other time and space worlds?"

"That's right!"

Lord Rabbit nodded and said, "It's the same with our tribes. They all come from different time and space worlds. The only difference is that the planetary environment and growth process of everyone are different."

"It turned out to be like this..."

After the shock, Bai Xiaofei quickly felt relieved.

After all, he is an outsider himself, and all the things he has experienced are far more bizarre and tortuous than this so-called secret, so it is relatively easy to accept.


He stared at Lord Rabbit's eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "And then? I'm curious, why did you tell me this? Did you discover something? Or is there some bigger secret hidden in it? ?”

Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it, this was the so-called big secret, and the fundamental reason why Lord Rabbit betrayed Xiao Hei at that time.

There must be some other reason for this.

as expected.


Master Rabbit gave Bai Xiaofei a thumbs up.

Then he continued: "Mr. Bai is really wise, that's right! The origin is not important, the most important thing is that the invasion of the beast clan and the successive appearance of the Tuenkun Adventure Group made me think of a possibility..."

"What's possible?" Bai Xiaofei asked.

"According to the information I know, the reason why many alien creatures traveled through time and space and fell into this world is because a terrible and terrifying disaster broke out in each other's world!"

"A terrible disaster?"


Master Rabbit's face suddenly became very solemn and serious, and said: "The name of the disaster is [Crack in Time and Space], the sky was torn apart, the earth was split open, and various alien creatures, as well as powerful and terrifying demons, continued to emerge from it. gushes out like locusts and devours everything in the world, and those of us are the escaped survivors..."


Speaking of which.

Master Rabbit couldn't speak anymore.

Emotions seemed to have become very heavy and sad, and the whole person stood there in a state of great grief.


Bai Xiaofei didn't ask too much.

Standing there quietly, his mind was spinning, analyzing everything Master Rabbit said. If Lord Rabbit didn't lie, then this secret really deserves to be treated and taken seriously.


The invasion of the orcs and the arrival of the Tuenkun Adventure Group reminded him of the horrible disaster at the beginning. In today's world, similar situations have been encountered one after another. Lord Rabbit has every reason to suspect that the disaster of that year is very likely to happen again.

And such worries are unreasonable.

It is definitely not something that ordinary people can understand and bear. No wonder Lord Rabbit has insisted that this secret can only be told to Bai Xiaofei alone. Such a shocking mystery, I am afraid that only Bai Xiaofei can resist it.

"Cracks in time and space..."

"The crack in the abyss..."

"Space-time fluctuations..."

These few related words kept flashing in Bai Xiaofei's mind, and a possibility appeared in his mind. Reminiscent of the mysterious high priest of the orcs, perhaps all these troubles were caused by him.

According to Jiuyin and Shilong, the high priest possesses terrifying supernatural powers, can summon all kinds of powerful creatures, and can open up and connect different time and space worlds, and then launch invasions and plunders...

Among other things, just this ability is enough to make Bai Xiaofei fearful and value it. All kinds of actions of the high priest reminded Bai Xiaofei of the reincarnation space he had encountered before.


The high priest is a similar existence.

Aren't the world of Corpse Brothers and the world of Arad where the Tuenkun Adventure Group is located all reduced to this point because of the High Priest? wrong! Lockheed said that his world was ventured out to find his own world because a huge time-space rift suddenly appeared in the sky and swept away many compatriots of the same race. The time-space rift that caused this situation is probably not the work of the high priest...

Otherwise, they would not encounter the terrifying evil force at all, and would almost be wiped out in the endless turbulence of time and space.

In this way, the space-time channel of the abyss rift created by the high priest seems to have no special connection with the disaster of the space-time rift. It is very likely that they are just similar, and even the Thun Kun Adventure Group entered the Arad beast where the high priest was It was just a coincidence that he escaped to the world of the corpse brother and met himself.


Bai Xiaofei made a comprehensive analysis.

After peeling back the cocoons, many of the mysteries and doubts were finally revealed, but many more difficult questions followed. For example... what happened to that space-time rift?

Could it be related to the space-time fluctuations I encountered before?

If there is a relationship, according to the situation detected by Dr. Zola, has the Arad orc world suffered disaster and persecution because of this? If this is the case, then opening the crack in the abyss again, wouldn't that open Pandora's box?


Absolutely not like this!

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei's heart was full of warning signs, and he made a decision immediately, before he was fully sure, he must not easily open the crack in the abyss. Otherwise, it is very likely that the space-time disaster will reappear, leading to destruction.


Bai Xiaofei didn't hesitate at all.

After sending a voice transmission to Xiao Hei and asking him to treat Lord Rabbit kindly, he broke through the space and teleported to the earth.



Orc base camp.

In the core area of ​​the crack in the abyss, Shi Long, the wise general, is leading a team to repair the sacrificial formation. All kinds of precious materials, as well as energy ore substances, have been put into specific positions according to the complex formation and design. among.


Shi Long let out a long breath of relief.

Looking at the huge project that is about to be completed, I couldn't help feeling a great sense of accomplishment in my heart, and said in my heart: "After working for so many days, it is finally about to be completed. I hope that there will be no terrible things in my hometown. things..."

After checking for the last time and confirming that there is no problem, Shi Long will start the sacrificial formation, ready to test the operation of the abyss crack. But at this moment, Bai Xiaofei suddenly appeared behind him, and stopped him firmly: "Stop!"

"Don't start it!"


Shi Long was startled at that moment.

Hearing that familiar voice, he originally intended to follow the order to stop the test, but the actual result was that he couldn't hold back the strength in time when his emotions were agitated, and the button in his hand was turned on by Shi Long in the end. Pressed down.

next moment……


The sacrificial array was activated.


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