The Storm God

Chapter 2624 Hu Chi please fight Yachukas! (Please subscribe!)

The metamorphosis of Daxu Killian's essence is still going on.

Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that the opponent's aura of strength was undergoing a qualitative change, which was completely different from before. When the other party's transformation is completed and becomes a Daxu of Yachukas level, I'm afraid it will be very powerful.

That's right.

In the settings of the god of death, Daxu of Yachukas level has a very high wisdom and IQ, which is no different from normal people. Compared with those Daxu Kylians who seldom have self-awareness and act only on instinct, they are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

And its most obvious feature is its shape.

That's right!

Daxu Killian is basically the same.

Only a very few Killian will have a special shape and appearance. However, Yachukas' basic daxu are different. They are smaller than Killian, but larger than ordinary daxu, and they have different shapes and appearances, and they have everything.


The standard for distinguishing Da Xu, apart from strength, the biggest feature is its iconic appearance.

It's just that the evolution and transformation of the big Vulcan in front of him doesn't seem to be completed in a short period of time. If you want to see his appearance after becoming Yachukas, I'm afraid you have to wait.


"Whoosh whoosh!"


And during this period.

Some cadres and generals of the orc race, even some human masters arranged around Greece, as well as generals of the corpse brother, all rushed over after seeing the alarm signal here.


The fastest, and the first to rush over must be Jiuyin, the most of the ten kings of the beast clan.

"Mr. Bai..."

Although Jiuyin is powerful and quite good in terms of soul, but there is no corresponding method, so he can't see the existence of such a special creature in the world of death. He can only faintly feel that there is an extremely tyrannical force accumulating there. and change.

For the rest, I don't know anything.


He could only consult Bai Xiaofei: "What's going on? That power is...?"

Bai Xiaofei didn't turn his head, and explained indifferently: "A special creature that accidentally invaded from other time and space worlds, called [Xu], and it is also a Daxu who is on the verge of evolution, its strength is very powerful, almost equivalent to Between the peak of the god level and the super god."


"Their most powerful thing is not their combat power, but their special ability that can devour souls. The stronger the soul power, the more interested they are, because that is the only way for them to become stronger. I am waiting for his transformation to complete."

"Don't make any moves!"


The latter words are said to be domineering, full of undeniable toughness.

Jiuyin: "..."

The other masters who arrived one after another immediately said, "..."

"Mr. Bai..."

The master of human beings, the first to arrive was Uncle Tu. He tried all the methods, but he couldn't see the big void that Bai Xiaofei said. In desperation, he could only ask: "How can I see the big void that you mentioned?"


"I can't see anything here, how can I fight?"

"It's a loss too!"


Others seconded the proposal one after another, hoping that Bai Xiaofei could teach the method of observing creatures like Daxu.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not be stingy, and said with a smile: "The method is actually very simple. Creatures like Xu are formed from the resentment of the soul, and they are also souls in essence. They are evil ghosts that everyone knows, ordinary people The reason why I can't see them is because the spiritual power is low. But everyone present, whether it is physical strength or soul power, is actually not low..."

"All you need to do is concentrate all your energy and energy on your eyes, and then you can observe the existence of void and even death. As for other more advanced techniques, I will tell you later!"

"Attention everyone, he is about to complete his evolutionary transformation, don't shoot casually!"


Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes slightly.

On the opposite side, Daxu Killian's huge body began to collapse inch by inch, and countless fragments fell all over the sky, revealing a relatively small existence hidden in it—Daxu of Yachukas level.

This middle-level Daxu has a shape and appearance that is very similar to a human being. The white bone mask on its head looks like a clown with a wicked smile. It looks very weird and gloomy.

His empty hole is located in the abdomen of the body, about the size of a fist.

Its arms and legs are covered with special white bone armor. Obviously, the main attack method and weapon ability of this evolved Yachukas-level intermediate Daxu should be on the hands and feet.


In addition, there may also be some special means and abilities hidden.

After all, it was the first time for Bai Xiaofei to meet this kind of stuff, and his understanding of them was only limited to some overview of the plot of "Reaper".

Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't have wasted so much effort, waiting for the other party's evolution to complete.


After evolving into Yachukas, Daxu's self-awareness and wisdom have improved a lot. At least he can speak unimpededly, expressing his various emotions and meanings, unlike before, only screaming.


"I have finally successfully evolved!"

"What a great feeling!"


You could tell he was excited.

He didn't seem to care about the many masters around him, or because he was too excited, he ignored the surrounding situation. Anyway, according to the method Bai Xiaofei said, I can finally see many masters of Daxu, and I am shocked and speechless.

The shock is naturally because of the existence of a special creature like Daxu, which is indeed quite weird.

And speechless...

This is even simpler.

Surrounded by dozens of god-level or even super-god-level masters, including a great god, this creature that has just evolved can still laugh so wildly and heartlessly...

There is no one left!


Everyone was still quite tense and serious, but after seeing this big head's demeanor, they suddenly relaxed. Some people even thought to themselves: "If the creatures that pop out from the time-space rift are all of this kind, then it seems that there is nothing to worry about, right?"


The opponent is still strong.

But my side is not bad, not to mention there is Mr. Bai, a great god, so there is really nothing to be afraid of.

Don't be shy, just straight up!

"Mr. Bai..."

Just when Bai Xiaofei was about to make the big xu in front of him wake up a little bit, a super god-level general of the orc race jumped out next to him, and offered to ask Ying: "This creature is too arrogant, it killed so many of us!" My compatriots don’t say anything, yet they still dare to ignore your existence. I begged to fight, and I must teach him a severe lesson, so that the other party knows that we are not easy to mess with!”


Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes, agreed to Hu Chi's request, and said: "Then you will take the lead in attacking Daxu. However, Daxu is a very special creature, especially good at attacking souls. General Hu Chi, please be careful." For the top!"


General Hu Chi responded.

After turning around, the shells rushed directly towards Da Xu on the opposite side.

"White Tiger Lihuo!"


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