The Storm God

Chapter 2632 Queen's shadow, crack reappears! (Please subscribe!)

Merry Christmas~!


Ring and turn!

Keisha's attack speed is fast, but these vain movements are not vegetarian.

Almost like teleporting in space, all the big ghosts around them dodged the sweeping attack of the holy Kaisha. At the same time, the other big fakes took the opportunity to respond quickly, using all kinds of fake bullets as a cover, and bombarded Holy Kaisha indiscriminately as if they didn't want money, and shot mercilessly.


Although these big ghosts have some intelligence, they are not familiar with the holy Kesha at all.

Moreover, Bai Xiaofei's original intention in creating them was to be a mechanical force similar to the BT Legion, so each of them would strictly follow Bai Xiaofei's orders, and if they were to make a move, they would definitely not keep it.

On the other hand, Holy Keisha...


She is awesome.

But now the state of the whole body is sealed at around the second level of the Holy Realm. Except for the special means and a considerable advantage, there is really nothing to say about the rest. At this moment, facing the siege of more than a dozen Daxu, the pressure That is also quite huge.

In short.

It is almost impossible to achieve the level of sweeping and crushing like before.

After all, the purpose of Bai Xiaofei asking her to come here is to test the real combat capabilities of these Daxu, as well as possible bugs, so that they can be corrected and changed...

You crush and sweep as soon as you come up, so check the wool.

Just lie down and lie down.


The two sides fell into a fierce battle.

Holy Kaisa deserves to be the former king of gods and lord of angels. Even though her realm is sealed now, she is quite brave and invincible in battle. With one enemy, she is not at all inferior, and even faintly occupies a certain position. The advantages.

On the other hand, the clones around us...

All right.

What I have to admit is that although these guys have good combat prowess, their own flaws are also quite huge. Apart from the attack methods possessed by Da Xu itself, such as false flashes, false bullets, and ringing...

Other attack methods are quite simple, or even almost non-existent.

All fighting is almost entirely based on instinct and hands and feet.


Because of the different types.

The attack methods of each Daxu are also very different. But the same thing is that they are like beasts without great wisdom as a whole. They only know how to use their body parts to fight, and they don't know how to use other equipment and props.

It's the same even if Bai Xiaofei has prepared all kinds of weapons for them.

To put it bluntly, I'm still a little retarded.

no way.

It's a clone after all.

Creatures like Xu are quite special, and to be able to do this is already the result of Bai Xiaofei's hard work and hard work. It is extremely difficult to make these cloned products, like the real ones, with great personal consciousness and personality traits, and even great vain combat capabilities.

You must know that Xu was born with a fallen soul, and Da Xu swallowed dozens or hundreds of souls before he could evolve. And this is just the lowest level of Killian Daxu.

If he wants to evolve from Killian, who is as stupid as a zombie and only relies on instinctive tendencies without even his own consciousness, to a more advanced Achukas-level Daxuan, the difficulty increases exponentially.

And what about Bai Xiaofei?

The information, intelligence, and experimental materials currently in hand are nothing more than an Erek. The rest were all pondered and developed by Bai Xiaofei by relying on the black technology of the sky, as well as some of his own deduction and research.

But no matter how awesome Bai Xiaofei is, these cloning gadgets are not the pure vain in the world of death.

So it is inevitable that there will be various bugs.

Just like now.

Obviously has stronger strength, but because of lack of wisdom, attack methods, and inability to use flexibility, resulting in extreme waste. If the real combat power of these clones is compared to 100, it would be a miracle that they can play 30.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very depressed.

There was also a little disappointment, but he was not discouraged.

after all……

The big voids in front of me are just the first batch of experimental products, and some defects and bugs are also reasonable. As long as time permits in the future, I will naturally be able to improve and strengthen it.

As for now?

Seeing Da Xu, who was covered in wounds and was regenerating at a high speed, and was constantly being abused by the holy Kaisa, Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly, and then stopped him decisively: "Okay, let's stop here today." !"


Ability to display.

There was a momentary pause in the space.

Immediately afterwards, the distance between the holy Kaisa and a dozen Daxu was opened by about a hundred feet. Then the ground under their feet, like a conveyor belt, directly transported the two parties to Bai Xiaofei's left and right sides respectively.

"Why stop?"

Holy Keisha's face was full of displeasure.

She was fighting vigorously, but suddenly she was not allowed to be beaten, how could she be happy?

After all, the resentment in my heart has not completely dissipated yet.

"No need!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Holy Kaisa's reaction, and said directly: "These Daxu are just the first batch of experimental products. Although there are still various flaws and shortcomings, being able to persist in your hands for a while is enough to prove that they are still useful. .”


Holy Keisha was silent.

It's just that Meimou stared at Bai Xiaofei fiercely, and the displeasure and depression in his eyes were undisguised. That meaning seems to be saying: "Okay, since that's the case, then why don't you let me vent my anger on you?"

"you sure?"

Of course Bai Xiaofei understood what Holy Kaisa meant.

Immediately, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a hey smile: "You know, my shots are very heavy, unlike these big men who only attack by instinct, if I make a shot, you will most likely be killed His skin was blue and his face was swollen..."


Bai Xiaofei is also very interested in teaching the Queen a lesson.

That kind of pleasure called conquest...

It's really cool!


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't mean to be joking at all, the holy Kesha who heard this remark fell silent immediately. The beautiful eyes flickered, and the intention to retreat was obvious. no way. The psychological shadow caused by someone was too great.

Back then when only a wisp of remnant soul remained after being bombed, Bai Xiaofei tortured her a lot.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's playful eyes.

Poor Her Lady Queen, obviously couldn't help recalling the painful experience back then, and then her intuition told herself: "Quickly give up, otherwise what awaits you will be the coming and reappearance of the nightmare!"

"For a little bit of resentment, I bet my own safety..."

"Is it really worth it?"


Kesha was confused.

Just at this time, the two people who had just released the mirror space and returned to the real world heard a piercing alarm sound from the secret room, and Xiaobai's heavy call: "Master, it's not good, time and space The crack appeared again, and this time it appeared far more serious than ever before, and now a large number of unknown creatures have jumped out of it, please come and help manage the overall situation!"


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