The Storm God

Chapter 2640 Feng Shilang, who emphasizes sex over friends! (Please subscribe!)

Kesha was a little confused.

This Feng Shilang's strength is indeed very strong, and the weapon in the key's hand is also extremely perverted. Fighting against such a guy actually made her feel like she was facing Bai...


Compared with someone, Feng Shiro's sense of oppression is still relatively small.

Otherwise, if the other party is really like Bai, with all kinds of amazing tricks emerging all over his body, there is no chance of winning at all, and Her Lady Queen Kaisha would have given up on it long ago.

She has no tendency to be masochistic.

not to mention……

The other party seems to have some interest in him, seems...can be used to some advantage.

For example, to get some information or something.

So far.

Holy Keisha immediately changed her strategy.

The attack was no longer as brutal and impulsive as before, but changed to a milder fighting style.

that feeling...

It was as if two people were discussing and communicating.

There is no meaning of meeting life and death at all, and Feng Shilang, with the change of the number of attacks of the holy Kaisa, adopted a corresponding fighting method, obviously to please the holy Kaisa, so as to gain the other party's favor for him.

Maybe he thinks that this is a certain queen testing herself again.


Feng Shilang was very cooperative.

This made Queen Keisha's actions go very smoothly.

And the next step is to collect information. While "flirting" with Feng Shilang, the holy Kaisha did not forget to let her super genetic system analyze and decipher everything about the other party at all times.

at the same time……

Occasionally, a question or two would come out of his mouth, and he quietly obtained information about the Lingyuan world where Feng Shilang was. As for the terrifying and perverted Zhankong Sword...


The owner is here to pick up girls, of course it is very sensible and obediently restrained its edge, and did not intervene much.

Otherwise, even if Feng Shilang doesn't use his strength, I'm afraid that this Zhankong sword alone will be enough to destroy the plan of the holy Kaisha, because its power is too terrifying. There is simply no room for Holy Kaisha to calmly collect information.


This does not rule out the possibility that Feng Shilang knew the intention of the holy Kaisha, but intentionally informed it. All in all, the battle here has reached a stalemate. To be precise, it is more like a quarrel about love.

And the other side.

The battles in other places were much more violent and violent.

But the most miserable and unlucky thing is the time-space rift that opened at the beginning, because there are too many monsters jumping out of it, and their strength is almost the lowest. compared to...


Naturally, they became the weakest persimmons on the scene.

But almost none of the human forces who could spare their hands was idle, and they all focused their attention and energy on them. All of a sudden, there was blood and blood everywhere, and corpses littered the field.

Countless monster corpses quickly piled up into hills, adding a somewhat tragic and tragic atmosphere to the Shura battlefield. Seeing that the situation was extremely bad for their side, they seemed a little regretful and scared, and even started to turn around and run back.


Just at this time.

The space-time rift behind them began to shrink at an astonishing speed.

The crack that originally looked like a huge mouth of a blood basin turned into a black hole only the size of a washbasin in an extreme period of time. Such a small hole, not to mention allowing all the monsters to retreat, I'm afraid it can't even accommodate the figure of a monster.


Before they could react.

With a sound of "Bo", the basin-sized black hole also completely disappeared.

The countless monsters and the hidden masters were all dumbfounded. The way home disappeared, and the back and surroundings were full of super masters from different worlds, as well as invaders from other worlds just like me...


This is how to do?

You can't fight hard, you can't fight, you can't escape...

Is it possible to raise your hands and surrender?


Some of the masters began to hesitate.

As for the monsters with the largest number? Well, these are low-level creatures, they don't have any intelligence at all, and all actions are almost instinctive. With no way out, they immediately began to rush in all directions.

And the result is also very obvious, the masters from all sides who were directly surrounded and suppressed from all directions were beaten into corpses in a blink of an eye, becoming one of the background boards in the entire Shura battlefield.

"The power of rules?"

"Something seems wrong. The cracks on our side have begun to shrink!"

"Is it the will of the local world?"

"It's time to retreat!"


The masters of the three parties who were fighting fiercely also sensed the crisis.

Immediately afterwards, without any hesitation, they fought and retreated, and all began to retreat in the direction of the space-time rift. Obviously, he wanted to leave here before the gap in his time and space was completely closed.

In order not to be alone, and then be beaten to death by a group of masters in the local world, or captured alive.

That ending is not very good.


Feng Shiro's teammates were the fastest.

There is no way, who made them the strongest among the forces of the three time-space rifts.

These super masters want to leave. With the current high-end combat power on Earth, apart from Bai Xiaofei, it is almost impossible to stop them without going all out. At most, it is just to let the opponent slow down a little bit. .

And seeing the enemy finally backing down, it's too late for everyone to be happy, so how can they force them to stay?

I wish they would leave quickly.


The retreat of the three forces was very smooth, and almost no obstacles were encountered.

In just a short moment, they all retreated to the vicinity of their own space-time rift, and jumped in without hesitation, and fled back in despair with exhaustion and even scars all over their bodies.


Not without exception.

And this exception is also Feng Shiro's teammate.

It wasn't that they encountered any obstacles, but that Feng Shilang hadn't retreated yet. He didn't know whether it was unintentional or intentional, but he was still "discussing and exchanging ideas" with the holy Keisha, looking like he still had something to say.

Even though these teammates had already urgently urged, Feng Shilang still went his own way.

He didn't take the call of his teammates seriously at all.


To put it bluntly.

This is really a bit more serious than friends.

At such a critical moment, the strongest existence on his side actually staged such a fucking scene. It is conceivable that Feng Shilang's teammates are in such a shitty mood at the moment!


"What happened to fourth uncle? He was so fascinated by that angel woman that he didn't care about anything!"

"What should we do now? The cracks are getting smaller and smaller!"

"If you don't leave, there is really no chance!"


They were in a hurry.

The space-time rift behind him has gradually shrunk to almost the size of a door after this moment of delay. If they didn't retreat at this moment, when the gap narrowed even more narrowly, even if they wanted to leave, they probably wouldn't be able to leave at all.

after all……

This is a gap in time and space.

It is not any other door, or hole, which can be forcibly broken through by relying on strength and cultivation. If you really want to do that, the only end is that you will be torn apart on the spot by the power of the space-time rift, and your soul will be scattered!

And asking them to abandon fourth uncle and escape alone, these teammates obviously couldn't do it. For a moment, these people were caught in a dilemma, running around in a hurry, like ants on a hot pot.

"I'll call fourth uncle back!"



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