The Storm God

Chapter 2653 Mutual cause and effect, Empire of the Stars! (Please subscribe!)


Everyone discussed some other issues one after another.

Compared with the collection of beliefs and wishes, other things are not so difficult and difficult. Therefore, the subsequent meetings went very smoothly, and all the problems that needed to be solved were almost settled in a short while.


End of the meeting.

The bosses also left the moon base with mixed feelings, returned to their own countries, and then began to work hard in accordance with the various policies and guidelines formulated at the meeting.

After everyone left.

Holy Keisha and Lockheed did not leave in a hurry, but stayed on the moon in a tacit understanding.


Seeing their appearance, it was obvious that they wanted to ask Bai Xiaofei about something alone. In response, Bai Xiaofei did not refuse, waved his hand, and brought the two of them into his secret room.

"Say it!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and asked, "What do you want to know?"

The two people in front of them are no better than those big bosses before. They know more, so they have more ideas. If the key points are not explained clearly to the two of them, many accidents and accidents are likely to occur in the future.


Think big picture.

Bai Xiaofei can only be a good person to the end, and play the role of a teacher to solve the two girls' problems.

as expected.

The first to speak was Queen Keisha.

"The surname is Bai."

Holy Kaisa and Bai Xiaofei were not polite, opening their mouths was a very critical and explosive question: "What state are you in now? How can you say that it is so easy to replace and integrate Gaia consciousness?"

"Six months? If you have the will, at least four months?"


"I think you did it on purpose?"


The tone is quite certain.

Based on what she knew about Bai Xiaofei, if someone wanted to, it would be impossible for him to make such an effort. Then there is only one explanation, this guy surnamed Bai must have some other schemes that he doesn't know about.


Bai Xiaofei smiled brightly, and said noncommittally: "Kesha, don't speak so harshly, what is intentional? This is like doing business, if you can't profit from it, then what's the point of doing it?"

"I'm just in the middle, earning a little bit of the price difference."

"Absolutely no bad intentions!"


A swearing look.

But this time, someone told the truth without any lies or deceit. At the same time, this can be regarded as confirming the conjecture of a certain queen from the side-someone does have ulterior motives.


Queen Keisha sneered.

Obviously, she was not very satisfied with someone's answer. Because Bai Xiaofei didn't answer the question about his own strength, and compared to whether he had ulterior motives, Queen Keisha obviously cared more about Bai Xiaofei's strength.

Not only Queen Keisha, but also Lockheed around her, are actually very curious.


She is also like a certain queen.

After failing to hear the answer he wanted to know, he also stared at Bai Xiaofei with a very dissatisfied expression and firm eyes, as if he was saying: "If you don't give us a clear answer today, We will fight you to the end!"


It was obviously impossible for Bai Xiaofei to fail to read the minds of the two women.

Seeing their stubbornness and persistence, I immediately felt helpless, so after sighing, I could only choose to compromise, shrugged and said: "Well, since you want to know so much, then I will tell you. I just hope After you know my true strength, don't be hit, and you must keep it secret for me..."

"no problem!"

Before he could say anything, Holy Kaisha immediately nodded and interrupted: "Don't worry, I will never be hit by you. As for keeping it secret? Hehe...Everyone can tell me what Kaisha doesn't want to say." Impossible to know, including you!"

Bai Xiaofei: "..."


He turned his gaze slightly and looked directly at Lockheed.

Compared with the almost unreasonable and unceremonious Queen Keisha, Lockheed seems much more sensible. Seeing this, he first smiled slightly to express his apology and gratitude, and then nodded silently and firmly.

Although there is not much to say, the meaning is very clear.

We are very reliable!


Seeing that the two women agreed to his request, Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction, and then he didn't want to be too tight-lipped. With a thought, he directly summoned a door of space, and then waved his hands in a gesture of invitation: "Both Beauty, since you want to know my strength so much, please come with me, just talking is useless, only seeing my real form with your own eyes can you feel the shock and power..."


The two girls were completely fooled by Bai Xiaofei's actions.

what's the situation?

Deity form?

Could it be...

The person in front of him is not the real him?

How is this possible?


The two girls looked at each other.

They nodded to each other, and without further ado, they stepped into the gate of space without hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and followed him into the room.


The door to the space is closed.


In the vast and endless universe starry sky.

Three figures appeared near a huge and prosperous planet that looked extremely beautiful.


"Is this...?"

"did not do!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with the dumbfounded and shocked expressions of the two girls, and said with a smile: "The planet you see now is the form of my true self. How about it, is it okay to build it?"


The two women were stunned, speechless for a long time.

It wasn't that they couldn't bear it, but that all that Bai Xiaofei brought was too weird and unbelievable. How can anyone's deity form be of a... planet?

Then if the deity is a planet, then what is this one in front of you?



But I didn't notice any abnormalities!

Or, this person surnamed Bai has already become so strong that even an incarnation outside his body is far beyond his imagination and cognition? If this is the case, then how terrifying and powerful should his true self be?

this moment.

The eyes of the two women looked at Bai Xiaofei, full of shock, puzzlement, curiosity, and a strong desire to find out.

It was as if they had discovered something extraordinary.

that look...

It was almost as if he was going to see through him.

It's very uncomfortable!


Bai Xiaofei said speechlessly: "What kind of eyes are those? Alright! I won't play tricks on you, let me tell you the truth, the me you see now is not actually an incarnation outside my body, but also my true deity. It’s just a state of being in another state.”

Two women: "..."

Obviously, what someone said made them more confused and confused.

Bai Xiaofei was helpless, so he could only give an example, saying: "How should I put it, it's like whether there was a chicken or an egg. They are mutually causal, and both are indispensable. I just use the law of space to combine my own , and at the same time, the projection is just in front of you. The me in the human body and the me in the planetary state are completely in different spaces and dimensions, and they cause each other without disturbing each other..."


The two women's eyes were blank, and they still couldn't understand.

Bai Xiaofei was also desperate.

"never mind!"

Sighing, he said helplessly: "There is a huge difference in realms. I told you that you still don't understand. It's not that I don't tell you now. It's because you can't understand at all. When you reach your strength in the future, you will naturally understand." .”


"Let me take you to visit the Star Empire I built first!"

"Go, follow me!"


Bai Xiaofei took the lead and flew to the planet ahead.

Holy Kesha and Lockheed looked at each other, followed closely with incomparable curiosity and desire to find out, and followed Bai Xiaofei into this extremely prosperous and strange planet.


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